Content attribute in CSS to show image icon - image

While creating and learning bootstrap page. I came across the content attribute of css I read few articles and I got how it works. But following code snippet shows me an image icon but the content attribute value really isn't the image url but a code. I'm not clear as how we can show the image without the url and where is the image coming from? i:before {
content: "\e001";
Following is the html element to show an image icon using above css:
<span class="test glass"><i></i></span>
But what is "\e001" is that an image code or something else?

they are utf8 codes. there are plenty of sites describing the glyphs for different standard fonts but you can also define your own font set with whatever images you choose as whatever character.
if you use a webfont, from fontello for example but are plenty of sites like that one, you can define what image to use as character \e0001 and whenever you want to use that image, you must make sure you use that font-face for the element and use the utf8 code to display the image. in html it would be someting like <span class="iconfont"></span>. if you add the image with css then is like in your example.


Change content heading text color in homepage

I am starting up with Magento.
Trying to change color of content heading to red.
I have updated cms_page table like below using HTML tags:
It is being shown on page like below:
Color is not changed.Text is being shown as it is, with tags.
How can I set color for content heading?
Well, the tag isn't good.
If you want to style inline you should use something like:
<p style="color:red">New Content Heading</p>
Although i would strongly recommend to style via less files
Hope this helps you!

CKeditor, colour of text seems to be not retained although HTML is correct, how to resolve?

I am using CKEditor 4.4.5.
Users use the text colour icon to change the colour of a word which works fine. When one checks the underlying HTML, it shows:
<p><span style="color:#FF0000">test </span></p>
However when clicks the "source" icon again to return to the standard non HTML view, the colouring has gone, although the underlying HTML is still correct. If you take this HTML and render it in a browser it will work correctly. So it seems that CKEditor is not able to render text colour correctly, unless freshly changed using the text colour icon.
We had customers thinking that the colour had not changed, and then trying to fix the issue in the HTML, which resulted in the total corruption of the HTML due to human error.
Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
As for CKEditor it might so happen that Advanced Content Filter will strip undesired tags / attributes.
If you don't have colorbutton plugin, CKEditor will strip this span (see standard demo).
You have 2 simple solutions:
Add colorbutton plugin.
Simply add to your config:
config.extraPlugins = 'colorbutton';
Add ACF proper rule.
config.extraAllowedContent = 'span{color}';
For more informations about ACF see Content Filtering (ACF).

How to display QR code url image into pdf file?

Hey I have this textarea that makes the text into pdf when I press generate.
And now I want a qr code img to get added. The problem is the pdf can't detect it, but only make space for it.
Example if I add a img like:
<img src=""/>
it works.
But if I add something like
<img src=",s,000000|bg,s,FFFFFF&chs=300x300&chld=M|4&cht=qr&chl=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++test%0A++++++++++++++++++++++&choe=UTF-8"/>
It wont work
Any ideas how I can make this work?
I think you should download it first into local disk, then you could write local address of that image in 'src='.
img src="http://localhost/blabla/image/chart.png"/>
Maybe its because your url isnt image, but php page. So pdf converter couldnt display it in to pdf.

How to post a dynamic image to wordpress post?

I want to put a image into a post, but it seems I just cannot get it work.
For example, this one:
The output is a PNG file. So in HTML tab, i put,
< img src="">,(I leave a empty space between the < and image otherwise, stackoverflow won't allow me to put a image tag here) it just won't show up the correct image. The image you will see is "go to to view this chart", that is because the URL is wrong. If the URL is correct, the image will display fine. Any way to work around?
I was trying to play around with the formatting.php file, but so far, no luck.
(It is quite strange though, if you put the URL into your IE URL bar, and press enter, it shows up fine with a chart.)
Your URL is a web page, NOT an image. When you try to insert the link as an image, the html IMG tag is used to specify the FILE NAME to be inserted. The file can be on a different url but it should not refer to just another uri.
to get around it, you have 4 options:
Specify the image file name directly and not the uri with the img tag.
Use iframe and put the uri
use frame (I'd not go for this)
Use Ajax and fill it in a DIV tag - most effective in my opinion.

Resizing/Scaling images in a view by setting custom CSS width

I'm doing some maintenance and changes on a Drupal site, but I'm not an expert. My problem is the following. I have a view that produces an HTML table by fetching some field values and putting them into the table columns. One of these field is an image. Unfortunately each image has a different size (images are uploaded by users), and so the overall table looks ugly. I would like to resize/scale images so that they all have the same width. I know I can use CSS to set the image width to a fixed value, and let the height adjust accordingly:
<img src="..." style="width:70px"/>
Unfortunately I don't know how to make Drupal output this custom HTML when processing my view. Currently the produced HTML looks like this:
class="imagefield imagefield-field_imgsmall"
and I guess this is produced by one of the view's fields (namely field_imgsmall).
First question is: what is that number after the ? in the src URL? And where does it come from? (Each image has a different number in the corresponding src URL)
What I've tried
I've noticed that in the "edit view" mode, when selecting a field, I can check the option Rewrite the output of this field, and there I can mix HTML and substitution patterns. However, I've seen that one of the substitution patterns that's available to me ([field_imgsmall_fid]) is actually producing the entire HTML above ... so I can't customize it.
What can I do? Am I going in a totally wrong direction?
You should look into the imagecache module, which allows you to resize images (and cache the results, so the resizing process rarely happens).
Here's a walkthrough:
