sending sms using pic16f877a and sim 300 - sms

Hi I have a problem in sending message in project, I am using pic16f877a and sim300. the main function runs repeatedly. Some characters are missed in the sent sms.
my program is like this...
void main()//main function
Serial_init(); // initialization of serial communication
void Serial_init()
SPBRG=129; // set baud rate 9600 Hz for 20MHz fosc
void Send_SMS(void)
USART_puts("AT+CMGF=1\0"); // switch into text mode
putch1(0x0D);// ascii of Carriage Return
USART_puts("AT+CMGS=\"9741153218\"\0"); // send sms to the number
USART_puts("Hi this is working LOL\0"); // SMS text
putch1(0x0A); // new line
putch1(0x1A); // ascii of 'substitute' i.e end of file
void USART_puts(const unsigned char *string)
void putch1(unsigned char data)
Please help
additional details: all other programs run properly, but if I call send_sms function, "main" runs repeatedly and several messages are sent with missed characters.

Your chip is resetting. This is the highest probable cause.
Either it is faulty or you have set Watchdog Timer to on somewhere.
For missing characters :
a) Chip resets in the midst of a data transfer.
b) Roule of thumb for usart:
Stop stuffing bytes to usart. Send each byte with a small leading delay like 10-20 microseconds.
The communication is asynchronous, which means the receiver has to synchronize at the beginning of each communication unit which is a byte. To do that receiver brutely uses resources to detect start bit, the length (in time) of it etc. So if you try to send a byte train, you will stall the receiver.
Have you tried the code with another 16F877a ? (to check chip failure)...


How can I measure how long this Linux interrupt handler takes to run?

I am trying to debug a custom Linux serial driver that is having some issues missing some receive data. It has one interrupt for 4 serial ports, and baud rate is 115200. Firstly I would like to see how to measure how long the interrupt handler takes. I have used perf, but things are just in percent and not seconds. Secondly does anyone see any issues with the below code that can be improved to speed things up?
void serial_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
// Need to loop through each port to see which port caused the interrupt.
list_for_each(lpNode, &serial_ports)
struct serial_port_module *ser_dev = list_entry(lpNode, struct serial_port_module, port_list);
lnIsr = ioread8(ser_dev->membase + ser_dev->chan_num * PORT_OFFSET + SERIAL_ISR);
if (lnIsr & IPM512_RX_INT)
while (serialdata_is_data_available(ser_dev)) // equals a ioread8()
lcIn = ioread8(ser_dev->membase + ser_dev->chan_num * PORT_OFFSET + SERIAL_RBR);
kfifo_in(&ser_dev->rx_fifo, &lcIn, sizeof(lcIn));
// Notify if anyone is doing a blocking read.
Use the ftrace API to try to track down your latency issues. It's woth the time to get to know:
If this is too heavy-weight, what about adding some simple instrumentation yourself? getnstimeofday(struct timespec *ts) is relatively lightweight... with a little code you could output in a sysfs debug file the worst case execution times, some stats on latency of call to this function, worst-case number of bytes available per interrupt... if this number gets near your hardware FIFO size, you're in trouble.
One optimization would be to read the data in batches into a buffer, as long as data is available, then input the entire buffer, then wake up any readers.
buf[cnt++] = ioread8();
kfifo_in(fifo, buf, cnt);
But execution time of code this simple is not likely to be an issue. You're probably suffering from missed interrupts or unexpected latency of the interrupt handling.

CAPL Multiframe handling

I am writting a CAPL for Diagnostic request and response, I can get response if the data is up to 8 bytes, if data is multiframe I am not getting respone and the message on the trace is "Breaking connection between server and tester", how to handle this? I know about the CANTP frames but in this case it should handle by CAN/Canoe .
Please read CANoe ISO-TP protocol. In case of multiframe response, the tester has to send the flow control frame which provides synchronization between Sender and Receiver, which is usually 0x30. It also has fields for Block size of continous frames and seperation time. Try the below CAPL code.
message 0x710 msg = { dlc=8,dir = rx };
byte check_byte0;
on message 0x718
check_byte0 = this.byte(0) & 0x30;
if(check_byte0 == 0x10)
I was trying to send the request over a message ID in most gross form like 22 XX YY , which is a read DID request,this works well if the response is less than 8 bytes, if response is more than 8 bytes this wont work. so we need to use the Diagnostic objects for the request and response as defined in the CDD(or any description file) as used in the project.
If you are not using CDD, in such cases you need to use CCI (Capl call back interfaces), mostly that is necessary for simulation setups.

Temboo call hangs Arduino

I am using an Arduino Uno with the Desloo W5100 Ethernet shield. Whenever I try to make calls to Parse using Temboo, the device just hangs. Sometimes for minutes...sometimes indefinitely. Here is what I run:
void updateParseDoorState() {
Serial.println("Door state pushing disabled. Skipping.");
Serial.println("Pushing door state to database...");
TembooChoreo UpdateObjectChoreo(client);
// Invoke the Temboo client
// Set Temboo account credentials
// Set profile to use for execution
// Set Choreo inputs
String ObjectIDValue = "xxxxxxxxxx";
UpdateObjectChoreo.addInput("ObjectID", ObjectIDValue);
String ClassNameValue = "DoorState";
UpdateObjectChoreo.addInput("ClassName", ClassNameValue);
String ObjectContentsValue = (currentState == OPEN) ? "{\"isOpen\":true}" : "{\"isOpen\":false}";
UpdateObjectChoreo.addInput("ObjectContents", ObjectContentsValue);
// Identify the Choreo to run
// Run the Choreo; when results are available, print them to serial
int returnStatus =;
if (returnStatus != 0){
Serial.print("Temboo error: "); Serial.println(returnStatus);
// read the name of the next output item
String returnResultName = UpdateObjectChoreo.readStringUntil('\x1F');
returnResultName.trim(); // use “trim” to get rid of newlines
Serial.print("Return result name: "); Serial.println(returnResultName);
// read the value of the next output item
String returnResultData = UpdateObjectChoreo.readStringUntil('\x1E');
returnResultData.trim(); // use “trim” to get rid of newlines
Serial.print("Return result data: "); Serial.println(returnResultData);
/*while(UpdateObjectChoreo.available()) {
char c =;
Serial.println("Pushed door state to database!");
Serial.println("Waiting 30s to avoid overloading Temboo...");
I get this in the serial monitor:
Current state:6666ÿ &‰ SP S P U WR SR R PR P 66Temboo error: 223
This indicates that there is some type of HTTP error, but I never get to print what the error is...because the serial monitor is stuck there forever. And eventually disconnects.
I work at Temboo.
It sounds like you might be running out of memory on your board (a common occurrence on resource-constrained hardware like Arduino). You can find our tutorial on how to conserve memory usage while using Temboo here:
Feel free to get in touch with Temboo Support at any time if you have further questions - we're always available and happy to help.

How does send() work in omnet++

Does the send() in omnet++ set the source address of the packet to the current host address?
Why am I asking? because I'm trying to code a class for a malicious host "Eve" that performs a replay attack.
void MalAODVRouter::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
cMessage *ReplayMsg = msg->dup();
if (capturedMsgs==10) // One out of every 10 packets (frequency of replay)
//we can add a delay before sending the copy of the message again (1 time unit)
sendDelayed(ReplayMsg, 1,"ipOut");
std::cout<<"Launched Replay Packet!\n";
ev<<"Launched Replay Packet!\n";
// }
You can see at the beginning of my code snippet I tried using the function dup() to duplicate a packet (msg) Eve's receives while its on it's on its way to the legitimate destination.
Now, can I send the duplicated packet later and it would be having the original source address OR should I dig deeper into layers to fake the source address to have Bob's address instead of Eve's? like below:
/*UDPPacket *udpPacket = dynamic_cast<UDPPacket *>(msg);
AODVControlPacket *ctrlPacket = check_and_cast<AODVControlPacket *>(udpPacket->decapsulate());
IPv4ControlInfo *udpProtocolCtrlInfo = dynamic_cast<IPv4ControlInfo *>(udpPacket->getControlInfo());
ASSERT(udpProtocolCtrlInfo != NULL);
IPv4Address sourceAddr = udpProtocolCtrlInfo->getSrcAddr(); //get Source Address
IPv4Address destinationAddr = udpProtocolCtrlInfo->getDestAddr(); //get Destination Address
IPv4Address addr = getSelfIPAddress();
if (addr != destinationAddr) // if it is not destined for "Eve"
UDPPacket *ReplayUDPPacket = udpPacket;
AODVControlPacket *ReplayCtrlPacket = check_and_cast<AODVControlPacket *>(ReplayUDPPacket->decapsulate());
IPv4ControlInfo *ReplayUDPProtocolCtrlInfo = dynamic_cast<IPv4ControlInfo *>(ReplayUDPPacket->getControlInfo());
ASSERT(ReplayUDPProtocolCtrlInfo != NULL);
ReplayUDPProtocolCtrlInfo->setSrcAddr(sourceAddr); //Forge Source
ReplayUDPProtocolCtrlInfo->setDestAddr(destinationAddr); //Keep Destination
//we can add a delay before sending the copy of the message again (1 time unit)
sendDelayed(ReplayMsg, 1,"ipOut");
std::cout<<"Launched Replay Packet!\n";
ev<<"Launched Replay Packet!\n";
Does the send() method automatically sets the source address of the outgoing packet to the current host address? If so, then my replay attempt is not working...
send() is an OMNeT++ API call. As OMNeT++ is just a generic discrete event simulation framework, it does not know anything about the model code (so it cannot and should not manipulate it). IP address is a defined in the INET framework so only code from the INET framework can change it.
On the other hand the modules in the standard host below you module can do whatever they want before the packet is sent out to the network. Now in this actual case, the source IP address is determined by the control info that is attached to the packet. dup()-ing the packet copies that information too, so the IP address will be the same.

PIC16F877 + 24LC64 via i2c

My task is to copy first 255 bytes from external EEPROM (24LC64) to internal (PIC16F877) via i2c bus. I've read AN1488, all datasheets, MikroC gide (oh, yes, I'm using MikroC), but hopeless.. Meaning that my code trys to read smtng but then, reading my PIC's eeprom at programmer (which can't read 24LC64, so I don't even know what's on it, but there is smtng defenately and it is different from what i'm getting), and I'm getting all EEPROM filled by "A2" or "A3". My guess is that it's that first addr, by which I'm addressing to 24LC64. Could you pls inspect my code (it's quite small =)) and point me at my misstakes.
char i;
unsigned short Data;
void main(){
PORTB = 0;
TRISB = 0;
PORTB = 0b00000010;
for (i = 0x00; i<0xFF; i++) {
I2C1_Wr(0xA2); //being 1010 001 0
//I'm getting full internal EE filled with what's in brackets from above
I2C1_Wr(0xA3); //being 1010 001 1
Data = I2C1_Rd(0);
EEPROM_write(i, Data); //How could that 1010 001 0 get into here???
PORTB = 0b00000000;
while (1) {
P.S. I've tryed this with sequantial read, but it "reads" (again that "A2"..) only 1st byte.. So i've posted this one..
P.S.S. I`m working in "hardware", no Proteus involved..
P.S.S.S. I can't test writing, because I have only one 24LC64 with important info on it, so it's even pulld up to Vcc on it's WP pin...
This isn't a specific answer but more of a checklist for I2C comms, since it's difficult to help with your problem without looking at a scope and without delving into the API calls that you've provided.
Check the address of your EEPROM. I2C uses a 7-bit address with a R/W bit appended to the end, so it's easy to make a mistake here.
Check the command sequence that your EEPROM expects to receive for a "data read"
Check how the I2C_ API that you're using deals with acks from the EEPROM. They need to be handled somewhere (usually in an ISR) and it's not obvious where they're dealt with from your example.
Check that you've got the correct pull-ups on SDA and SCL as per the requirements of your design - they're needed for I2C to work.
