Can't add a reference to EntityFramework in my unit test project - visual-studio

I have a new project happily using Entity Framework 5. After I added the edmx to the solution, it added a reference to EntityFramework version 5.
I created a unit test project, and I need to use something from the EntityFramework library. However, there is no reference to EntityFramework. When I go to Add Reference, I cannot find it anywhere in the list.
I've checked and my unit test is referencing .NET 4.5. Any idea why I can't add the reference?

Remove all the entries you have made to the web.config file. Just Right Click on your project name in the solution, Click on Manage Nuget Packages On your left hand Click on Online and on the right hand just put Entity Framework in the search box. Click on Install
this will do all the things automatically for you.
Answer is taken from: EntityFramework 5 Install fails in VS 2012

I had the same problem with a new application. I opened the Package Manager Console and used install-package EntityFramework, which installed version 6 without issue.

Just Adding System.Data.Entity might not enough;
because by this you are trying to referencing something that has not been installed yet.
this issue can be resolved by installing EntityFramework.
So to do this :
Go to Solution Explorer
Right Click on Your Project Name
Select "Manage NuGet packages"
Now Install the Entity Framework.

You need to add a reference to "System.Data.Entity" dll at References folder of your Unit Test project.


Adding System.Data.SQLite through NuGet doesn't add a reference to the project

I'm trying to make a very simple Xamarin.Forms test application to explore some features of the System.Data.SQLite package (namely encryption). However, I can't seem to get Visual Studio 2012 to add a reference to the package to the project.
Here are the steps I am taking:
Created a new Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app.
Right-click on TestApp (core project) and select Manage NuGet Packages
Search for "sqlite"
Install the "System.Data.SQLite (x86/x64)" package. (This package is version and it is described as "the official SQLite database engine for both x86 and x64 along with the ADO.NET provider.")
According to NuGet, the package was successfully installed.
However, I cannot see the reference added under my project's "References" folder, and I also cannot write "using System.Data.SQLite" without errors ("cannot resolve symbol 'Data'"). Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
On a side note, I can follow the exact same process described above except instead of creating a Xamarin.Forms Portable blank app, I choose a regular C# console app. This allows me to install the NuGet package fine and it shows up in references as expected.
Posting an update to share what I've learned.
So as Jason sort of alluded to in his answer, the reason I was not able to reference the package in my Xamarin.Forms project is because Xamarin.Forms is, by definition, a PCL project. It's meant to work on all platforms. The package I was referring to in my question is not a PCL, which means that anything in the package that is platform dependent is inaccessable (which is basically the entire package). The SQLite.Net-PCL package is basically the same thing as System.Data.SQLite, but in PCL form, which means it is compatible for use in a Xamarin.Forms project.
Following this logic, it makes sense that I was able to access System.Data.SQLite from a console project, since a console project is not a PCL project and it targets a specific platform.
For PCL projects, use SQLite.Net-PCL.

Cannot add view to ASP.NET MVC 5 project

I'm trying to add a view to an ASP.NET MVC 5 project in Visual Studio 2013, but the Add button is greyed out.
The default installation of Visual Studio was missing some required elements. When I chose ASP.NET and web development, the following options were not selected on the right side of the page.
.NET Framework project and item templates
NET Framework 4.6.2-4.7.1 development tools
Additional Project templates (previous versions)
.NET WebAssembly build tools
(I found this on the Microsoft web site Microsoft Developer Resources (in spanish!)
I got this for ages, all I did was upgrade the nuget packages for Mvc and it fixed it. I suspect that I had a mismatch of versions in the solution.
Update-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc -Version 5.2.3
The version part is optional, but it should mean that all projects get the same version.
You should create a controller first, then it will create a View folder automatically. Try to right click that file then click create new view. Also Copy might be a specific name, you may need to change that name.
Different from the OP issue (as I'm on VS2017) but in case anyone else comes to this question when they've made the same (basic) error as me...
It took me a few minutes to realise that if you type in a new Model class (as seen below) then this is not what the UI wants; it requires you to select an existing Model from the dropdown. Once I created the model and then selected it 'Add' was enabled.

Nuget: Set one project in solution as unmanaged by Nuget?

First off, let me start by saying that Nuget is awesome. I love it. That being said, there is one thing about it that I have just discovered which is really getting very annoying.
We have an in-house framework which we use for almost all of our projects. So, I recently created a Visual Studio project template for it, along with the VSIX.. had a few problems along the way due to Nuget.. it wouldn't create the new project from a template when the template was referencing the framework.. because the framework was using Nuget and it couldn't find the nuget folders in the new project created from the template. So, solution was to remove nuget from the framework project and only use Nuget for the other projects (anything but the framework). Okay, great.. that solves the problem!
However, now with every Nuget managed project that I open, it automatically adds these 2 lines back into the .csproj of the framework:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)\.nuget\nuget.targets" />
This is frustrating because we now need to either stop using Nuget altogether OR to keep removing these lines from our framework's .csproj file every time we want to rebuild the template.
Is there any way I can tell Nuget to ignore one project in the solution? In my case, to ignore the framework project...
With a suggestion from Nailuj and also from what I found here:, I tried something that I thought would work, but it didn't serve my needs; that method is just for including the packages in with the new project, which for me is not helpful and doesn't solve the problem (error about missing .nuget targets folders). So, I played with it a bit and came up with something that is not ideal, but is acceptable:
Remove anything and everything to do with Nuget from the project which is to serve as a template. This then causes a problem with the referenced framework, because the framework project is expecting to be managed by Nuget and from this solution it's not, so error occurs... so:
Remove the framework project from the solution and only reference the DLL so it will build, but not complain about missing nuget folders
Export to template
Build VSIX using exported template
Install template
Create a new project from the newly installed template
Enable Nuget package restore on solution of new project
Open Package Manager Console
Notice message about missing packages and agree to download and install them (about 1 minute)
Remove framework DLL reference and replace with actual project (Right-click, Add Existing Project)
Rebuild and run
I hope this helps anyone else who may find themselves in this predicament. If anyone has a better idea, please let me know. The bounty is still open for another 6 days, so I won't mark this as answer yet.

Using ADO.NET's Entity Framework with visual studio 2010 and NuGet - what's really happening

I'll need to use ADO.NET EF for my next project so I started a tutorial but ended up with installing Entity Framework while my Project was open through Project -> Manage NuGet Packages and then decided to walk through the tutorial using another project so I closed the current one and on the next day I created new Console Project for the needs of this tutorial. However when I tried to add using System.Data.Entity; to my Program.cs it didn't recognize the Entity so I had to install again Entity Framework from NuGet which seems kind of strange to me.
Is this how it should be - installing the Entity Framework for every project that will use it or I can install it once and then add it as reference where needed or something like that like many other packages in .NET?
No, you shouldn't need to install Entity Framework for each project. Did you try adding a reference to the missing DLL? To do this, right-click your project in Solution Explorer and select Add Reference from the menu. You should be able to select System.Data.Entity from the .NET tab:

Adding MOQ to a .NET 4.0 project is not possible

I want to add MOQ .net library to a .NET 4.0 project. I get an error message that I should convert the project to something smaller than 4.0. I need to use .NET 4.0 also because of other project dependencies.
How can I make MOQ work with a .NET 4.0 project in VS2010 ?
Make sure you have NuGet package manager installed (Tools/Extension Manager).
Right click on Solution Explorer/References, choose Manage NuGet Packages.
Type Moq in the search box.
Install and enjoy.
The latest version from Google Code (, works in a .Net 4.0 project. I would just download the dll again.
Here is the download link:
The zip file at that location contains a .Net 4 folder. Use the dll : Moq.dll from the NET40 folder and everthing will work fine. Just do a normal Add Reference on the project.
I would check the version number and the Runtime veseion of the assembly you are trying to use. It should say:
Runtime Version: v4.0.20926
Version: 4.0.10827.0
For the sake of completeness, it may be worth pointing out that it is also possible to use the Visual Studio command line package manager tool:
1) Open the console in VS
View >> Other Windows >> Package Manager Console
2) Install Moq
Type Install-Package Moq at the prompt
Note: If your tests are in a separate project, make sure that you select that project in the project dropdown.
This will install the latest package available in NuGet, which should address your compatibility issue. See
Watch out that you're using .NET 4, rather than the .NET 4 Client Profile as your Target Framework. I had the same issue and that was the cause for me.
