Xquery: Dividing the attribute value by spaces - xpath

So I'm trying to get the country codes of this river.
<river id="river-Donau" country="SRB A D H HR SK BG RO MD UA">
How can I access them individually?

This splits the attribute at all whitespace, allowing multiple following each other, and returns them as a sequence:
//#country/tokenize(., '\s+')


SPSS Syntax Concatenate Case Values From Single Column

I am trying to build a string of values to be inserted into an SQL IN list. For example -
The list that I want needs to be constructed from values within a single column of my dataset but I'm struggling to find a way to concatenate those values.
My first thought was to use CASESTOVARS to put each of the values into columns prior to concat. This is simple but the number of cases is variable.
Is there a way to concat all fields without specifying?
Or is there a better way to go about this?
Unfortunately Python is not an option for me in this instance.
A simple sample dataset would be -
You can use the lag function for this.
First creating a bit of sample data to demonstrate on:
data list free/grp (F1) txt (a5).
begin data
1 "aaa" 1 "bb" 1 "cccc" 2 "d" 2 "ee" 2 "fff" 2 "ggggg" 3 "hh" 3 "iii"
end data.
Now the following code makes sure that rows that belong together are consecutive. You can also sort by any other relevant variable to keep the combined text in a specific order.
sort cases by grp.
string merged (A1000).
compute merged=txt.
if $casenum>1 and grp=lag(grp) merged=concat(rtrim(merged), " ", rtrim(lag(merged))).
At this point if you want to just keep the line that has all the concatenated texts, you can use this:
add files /file=* /by grp /last=lst.
select if lst=1.

Filtering Value or Blank in Google Sheets

I would like to filter a specific value as well as blank values.
Example: Filter if the value is "VALUE" or ""
I tried this:
And also tried this:
But non of these work. How do I match for blank values. I want all blank values as well as those with the value B1.
You could use something like =QUERY(B1:K,"Select * where B='' and B='VALUE'",0)
That selects all data in the range B1:K where column B is blank (B='') AND where B is equal to VALUE (B='VALUE').
Replace B with whatever column contains the value you're trying to find.

How to replace _A_&_B_ using gsub in R

I am trying to join two columns containing company names from two distinct data tables on R. In one column I have the pattern _A_&_B_ where A and B can be any letters. I would like to get rid of those two letters i.e letter of length 1 surrounded by _
So if I have John_K_&_E_Scott I would like to have John__&__Scott as I can remove the punctuation. I have tried the below
names[, JOINING_ID := gsub("[A-Za-z]_&_[A-Za-z]\\w", "", JOINING_ID)]
But this transforms John_A_&_ BOYS_ in John__&_ OYS_ which is not what I want.
Use the following regex pattern:
and replace with __&__. See the regex demo. It won't match strings like John_A_&_BOYS_ and thus there won't be issues like the one you are having.
Note that [[:alpha:]] matches any letter.
R usage:
gsub("_[[:alpha:]]_&_[[:alpha:]]_", "__&__", JOINING_ID)
Or, if you only expect 1 match per string, use sub:
sub("_[[:alpha:]]_&_[[:alpha:]]_", "__&__", JOINING_ID)

Change specific index of string, padding if necessary

I have a string called indicators, that the original developer of this application used to store single characters to indicate certain components of a model. I need to change the 7th character in the string, which I tried to do with the following code:
indicators[6] = "R"
The problem, I discovered quickly, was that the string is not always 7 characters long. For example, I have one set of values with U 2, that I need to convert to U 2 R (adding an additional space after the 2). Is there an easy way to force character count with Ruby?
use String.ljust(integer, padstr=' ')
If integer is greater than the length of [the receiver], returns a new String of
length integer with [the return value] left justified and padded with padstr;
otherwise, returns [an unmodified version of the receiver].
indicators = indicators.ljust(7)
indicators[6] = "R"

Automatically increment filename VideoWriter MATLAB

I have MATLAB set to record three webcams at the same time. I want to capture and save each feed to a file and automatically increment it the file name, it will be replaced by experiment_0001.avi, followed by experiment_0002.avi, etc.
My code looks like this at the moment
avi1 = VideoWriter('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentA_002.AVI');
avi2 = VideoWriter('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentB_002.AVI');
and I am incrementing the 002 each time.
Any thoughts on how to implement this efficiently?
dont forget matlab has some roots to C programming language. That means things like sprintf will work
so since you are printing out an integer value zero padded to 3 spaces you would need something like this sprintf('%03d',n) then % means there is a value to print that isn't text. 0 means zero pad on the left, 3 means pad to 3 digits, d means the number itself is an integer
just use sprintf in place of a string. the s means String print formatted. so it will output a string. here is an idea of what you might do
for (n=1:2:max_num_captures)
avi1 = VideoWriter(sprintf('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentA_%03d.AVI',n));
avi2 = VideoWriter(sprintf('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentB_002.AVI',n));
