Laying out circles in a rect - algorithm

I'm trying to workout how to efficiently calculate the layout of a dynamic/random view.
The view will contain a number of circles. Each circle has a predetermined size. These sizes are all between a given maximum and minimum size.
I'm trying to find an efficient way of laying out the circles within a rect with a couple of conditions.
The circles mustn't overlap with the edge of the rect and the circles must have a minimum "spacing" between them.
The first method I came up with is to randomly generate coordinate pairs and place the biggest circle. Then randomly generate more coordinate pairs until a suitable one is generated for the next circle. And the next, and the next, and so on until all are drawn.
The problems with this are that it could potentially take a long time to complete. Each subsequent circle will take longer to place as there are fewer places that it can go.
Another problem is that it could be impossible to layout the view.
I'm sure there must be more efficient ways of doing this but I'm not sure where to begin.

The Formula must deal between the smallest possible square they need or from a other point of view, with an arrangement with the smallest possible density between the edgepoints. But your problem could be solved by sorting the circles by size and then start with the largest and arrange them step by step to the smallest because the larger are more bulky and the smaller fit easier in small corners by there nature.
Build triangles of circles, where 3 circles have a discribing space they use together. This triangle has 3 corners right? :) so messure/calc the angle of that corners and the corner with the nearest 90degree angle should be placed in a square corner, better to say the three circles should be places mirrored so that the circle with the fittest 90degree corner behind is the one who goes in the corner. If a 4th circle fits into the rest of this triangle, wonderful, if not you place exact this circle in it which is taken minimum outerspace of that triangle. because its not said that the next smaller circle is the one who fit's perfect, which also means you have a stack of not placed circles until one is found who fits better. after you find one you go upwards your circle-stack again and try to fit the next of it in one of the corners or you try to build the next triangle. and here you see how complex this is, damn!
But anyway, the more one of this triangles corners is 90° the less space it would take with this 3 circles in it.
An other concept could be to think about larger circles like space who leftover a triangle in one of its corners in relation to the rectangle. This triangle has a maximum space availible for a smaller circle. If there is no perfectly fitting circle your taken square-space grows up. So as far as i think about to handle this problem with imagined triangles to compare with fitting circles in it or taking triangle ranges from the square is the solutions base.


Avoiding collision when placing a circle near other circles

I have a Main circle, and Other nearby circles.
All circles are always the same size.
No two circles may ever overlap.
I'd like to find out where Potential circles could be placed near the Main circle (more detail below).
Ideally, I'd like to do this fast (I know, everyone says so - but trust me I really do!).
I'd like the answer as a general high level description of the algorithm to use.
This might be a duplicate of Placing a circle so that it does not collide with any other circles, which I find unimpressive. Both the question and the answers.
Here's an approximate image, explanation below:
Red circle is the Main circle.
Black circles are the Other circles placed nearby.
The centre of each Potential circle should be on the yellow band. It is a relatively narrow range, slightly less wide than the radius of the circle, I'm not interested in any circles whose centre lies outside of this range.
Gray are the Potential circles I'd like the algorithm to find:
The one in the upper slightly right, is as close to the Main circle as can be. If any of the three Other circles around it moved any closer to its centre, there would be no Potential circle here.
Lower right, as far from the Main circle as allowed. If the two Other circles next to it were any closer to each other, there would be no Potential circle here.
Four Potential circles drawn on the left. There could be a multitude of these, it'd be fine if the algorithm returned just any one of these.
The teal circle is a bounding box, if a circle's centre lies outside, it has no impact on placing the circles on the yellow band.
Algorithm input: the Main and Other circles.
Desired algorithm output for the image above: three or four Potential circles. One upper slightly right, one lower right, and one or two on the left side (I don't mind too much which it is).
What have I tried? Googling! Looking at Stack Overflow. Thinking.
I'm thinking probably the first thing the algorithm should do is to convert the Other circles from (X, Y) coordinates to (angle, distance) from Main and order by angle. Then split the yellow band into some segments, and for each segment, get all the circles that could influence it.
Here I get lost a bit.
Next step, do some math to try to position the circle. For two circles, I can place a circle so that it just touches them. Perhaps when there are N circles, I just do this bit for each of the pairs and see if I'm left with anything? Or just each of the N with the centre? Can I save this as a draft so it ain't all gone while I think about it some more?
[Edit]: I guess a better approach would be to start with like 12 Potential circles around the Main circle, see which ones are illegal and which Other circles are getting in the way, then try nudging the Potential circles so they get out of the Other stones way. We should know exactly how far we need to move the Potential stone and in which direction, based on which Other stone it's overlapping with. Repeat, hopefully avoiding infinite loops but that I can do I think.
This is a nice problem. Let’s focus on one word: potential.
Think about force directed graph layouts, like this one:
Eventually, the layout converges on a minimum energy solution, where the spring lengths are minimal.
Let’s bring that to your problem. We will define a potential field. The main and other circles provide repulsive forces. The yellow ring provides an attractive force.
Choose a random point on the plane. Determine if it is feasible, and reject it if not, for example, it overlaps with main or other circle. Now we are left with a circle in a feasible, but non-optimal location. We will move this circle to new candidate positions over several time steps. Sum up the attractive and repulsive forces operating on it, and move it a small amount in the indicated direction. At some point, it is likely that it will try to go to an infeasible position, perhaps overlapping with the main circle. At that point we are done, and we output its position as a good result.

Closest distance to border of shape

I have a shape (in black below) and a point inside the shape (red below). What's the algorithm to find the closest distance between my red point and the border of the shape (which is the green point on the graph) ?
The shape border is not a series of lines but a randomly drawn shape.
So your shape is defined as bitmap and you can access the pixels.
You could scan ever growing squares around your point for border pixels. First, check the pixel itself. Then check a square of width 2 that covers the point's eight adjacent pixels. Next, width 4 for the next 16 pixels and so on. When you find a border pixel, record its distance and check against the minimum distance found. You can stop searching when half the width of the square is greater than the current minimum distance.
An alternative is to draw Bresenham circles of growing radius around the point. The method is similar to the square method, but you can stop immediately when you have a hit, because all points are supposed to have the same distance to your point. The drawback is that this method is somewhat inaccurate, because the circle is only an approximation. You will also miss some pixels along the disgonals, because Bresenham circles have artefacts.
(Both methods are still quite brute-force and in the worst case of a fully black bitmap will visit every node.)
You need a criterion for a pixel on the border. Your shape is antialiassed, so that pixels on the border are smoothed by making them a shade of grey. If your criterion is a pixel that isn't black, you will chose a point a bit inside the shape. If you cose pure white, you'll land a bit outside. Perhaps it's best to chose a pixel with a grey value greater than 0.5 as border.
If you have to find the closest border point to many points for the same shape, you can preprocess the data and use other methods of [nearest-neighbour serach].
As always, it depends on the data, in this case, what your shapes are like and any useful information about your starting point (will it often be close to a border, will it often be near the center of mass, etc).
If they are similar to what you show, I'd probably test the border points individually against the start. Now the problem is how you find the border without having to edge detect the entire shape.
The problem is it appears you can have sharply concave borders (think of a circle with a tiny spike-like sliver jutting into it). In this case you just need to edge detect the shape and test every point.
I think these will work, but don't hold me to it. Computational geometry seems to be very well understood, so you can probably find a pro at this somewhere:
Method One
If the shape is well behaved or you don't mind being wrong try this:
1- Draw 4 lines (diving the shape into four quandrants). And check the distance to each border. What i mean by draw is keep going north until you hit a white pixel, then go south, west, and east.
2- Take the two lines you have drawn so far that have the closest intersection points, bisect the angle they create and add the new line to your set.
3- keep repeating step two until are you to a tolerance you can be happy with.
Actually you can stop before this and on a small enough interval just trace the border between two close points checking each point between them to refine the final answer.
Method Two (this wil work with the poorly behaved shapes and plays well with anti-aliasing):
1- draw a line in any direction until he hit the border (black to white). This will be your starting distance.
2- draw a circle at this distance noting everytime you go from black to white or white to black. These are your intersection points.
As long as you have more than two points, divide the radius in half and try again.
If you have no points increase your radius by 50% and try again (basically binary search until you get to two points - if you get one, you got lucky and found your answer).
3- your closet point lies in the region between your two points. Run along the border checking each one.
If you want to, to reduce the cost of step 3 you can keep doing step 2 until you get a small enough range to brute force in step 3.
Also to prevent a very unlucky start, draw four initial lines (also east, south, and west) and start with the smallest distance. Those are easy to draw and greatly reduce your chance of picking the exact longest distance and accidentally thinking that single pixel is the answer.
Edit: one last optimization: because of the symmetry, you only need to calculate the circle points (those points that make up the border of the circle) for the first quadrant, then mirror them. Should greatly cut down on computation time.
If you define the distance in terms of 'the minimum number of steps that need to be taken to reach from the start pixel to any pixel on the margin', then this problem can be solved using any shortest path search algorithm like bread first search or even better if you use A* search algorithm.

Filling a polygon with rectangles

I have a fairly smooth polygon, say an ellipse with bulges and dents converted to polygon straight lines. I wish to fill this polygon with as few rectangles as possible, but as many as to maintain accuracy in small corners in the polygon. The rectangles may be any size, and of any amount.
The reason for this is doing a hit test on a web page on the polygon. The only practical way is to fill it with divs and do hit tests on all the divs.
Of course there will be a minimum square size for any rectangle, lest we more than just approximate the polygon and recreate it with pixel size rectangles.
In the general case, if you want to exactly represent a digital shape with rectangles, you will need at least as many rectangles as there are pixels on the outline forming corners. If you think of a digital straight edge at 45°, that means one rectangle per pixel. This is a serious limitation. (And don't even think of non-digital shapes.)
This said, you accept to approximate the shape with a certain error, and I suggest that you first shrink the shape by a constant factor, up to you: you will overlay a grid on the shape an decide whether every tile belongs to the shape or not. Doing this, you turn your shape in a binary image with "big pixels", and the challenge is now to decompose this image in rectangles (exactly this time).
I suggest a simple greedy strategy such that you try to find a large rectangle that fits entirely, and then repeat with the parts that remain.
If you apply a morphological erosion operation with a larger and larger rectangular structuring element, you will find the largest rectangle the fits in the shape image. In theory, you should try all combinations of width and height and keep the largest area or perimeter; this is a large amount of work. I would recommend to try with growing squares first, and when you found the largest square to continue in the direction that allows it.
After you have found a large rectangle, erase it from the shape image and start again, until you completely erase it.

Circle covering algorithm with varying radii

For a game, I'm drawing dense clusters of several thousand randomly-distributed circles with varying radii, defined by a sequence of (x,y,r) triples. Here's an example image consisting of 14,000 circles:
I have some dynamic effects in mind, such as merging clusters, but for this to be possible I'll need to redraw all the circles every frame.
Many (maybe 80-90%) of the circles that are drawn are covered over by subsequent draws. Therefore I suspect that with preprocessing I can significantly speed up my draw loop by eliminating covered circles. Is there an algorithm that can identify them with reasonable efficiency?
I can tolerate a fairly large number of false negatives (ie draw some circles that are actually covered), as long as it's not so many that drawing efficiency suffers. I can also tolerate false positives as long as they're almost positive (eg remove some circles that are only 99% covered). I'm also amenable to changes in the way the circles are distributed, as long as it still looks okay.
This kind of culling is essentially what hidden surface algorithms (HSAs) do - especially the variety called "object space". In your case the sorted order of the circles gives them an effective constant depth coordinate. The fact that it's constant simplifies the problem.
A classical reference on HSA's is here. I'd give it a read for ideas.
An idea inspired by this thinking is to consider each circle with a "sweep line" algorithm, say a horizontal line moving from top to bottom. The sweep line contains the set of circles that it's touching. Initialize by sorting the input list of the circles by top coordinate.
The sweep advances in "events", which are the top and bottom coordinates of each circle. When a top is reached, add the circle to the sweep. When its bottom occurs, remove it (unless it's already gone as described below). As a new circle enters the sweep, consider it against the circles already there. You can keep events in a max (y-coordinate) heap, adding them lazily as needed: the next input circle's top coordinate plus all the scan line circles' bottom coordinates.
A new circle entering the sweep can do any or all of 3 things.
Obscure circles in the sweep with greater depth. (Since we are identifying circles not to draw, the conservative side of this decision is to use the biggest included axis-aligned box (BIALB) of the new circle to record the obscured area for each existing deeper circle.)
Be obscured by other circles with lesser depth. (Here the conservative way is to use the BIALB of each other relevant circle to record the obscured area of the new circle.)
Have areas that are not obscured.
The obscured area of each circle must be maintained (it will generally grow as more circles are processed) until the scan line reaches its bottom. If at any time the obscured area covers the entire circle, it can be deleted and never drawn.
The more detailed the recording of the obscured area is, the better the algorithm will work. A union of rectangular regions is one possibility (see Android's Region code for example). A single rectangle is another, though this is likely to cause many false positives.
Similarly a fast data structure for finding the possibly obscuring and obscured circles in the scan line is also needed. An interval tree containing the BIALBs is likely to be good.
Note that in practice algorithms like this only produce a win if the number of primitives is huge because fast graphics hardware is so ... fast.
Based on the example image you provided, it seems your circles have a near-constant radius. If their radius cannot be lower than a significant number of pixels, you could take advantage of the simple geometry of circles to try an image-space approach.
Imagine you divide your rendering surface in a grid of squares so that the smallest rendered circle can fit into the grid like this:
the circle radius is sqrt(10) grid units and covers at least 21 squares, so if you mark the squares entirely overlapped by any circle as already painted, you will have eliminated approximately 21/10pi fraction of the circle surface, that is about 2/3.
You can get some ideas of optimal circle coverage by squares here
The culling process would look a bit like a reverse-painter algorithm:
For each circle from closest to farthest
if all squares overlapped (even partially) by the circle are painted
eliminate the circle
paint the squares totally overlapped by the circle
You could also 'cheat' by painting grid squares not entirely covered by a given circle (or eliminating circles that overflow slightly from the already painted surface), increasing the number of eliminated circles at the cost of some false positives.
You can then render the remaining circles with a Z-buffer algorithm (i.e. let the GPU do the rest of the work).
CPU-based approach
This assumes you implement the grid as a memory bitmap, with no help from the GPU.
To determine the squares to be painted, you can use precomputed patterns based on the distance of the circle center relative to the grid (the red crosses in the example images) and the actual circle radius.
If the relative variations of diameter are small enough, you can define a two dimensional table of patterns indexed by circle radius and distance of the center from the nearest grid point.
Once you've retrieved the proper pattern, you can apply it to the appropriate location by using simple symmetries.
The same principle can be used for checking if a circle fits into an already painted surface.
GPU-based approach
It's been a long time since I worked with computer graphics, but if the current state of the art allows, you could let the GPU do the drawing for you.
Painting the grid would be achieved by rendering each circle scaled to fit the grid
Checking elimination would require to read the value of all pixels containing the circle (scaled to grid dimensions).
There should be some sweet spot for the grid dimension. A denser grid will cover a higher percentage of the circles surface and thus eliminate more circles (less false negatives), but the computation cost will grow in o(1/grid_step²).
Of course, if the rendered circles can shrink to about 1 pixel diameter, you could as well dump the whole algorithm and let the GPU do the work. But the efficiency compared with the GPU pixel-based approach grows as the square of the grid step.
Using the grid in my example, you could probably expect about 1/3 false negatives for a completely random set of circles.
For your picture, which seems to define volumes, 2/3 of the foreground circles and (nearly) all of the backward ones should be eliminated. Culling more than 80% of the circles might be worth the effort.
All this being said, it is not easy to beat a GPU in a brute-force computation contest, so I have only the vaguest idea of the actual performance gain you could expect. Could be fun to try, though.
Here's a simple algorithm off the top of my head:
Insert the N circles into a quadtree (bottom circle first)
For each pixel, use the the quadtree to determine the top-most circle (if it exists)
Fill in the pixel with the color of the circle
By adding a circle, I mean add the center of the circle to the quadtree. This creates 4 children to a leaf node. Store the circle in that leaf node (which is now no longer a leaf). Thus each non-leaf node corresponds to a circle.
To determine the top-most circle, traverse the quadtree, testing each node along the way if the pixel intersects the circle at that node. The top-most circle is the one deepest down the tree that intersects the pixel.
This should take O(M log N) time (if the circles are distributed nicely) where M is the number of pixels and N is the number of circles. Worse case scenario is still O(MN) if the tree is degenerate.
quadtree T
for each circle c
for each pixel p
draw color of top_circle(T,p)
def add(quadtree T, circle c)
if leaf(T)
append four children to T, split along center(c) = c
quadtree U = child of T containing center(c)
def top_circle(quadtree T, pixel p)
if not leaf(T)
if intersects(, p)
c =
quadtree U = child of T containing p
c = top_circle(U,p) if not null
return c
If a circle is completely inside another circle, then it must follow that the distance between their centres plus the radius of the smaller circle is at most the radius of the larger circle (Draw it out for yourself to see!). Therefore, you can check:
float distanceBetweenCentres = sqrt((topCircle.centre.x - bottomCircle.centre.x) * (topCircle.centre.x - bottomCircle.centre.x) + (topCircle.centre.y - bottomCircle.centre.y) * (topCircle.centre.y - bottomCircle.centre.y));
if((bottomCircle.radius + distanceBetweenCentres) <= topCircle.radius){
// The bottom circle is covered by the top circle.
To improve the speed of the computation, you can first check if the top circle has a larger radius that the bottom circle, as if it doesn't, it can't possibly cover the bottom circle. Hope that helps!
You don't mention a Z component, so I assume they are in Z order in your list and drawn back-to-front (i.e., painter algorithm).
As the previous posters said, this is an occlusion culling exercise.
In addition to the object space algorithms mentioned, I'd also investigate screen-space algorithms such as Hierarchical Z-Buffer. You don't even need z values, just bitflags indicating if something is there or not.

Area of Intersection of Two Rotated Rectangles

I have two 2D rectangles, defined as an origin (x,y) a size (height, width) and an angle of rotation (0-360°). I can guarantee that both rectangles are the same size.
I need to calculate the approximate area of intersection of these two rectangles.
The calculation does not need to be exact, although it can be. I will be comparing the result with other areas of intersection to determine the largest area of intersection in a set of rectangles, so it only needs to be accurate relative to other computations of the same algorithm.
I thought about using the area of the bounding box of the intersected region, but I'm having trouble getting the vertices of the intersected region because of all of the different possible cases:
I'm writing this program in Objective-C in the Cocoa framework, for what it's worth, so if anyone knows any shortcuts using NSBezierPath or something you're welcome to suggest that too.
To supplement the other answers, your problem is an instance of line clipping, a topic heavily studied in computer graphics, and for which there are many algorithms available.
If you rotate your coordinate system so that one rectangle has a horizontal edge, then the problem is exactly line clipping from there on.
You could start at the Wikipedia article on the topic, and investigate from there.
A simple algorithm that will give an approximate answer is sampling.
Divide one of your rectangles up into grids of small squares. For each intersection point, check if that point is inside the other rectangle. The number of points that lie inside the other rectangle will be a fairly good approximation to the area of the overlapping region. Increasing the density of points will increase the accuracy of the calculation, at the cost of performance.
In any case, computing the exact intersection polygon of two convex polygons is an easy task, since any convex polygon can be seen as an intersection of half-planes. "Sequential cutting" does the job.
Choose one rectangle (any) as the cutting rectangle. Iterate through the sides of the cutting rectangle, one by one. Cut the second rectangle by the line that contains the current side of the cutting rectangle and discard everything that lies in the "outer" half-plane.
Once you finish iterating through all cutting sides, what remains of the other rectangle is the result.
You can actually compute the exact area.
Make one polygon out of the two rectangles. See this question (especially this answer), or use the gpc library.
Find the area of this polygon. See here.
The shared area is
area of rectangle 1 + area of rectangle 2 - area of aggregated polygon
Take each line segment of each rectangle and see if they intersect. There will be several possibilities:
If none intersect - shared area is zero - unless all points of one are inside the other. In that case the shared area is the area of the smaller one.
a If two consecutive edges of one rectactangle intersect with a single edge of another rectangle, this forms a triangle. Compute its area.
b. If the edges are not consequtive, this forms a quadrilateral. Compute a line from two opposite corners of the quadrilateral, this makes two triangles. Compute the area of each and sum.
If two edges of one intersect with two edges of another, then you will have a quadrilateral. Compute as in 2b.
If each edge of one intersects with each edge of the other, you will have an octagon. Break it up into triangles ( e.g. draw a ray from one vertex to each other vertex to make 4 triangles )
#edit: I have a more general solution.
Check the special case in 1.
Then start with any intersecting vertex, and follow the edges from there to any other intersection point until you are back to the first intersecting vertex. This forms a convex polygon. draw a ray from the first vertex to each opposite vetex ( e.g. skip the vertex to the left and right. ) This will divide it into a bunch of triangles. compute the area for each and sum.
A brute-force-ish way:
take all points from the set of [corners of
rectangles] + [points of intersection of edges]
remove the points that are not inside or on the edge of both rectangles.
Now You have corners of intersection. Note that the intersection is convex.
sort the remaining points by angle between arbitrary point from the set, arbitrary other point, and the given point.
Now You have the points of intersection in order.
calculate area the usual way (by cross product)
