multiple user/thread logins with different inputs in jMeter - jmeter

I have created a test plan for creating userprofile.
I want to run my test plan for 100 users but when i run it for 10 users then it is running successfully with rump up time of 2 sec; but when i try it for 100 users & more than that it is getting failed I am giving rump uptime of 40 sec for 100 users.
I am not able to understand what may be the problem with it.
In my test plan the thread user are differentiated with id
Thanks in Advance.

It's a wide question, this behavior can be caused by
Your application under test can't handle load of 100 threads. Check logs for errors and make sure that application/web server and/or database configuration allow 100+ concurrent connections. Also you can check "Latency" metric to see if there is a problem with infrastructure or application itself.
Your load generator machine can't create 100 concurrent threads. If so - you'll need to consider JMeter Distributed Testing
Your script isn't optimized. I.e. using memory-consuming listeners like "View Results Tree", any graph listeners, regular expression extractors. Try following JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide and see whether it resolves your issue.

Agree with Dmitri, reason could be one of the above three.
One more thing you can try.
You can run your jmeter in ui mode for validation of your script and after validation you can run it in non-ui mode which will save lot of memory and cpu processing (basically UI is heaviest part in jmeter).
you can run your jmeter script in non-ui mode like this,
Jmeter -n -t -H proxy -P port
generally on a single dual core machine with 2 GB ram (Load Generator in your case) 100 user test can be carried out successfully.
some more things you can look at to find out the actual bottleneck
1.check application server logs (server on which your application is hosted)
if there are any failures in that then see performance counters on server (CPU, Memory, network etc) to see anything is overloaded.
(if server is windows then check using perfmon if linux then try sar)
if something is overloaded then reason is your app server cant take load of 100 users
probably try tuning it more.
2.check load generator system performance counters (JVM heap usage,CPU,Memory etc)
if JVM heap size is small enough try increasing it but if other counters are overloaded then try distributed load testing.
3.remove unwanted/heavy listeners, assertion from script.
maybe this will help :)


How to determine if connection error is due to test or host machine

I have come across a situation where I can`t decide what scenario would be best. I have written my test in JMeter as follows:
I have one test plan that runs test in consecutive.
I have 4 thread groups and each thread group has the following properties:
No of threads: 8000
Ramp-up period: 60 sec
Loop count : 10
Same user on each iteration: true
I was having connection error, connection time out error.
So, to make it work , when I test from localhost (same machine), I have to enter a response time out of 1800000 ms, whereas when I do the same test on a remote server, I have to enter the response time out of 3600000 ms.
Can someone please advise :
Is it a good idea to include response time? Is there any other issue I should look for instead of including a response time? Is it an alert for other issue?
Can I improve the test without using response time?
First of all, a couple of questions to you:
Do you really think that the real user will really wait for 1 hour for getting the response from the application?
How did you come to this 8000 users?
Now recommendations:
Never have JMeter and the system under test on the same machine, they are both resource intensive and they will start struggling for CPU cycles, memory pages, etc. and you won't be able to tell whether JMeter is not capable of sending requests fast enough or your application cannot respond properly
Follow JMeter Best Practices
Although the number of virtual users you can simulate with JMeter is very high it's limited by the machine/operating system resources so make sure JMeter has enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU, RAM, Network and Disk IO. The metrics can be checked using JMeter PerfMon Plugin. Once you notice that any of monitored metrics start exceeding i.e. 80% of total available capacity - mention how many users are online and this is how many you can simulate from this machine for this test. If you need more - go for Distributed Testing
The same for the system under test, if you hit the resources consumption limits you need either to upgrade the hardware or to deploy your application in clustered mode (if it supports such a mode)

How many concurrent users can run in JMeter in one machine

This is for e-commerce project where the number of users login will be more. I have been given a benchmark 8000 concurrent users need to login and response time should be 3 minutes
#abi , hi .
Let me provide couple notes here.
Depending upon Your connection bandwidth , from my experience as performance test engineer, I'd say jmeter single instance usually holds up to 1k(1000)- 2k(2000) in best case users load.
Considering You have a requirement for 8k (8000 users) load, You need to launch jmeter in distributed mode ( master <-> slaves).
For this config setup I'd recommend to go with 1 master node and 4slaves. For that - You will need 5 machines (aws/azure, whatever) in the same sub-network.
Re more technical details on distributed setup, please take a look:
in public jmeter documentation
please also look into this step-by-step setup manual
Also, when i've been doing set-up for 10k load for one of my recent projects - I did couple notes for myself in g-doc . Let me know if it opens fine for You.
Last note, If You need to do some load/performance tests on APIs that require AUTHZ, I'd recommend to split authorize (IDP bypass) and performance scenario itself - in different thread groups. As usually IDP in DEVs/Stagings does not hold much load .
So at first You need to authorize w/o any load (1st Thread group).
And in 2nd Thread group - start calling target APIs under the test.
It depends on:
Your machine specifications (CPU, RAM, NIC card, hard drive, etc.)
The nature of your Test Plan (number of requests, size of requests/responses, number of pre/post processors, assertions, timers, etc.)
Response time of your application
So if your test is a simple GET request which returns small text response - you might simulate 10 000 of users on a mid-range modern laptop. And if your test is connected with heavy requests, large responses, file uploads, etc. - it might be 1000 users.
Make sure to follow recommendations from JMeter Best Practices
Make sure to have monitoring of resources usage of your system (CPU, RAM, Swap, etc.). You can use JMeter PerfMon Plugin for this.
Make sure that your test behaves like a real browser
Start with 1 virtual user and gradually increase the load until you reach 8000 virtual users or JMeter starts lacking resources, whatever comes the first. If you can simulate 8000 users from a single machine - you're good to go. If not - you will have to consider Distributed Testing.

Apache Jmeter Concurrent Users Performance Testing

I want to test 400 Concurrency Users Which allow us to pass our load testing scenario as I am using below configuration setting in Apache JMeter which will through us lots of errors.
Number of Thread (Users): 400
Ramp-Up Time: 1
Loop Count: Forever Until ( Period of 1 minutes )
We are not telepathic enough to tell what's wrong with your setup without seeing the configuration and the nature of errors.
Several generic hints:
Run your test with 1-2 users/iterations to ensure it works fine and does what it is supposed to be doing. Check requests and responses details using View Results Tree listener
Make sure to run your test in command-line non-GUI mode and disable all the Listeners while your test is running.
It is better to increase and decrease the load gradually so consider using longer ramp-up time and increase test duration accordingly. I.e.
During the first minute virtual users arrive
They then hold the load for another minute
During the last minute virtual users leave
This way you will be able to tell what was the load when the errors started occurring, what is the maximum number of users your application can support, where is the saturation point, does it recover when the load gets back to normal, etc. See JMeter Ramp-Up - The Ultimate Guide article for more details.
It might be the case you found the bottleneck, i.e. your application fails to support 400 concurrent users, now you need to find the reason which may be in:
incorrect middleware configuration (wrong web server, database, load balancer settings)
your application simply lacks resources (CPU, RAM, Network, Swap, etc.). You can check this using JMeter PerfMon Plugin
if infrastructure configuration is OK and there is enough headroom for the application to operate most probably the reason is in the application code, you need to inspect what it is doing using APM or Profiler tools and report the issue.

samples in aggregate report in jmeter

I am running a test for testing if my application is able to handle 250 concurrent users or not.first time when I ran the test,results were fine and number of samples generated in aggregate report is also fine but when I am running the same test again,i am getting drastic changes in aggregate report.This time number of samples got reduced and also the response time got higher.Whereas cpu usage and memory usage is fine and database server performance is also good.For this I am using stepping thread group.
please help me to get rid out of it.
What about CPU and RAM usage on the host, you're running JMeter on? Make sure that:
You running JMeter in non-GUI mode
You have all the listeners disabled
You have only absolutely minimum of pre/post processors and assertions added/enabled
JMeter has enough JVM heap space (70-80% of your total physical RAM)
See JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips for detailed explanations and more JMeter configuration tricks
Depending on the logic your application has you might not be able to handle 250 threads on single machine (not enough computing resources RAM, NIC bandwidth etc) You haven't provided details about your machine utilization during the run test and Jmeter logs for any warnings or errors. Check that.
We had the same kind of issues when we were testing heavy application (with sessions and long user flows). Master-slave config can fully resolve the issue.

Why difference in out when using Jmeter to load test vs HP Load runner?

Here is the scenario
We are load testing a web application. The application is deployed on two VM servers with a a hardware load balancer distributing the load.
There are tow tools used here
1. HP Load Runner (an expensive tool).
2. JMeter - free
JMeter was used by development team to test for a huge number of users. It also does not have any licensing limit like Load Runner.
How the tests are run ?
A URL is invoked with some parameters and web application reads the parameter , process results and generates a pdf file.
When running the test we found that for a load of 1000 users spread over period of 60 seconds, our application took 4 minutes to generate 1000 files.
Now when we pass the same url through JMeter, 1000 users with a ramp up time of 60 seconds,
application takes 1 minutes and 15 seconds to generate 1000 files.
I am baffled here as to why this huge difference in performance.
Load runner has rstat daemon installed on both servers.
Any clues ?
You really have four possibilities here:
You are measuring two different things. Check your timing record structure.
Your request and response information is different between the two tools. Check with Fiddler or Wireshark.
Your test environment initial conditions are different yielding different results. Test 101 stuff, but quite often overlooked in tracking down issues like this.
You have an overloaded load generator in your loadrunner environment which is causing all virtual users to slow. For example you may be logging everything resulting in your file system becoming a bottleneck for the test. Deliberately underload your generators, reduce your logging levels and watch how you are using memory for correlations so you don't create a physical memory oversubscribed condition which results in high swap activity.
As to the comment above as to JMETER being faster, I have benchmarked both and for very complex code the C based solution for Loadrunner is faster upon execution from iteration to iteration than the Java based solution in JMETER. (method: complex algorithm for creating data files on the fly for upload for batch mortgage processing. p3: 800Mhz. 2GB of RAM. LoadRunner 1.8 million iterations per hour ungoverned for a single user. JMETER, 1.2 million) Once you add in pacing it is the response time of the server which is determinate to both.
It should be noted that LoadRunner tracks its internal API time to directly address accusations of the tool influencing the test results. If you open the results set database set (.mdb or Microsoft SQL server instance as appropriate) and take a look at the [event meter] table you will find a reference for "Wasted Time." The definition for wasted time can be found in the LoadRunner documentation.
Most likely the culprit is in HOW the scripts are structured.
Things to consider:
Think / wait time: When recording,
Jmeter does not automatically put in
Items being requested: Is
Jmeter ONLY requesting/downloading
HTML pages while Load runner gets all
embedded files?
Invalid Responses:
are all 1000 Jmeter responses valid?
If you have 1000 threads from a
single desktop, I would suspect you
killed Jmeter and not all your
responses were valid.
Dont forget that the testing application itself measures itself, since the arrival of the response is based on the testing machine time. So from this perspective it could be the answer, that JMeter is simply faster.
The second thing to mention is the wait times mentioned by BlackGaff.
Always check results with result tree in jmeter.
And always put the testing application onto separate hardware to see real results, since testing application itself loads the server.
