Where should #Service annotation be kept? Interface or Implementation? - spring

I'm developing an application using Spring. I need to use the #Service annotation. I have ServiceI and ServiceImpl such that ServiceImpl implements ServiceI. I'm confused here as to where should I keep the #Service annotation.
Should I annotate the interface or the implementation with #Service? What are the differences between these two approaches?

I never put #Component (or #Service, ...) at an interface, because this make the interface useless. Let me explain why.
claim 1: If you have an interface then you want to use that interface for the injection point type.
claim 2: The purpose of an interface is that it define a contract that can been implemented by several implementations. On the other side you have your injection point (#Autowired). Having just one interface and only one class that implement it, is (IMHO) useless, and violates YAGNI.
fact: When you put:
#Component (or #Service, ...) at an interface,
have multiple classes that implements it,
at least two classes become Spring Beans, and
have an injection point that use the interface for type based injection,
then you will get and NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException
(or you have a very special configurations setup, with Environment, Profiles or Qualifiers ...)
Conclusion: If you use #Component (or #Service, ...) at an interface then you must violate at least one of the two clains. Therefore I think it is not useful (except some rare scenarios) to put #Component at interface level.
Spring-Data-JPA Repository interfaces are something complete different

Basically annotations like #Service, #Repository, #Component, etc. they all serve the same purpose:
auto-detection when using annotation-based configuration and classpath
From my experience I am always using #Service annotation on the interfaces or abstract classes and annotations like #Component and #Repository for their implementation. #Component annotation I am using on those classes which serves basic purposes, simple Spring beans, nothing more. #Repository annotation I am using in the DAO layer, for e.g. if I have to communicate to the database, have some transactions, etc.
So I would suggest to annotate your interface with the #Service and other layers depending on the functionality.

I used #Component, #Service, #Controller and #Repository annotations only on the implementation classes and not on the interface. But #Autowired annotation with Interfaces still worked for me. If there's only one implementation of your interface Spring component scan automatically finds it with just #Autowired annotation. In case you have multiple implementations, you will need to use the #Qualifier annotation along with #Autowired to inject the correct implementation at the injection point.

1. #Service on Interfaces
public interface AuthenticationService {
boolean authenticate(String username, String password);
Normally, that's fine, but there's a drawback. By putting Spring's #Service on interfaces, we create an extra dependency and couple our interfaces with an outside library.
Next, to test the autodetection of our new service beans, let's create an implementation of our AuthenticationService:
public class InMemoryAuthenticationService implements AuthenticationService {
public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
We should pay attention that our new implementation, InMemoryAuthenticationService, doesn't have the #Service annotation on it. We left #Service only on the interface, AuthenticationService.
So, let's run our Spring context with the help of a basic Spring Boot setup:
public class AuthApplication {
private AuthenticationService authService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AuthApplication.class, args);
When we run our app, we may get the infamous NoSuchBeanDefinitionException, and the Spring context fails to start.
Therefore, placing #Service on interfaces isn't enough for the auto-detection of Spring components.
2. #Service on Abstract Classes
Using the #Service annotation on abstract classes isn't common.
We'll start by defining an abstract class from scratch and putting the #Service annotation on it:
public abstract class AbstractAuthenticationService {
public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
return false;
Next, we extend AbstractAuthenticationService to create a concrete implementation without annotating it:
public class LdapAuthenticationService extends AbstractAuthenticationService {
public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
Accordingly, we also update our AuthApplication, to inject the new service class:
public class AuthApplication {
private AbstractAuthenticationService authService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AuthApplication.class, args);
After we run our AuthApplication, the Spring context doesn't start. It ends up with the same NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception again.
So, using #Service annotation on abstract classes doesn't have any effect in Spring.
3. #Service on Concrete Classes
Contrary to what we've seen above, it's quite a common practice to annotate the implementation classes instead of abstract classes or interfaces.
In this way, our goal is mostly to tell Spring this class is going to be a #Component and mark it with a special stereotype, which is #Service in our case.
Therefore, Spring will autodetect those classes from the classpath and automatically define them as managed beans.
So, let's put #Service on our concrete service classes this time around. We'll have one class that implements our interface and a second that extends the abstract class that we defined previously:
public class InMemoryAuthenticationService implements AuthenticationService {
public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
public class LdapAuthenticationService extends AbstractAuthenticationService {
public boolean authenticate(String username, String password) {
We should take notice here that our AbstractAuthenticationService doesn't implement the AuthenticationService here. Hence, we can test them independently.
Finally, we add both of our service classes into the AuthApplication and give it a try:
public class AuthApplication {
private AuthenticationService inMemoryAuthService;
private AbstractAuthenticationService ldapAuthService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AuthApplication.class, args);
Our final test gives us a successful result, and the Spring context boots up with no exceptions. Both of the services are automatically registered as beans.
You might have a look at this page for the other explanations.

Pros of putting annotation on #Service is that it gives a hint that it is a service. I don't know if any implementing class will by default inherit this annoation.
Con side is that you are coupling your interface with a specific framework i.e. Spring, by using spring specific annotation.
As interfaces are supposed to be decoupled from implementation, I would not suggest using any framework specific Annotations or object part of your interface.

I would put #Service on your class but put the name of the interface as a parameter to the annotation e.g.
interface ServiceOne {}
class ServiceOneImpl implements ServiceOne{}
By doing that you get all the benefits and can still inject the interface but get the class
private ServiceOne serviceOne;
So your interface is not tied to spring framework and you can change the class at any time and not have to update all your injection points.
So if I wanted to change the implementation class I could just annotate the new class and remove from the first but that's all that is required to be changed. If you inject the class you could have a lot of work when ever you want to change the impl class.

One benefit of spring is to easily switch Service (or other) implementation.
For this, you need to annotate on the interface and declare variable like this :
private MyInterface myVariable;
and not :
private MyClassImplementationWhichImplementsMyInterface myVariable;
Like the first case, you can activate which implementation to inject from the moment it is unique (only one class implements the interface).
In the second case, you need to refactor all your code (the new class implementation has another name).
As a consequence, the annotation needs to be on the interface as much as possible. Furthermore, JDK proxies are well suited for this : they are created and instantiated at application startup because runtime type is known by advance, contrary to CGlib proxies.

interface MyService {}
class MyServiceImpl implements MyService{}
private MyService myService;
My testing result on spring-boot 2.7.4 is:
Adding #Service ONLY to interface doesn't create spring bean named MyService. It will error on Autowired.
#Service will need to be added to implementation class to create bean com.*.service.impl.MyServiceImpl $$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$9140ae19 Spring will wire it to private MyService myService;

There are 5 annotations which could be used for making spring beans. List in below of answers.
Do you really need an interface? If you are going to have one implementation for each service interface, just avoid it, use only class. Of course, if you don't have RMI or when interface proxy is required.
#Repository - use for injecting your dao layer classes.
#Service - use for injecting your service layer classes. In service layer also you might need to use #Transactional annotation for db transaction management.
#Controller - use for your frontend layer controllers, such as JSF managed beans injecting as spring beans.
#RestController - use for spring rest controllers, this would help you to avoid every time to put #ResponseBody and #RequestBody annotations in your rest methods.
#Component - use it in any other case when you need to Inject spring bean which is not controller, service, or dao class

To put it simply:
#Service is a Stereotype annotation for the service layer.
#Repos­itory is a Stereotype annotation for the persis­tence layer.
#Component is a generic stereotype annotation used to tell Spring to create an instance of the object in the Appl­ication Context. It's possible to
define any name for the instance, the default is the class name as camel case.


Why spring data jpa unnecessary #Repository?

I've looked through various documents and questions about it, but I haven't been able to find a clear answer.
I don't know how an interface that extends JpaRepository can be registered as a bean, and why it doesn't need the #Repository annotation.
In Spring, an interface cannot register a bean with that type without an implementation.
So I tried experimenting like JpaRepository myself, but it didn't work.
// JpaRepository
public interface WackRepository {
// SimpleJpaRepository
public class WackRepositoryImpl implements WackRepository {
public interface HelloRepository extends WackRepository {
public class HelloController {
private final HelloRepository helloRepository;
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.example.demo.HelloController required a bean of type 'com.example.demo.HelloRepository' that could not be found
HelloController, of course, has no implementation, so it is not registered as a bean and throws an exception.
Spring Data detects extensions of the Repository Interface.
In Spring Boot the interfaces extending Repository are found automatically without Spring Boot or if the interfaces are not below the SpringBootApplication in the package hierarchy you have to configure the packages:
Source: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#repositories.create-instances

How to use #Autowired annotation two or more different Component class for same service?

For example, have a class like as follows.
First XService service in class A is not null but second XService service in AmountValidator is null.I get NullPointerException I try to create bean new it works and then I get same exception when call AmountValidateService outsideRestService in XService.
How can I use XService everywhere that I use #Autowired annotation.
My main class:
class A extends AbstractA implements IA {
XService service; //first autowired definition. code go to check() method. service not null now.
public doSometing(){
Validator class used in class A :
class Validator<T> implements IValidator<T> {
public void check(){
rule.check(); // rule have a implements IValidator eg: amountValidator, dateValidator class
AmountValidator added to rule in class Validator.
class AmountValidator implements IValidator<T>{
XService service; // code comes here service is null. same service class mentioned above class A.
public void check(){
service.validateAmount(); // nullPointerException.
My main Service
class XService {
AmountValidateService outsideRestService;
public validateAmount(){
outsideRestService.validate(); // nullPointer when create XService with the `New` keyword
You have an error cause you are trying to create components/beans/services yourself. As i mentioned in comment when you create components yourself it - #Autowired doesn't work - thats you've got NPE
All classes annotated with #Component, #Service are considered special classes which are instantiated by Spring automatically via DI, instantiating them with new defeats the purpose of DI.
These special classes are named Spring Beans.
Every time the application starts, the framework instances all Spring Beans, and all #Autowired fields are injected by Spring automatically. But the Spring Beans must be defined somewhere in the class path. Else you will receive a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException
As an attempt to answer the question, since I don't have a stack trace nor all the Spring Bean definitions:
When you instantiate XService using new XService() your new instance will not actually initialize the field AmountValidateService outsideRestService, effectively leaving it as null.
You may set the field yourself but as I mentioned earlier, it defeats the purpose of DI
Your question is not complex, it is incomplete.

Spring Boot detects 2 identical repository beans

I am using Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA, there is only one #SpringBootApplication. And I have also a repository classes, for example:
package com.so;
public interface SORepository {
And impl
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class SORepositoryImpl implements SORepository {
The proplem is, when I start the application, I get following error:
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.so.SomeComponent required a single bean, but 2 were found:
- qualifier: defined in file [path\to\SORepositoryImpl.class]
- soRepositoryImpl: defined in file [path\to\SORepositoryImpl.class]
So, as you see, somehow 2 beans of one repository class are created. How can I fix this?
You can use Spring Data JPA methods having created Proxy element and than inject it into public class SORepositoryImpl:
public interface Proxy() extends JpaRepository<Element, Long>{
Element saveElement (Element element); //ore other methods if you want}
And than:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class SORepositoryImpl implements SORepository {
private Proxy proxy;
//end realisation of methods from interface SORepository
Try taking the #Repository annotation off the SORepositoryImpl class
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class SORepositoryImpl implements SORepository {
The error message is implying you have two beans, one named "qualifier" and one named "soRepositoryImpl", which is probably in a Config class.
I guess you should share your SomeComponent class supposing you have no extra configuration class/xml. My take is that you are injecting as 'soRepositoryImpl' there where you have defined as 'qualifier'. Having two options them. I would say to just remove the annotation parameter 'qualifier' and it should work.
Moreover, unless you want do specify an custom DAO implementation you can avoid #Repository at all (That's an annotation you use to make it injectable for your services). You can just create an interface extending Spring interface and define methods for queries.
For example:
public interface PersonRepository extends Repository<User, Long> {
List<Person> findByEmailAddressAndLastname(EmailAddress emailAddress, String lastname);
Then you can just inject it in your services/controller directly.
private final PersonRepository personRepository;
public PersonController(final PersonRepository personRepository) {
this.personRepository = personRepository;
check samples:
OK, I've found the issue.
I just couldn't understand, how Spring creates the second bean (soRepositoryImpl), because I've never told it, neither explicitly nor in config classes. But I figured out that the second bean us created during the instantiation of my another SORepository (which is in the different package com.another and which extends JpaRepository).
So, when Spring tries to resolve all dependencies of com.another.SORepository it somehow finds my com.so.SORepositoryImpl (which has nothing familiar with com.another.SORepository - not extending\implementing, not jpa stuff, only similar names!).
Well it seems like a Spring bug to me, because it doesn't check the real inheritance of dependent classes of repositories, only name + Impl (even in different package) suits for him.
The only thing that I should do is to rename `com.so.SORepositoryImpl and that it, no 2 beans anymore.
Thanks everyone for answers!

Auto-wiring Multiple implementation of a Abstract class

I have been working on a spring MVC project structure where multiple concrete service classes extends from a Abstract Class.
In my controller, i am trying to autowire the abstract class and choose the implementation based on the user choice. Here's the relevant portion of Controller class:
public class DashboardController {
LogAnalyzerAbstract logAnalyzer;//new LogAnalyzer();
private static final Log logger =LogFactory.getLog(DashboardController.class);
I want to the controller to use the implementation based on the user input and used the Abstract class LogAnalyzer reference in the further implementaion.
Is my logic valid? Can you guide me through?
If I understand what you ask correctly, what you need to do is to create several Spring-MVC controllers, one for each use case, with its own base path, and to autowire there the abstract service class (or the service interface), based on the bean name of the concrete service (if you use the annotation #Service on concrete service classes, the bean name should be the name of the concrete service class, starting with a lowercase letter).
For example, something like the following:
public class MyFirstUseCaseService extends AbstractService {
and in the controller
MyFirstUseCaseController {
private AbstractService service;

Trying to generate error about Spring's #Autowired field injection for JUnit

I am working with Spring 4.0.7, and with JUnit about testing of course.
About DI Spring offers #Autowired to be used in three locations
I always work through the two first, why never the third option?
Because I remember have read long time ago about field injection should not be used, because it has a negative consequence about Testing. It does JUnit fails.
Note: Only for Testing is the problem. To runtime or production all goes well
Objective: For demonstration/academic purposes I want generate this problem.
I have the following:
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, String>{
A Service
public class PersonFailTestServiceImpl implements PersonService {
private static final Logger logger = ...
private PersonRepository personRepository;
Other Service (calling or using the service shown above)
public class PersonFailTestProcessImpl implements PersonProcess {
private static final Logger logger = ...
private PersonService personService;
How you can see the two services are based on Field Injection.
Now the testing:
How the beans are loaded
#ComponentScan( basePackages={"com.manuel.jordan.server.infrastructure"},
basePackageClasses={PersonProcess.class,PersonRepository.class, PersonService.class})
public class CentralConfigurationEntryPoint {
public class CentralTestConfigurationEntryPoint {
Now the two testing classes
public class PersonServiceImplDevelopmentFailureTest extends CentralTestConfigurationEntryPoint {
private PersonService personService;
public void savePerson01(){
Person person01 = PersonFactory.createPerson01();
public class PersonProcessImplDevelopmentFailureTest extends CentralTestConfigurationEntryPoint{
private PersonProcess personProcess;
Well all the testing methods pass, all green. I don't know if I am missing something or through Spring 4 the problem has been fixed
If this was your premise or problem
Because I remember have read long time ago about field injection
should not be used, because it has a negative consequence about
Testing. It does JUnit fails.
then you thought wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong with using field injection, definitely nothing that would cause JUnit tests to fail in and of itself. If a bean exists, Spring will be able to inject it whether it's in a constructor, a setter method, or a field.
Since you've activated your failure profile, your PersonFailTestServiceImpl bean will be found.
I think I can help. The example code you've posted here is a good example of a system / integration test, not a UNIT test.
If you were UNIT testing PersonFailTestProcessImpl, you would have to set the personRepository dependency yourself through code. But it is private, so how do you do this? You cannot use a constructor or setter since none is provided. This is what is meant by 'hard to unit test'.
Java 5+ provides a way to set private variables like this via reflection (the so-called privileged accessor). Basically, you obtain the class, get the declared field, call its setAccessible method, then you can set its value directly. There are libraries that will do these steps for you, but the point is that this is a pain compared to X.setSomething();
So there is nothing that 'makes jUnit fails' by using #Autowired on a private field. But building an object model without constructors or setters for establishing dependencies is unnecessarily constraining.
