Avoid "Parameterless Queries Error" with Linq Let clause - linq

I'd like my Linq query to create an additional column in the results on the fly. In this case the column is a Class object I created that will contain image info. I was wondering what the right way is of doing this:
var validPics = (from x in db.picsVotesTagsJs let picObj = new CarShowImages(x.picname) where x.enabled == 1 select x).Take(25);
var myArray = validPicSummaries.ToArray();
Line 2 gerenates the error:
Only parameterless constructors and initializers are supported in LINQ to Entities.
This is my first time using the Let clause. My queries are usually pretty simple.

Create parameterless constructor and use some public property (e.g. PicName) to set picture name to your CarShowImages object:
var validPics = (from x in db.picsVotesTagsJs
where x.enabled == 1
select new CarShowImages { PicName = x.picname }).Take(25);
var myArray = validPics.ToArray();


LINQ Select from dynamic tableName string

I want to get list of records from an entity model (I'm using EF version 5) with a particular accountID. I'm being supplied with the tableName string (this has to be dynamic) and the accountID. I'm trying the following 2 methods but none of them is working (giving me errors on the IQueryable object 'table':
PropertyInfo info = _db.GetType().GetProperty(tableName);
IQueryable table = info.GetValue(_db, null) as IQueryable;
var query = table.Where(t => t.AccountID == accID)
.Select(t => t);
List <object> recList = ( from records in table
where records.AccountID == accID
select records).ToList<object>();
The var query = table.Where(....).Select(...) is the correct move as it allows reflection for the query builder at runtime. However, t.AccountID is an error because of the type of t remains unknown.
I've previously used a similar approach in LINQ to SQL, using System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, e.g.:
var table=context.GetTable(dynamicTableName);
var theT=table.Experssion; // actually, I forget. DynamicExpression or MemberBinding? or
var theField=Expression.Field(theT, "AccountID"); // or dynamic name
var query=table.Where(Expression.Equal(theField, accID);
var recList=query.ToList<object>();
If your object has a common interface there is a simpler syntax:
IQueryable<MyInterface> table = context.GetTable("table") as IQueryable<MyInterface>;
var recList=from r in table
where table.AccountID == ac // if your AccountID is on MyInterface
select table;
If you only have a few tables to support, you could do this as well:
IQueryable<MyInterface> table;
throw exception
I built a DynamicRepository for a project I am working on. It uses generic methods exposed through EF along with dynamic linq. It might be helpful to look at that source code here:
You can query the entity framework metadata workspace to get the type for a given table name. This link might help:
Get Tables and Relationships

LINQ and dynamic strong types

I try to find some references on LINQ with dynamic added strong types, static I have as in example:
var rowColl = _data.AsEnumerable();
var json = (from r in rowColl
select new
name = r.Field<string>("name"),
id = r.Field<int>("id"),
Now where I am interested in if its possible to make "name" and "id" dynamic added on runtime as the information is available in the DataTable "_data", I think there is a simple solution for this however cant find any references on this
It's better practice to avoid using "var" as your type when possible. It looks like rowColl is of type IEnumerable<DataRow>. If that's true, then I would look to see what you can use in the DataRow class (see msdn documentation).
Given that rowColl is actually IEnumerable<DataRow>... If the columns are always going to be in the same order, then you could just do something like r[0] and r[1] in your select statement, i.e.
var json = (from r in rowColl
select new
name = r[0], // Where 0 is the index of the "name" column
id = r[1],
If it complains at you for type-safety, then you could use int.Parse() to cast the string to an int and use the .ToString() extension on your columns instead.

mvc3 dapper No mapping exists from model

I am doing some coding in dapper and I get the error No mapping exists from object type to a known managed provider native type this error occurs on the myfriends var for dapper . I am using dapper to get a list of INT values from a table then comparing them against another.. this is the code that gives me that error
int myid = Convert.ToInt32(User.Identity.Name);
// The var myfriend is giving me that error above
var myfriends = sqlConnection.Query<friend>("Select otherfriendsID from friends where profileID=#myidd", new { myidd = myid }).ToList();
var profiles = sqlConnection.Query<profile>("Select top 40 * from profiles where photo is not null AND profileID=#friendship order by profileID desc", new {friendship=myfriends}).ToList();
however if I use entity everything works fine for instance this code below works..
var myfriends = (from s in db.friends where s.profileID == myid select s.otherfriendsID).ToList();
What could be going on here..
myfriends is a List<friend>. You then pass that in as a query parameter, i.e.
new {friendship=myfriends}
AND profileID=#friendship
Now... what is #friendship ? How should it pass in a List<friend> here? What does that even mean to pass in a list of objects (each of which could have multiple properties) as a single parameter? (note: I'm ignoring table-valued-parameters for the purposes of this question)
So: how many myfriends do you expect? 0? 1? any number? This could be, for example:
var profileIds = myfriends.Select(x => x.ProfileId);
new {profileIds}
AND profileID in #profileIds
or maybe:
new {profileId = myfriends.Single().ProfileId}
AND profileID = #profileId

Dyamic Linq .Net 4 error 'userid' could not be resolved in the current scope or contex

I am trying to use Dynamic Linq library in my code, but it gives this error
'UserId' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly. Near simple identifier, line 6, column 1
and here is my code
TestDB db = new TestDB();
string filter = "UserId == 15";
//var searchResult =
GridView1.DataSource = from x in db.SearchSummaries.Where(filter)
select x;
Not so familiar with dynamic Linq but from your error message:
'UserId' could not be resolved in the current scope or context. Make
sure that all referenced variables are in scope, that required schemas
are loaded, and that namespaces are referenced correctly. Near simple
identifier, line 6, column 1
Please try this:
1.) Is the column UserId a Integer and not a String? Mabye you need to use:
string filter = "UserId='15'";
2.) Try to pass in the filter parameter as a second argument:
GridView1.DataSource = db.SearchSummaries.Where("UserId = #0", 15);
I don't know if you are able to run "regular" Linq queries, but if you are, try:
GridView1.DataSource = db.SearchSummaries.Where(search => search.UserId == 15);
Try this:
TestDB db = new TestDB();
string filter = "xi => xi.UserId == 15";
//var searchResult =
GridView1.DataSource = from x in db.SearchSummaries.Where(filter)
select x;
Or this:
TestDB db = new TestDB();
string filter = "UserId=15";
//var searchResult =
GridView1.DataSource = from x in db.SearchSummaries.Where(filter)
select x;
EDIT: I realize this isn't dynamic linq...but it should work regardless as long as your data structure is correct. Could you post that?

How can I use custom expressions in DevArt LINQ to Entities and also use query comprehension syntax?

I've got a situation where I need to use a custom expression in a LINQ to Entities query (because I want to have custom logic that L2E wouldn't otherwise understand:
var query = db.MyTable.Where(MyPredicateExpression)
But I'd rather use query comprehension syntax:
var query = from x in db.MyTable where [x matches the predicate of MyPredicateExpression]
I know this is possible, because L2E supports it in other places:
var query = from x in db.MyTable where x.Length > 10
How do they make that work?
Edit: I'm using devart's LinqConnect for Oracle, which may behave somewhat differently than Microsoft L2E.
Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL do not support this scenario, because the translation of MyPredicateExpression should be added to expression tree translator.
I recommend you to create a stored function performing the predicate check and add this function to DataContext. You will be able to use a query like the following in this case:
var query = from x in db.MyTable where context.MyPredicateFunction(x.Field) select x;
Update. Here is the updated query that takes into account your comments:
int[] values = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
var query = from x in db.MyTable where values.Contains(x.AuditState) select x;
Update 2. You can add a Queryable property to your context that will be obtaining the necessary set of MyTable objects as shown in the following example:
public partial class MyDataContext {
IQueryable<MyTable> GetSpecialTables {
get {
int[] values = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
return this.MyTables.Where(x => values.Contains(x.AuditState));
Replace MyDataContext with the actual name of your context.
If I understand the problem correctly, you can either use an extension method OR call a function that returns a bool.
