CAPL Multiframe handling - capl

I am writting a CAPL for Diagnostic request and response, I can get response if the data is up to 8 bytes, if data is multiframe I am not getting respone and the message on the trace is "Breaking connection between server and tester", how to handle this? I know about the CANTP frames but in this case it should handle by CAN/Canoe .

Please read CANoe ISO-TP protocol. In case of multiframe response, the tester has to send the flow control frame which provides synchronization between Sender and Receiver, which is usually 0x30. It also has fields for Block size of continous frames and seperation time. Try the below CAPL code.
message 0x710 msg = { dlc=8,dir = rx };
byte check_byte0;
on message 0x718
check_byte0 = this.byte(0) & 0x30;
if(check_byte0 == 0x10)

I was trying to send the request over a message ID in most gross form like 22 XX YY , which is a read DID request,this works well if the response is less than 8 bytes, if response is more than 8 bytes this wont work. so we need to use the Diagnostic objects for the request and response as defined in the CDD(or any description file) as used in the project.
If you are not using CDD, in such cases you need to use CCI (Capl call back interfaces), mostly that is necessary for simulation setups.


Pushing data to websocket browser client in Lua

I want to use a NodeMCU device (Lua based top level) to act as a websocket server to 1 or more browser clients.
Luckily, there is code to do this here: NodeMCU Websocket Server
(courtesy of #creationix and/or #moononournation)
This works as described and I am able to send a message from the client to the NodeMCU server, which then responds based on the received message. Great.
My questions are:
How can I send messages to the client without it having to be sent as a response to a client request (standalone sending of data)? When I try to call socket.send() socket is not found as a variable, which I understand, but cannot work out how to do it! :(
Why does the decode() function output the extra variable? What is this for? I'm assuming it will be for packet overflow, but I can never seem to make it return anything, regardless of my message length.
In the listen method, why has the author added a queuing system? is this essential or for applications that perhaps may receive multiple simultaneous messages? Ideally, I'd like to remove it.
I have simplified the code as below:
(excluding the decode() and encode() functions - please see the link above for the full script)
net.createServer(net.TCP):listen(80, function(conn)
local buffer = false
local socket = {}
local queue = {}
local waiting = false
local function onSend()
if queue[1] then
local data = table.remove(queue, 1)
return conn:send(data, onSend)
waiting = false
function socket.send(...)
local data = encode(...)
if not waiting then
waiting = true
conn:send(data, onSend)
queue[#queue + 1] = data
conn:on("receive", function(_, chunk)
if buffer then
buffer = buffer .. chunk
while true do
local extra, payload, opcode = decode(buffer)
if opcode==8 then
print("Websocket client disconnected")
--print(type(extra), payload, opcode)
if not extra then return end
buffer = extra
socket.onmessage(payload, opcode)
local _, e, method = string.find(chunk, "([A-Z]+) /[^\r]* HTTP/%d%.%d\r\n")
local key, name, value
for name, value in string.gmatch(chunk, "([^ ]+): *([^\r]+)\r\n") do
if string.lower(name) == "sec-websocket-key" then
key = value
if method == "GET" and key then
acceptkey=crypto.toBase64(crypto.hash("sha1", key.."258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11"))
"HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"..
"Upgrade: websocket\r\nConnection: Upgrade\r\n"..
"Sec-WebSocket-Accept: "..acceptkey.."\r\n\r\n",
function ()
print("New websocket client connected")
function socket.onmessage(payload,opcode)
socket.send("GOT YOUR DATA", 1)
print("PAYLOAD = "..payload)
--print("OPCODE = "..opcode)
buffer = ""
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Length: 12\r\n\r\nHello World!",
I can only answer 1 question, the others may be better suited for the library author. Besides, SO is a format where you ask 1 question normally.
How can I send messages to the client without it having to be sent as a response to a client request (standalone sending of data)?
You can't. Without the client contacting the server first and establishing a socket connection the server wouldn't know where to send the messages to. Even with SSE (server-sent events) it's the client that first initiates a connection to the server.

How to send an RTS 802.11 packet using Scapy (and get a CTS response)

I'm quite new to Scapy, and I'm trying to craft an RTS packet and send it to an AP, in order to get a CTS response. However, I'm having a really hard time figuring out the proper way to do it (being a beginner in networking and 802.11 packets doesn't help either).
This is the code I have for now:
bytes = struct.pack("<H", 123) # 123 microseconds
timeval = struct.unpack(">H", bytes)[0]
pkt = RadioTap()/Dot11(addr1 = target_addr, addr2 = my_addr, type = 1, subtype = 11, ID = timeval)
I know that type must be equal to 1 since it's a Control packet, and that subtype must be equal to 11 because it's an RTS packet. However, when I send the packet with either sr() or srp() or sr1() I either get no response back (Scapy waits for a response but nothing gets back so it just continues waiting) or I get the exact message I sent.
This question mentions adding a Dot11Elt() layer at the end, however that changes nothing in my case.
This is the type of response I get back:
And if I open the 0th element of the response tuple with Wireshark, I get:
I've hidden the MAC addresses, but they are the sameas those I put in the packet I sent to the AP (target_addr and my_addr). I'm expecting to get back a CTS with my_addr as "destination address".
What am I doing wrong?

Send message only once instead of periodically

I have developed a scenario where at first the vehicles send a self messsage and upon reception of the self message vehicles send a message to RSU.
The self message code is written in the initialize() method. But during simulation the vehicles send the message to RSU every second.
I want the message to be sent only once. What should I do?
I have attached the handleSelfmessage method of my class.
cModule *tmpMobility = getParentModule()->getSubmodule("veinsmobility");
mobility = dynamic_cast<Veins::TraCIMobility*>(tmpMobility);
t_channel channel = dataOnSch ? type_SCH : type_CCH;
WaveShortMessage* wsm = prepareWSM("data", dataLengthBits, channel, dataPriority, -1,2);
Your approach seems right, but obviously you have some problem in your implementation.
Alternatively you can create a new message and send it to yourself
myOneTimeMsg = new cMessage("OneTimeMsg");
scheduleAt(simTime()+1.0, myOneTimeMsg); // this will send the message at t=currentTime+1.0 seconds
Then you can handle that message as follows:
if (msg == myOneTimeMsg) {
// do what you need next...
Amending the answer of #user4786271:
The handleSelfMsg method of obviously is executed for every self-message which this module receives - possibly also non WSMs. So if you just added the given code there, it will send a WSM for every of those self-messages. Thus, only checking for self-message type is not enough. You need to create a new message type and check for that type as shown by #user4786271.

Under libwebsockets, how to receive message bigger than 4096 on server side?

I have create a websocket server with libwebsockets library, and the protocol list is like this:
/* List of supported protocols and callbacks. */
static struct libwebsocket_protocols protocols[] = {
{ "plain-websocket-protocol" /* Custom name. */,
sizeof(struct websocket_client_real),
0 },
{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0 } /* Terminator. */
When I use "html + javascript + chromium browser" as client to send websocket message bigger than 4096 bytes, the websocket server will receive the LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE callback more than one time, one message is splited to two or more, the max receive size is 4096.
How can I receive unlimited size websocket message on server side?
The lws_protocols struct now has a rx_buffer_size member so you should be able to configure the 4096 size using this.
See the api doc for details
This answer will address this question:
How can I receive unlimited size websocket message on server side?
It's relatively simple, actually. And you don't need to change your rx_buffer_size like it was suggested before.
Check out the function size_t lws_remaining_packet_payload(struct lws *wsi) documented in here:
You can use this function in your LWS_CALLBACK_RECEIVE callback handler to determine if the data your callback was given finishes a complete WebSocket "packet" (aka, message). If this function returns nonzero, then there is more data coming for this packet in a future callback. So your application should buffer this data until lws_remaining_packet_payload(wsi) returns 0. At that point, you have read a complete message and can handle the complete message as appropriate.

sending sms using pic16f877a and sim 300

Hi I have a problem in sending message in project, I am using pic16f877a and sim300. the main function runs repeatedly. Some characters are missed in the sent sms.
my program is like this...
void main()//main function
Serial_init(); // initialization of serial communication
void Serial_init()
SPBRG=129; // set baud rate 9600 Hz for 20MHz fosc
void Send_SMS(void)
USART_puts("AT+CMGF=1\0"); // switch into text mode
putch1(0x0D);// ascii of Carriage Return
USART_puts("AT+CMGS=\"9741153218\"\0"); // send sms to the number
USART_puts("Hi this is working LOL\0"); // SMS text
putch1(0x0A); // new line
putch1(0x1A); // ascii of 'substitute' i.e end of file
void USART_puts(const unsigned char *string)
void putch1(unsigned char data)
Please help
additional details: all other programs run properly, but if I call send_sms function, "main" runs repeatedly and several messages are sent with missed characters.
Your chip is resetting. This is the highest probable cause.
Either it is faulty or you have set Watchdog Timer to on somewhere.
For missing characters :
a) Chip resets in the midst of a data transfer.
b) Roule of thumb for usart:
Stop stuffing bytes to usart. Send each byte with a small leading delay like 10-20 microseconds.
The communication is asynchronous, which means the receiver has to synchronize at the beginning of each communication unit which is a byte. To do that receiver brutely uses resources to detect start bit, the length (in time) of it etc. So if you try to send a byte train, you will stall the receiver.
Have you tried the code with another 16F877a ? (to check chip failure)...
