LoadRunner11.03 performance issue? - performance

Recently, I received a PC installed LoadRunner 11.03(perhaps patch 3) from my client and watched a web performance with it by long-run test.
In multiple user test, it seems not to work on proper performance because my web's performance monitor couldn't reach any limitation, usage of CPU, network bands, disk usage per minute, usage of Memory. Only waiting threads was little bad, but it was not obvious.
It seems a sequential behavior rather than a parallel access.
(No error occured.)
So I though it was not problem of servers, but the client have some problem having prevent to be acting parallel access for some reasons.
I don't have proper HP passport ID, I can't access the LoadRunner patches' website.
Please notice me if not LoadRunner patches, especially patch 4 or higher , let it show such the above behavior or not.

Ok, it sounds like you are just running a script in VUGen. If that is the case I am guessing (based on what you wrote, correct me if I'm wrong) you are running a script in the Virtual User Generator and not in the Controller. LoadRunner is actually a suite of multiple applications. The Virtual User Generator is the script development application, a development environment like Eclipse. It is single threaded and running a script there is meant only to test the script individually.
To run a multi-threaded test you need to use the Controller app and develop a test scenario, assign multiple virtual users (the LR term for concurrent threads) to each script you want to run and execute the test from the Controller. You can configure machines to be the Load Generators (another app set up to run as a process or service) and push out the test from the Controller to the Generators.


How many concurrent users can run in JMeter in one machine

This is for e-commerce project where the number of users login will be more. I have been given a benchmark 8000 concurrent users need to login and response time should be 3 minutes
#abi , hi .
Let me provide couple notes here.
Depending upon Your connection bandwidth , from my experience as performance test engineer, I'd say jmeter single instance usually holds up to 1k(1000)- 2k(2000) in best case users load.
Considering You have a requirement for 8k (8000 users) load, You need to launch jmeter in distributed mode ( master <-> slaves).
For this config setup I'd recommend to go with 1 master node and 4slaves. For that - You will need 5 machines (aws/azure, whatever) in the same sub-network.
Re more technical details on distributed setup, please take a look:
in public jmeter documentation
please also look into this step-by-step setup manual
Also, when i've been doing set-up for 10k load for one of my recent projects - I did couple notes for myself in g-doc . Let me know if it opens fine for You.
Last note, If You need to do some load/performance tests on APIs that require AUTHZ, I'd recommend to split authorize (IDP bypass) and performance scenario itself - in different thread groups. As usually IDP in DEVs/Stagings does not hold much load .
So at first You need to authorize w/o any load (1st Thread group).
And in 2nd Thread group - start calling target APIs under the test.
It depends on:
Your machine specifications (CPU, RAM, NIC card, hard drive, etc.)
The nature of your Test Plan (number of requests, size of requests/responses, number of pre/post processors, assertions, timers, etc.)
Response time of your application
So if your test is a simple GET request which returns small text response - you might simulate 10 000 of users on a mid-range modern laptop. And if your test is connected with heavy requests, large responses, file uploads, etc. - it might be 1000 users.
Make sure to follow recommendations from JMeter Best Practices
Make sure to have monitoring of resources usage of your system (CPU, RAM, Swap, etc.). You can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin for this.
Make sure that your test behaves like a real browser
Start with 1 virtual user and gradually increase the load until you reach 8000 virtual users or JMeter starts lacking resources, whatever comes the first. If you can simulate 8000 users from a single machine - you're good to go. If not - you will have to consider Distributed Testing.

Regarding the Chrome and FF multi thread (Process) how to do load test with web protocol?

I wonder if some one solved the issue of browser multi thread with a request response script for load test
If you are going to use real Chrome and FF browsers for load test you can consider the following options:
Selenium Grid
Selenium-Grid allows you run your tests on different machines against different browsers in parallel. That is, running multiple tests at the same time against different machines running different browsers and operating systems. Essentially, Selenium-Grid support distributed test execution. It allows for running your tests in a distributed test execution environment.
Apache JMeter with the WebDriver Sampler plugin. This way you will be able to control concurrency and get performance metrics in form of HTML Reporting Dashboard.
Simulating web browser concurrency is something most load testing tools do very badly, if at all. We have tried to do this in k6 by letting each VU (virtual user) use multiple, concurrent TCP connections to fetch things in parallel. There is a special API function - http.batch() - that enables this functionality. http.batch() accepts multiple URLs as input parameters, and will fetch as many as possible in parallel.
Like Dmitri writes, Jmeter has a plugin that provides concurrency - sort of. However, what it actually does (unless I'm misinformed) is to spread out requests over multple VUs. Each VU will still only use one concurrent connection, which means that if you e.g. want to simulate 100 real browser users, you may need to fire up 1,000 VUs to do so realistically. This is not very different from what you would get with any other load testing tool, in my opinion: all of them allow you to start more VUs to create more concurrency and more traffic.
I'd say that apart from k6 and maybe one or perhaps two other tools (and Jmeter is not one of them), your only option if you want to really simulate the way browsers behave, is to use Selenium Grid or something similar to fire up a large number of real, actual browsers to do the load testing. The drawback is that real browsers are very expensive to run: they want lots of CPU and memory. But they provide the by far best browser "simulation".

Is 12 gb ram enough to run a load test of 10,000 concurrent user's in jmeter through non gui mode on windows 8.1 for an i5 processor?

What will be the hardware configuration required to run concurrent of 10,000 user's load in jmeter through non-gui mode?
There is no exact answer for this, but in my experience 10,000 users on a single instance doing anything other than very basic work will be too many.
You should look into setting up distributed testing, so that you have many different injectors. Without knowing anything about your application, I would still want at least 10 instances.
This link should get you started: http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/jmeter_distributed_testing_step_by_step.pdf
If you have budget for it, any of the cloud based Jmeter services will make it a lot less painless. Blazemeter is one such offering in this area: http://blazemeter.com/

multiple user/thread logins with different inputs in jMeter

I have created a test plan for creating userprofile.
I want to run my test plan for 100 users but when i run it for 10 users then it is running successfully with rump up time of 2 sec; but when i try it for 100 users & more than that it is getting failed I am giving rump uptime of 40 sec for 100 users.
I am not able to understand what may be the problem with it.
In my test plan the thread user are differentiated with id
Thanks in Advance.
It's a wide question, this behavior can be caused by
Your application under test can't handle load of 100 threads. Check logs for errors and make sure that application/web server and/or database configuration allow 100+ concurrent connections. Also you can check "Latency" metric to see if there is a problem with infrastructure or application itself.
Your load generator machine can't create 100 concurrent threads. If so - you'll need to consider JMeter Distributed Testing
Your script isn't optimized. I.e. using memory-consuming listeners like "View Results Tree", any graph listeners, regular expression extractors. Try following JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide and see whether it resolves your issue.
Agree with Dmitri, reason could be one of the above three.
One more thing you can try.
You can run your jmeter in ui mode for validation of your script and after validation you can run it in non-ui mode which will save lot of memory and cpu processing (basically UI is heaviest part in jmeter).
you can run your jmeter script in non-ui mode like this,
Jmeter -n -t -H proxy -P port
generally on a single dual core machine with 2 GB ram (Load Generator in your case) 100 user test can be carried out successfully.
some more things you can look at to find out the actual bottleneck
1.check application server logs (server on which your application is hosted)
if there are any failures in that then see performance counters on server (CPU, Memory, network etc) to see anything is overloaded.
(if server is windows then check using perfmon if linux then try sar)
if something is overloaded then reason is your app server cant take load of 100 users
probably try tuning it more.
2.check load generator system performance counters (JVM heap usage,CPU,Memory etc)
if JVM heap size is small enough try increasing it but if other counters are overloaded then try distributed load testing.
3.remove unwanted/heavy listeners, assertion from script.
maybe this will help :)

How many threads/users can one Windows client simulate during my load test?

I'm planning to do a load test of our ASP/.NET web application and need to simulate about 600 concurrent users on our system.
Initially we'll just be running the load test tools (probabaly JMETER or WCAT/WAST) from our personal workstations which are Windows 7/32 Bit Dells (Dual Core processors). I was wondering about how many users I can expect to be able to simulate from one client.
If I can easily do 200 users per client, I'll need to identify 2-3 more clients for the test.
I wanted to ask the community based on their experience how many users I should expect per client on a standard windows box.
Any help is appreciated!
This highly depends on the test plan itself and cannot be answered that easily.
If you for example have 500 users that just do one request and then have a waiting timer for five minutes, this should work. If all users constantly do requests without waiting, this will put much more load on your machine.
It depends on the samplers in use. HTTP requests are less costly than SOAP requests for example.
It also depends on the listeners you have active.
For a normal load test I usually have around 100-300 threads active. I would suggest to start with such a number and to monitor the load (CPU, network) on your client to see how much potential there is.
Without more details about the test scenarios and the hardware, it is hard to give specific answers. But our Load Tester product can (usually) handle this level of users pretty easily on a single machine (assuming relatively modern hardware). The testing tool should scale linearly up to a point, so you should be able to get a good estimate by running 50 users through a scenario that is similar to what you expect to test.
