How to upgrade Subversion version for Windows Netbeans - windows

I installed Netbeans then I tried to checkout my projects inside Netbeans. During the process Netbeans informed me something about an old client version of subversion, and now I want to upgrade it. But I don't know where the client is, nor how to update it.
BTW I have TortoiseSVN on the same machine and it works fine with the same repository, and as I use svn+ssh protocol, I configured Netbeans to use TortoisePlink.exe.

If you want to update your svn from netbeans you will need to go to Tools|Plugin and apply for updates, if you want to use some other SVN client you have installed in your machine you could tell netbeans to use it going to Tool | Options |Miscellaneous | Versioning then select SVN and indicate the folder that netbeans should use as SVN client.
Hope this helps

If it's the Netbeans module you want to upgrade, just go to Tools | Plugins and it will tell you if there are any updates to be applied. Otherwise, if you keep your TortoiseSVN up to date, then you should have the latest client code. If, for any reason, you need a command-line subversion client, you can download the latest and greatest from here.
If it's something else, please post the specific message you get from Netbeans.


nexus on tomcat stops responding - alternative to this repository manager

Last year I got virtual server for my server needs, configuration is not great, but things work without problem... Few months ago I installed Nexus Repository manager and after that I have daily problem with tomcat... I now restart machine every night, but still it seems that nexus is unavailable most of time.
I am working on OS project and we need to have repository manager (RM) available to host all our stuff and also all libraries our project needs...
I have currently 3 options (how to solve this problem):
Downgrading maven version to 1.6 (or at least some that is stable and doesn't need so much resources)
Using artifactory (their package seems to be the same size as nexus, but I don't know if it will be better - resource wise)
Using archiva (no idea how stable this is and how good it is)
I am thinking about going with option 3, I just don't know if this is right solution. I am sure some of you have your own RM running, what would you recommend? Do you have perhaps any other options? If I use option 1, which version would you recomend...
Thanks in advance,
By "downgrading Maven version to 1.6" I assume you're referring to the Java version, as if you're using such an old Nexus, then it doesn't shock me that you're having problems. Upgrade your Java to 1.7.x, as well as your Nexus to the latest one.
Archiva and Artifactory are always options, but I don't think the problem is in Nexus itself, but rather your setup (and you haven't mentioned anything about it).
What version of Java, Nexus, Tomcat are you using?
Also, by "OS project", I assume you mean "OSS" (open source) project. If so, you can use Sonatype's OSS hosting. I've described how to set up an OSS project (using Github, BuildHive and Maven Central) here. You can also just skip to using Maven Central directly, checking here. I think this would be a better option for you, if you're not familiar enough with managing your own repository manager.
I would suggest to run Nexus with the native jetty as supplied by the default download bundle instead of on tomcat. This will give you better performance and also better support.
Of course if you can get all libraries into the Central Repository via OSSRH it would be even easier since you could get by without maintaining a repository manager altogether.

TortoiseSVN hanging on Win7 when tagging from a branch

I am attempting to create a release tag (01.02.03) from a code branch (01.02), however everytime I use the 'Copy To' and provide the path to copy the code to for tagging TortoiseSVN hangs and fails to create the tag.
I have just updated to the most recent version, currently, but this has no affect.
Is this an application issue or a problem with my SVN server? The SVN server is hosted externally.

Howto add an existing VS project to Mercurial (using TortoiseHG or VirtualHG)

I am new to Mercurial / TortoiseHG / VirtualHG. After reading some tutorials I still fail to understand how it is supposed to work.
Could someone please explain in a few simple steps how I add an existing VS2010 project to Mercurial using TortoiseHG or VirtualHG, and how I go from there?
So after adding it to Mercurial, what do I need to do to start working on this project again? Years ago I have worked with Visual SourceSafe, so maybe this experience confuses me right now.
Also I'd like to know what to do when colleagues want to work on this project.
I see in the comments that you managed to get your source files under version control with:
$ hg init
# (setup .hgignore)
$ hg add
$ hg commit
Great! To share the project with your colleguages you need to make the repository accessible to them somehow. You have three options:
Filesystem access: This is the easiest if you already have a shared network drive setup. You put the repository on the shared drive where everybody can read and write. People make a clone from the drive back to their own machine and work on the files there. They commit there as well and finally use hg push to send their changes back to the repository on the shared drive.
Make sure that everybody uses version 2.0 or later with such a setup! There has been bugs in earlier versions of Mercurial that could cause repository corruption when pushing to a repository on a network drive.
HTTP server: You can use hg serve to start a built-in webserver in Mercurial. The server can be used to clone from. In a trusted environment you can start it as
$ hg serve --config "web.push_ssl=no" --config "web.allow_push=*"
to disable the default security settings and allow anybody to push new changes to the server.
For more heavy-duty use, we recommend setting up a "real" webserver and install the hgweb (Fast)CGI script that comes with Mercurial. See the Mercurial wiki for information on that.
SSH server: This is easy if you have an existing Unix setup where people have SSH login to a central server. You need to install Mercurial on the server and create a repository there that people have read and write access to. This is also covered in the wiki.

Run SVN repositories under IIS

How to setup IIS 7.0 to serve SVN repositories?
First of all I need to make possible remote users to checkout and web-based viewing isn't really necessary.
I tried to setup WebSVN but got no success: can't set parent folder for a number of repositories, can't switch off anonymous access, can't link non-anonymous access and access list.
Are there others products for SVN under IIS? Or it's better to learn how to setup WebSVN properly?
There are no server modules for IIS, you can't serve an SVN repository directly from IIS.
Serve a subversion repository through Apache, the built in svnserve, or proxy it via ssh.
There is a commercial solution available named SVNIsapi. But I have no idea how well it works because it's too expensive for me to even try out.
But why insist on using IIS? Just install the VisualSVN server, then configure WebSVN with that - WebSVN also works well with Apache.
Do you really need IIS or will Apache work out ok? Visual SVN Server is a great SVN host and installer for Windows.
There is a free server called RocketSVN, it has no official support anymore though.

Building ONLY Labelled Versions with or TeamCity

We're currently using CruiseControl.NET as a continuous integration server for a number of ASP.NET web projects, but we're also evaluating TeamCity.
This is working great for our build server.
What we'd like to setup is a customer facing test server. I'm thinking that when we are happy for our latest development version to be released to the client for test, we could label it in SVN.
I'd then like a second build server to build this version ready for the client to see.
The question is this - is there any way to get either CruiseControl.NET or TeamCity to build only the latest labelled version of the code in a repository?
If anyone has any alternative suggestions, that'd also be greatly appreciated!
You could have a designated location or branch in your subversion repository e.g. \release then point the second TeamCity build server at that.
When your are happy with trunk then overwrite the existing location. The second build server will pick this up, build it, and even deploy it to a test server.
I don't think there's a way to do this directly in TeamCity. You can however configure your build trigger to filter on files and/or users. So, if you touch a given file to indicate release status in addition to or rather than labelling, you can use that.
The trigger filter could be, for example (untested):
