Gradle basedir property - gradle

Is there an ANT equivalent basedir property in gradle?
I am trying to get the name of the directory where the build script is located.
Thank you in advance!

Depending on your exact needs, you could use buildFile.parent or projectDir. (The build file path defaults to "$projectDir/build.gradle" and can be reconfigured in settings.gradle.) See the Gradle Build Language Reference for which properties and methods are available on Project and other classes.


How to configure Gradle module name in InteliJ IDEA

I have project with numerous of submodules located in different directories:
enter image description here
How you can see, the module name of IDEA (in []) differs from directory root. I've tried to modify it though Project Settings, but after gradle sync it returns to initial state.
Is it possible to configure Gradle to set module name according with directory name?
IDE takes the module name from the Gradle configuration, which is by default a project directory name. If you want to change it you can do so by adding the following in the settings.gradle file: = 'newProjectName'
See also the Naming recommendations from Gradle.

specify gradle properties file as command line argument to gradlew

I am working on a project where there is a different file for each environment. The process seems to be to rename (for example) to as required.
I am new to Gradle so possibly this is the wrong approach more broadly, but for now, is there a way to tell ./gradlew to use a specific file as its e.g.
It is probably better to put the environment-specific property file in the GRADLE_USER_HOME folder (defaulting to $USER_HOME/.gradle). Configurations in this location take priority over the ones in the project folder.
Another option is to supply the individual properties as system properties or environment variables.

Providing system properties via command line with dot in the name in Gradle

We are migrating our project from Maven to Gradle. Our CI uses system properties like -Dwebdriver.type=firefox to set certain behaviour thus we don't want to hardcode such props in file etc. Is there a way to provide a system property with a dot in the name using command line?
If you run the following:
logger.lifecycle(" ${['']}")
It should give you the expected output.

Gradle override version property

Is there a possibility to override build script property? I'm trying to build jar archive of my project and I want to specify 'version' via command line.
When I have 'version' property defined in my build.gradle (or, properties provided via commandline using -D/-P are not applied. Final jar is always built with version specified in build.gradle (or and command line version property is ignored.
The Gradle override plugin will help you with that. It allows for overriding any property exposed by any Gradle domain object (e.g. project properties, task properties, extension properties etc.).
As explained in this answer:
Don't set the version in build.gradle file if you want to change it later on via cli.
Setting version in instead works.

Activate a profile based on environment

Here's my scenario:
Maven 2.0.9 is our build system
We install code to multiple environments
All of our environment-specific properties are contained in property files, one for each environment
We currently read these properties into maven using the properties-maven-plugin; this sub-bullet is not a requirement, just our current solution
Perform certain parts of the build (ie. plugin executions) only for certain environments
Control which parts are run by setting values in the environment-specific property files
What I've tried so far:
Maven allows plugins executions to be put inside pom profiles, which can be activated by properties; unfortunately these must be system properties - ie. from settings.xml or the command-line, not from properties loaded by the properties-maven-plugin
If possible, we'd like to keep everything encapsulated within the build workspace, which looks something like this:
build.groovy <-- the script that wraps maven to do the build
install.groovy <-- ... wraps maven to do the install
Running a build looks like:
cd build-scripts
./install.groovy -e prod
Is there any possible way to accomplish these goals with the version of maven we are using? If not, is it possible with a newer version of maven?
This isn't possible using just Maven. (See also How to activate profile by means of maven property?) The reason is that profiles are the first thing evaluated before anything else to determine the effective POM.
My suggestion is to write some preprocessor that parses your environment specific property files and converts them to the required system properties before launching Maven. This script can be included in your ~/.mavenrc so that it runs automatically before Maven is launched. Here is an example script that that assumes the properties file is in a fixed location:
properties=`cat /etc/`
while read line; do
done <<< "$properties"
If the properties file is not fixed, you'll just need to add something to the script to discover the location (assuming it is discoverable).
