Longest subarray whose elements form a continuous sequence - algorithm

Given an unsorted array of positive integers, find the length of the longest subarray whose elements when sorted are continuous. Can you think of an O(n) solution?
{10, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 8, 7}, answer is 5.
{4, 5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 1}, answer is 5.
For the first example, the subarray {5, 3, 1, 4, 2} when sorted can form a continuous sequence 1,2,3,4,5, which are the longest.
For the second example, the subarray {5, 7, 6, 8, 4} is the result subarray.
I can think of a method which for each subarray, check if (maximum - minimum + 1) equals the length of that subarray, if true, then it is a continuous subarray. Take the longest of all. But it is O(n^2) and can not deal with duplicates.
Can someone gives a better method?

Algorithm to solve original problem in O(n) without duplicates. Maybe, it helps someone to develop O(n) solution that deals with duplicates.
Input: [a1, a2, a3, ...]
Map original array as pair where 1st element is a value, and 2nd is index of array.
Array: [[a1, i1], [a2, i2], [a3, i3], ...]
Sort this array of pairs with some O(n) algorithm (e.g Counting Sort) for integer sorting by value.
We get some another array:
Array: [[a3, i3], [a2, i2], [a1, i1], ...]
where a3, a2, a1, ... are in sorted order.
Run loop through sorted array of pairs
In linear time we can detect consecutive groups of numbers a3, a2, a1. Consecutive group definition is next value = prev value + 1.
During that scan keep current group size (n), minimum value of index (min), and current sum of indices (actualSum).
On each step inside consecutive group we can estimate sum of indices, because they create arithmetic progression with first element min, step 1, and size of group seen so far n.
This sum estimate can be done in O(1) time using formula for arithmetic progression:
estimate sum = (a1 + an) * n / 2;
estimate sum = (min + min + (n - 1)) * n / 2;
estimate sum = min * n + n * (n - 1) / 2;
If on some loop step inside consecutive group estimate sum equals to actual sum, then seen so far consecutive group satisfy the conditions. Save n as current maximum result, or choose maximum between current maximum and n.
If on value elements we stop seeing consecutive group, then reset all values and do the same.
Code example: https://gist.github.com/mishadoff/5371821

See the array S in it's mathematical set definition :
S = Uj=0k (Ij)
Where the Ij are disjoint integer segments. You can design a specific interval tree (based on a Red-Black tree or a self-balancing tree that you like :) ) to store the array in this mathematical definitions. The node and tree structures should look like these :
struct node {
int d, u;
int count;
struct node *n_left, *n_right;
Here, d is the lesser bound of the integer segment and u, the upper bound. count is added to take care of possible duplicates in the array : when trying to insert an already existing element in the tree, instead of doing nothing, we will increment the count value of the node in which it is found.
struct root {
struct node *root;
The tree will only store disjoint nodes, thus, the insertion is a bit more complex than a classical Red-Black tree insertion. When inserting intervals, you must scans for potential overflows with already existing intervals. In your case, since you will only insert singletons this should not add too much overhead.
Given three nodes P, L and R, L being the left child of P and R the right child of P. Then, you must enforce L.u < P.d and P.u < R.d (and for each node, d <= u, of course).
When inserting an integer segment [x,y], you must find "overlapping" segments, that is to say, intervals [u,d] that satisfies one of the following inequalities :
y >= d - 1
x <= u + 1
If the inserted interval is a singleton x, then you can only find up to 2 overlapping interval nodes N1 and N2 such that N1.d == x + 1 and N2.u == x - 1. Then you have to merge the two intervals and update count, which leaves you with N3 such that N3.d = N2.d, N3.u = N1.u and N3.count = N1.count + N2.count + 1. Since the delta between N1.d and N2.u is the minimal delta for two segments to be disjoint, then you must have one of the following :
N1 is the right child of N2
N2 is the left child of N1
So the insertion will still be in O(log(n)) in the worst case.
From here, I can't figure out how to handle the order in the initial sequence but here is a result that might be interesting : if the input array defines a perfect integer segment, then the tree only has one node.

UPD2: The following solution is for a problem when it is not required that subarray is contiguous. I misunderstood the problem statement. Not deleting this, as somebody may have an idea based on mine that will work for the actual problem.
Here's what I've come up with:
Create an instance of a dictionary (which is implemented as hash table, giving O(1) in normal situations). Keys are integers, values are hash sets of integers (also O(1)) – var D = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>.
Iterate through the array A and for each integer n with index i do:
Check whether keys n-1 and n+1 are contained in D.
if neither key exists, do D.Add(n, new HashSet<int>)
if only one of the keys exists, e.g. n-1, do D.Add(n, D[n-1])
if both keys exist, do D[n-1].UnionWith(D[n+1]); D[n+1] = D[n] = D[n-1];
Now go through each key in D and find the hash set with the greatest length (finding length is O(1)). The greatest length will be the answer.
To my understanding, the worst case complexity will be O(n*log(n)), only because of the UnionWith operation. I don't know how to calculate the average complexity, but it should be close to O(n). Please correct me if I am wrong.
UPD: To speak code, here's a test implementation in C# that gives the correct result in both of the OP's examples:
var A = new int[] {4, 5, 1, 5, 7, 6, 8, 4, 1};
var D = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<int>>();
foreach(int n in A)
if(D.ContainsKey(n-1) && D.ContainsKey(n+1))
D[n+1] = D[n] = D[n-1];
else if(D.ContainsKey(n-1))
D[n] = D[n-1];
else if(D.ContainsKey(n+1))
D[n] = D[n+1];
else if(!D.ContainsKey(n))
D.Add(n, new HashSet<int>());
int result = int.MinValue;
foreach(HashSet<int> H in D.Values)
if(H.Count > result)
result = H.Count;

This will require two passes over the data. First create a hash map, mapping ints to bools. I updated my algorithm to not use map, from the STL, which I'm positive uses sorting internally. This algorithm uses hashing, and can be easily updated for any maximum or minimum combination, even potentially all possible values an integer can obtain.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int MINIMUM = 0;
const int MAXIMUM = 100;
const unsigned int ARRAY_SIZE = MAXIMUM - MINIMUM;
int main() {
bool* hashOfIntegers = new bool[ARRAY_SIZE];
//const int someArrayOfIntegers[] = {10, 9, 8, 6, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 8, 7};
//const int someArrayOfIntegers[] = {10, 6, 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 8, 7};
const int someArrayOfIntegers[] = {-2, -3, 8, 6, 12, 14, 4, 0, 16, 18, 20};
const int SIZE_OF_ARRAY = 11;
//Initialize hashOfIntegers values to false, probably unnecessary but good practice.
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
hashOfIntegers[i] = false;
//Chage appropriate values to true.
for(int i = 0; i < SIZE_OF_ARRAY; i++) {
//We subtract the MINIMUM value to normalize the MINIMUM value to a zero index for negative numbers.
hashOfIntegers[someArrayOfIntegers[i] - MINIMUM] = true;
int sequence = 0;
int maxSequence = 0;
//Find the maximum sequence in the values
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
if(hashOfIntegers[i]) sequence++;
else sequence = 0;
if(sequence > maxSequence) maxSequence = sequence;
cout << "MAX SEQUENCE: " << maxSequence << endl;
return 0;
The basic idea is to use the hash map as a bucket sort, so that you only have to do two passes over the data. This algorithm is O(2n), which in turn is O(n)

Don't get your hopes up, this is only a partial answer.
I'm quite confident that the problem is not solvable in O(n). Unfortunately, I can't prove it.
If there is a way to solve it in less than O(n^2), I'd suspect that the solution is based on the following strategy:
Decide in O(n) (or maybe O(n log n)) whether there exists a continuous subarray as you describe it with at least i elements. Lets call this predicate E(i).
Use bisection to find the maximum i for which E(i) holds.
The total running time of this algorithm would then be O(n log n) (or O(n log^2 n)).
This is the only way I could come up with to reduce the problem to another problem that at least has the potential of being simpler than the original formulation. However, I couldn't find a way to compute E(i) in less than O(n^2), so I may be completely off...

here's another way to think of your problem: suppose you have an array composed only of 1s and 0s, you want to find the longest consecutive run of 1s. this can be done in linear time by run-length encoding the 1s (ignore the 0's). in order to transform your original problem into this new run length encoding problem, you compute a new array b[i] = (a[i] < a[i+1]). this doesn't have to be done explicitly, you can just do it implicitly to achieve an algorithm with constant memory requirement and linear complexity.

Here are 3 acceptable solutions:
The first is O(nlog(n)) in time and O(n) space, the second is O(n) in time and O(n) in space, and the third is O(n) in time and O(1) in space.
build a binary search tree then traverse it in order.
keep 2 pointers one for the start of max subset and one for the end.
keep the max_size value while iterating the tree.
it is a O(n*log(n)) time and space complexity.
you can always sort numbers set using counting sort in a linear time
and run through the array, which means O(n) time and space
Assuming there isn't overflow or a big integer data type. Assuming the array is a mathematical set (no duplicate values). You can do it in O(1) of memory:
calculate the sum of the array and the product of the array
figure out what numbers you have in it assuming you have the min and max of the original set. Totally it is O(n) time complexity.


Sorted squares of numbers in a list in O(n)?

Given a list of integers in sorted order, say, [-9, -2, 0, 2, 3], we have to square each element and return the result in a sorted order. So, the output would be: [0, 4, 4, 9, 81].
I could figure out two approaches:
O(NlogN) approach - We insert the square of each element in a hashset. Then copy the elements into a list, sort it and then return it.
O(n) approach - If there is a bound for the input elements (say -100 to -100), then we create a boolean list of size 20000 (to store -10000 to 10000). For each of the input elements, we mark the corresponding square number as true. For e.g., for 9 in the input, I will mark 81 in the boolean array as true. Then traverse this boolean list and insert all the true elements into a return list. Note that in this we make an assumption - that there is a bound for the input elements.
Is there some way in which we could do it in O(n) time even without assuming any bounds for the input?
Well I can think of an O(n) approach
Split the input into 2 lists. One with negative numbers, let's call this list A. And one with positive numbers and 0, list B. This is done while preserving the input order, which is trivial : O(n)
Reverse list A. We do this because once squared, the greater than relation between the elements if flipped
Square every item of both list in place : O(n)
Run a merge operation not unlike that of a merge sort. : O(n)
Total: O(n)
Done :)
Is there some way in which we could do it in O(n) time even without assuming any bounds for the input?
Since the original list is already sorted you are in luck!
given two numbers x and y
if |x| > |y| then x^2 > y^2
So all you have to do is to split the list into two parts, one for all the negative numbers and the other one for all the positive ones
Reverse the negative one and make them positive
Then you merge those two lists into one using insertion. This runs in O(n) since both lists are sorted.
From there you can just calculate the square and put them into the new list.
We can achieve it by 2 pointer technique. 1 pointer at the start and other at the end. Compare the squares and move the pointers accordingly and start allocating the max element at the end of the new list.
Time = O(n)
Space = O(n)
Can you do it inplace ? To reduce space complexity.
This can be done with O(n) time and space. We need two pointers. The following is the Java code:
public int[] sortedSquares(int[] A) {
int i = 0;
int j = A.length - 1;
int[] result = new int[A.length];
int count = A.length - 1;
while(count >= 0) {
if(Math.abs(A[i]) > Math.abs(A[j])) {
result[count] = A[i]*A[i];
else {
result[count] = A[j]*A[j];
return result;
Start from the end ad compare the absolute values. And then create the answer.
class Solution {
public int[] sortedSquares(int[] nums) {
int left = 0;
int right = nums.length -1;
int index = nums.length- 1;
int result[] = new int [nums.length];
result[index] = nums[left] * nums[left];
result[index] = nums[right] * nums[right];
return result;
By using the naive approach this question will be very easy but it will require O(nlogn) complexity
To solve this question in O(n), two pointer method is the best approach.
Create a new result array with the same length as the given array, and store it pointer as array length
Assign a pointer at the start of the array and then assign another pointer at the last of the array, as we know the last element from either side will be highest
[-9, -2, 0, 2, 3]
compare -9 and 3 absolute value
if the left value then store the value to the resultant array and decrease its index value and increase the left, otherwise decrease the right.
Python3 solution. time complexity - O(N) and space complexity O(1).
def sorted_squArrres(Arr:list) ->list:
i = 0
j = len(Arr)-1
while i<len(Arr):
if Arr[i]*Arr[i]<Arr[j]*Arr[j]:
if Arr[i]*Arr[i]>Arr[j]*Arr[j]:
if i!=j:
return Arr
X = [[-4,-3,-2,0,3,5,6],[1,2,3,4,5],[-5,-4,-3,-2,-1],[-9,-2,0,2,3]]
for i in X:
# looping differnt kinds of inputs
# outputs
[0, 4, 9, 9, 16, 25, 36]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
[0, 4, 4, 9, 81]

Divide and conquer algorithm

I had a job interview a few weeks ago and I was asked to design a divide and conquer algorithm. I could not solve the problem, but they just called me for a second interview! Here is the question:
we are giving as input two n-element arrays A[0..n − 1] and B[0..n − 1] (which
are not necessarily sorted) of integers, and an integer value. Give an O(nlogn) divide and conquer algorithm that determines if there exist distinct values i, j (that is, i != j) such that A[i] + B[j] = value. Your algorithm should return True if i, j exists, and return False otherwise. You may assume that the elements in A are distinct, and the elements in B are distinct.
can anybody solve the problem? Thanks
My approach is..
Sort any of the array. Here we sort array A. Sort it with the Merge Sort algorithm which is a Divide and Conquer algorithm.
Then for each element of B, Search for Required Value- Element of B in array A by Binary Search. Again this is a Divide and Conquer algorithm.
If you find the element Required Value - Element of B from an Array A then Both element makes pair such that Element of A + Element of B = Required Value.
So here for Time Complexity, A has N elements so Merge Sort will take O(N log N) and We do Binary Search for each element of B(Total N elements) Which takes O(N log N). So total time complexity would be O(N log N).
As you have mentioned you require to check for i != j if A[i] + B[j] = value then here you can take 2D array of size N * 2. Each element is paired with its original index as second element of the each row. Sorting would be done according the the data stored in the first element. Then when you find the element, You can compare both elements original indexes and return the value accordingly.
The following algorithm does not use Divide and Conquer but it is one of the solutions.
You need to sort both the arrays, maintaining the indexes of the elements maybe sorting an array of pairs (elem, index). This takes O(n log n) time.
Then you can apply the merge algorithm to check if there two elements such that A[i]+B[j] = value. This would O(n)
Overall time complexity will be O(n log n)
I suggest using hashing. Even if it's not the way you are supposed to solve the problem, it's worth mentioning since hashing has a better time complexity O(n) v. O(n*log(n)) and that's why more efficient.
Turn A into a hashset (or dictionary if we want i index) - O(n)
Scan B and check if there's value - B[j] in the hashset (dictionary) - O(n)
So you have an O(n) + O(n) = O(n) algorithm (which is better that required (O n * log(n)), however the solution is NOT Divide and Conquer):
Sample C# implementation
int[] A = new int[] { 7, 9, 5, 3, 47, 89, 1 };
int[] B = new int[] { 5, 7, 3, 4, 21, 59, 0 };
int value = 106; // 47 + 59 = A[4] + B[5]
// Turn A into a dictionary: key = item's value; value = item's key
var dict = A
.Select((val, index) => new {
v = val,
i = index, })
.ToDictionary(item => item.v, item => item.i);
int i = -1;
int j = -1;
// Scan B array
for (int k = 0; k < B.Length; ++k) {
if (dict.TryGetValue(value - B[k], out i)) {
// Solution found: {i, j}
j = k;
// if you want any solution then break
// scan further (comment out "break") if you want all pairs
Console.Write(j >= 0 ? $"{i} {j}" : "No solution");
Seems hard to achieve without sorting.
If you leave the arrays unsorted, checking for existence of A[i]+B[j] = Value takes time Ω(n) for fixed i, then checking for all i takes Θ(n²), unless you find a trick to put some order in B.
Balanced Divide & Conquer on the unsorted arrays doesn't seem any better: if you divide A and B in two halves, the solution can lie in one of Al/Bl, Al/Br, Ar/Bl, Ar/Br and this yields a recurrence T(n) = 4 T(n/2), which has a quadratic solution.
If sorting is allowed, the solution by Sanket Makani is a possibility but you do better in terms of time complexity for the search phase.
Indeed, assume A and B now sorted and consider the 2D function A[i]+B[j], which is monotonic in both directions i and j. Then the domain A[i]+B[j] ≤ Value is limited by a monotonic curve j = f(i) or equivalently i = g(j). But strict equality A[i]+B[j] = Value must be checked exhaustively for all points of the curve and one cannot avoid to evaluate f everywhere in the worst case.
Starting from i = 0, you obtain f(i) by dichotomic search. Then you can follow the border curve incrementally. You will perform n step in the i direction, and at most n steps in the j direction, so that the complexity remains bounded by O(n), which is optimal.
Below, an example showing the areas with a sum below and above the target value (there are two matches).
This optimal solution has little to do with Divide & Conquer. It is maybe possible to design a variant based on the evaluation of the sum at a central point, which allows to discard a whole quadrant, but that would be pretty artificial.

Minimum sum that cant be obtained from a set

Given a set S of positive integers whose elements need not to be distinct i need to find minimal non-negative sum that cant be obtained from any subset of the given set.
Example : if S = {1, 1, 3, 7}, we can get 0 as (S' = {}), 1 as (S' = {1}), 2 as (S' = {1, 1}), 3 as (S' = {3}), 4 as (S' = {1, 3}), 5 as (S' = {1, 1, 3}), but we can't get 6.
Now we are given one array A, consisting of N positive integers. Their are M queries,each consist of two integers Li and Ri describe i'th query: we need to find this Sum that cant be obtained from array elements ={A[Li], A[Li+1], ..., A[Ri-1], A[Ri]} .
I know to find it by a brute force approach to be done in O(2^n). But given 1 ≤ N, M ≤ 100,000.This cant be done .
So is their any effective approach to do it.
Suppose we had an array of bool representing which numbers so far haven't been found (by way of summing).
For each number n we encounter in the ordered (increasing values) subset of S, we do the following:
For each existing True value at position i in numbers, we set numbers[i + n] to True
We set numbers[n] to True
With this sort of a sieve, we would mark all the found numbers as True, and iterating through the array when the algorithm finishes would find us the minimum unobtainable sum.
Obviously, we can't have a solution like this because the array would have to be infinite in order to work for all sets of numbers.
The concept could be improved by making a few observations. With an input of 1, 1, 3, the array becomes (in sequence):
(numbers represent true values)
An important observation can be made:
(3) For each next number, if the previous numbers had already been found it will be added to all those numbers. This implies that if there were no gaps before a number, there will be no gaps after that number has been processed.
For the next input of 7 we can assert that:
(4) Since the input set is ordered, there will be no number less than 7
(5) If there is no number less than 7, then 6 cannot be obtained
We can come to a conclusion that:
(6) the first gap represents the minimum unobtainable number.
Because of (3) and (6), we don't actually need the numbers array, we only need a single value, max to represent the maximum number found so far.
This way, if the next number n is greater than max + 1, then a gap would have been made, and max + 1 is the minimum unobtainable number.
Otherwise, max becomes max + n. If we've run through the entire S, the result is max + 1.
Actual code (C#, easily converted to C):
static int Calculate(int[] S)
int max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < S.Length; i++)
if (S[i] <= max + 1)
max = max + S[i];
return max + 1;
return max + 1;
Should run pretty fast, since it's obviously linear time (O(n)). Since the input to the function should be sorted, with quicksort this would become O(nlogn). I've managed to get results M = N = 100000 on 8 cores in just under 5 minutes.
With numbers upper limit of 10^9, a radix sort could be used to approximate O(n) time for the sorting, however this would still be way over 2 seconds because of the sheer amount of sorts required.
But, we can use statistical probability of 1 being randomed to eliminate subsets before sorting. On the start, check if 1 exists in S, if not then every query's result is 1 because it cannot be obtained.
Statistically, if we random from 10^9 numbers 10^5 times, we have 99.9% chance of not getting a single 1.
Before each sort, check if that subset contains 1, if not then its result is one.
With this modification, the code runs in 2 miliseconds on my machine. Here's that code on http://pastebin.com/rF6VddTx
This is a variation of the subset-sum problem, which is NP-Complete, but there is a pseudo-polynomial Dynamic Programming solution you can adopt here, based on the recursive formula:
f(S,i) = f(S-arr[i],i-1) OR f(S,i-1)
f(-n,i) = false
f(_,-n) = false
f(0,i) = true
The recursive formula is basically an exhaustive search, each sum can be achieved if you can get it with element i OR without element i.
The dynamic programming is achieved by building a SUM+1 x n+1 table (where SUM is the sum of all elements, and n is the number of elements), and building it bottom-up.
Something like:
table <- SUM+1 x n+1 table
for each i from 0 to SUM+1:
table[0][i] = true
for each j from 1 to n:
table[j][0] = false
//fill the table:
for each i from 1 to SUM+1:
for each j from 1 to n+1:
if i < arr[j]:
table[i][j] = table[i][j-1]
table[i][j] = table[i-arr[j]][j-1] OR table[i][j-1]
Once you have the table, you need the smallest i such that for all j: table[i][j] = false
Complexity of solution is O(n*SUM), where SUM is the sum of all elements, but note that the algorithm can actually be trimmed after the required number was found, without the need to go on for the next rows, which are un-needed for the solution.

finding the sum of smaller elements on left

i came across a problem of finding the number of smaller elements on left of each element in an array of integers, which can be solved in O(nlgn) by using Binary Indexed trees(like AVL, etc) or Merge Sort. Using an AVL tree one can calculate the size of left sub-tree for each element and this would be the required answer. However I can't come up how to calculate the sum of the smaller elements left to each element efficiently. For each element , do i have to traverse the left sub-tree and sum the values at nodes or is there any better way(using Merge Sort etc)?
E.g for the array: 4,7,1,3,2 the required ans would be: 0,4,0,1,1
In Binary Indexed trees you store the number of child nodes for every node of the binary search tree. This allows you to find number of nodes, preceding each node (number of smaller elements).
For this task, you can store the sum of child node values for every node of the binary search tree. This allows you to find the sum of values for preceding nodes (sum of smaller elements). Also in O(n*log(n)).
Check this tutorial on Binary Indexed Tree. This is a structure, that uses O(n) memory and can proceed such tasks:
1. Change value of a[i] by(to) x, call this add(i,x);
2. Return sum all of a[i], i<=m, call this get(x).
in O(log n).
Now, how to use this to your task. You can do this in 2 steps.
Step one. Copy, sort and remove duplicates from original array. Now you can remap numbers, so they are in range [1...n].
Step 2. Now walk through the array from left to right. Let A[i] - be the value in original array, new[i] - mapped value. (if A = [2, 7, 11, -3, 7] then new = [2, 3, 4, 1, 2]).
The answer is get(new[i]-1).
Update the values: add(new[i], 1) for counting, add(new[i], A[i]) for sum.
All in all. Sorting and remapping is O(n logn). Working on array is n * O(log n) = O(n log n). So total complexity is O(n logn)
Alternatively, use treap (in russian).
EDIT: Building new array.
Suppose the original array A = [2, 7, 11,-3, 7]
Copy it to B and sort, B = [-3, 2, 7, 7, 11]
Do a unique B = [-3, 2, 7, 11].
Now to get new, you can
add all of elements to map in increasing order, e.g. (-3 -> 1, 2->2, 7->3, 11->4)
for each element in A, do a binary search over B
The following code has a complexity of O(nlogn).
It uses a binary indexed tree to solve the problem.
#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
const int MX_RANGE = 100000, MX_SIZE = 100000;
int tree[MX_RANGE] = {0}, a[MX_SIZE];
int main() {
int n, mn = MX_RANGE, shift = 0;
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
if(a[i] < mn) mn = a[i];
shift = 1-mn; // we need to remap all values to start from 1
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// Read answer
int sum = 0, idx = a[i]+shift-1;
while(idx>0) {
sum += tree[idx];
idx -= (idx&-idx);
printf("%d ", sum);
// Update tree
idx = a[i]+shift;
while(idx<=MX_RANGE) {
tree[idx] += a[i];
idx += (idx&-idx);

Algorithm to determine indices i..j of array A containing all the elements of another array B

I came across this question on an interview questions thread. Here is the question:
Given two integer arrays A [1..n] and
B[1..m], find the smallest window
in A that contains all elements of
B. In other words, find a pair < i , j >
such that A[i..j] contains B[1..m].
If A doesn't contain all the elements of
B, then i,j can be returned as -1.
The integers in A need not be in the same order as they are in B. If there are more than one smallest window (different, but have the same size), then its enough to return one of them.
Example: A[1,2,5,11,2,6,8,24,101,17,8] and B[5,2,11,8,17]. The algorithm should return i = 2 (index of 5 in A) and j = 9 (index of 17 in A).
Now I can think of two variations.
Let's suppose that B has duplicates.
This variation doesn't consider the number of times each element occurs in B. It just checks for all the unique elements that occur in B and finds the smallest corresponding window in A that satisfies the above problem. For example, if A[1,2,4,5,7] and B[2,2,5], this variation doesn't bother about there being two 2's in B and just checks A for the unique integers in B namely 2 and 5 and hence returns i=1, j=3.
This variation accounts for duplicates in B. If there are two 2's in B, then it expects to see at least two 2's in A as well. If not, it returns -1,-1.
When you answer, please do let me know which variation you are answering. Pseudocode should do. Please mention space and time complexity if it is tricky to calculate it. Mention if your solution assumes array indices to start at 1 or 0 too.
Thanks in advance.
Time: O((m+n)log m)
Space: O(m)
The following is provably optimal up to a logarithmic factor. (I believe the log factor cannot be got rid of, and so it's optimal.)
Variant 1 is just a special case of variant 2 with all the multiplicities being 1, after removing duplicates from B. So it's enough to handle the latter variant; if you want variant 1, just remove duplicates in O(m log m) time. In the following, let m denote the number of distinct elements in B. We assume m < n, because otherwise we can just return -1, in constant time.
For each index i in A, we will find the smallest index s[i] such that A[i..s[i]] contains B[1..m], with the right multiplicities. The crucial observation is that s[i] is non-decreasing, and this is what allows us to do it in amortised linear time.
Start with i=j=1. We will keep a tuple (c[1], c[2], ... c[m]) of the number of times each element of B occurs, in the current window A[i..j]. We will also keep a set S of indices (a subset of 1..m) for which the count is "right" (i.e., k for which c[k]=1 in variant 1, or c[k] = <the right number> in variant 2).
So, for i=1, starting with j=1, increment each c[A[j]] (if A[j] was an element of B), check if c[A[j]] is now "right", and add or remove j from S accordingly. Stop when S has size m. You've now found s[1], in at most O(n log m) time. (There are O(n) j's, and each set operation took O(log m) time.)
Now for computing successive s[i]s, do the following. Increment i, decrement c[A[i]], update S accordingly, and, if necessary, increment j until S has size m again. That gives you s[i] for each i. At the end, report the (i,s[i]) for which s[i]-i was smallest.
Note that although it seems that you might be performing up to O(n) steps (incrementing j) for each i, the second pointer j only moves to the right: so the total number of times you can increment j is at most n. (This is amortised analysis.) Each time you increment j, you might perform a set operation that takes O(log m) time, so the total time is O(n log m). The space required was for keeping the tuple of counts, the set of elements of B, the set S, and some constant number of other variables, so O(m) in all.
There is an obvious O(m+n) lower bound, because you need to examine all the elements. So the only question is whether we can prove the log factor is necessary; I believe it is.
Here is the solution I thought of (but it's not very neat).
I am going to illustrate it using the example in the question.
Let A[1,2,5,11,2,6,8,24,101,17,8] and B[5,2,11,8,17]
Sort B. (So B = [2,5,8,11,17]). This step takes O(log m).
Allocate an array C of size A. Iterate through elements of A, binary search for it in the sorted B, if it is found enter it's "index in sorted B + 1" in C. If its not found, enter -1. After this step,
A = [1 , 2, 5, 11, 2, 6, 8, 24, 101, 17, 8] (no changes, quoting for ease).
C = [-1, 1, 2, 4 , 1, -1, 3, -1, -1, 5, 3]
Time: (n log m), Space O(n).
Find the smallest window in C that has all the numbers from 1 to m. For finding the window, I can think of two general directions:
a. A bit oriented approach where in I set the bit corresponding to each position and finally check by some kind of ANDing.
b. Create another array D of size m, go through C and when I encounter p in C, increment D[p]. Use this for finding the window.
Please leave comments regarding the general approach as such, as well as for 3a and 3b.
My solution:
a. Create a hash table with m keys, one for each value in B. Each key in H maps to a dynamic array of sorted indices containing indices in A that are equal to B[i]. This takes O(n) time. We go through each index j in A. If key A[i] exists in H (O(1) time) then add an value containing the index j of A to the list of indices that H[A[i]] maps to.
At this point we have 'binned' n elements into m bins. However, total storage is just O(n).
b. The 2nd part of the algorithm involves maintaining a ‘left’ index and a ‘right’ index for each list in H. Lets create two arrays of size m called L and R that contain these values. Initially in our example,
We also keep track of the “best” minimum window.
We then iterate over the following actions on L and R which are inherently greedy:
i. In each iteration, we compute the minimum and maximum values in L and R.
For L, Lmax - Lmin is the window and for R, Rmax - Rmin is the window. We update the best window if one of these windows is better than the current best window. We use a min heap to keep track of the minimum element in L and a max heap to keep track of the largest element in R. These take O(m*log(m)) time to build.
ii. From a ‘greedy’ perspective, we want to take the action that will minimize the window size in each L and R. For L it intuitively makes sense to increment the minimum index, and for R, it makes sense to decrement the maximum index.
We want to increment the array position for the minimum value until it is larger than the 2nd smallest element in L, and similarly, we want to decrement the array position for the largest value in R until it is smaller than the 2nd largest element in R.
Next, we make a key observation:
If L[i] is the minimum value in L and R[i] is less than the 2nd smallest element in L, ie, if R[i] were to still be the minimum value in L if L[i] were replaced with R[i], then we are done. We now have the “best” index in list i that can contribute to the minimum window. Also, all the other elements in R cannot contribute to the best window since their L values are all larger than L[i]. Similarly if R[j] is the maximum element in R and L[j] is greater than the 2nd largest value in R, we are also done by setting R[j] = L[j]. Any other index in array i to the left of L[j] has already been accounted for as have all indices to the right of R[j], and all indices between L[j] and R[j] will perform poorer than L[j].
Otherwise, we simply increment the array position L[i] until it is larger than the 2nd smallest element in L and decrement array position R[j] (where R[j] is the max in R) until it is smaller than the 2nd largest element in R. We compute the windows and update the best window if one of the L or R windows is smaller than the best window. We can do a Fibonacci search to optimally do the increment / decrement. We keep incrementing L[i] using Fibonacci increments until we are larger than the 2nd largest element in L. We can then perform binary search to get the smallest element L[i] that is larger than the 2nd largest element in L, similar for the set R. After the increment / decrement, we pop the largest element from the max heap for R and the minimum element for the min heap for L and insert the new values of L[i] and R[j] into the heaps. This is an O(log(m)) operation.
Step ii. would terminate when Lmin can’t move any more to the right or Rmax can’t move any more to the left (as the R/L values are the same). Note that we can have scenarios in which L[i] = R[i] but if it is not the minimum element in L or the maximum element in R, the algorithm would still continue.
Runtime analysis:
a. Creation of the hash table takes O(n) time and O(n) space.
b. Creation of heaps: O(m*log(m)) time and O(m) space.
c. The greedy iterative algorithm is a little harder to analyze. Its runtime is really bounded by the distribution of elements. Worst case, we cover all the elements in each array in the hash table. For each element, we perform an O(log(m)) heap update.
Worst case runtime is hence O(n*log(m)) for the iterative greedy algorithm. In the best case, we discover very fast that L[i] = R[i] for the minimum element in L or the maximum element in R…run time is O(1)*log(m) for the greedy algorithm!
Average case seems really hard to analyze. What is the average “convergence” of this algorithm to the minimum window. If we were to assume that the Fibonacci increments / binary search were to help, we could say we only look at m*log(n/m) elements (every list has n/m elements) in the average case. In that case, the running time of the greedy algorithm would be m*log(n/m)*log(m).
Total running time
Best case: O(n + m*log(m) + log(m)) time = O(n) assuming m << n
Average case: O(n + m*log(m) + m*log(n/m)*log(m)) time = O(n) assuming m << n.
Worst case: O(n + n*log(m) + m*log(m)) = O(n*log(m)) assuming m << n.
Space: O(n + m) (hashtable and heaps) always.
Edit: Here is a worked out example:
A[5, 1, 1, 5, 6, 1, 1, 5]
B[5, 6]
5 => {1, 4, 8}
6 => {5}
Greedy Algorithm:
L => {1, 1}
R => {3, 1}
Iteration 1:
a. Lmin = 1 (since H{5}[1] < H{6}[1]), Lmax = 5. Window: 5 - 1 + 1= 5
Increment Lmin pointer, it now becomes 2.
L => {2, 1}
Rmin = H{6}[1] = 5, Rmax = H{5}[3] = 8. Window = 8 - 5 + 1 = 4. Best window so far = 4 (less than 5 computed above).
We also note the indices in A (5, 8) for the best window.
Decrement Rmax, it now becomes 2 and the value is 4.
R => {2, 1}
b. Now, Lmin = 4 (H{5}[2]) and the index i in L is 1. Lmax = 5 (H{6}[1]) and the index in L is 2.
We can't increment Lmin since L[1] = R[1] = 2. Thus we just compute the window now.
The window = Lmax - Lmin + 1 = 2 which is the best window so far.
Thus, the best window in A = (4, 5).
struct Pair {
int i;
int j;
find_smallest_subarray_window(int *A, size_t n, int *B, size_t m)
Pair p;
p.i = -1;
p.j = -1;
// key is array value, value is array index
std::map<int, int> map;
size_t count = 0;
int i;
int j;
for(i = 0; i < n, ++i) {
for(j = 0; j < m; ++j) {
if(A[i] == B[j]) {
if(map.find(A[i]) == map.end()) {
map.insert(std::pair<int, int>(A[i], i));
} else {
int start = findSmallestVal(map);
int end = findLargestVal(map);
int oldLength = end-start;
int oldIndex = map[A[i]];
map[A[i]] = i;
int _start = findSmallestVal(map);
int _end = findLargestVal(map);
int newLength = _end - _start;
if(newLength > oldLength) {
// revert back
map[A[i]] = oldIndex;
if(count == m) {
p.i = findSmallestVal(map);
p.j = findLargestVal(map);
return p;
