Oracle Weblogic 11g( doesn't show bundled JDKs - oracle

I am seeing this when try to install WLS 11g. Has anyone came across with this?Or any solution. At JDK selection pannel, I see nothing under bundled JDK section. I want to install jrockit with this.

It sounds like you got the generic jar installer - generic jar installer doesn't come with a JDK. When using the jar installer, you need to install the supported JDK/JRockit first then run the installer.
When you come to the JDK selection part, select the JAVA_HOME of your JDK/JRockit installation.
One thing I always tell people about weblogic installations: make sure whatever that the OS and JDK are certified by Oracle. You can verify here:
Gavin |


Spring Tool can't create the java virtual machine

I'm having problems executing Spring Tool, I get the error: Could not create the java virtual machine, and this in another window:
The error message isn't really explaining in detail what the problem is, but I would recommend to things here:
update to a recent JDK 1.8.0 (I think it is at 1.8.0_181 at the moment) and use that.
you can also specify the JVM to run STS in the STS.ini file in the same way than you could do that for plain Eclipse in the eclipse.ini file (described in more detail here:
It also looks like you are running a 64bit operating system, so in case you have a 64bit JDK installed, you should make sure to download and use the 64bit version of STS. From the error dialog it looks like you are trying to use the 32bit version of STS. You can do that, if you want to, but you would need to make sure that it picks up a 32bit JDK then. But I would strongly recommend to use a 64bit JDK together with the 64bit version of STS.
You better use JDK 1.8 etc. 1.6 is so old for starting new STS

Installer tools suggestions

I need to create an Installer for my company's product. Can anyone please suggest some tools to start with.
Requirements are:
Support for copying/editing/extracting etc
Support for Ant based targets
Support for adding custom Java code in the workflow
If JRE can be bundled along.
Need to bundle following application server: JBoss, Weblogic, Websphere
Cross platform support (Win/Linux/Solaris)
Support 32-bit and 64-bit platforms
Cloud support - To check for upgrades, download and install. Check for available patches etc.
Customizable by customers for adding their custom changes
Suggestions please.
I have used Opsware (now HP)before, but it's not free. It will basically kick off RPMs or batch scripts to do the job. But you can simply create those without the product.

Can msbuild install applications on Windows, for example java JDK?

I am working to automate the install of some software.
It relies on some things like the Java JDK and well lots of things that have manual steps installing and copying things around.
I would like to be able to test if the various packages are installed and if not install or update them.
How likely is it that I can get MSBuild to do this sort of work? If unlikely then where can I look?
The answer is Yes. MSBuild can execute any command -- as long as that command does not expect user to be in front of the computer. I know you can do silent JDK install, so you can just execute that command in your MSBuild target.
However a more interesting question is: should you do this? I think that performing machine-wide configuration steps as part of the build is bad practice. For certain things, like deployment of your newly built product for CI cycle it is ok, but for the purpose of the build it will be very inflexible.
What I would recommend in case of JDK: since JDK is big and mostly backwards-compatible, in your build script check if correct version of JDK exists on the machine. If it does not, fail the build and print out instruction in the log how to configure machine. For smaller dependencies, see this SO question.

WebObjects Unsupported major.minor version 49.0 error

I have been asked to update some old code I worked on years ago. All in xCode no eclipse and the change is needed urgently so do not have time to migrate away from xCode ATM.
I got my hands on a OS 10.5.8 box installed xcode 3.1.4 and the code compiled fine locally.
Tried to deploy never worked " Unsupported major.minor version 49.0 error" seems the server is running JVM 1.4.2 I have 1.6 locally. I followed some instructions on how to downgrade my local machine to java 1.4.2 without success.
So I gave up and put an old copy of the site back on the server. But now ALL the sites on the server get that same error message and none of them will start even though they have not been touched in 3-4 years. Not sure what happened? my only logically explanation is i accidentally did one action on the server instead of locally? Either way I have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it?
Where do I start trying to debug this?
Can I install a new version of java 1.5 or 1.6 on the server (OS 10.3.9) and have it work ok with webobjects?
Was this project a framework or an Application? If it is a framework that is depended-on by the other WebObjects projects, that would explain why everything started failing when you updated this project.
By default, Xcode did not include (or "embed") any depended-upon libraries or frameworks in the Project.woa bundle. Apps built this way depend upon any required resources being available in a few specific locations and then load them at launch. If they all now link to a framework or library that is incompatible, then they'll all stop working.
As far as the actual "Unsupported major.minor version" error goes, you do not need to downgrade the version of Java on your Mac, you can simply tell the compiler to target an older version of Java.
I can't remember if Xcode used Ant to do its Java compiling, but if it did and you are using Ant 1.7 or later, you can force Ant to compile 1.4-compatible binaries with Java 1.6 by editing the build.xml file so the javac tag includes a "target" parameter such as: <javac target="1.4" ... /> or by passing in the property when you call Ant, either via command line or by modifying a properties file that Ant will load. I believe still existed in Xcode-based WebObjects projects. If it does this would be a good place for the property.
The basics are covered by this stackoverflow question: How to compile classes to JDK1.5 when ant is running in JDK1.6

How to upgrade Subversion version for Windows Netbeans

I installed Netbeans then I tried to checkout my projects inside Netbeans. During the process Netbeans informed me something about an old client version of subversion, and now I want to upgrade it. But I don't know where the client is, nor how to update it.
BTW I have TortoiseSVN on the same machine and it works fine with the same repository, and as I use svn+ssh protocol, I configured Netbeans to use TortoisePlink.exe.
If you want to update your svn from netbeans you will need to go to Tools|Plugin and apply for updates, if you want to use some other SVN client you have installed in your machine you could tell netbeans to use it going to Tool | Options |Miscellaneous | Versioning then select SVN and indicate the folder that netbeans should use as SVN client.
Hope this helps
If it's the Netbeans module you want to upgrade, just go to Tools | Plugins and it will tell you if there are any updates to be applied. Otherwise, if you keep your TortoiseSVN up to date, then you should have the latest client code. If, for any reason, you need a command-line subversion client, you can download the latest and greatest from here.
If it's something else, please post the specific message you get from Netbeans.
