How to configure Gradle module name in InteliJ IDEA - gradle

I have project with numerous of submodules located in different directories:
enter image description here
How you can see, the module name of IDEA (in []) differs from directory root. I've tried to modify it though Project Settings, but after gradle sync it returns to initial state.
Is it possible to configure Gradle to set module name according with directory name?

IDE takes the module name from the Gradle configuration, which is by default a project directory name. If you want to change it you can do so by adding the following in the settings.gradle file: = 'newProjectName'
See also the Naming recommendations from Gradle.


Gradle - Can properties be placed in a settings.gradle.kts

Is it possible to place these settings which I currently have in in my settings.gradle.kts file?
No, this is not possible since configures the JVM that runs the Gradle build and settings.gradle.kts configures the project once the JVM has started and the build starts up. See the documentation on the build environment
In my experience you can't do it.
You can check the gradle properties in the official doc.
The configuration is applied in following order (if an option is configured in multiple locations the last one wins): in project root directory. in GRADLE_USER_HOME directory.
system properties, e.g. when -Dgradle.user.home is set on the command line.
These properties are used to sep up the environment for your build:
org.gradle.daemon.idletimeout=(# of idle millis)
org.gradle.debug=(true,false) to JDK home)
org.gradle.jvmargs=(JVM arguments)
org.gradle.workers.max=(max # of worker processes)
Also you can apply the same rules to settings.gradle and settings.gradle.kts.In the documentation:
Gradle defines a settings file. The settings file is determined by Gradle via a naming convention. The default name for this file is settings.gradle.
The settings file is executed during the initialization phase.
And looking at the Settings class in the API documentation
There is a one-to-one correspondence between a Settings instance and a settings.gradle settings file.
You can check the properties that you can initialize with this file.

Importing Gradle project leaves entire project behind

I have a libgdx project that has multiple modules like 'core' and 'desktop' within the project root. I was missing the Gradle tab. I wanted to add new dependencies to the project and needed to sync the project.
Apparently reimporting is the way to fix that.
Importing the project just gives me an empty project with a .gradle and .idea folder without any of my project.
Copying the projects manually just adds the modules as normal directories, the Gradle build fails.
Adding the modules through project structure adds them as separate project roots, the build fails again.
Cause: invalid type code: 53
I noticed your build.gradle doesn't have any source setting going on.
The easiest way to remedy this is to create a new project using the setup tool (I personally prefer this one and then just copy your source files and assets across. After that, only change the build file to name the project etc. try not to fiddle with other things.
I am unsure as to whether this next method will work but you can try it. If you really want to keep your original project, try adding the following to the build.gradle under each specific project: 'src'
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDir 'assets'
So each project should look like:
project(":desktop") {
apply plugin: "java" 'src'
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDir 'assets'
If anyone tries this and it doesn't work, let me know and I'll remove it from the answer.

How Do You Specify Where The Gradle Wrapper Installs Gradle?

I have an off the shelf application that ships a version of gradle with it. It also has scripts that are hard coded to set GRADLE_HOME to this location.
I want to zip up this dir, put it in nexus and replace it with the gradle wrapper.
How do I configure the gradle wrapper to download this zip from nexus and extract it to a specific location in the project?
EDIT: In the I have
However, I end up with it being unzipped to
How do I get it to unzip to the path I specified and not to the subdirs?
The location to which Gradle gets unpacked is a combination of the distributionBase and distributionPath properties in file. The location specified by distributionPath will always be considered as relative to distributionBase. The only available values for distributionPath are GRADLE_USER_HOME and PROJECT. Even when using PROJECT the wrapper will still generate the folder structure you see above.
If you want to control this more precisely I'd suggest not relying on the wrapper to do this and instead add a task to your build specifically for this purpose.

Gradle downloads to ?/.gradle directory when running tasks

Gradle created a ?/.gradle/ in the directory that gradle was run in. We would expect the cache directory to be created at ~/.gradle.
/project # Project root and cwd when running gradle command
/.gradle # Expected - project-specific gradle folder
/? # Directory literally named with a question mark
/.gradle # Unexpected - Global gradle folder with wrappers and cached artifacts
The user running the scripts did not have a home directory, giving the user a home directory or specifying a gradle-user-home solved the issue:
gradle --gradle-user-home=/foo/bar ...
GRADLE_USER_HOME=/foo/bar gradle ...
There are two different folders gradle stores information. ~/.gradle is used to store downloaded artifacts, gradle wrappers, etc. Basically everything that can be shared between multiple builds. The .gradle folder in your project is used to store project specific information used for example by the gradle up-to-date check mechanism.
let's find it out why it behaves like this.
As gradle use following code to get user home:
Follow the link for openjdk 8 source code.
It comes to conclusion: When JVM can not found user name in os, it will use ? as a return. So gradle will create ?/.gradle for usage.

Gradle basedir property

Is there an ANT equivalent basedir property in gradle?
I am trying to get the name of the directory where the build script is located.
Thank you in advance!
Depending on your exact needs, you could use buildFile.parent or projectDir. (The build file path defaults to "$projectDir/build.gradle" and can be reconfigured in settings.gradle.) See the Gradle Build Language Reference for which properties and methods are available on Project and other classes.
