How to display nvarchar datatype image to SSRS Image control? - image

Actually I am new in SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Service). I have to display signature image in SSRS Image Control.The signature image is stored in nvarchar datatype.If you required in other information then ask me.
Thanks in advance.

SSRS Image Control displays string image data fine, with no extra settings.
Just Drag an Image control in the Report and in Image Properties General tab,
choose Select the image source: as Database
and select the appropriate field in the Use this field: option. i.e the db field which holds the image data.
and select proper MIME in Use this MIME type:. Though any of them should work for you.


Showing image(coming from database) dynamically in crystal report using ImagePath C#

I store image path in database like this: UploadedImage/FabricImage/11115.JPG.
I want to show them dynamically in a crystal report. Can anyone help me?
Use a conditional formula to dynamically change the location of a report’s image.
Add an image to the report: -> Insert -> PictureThis image will act as a placeholder.Ensure that the placeholder is the same size as the one that will be dynamically loaded, otherwise the image will be scaled.
Change the image’s Graphic Location:
right click image
select Format Graphic…
select Picture tab
click the conditional-formula button (looks like x+2)
set the formula’s text to the name of the formula or parameter field that will contain the image’s URL
save the formula and click the OK button
Save the report

In Spotfire I want to display an image from the database

I have images stored in the database that I want to show in Spotfire. I've found how to display an image from a webpage but not one directly from the SQL database. Spotfire defaults to string type for the image. I tried editting it at the Info Link stage and forcing it to be a blob, but when I render it as an image I just see [..].
unfortunately Spotfire doesn't support BLOB or binary data.
what you can do is store your images on a server somewhere, then in place of the binary data in your database, store the URL to the image. you can then display it in a table as suggested in the Spotfire manual.

Oracle APEX display blob images directly in a report

I would like to know how one can display image type BLOBs uploaded as per this stack overflow question Use of BLOB type column in Oracle APEX, as images in a classic or interactive report instead of the normal download links.
I noticed that you can change the blob column attribute's Content Disposition field to inline, which then allows you to click through to another page where the image is displayed; but I want the image to display directly in the report without having to click on it.
The inline image displayed in a new page has the following url
which suggests that one might be able to use apex_util.get_blob. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished?
I have implemented same in classic report.
I followed this link
This may help you to resolve your doubts

Including an image in a rich text field

I'm using Apex 4.2 and Oracle 11.g.
I have a rich text field that is used to store the body of an apex-generated eMail using SMTP_MAIl. The eMail generation process works fine. But my users want to include an image (jpg, bmp, etc.) into the body of the email, and don't want to include the image as an attachment.
On the Apex page, the rich-text field is defined as a Rich Text Editor / CDK Editor 3 / Toolbar = Full / Toolbar Expanded = Yes / Skin = Office 2003.
The rich-text field writes to a BLOB column.
If I just paste in the image (Shift / Insert) and then go to save the rich text field, I get a 500 - Internal Server Error.
Can you provide some help so that I can include an image in the rich text field? Ultimately, this will be included in the body of an html_email.
Thanks for your help.
The nature of my problem seems to be related to the 32K limit per Apex page item.
A colleague told me to look for a plugin. I found Enkitec's "CLOB LOAD" plugin.
The plugin works well. It's easy to install, and the directions are pretty clear.
I stumbled on a few things to supplement CLOB_LOAD directions.
1) The table item that the Rich Text will write to has to be defined as a CLOB (and not a BLOB).
2) You have to create a Apex Collection using Apex's SQL Workshop. Be sure to include the Begin and End. The directions reference this.
3) If you already setup the form Apex page using the Apex Wizard and the DML page process is there, The "Return Key Into Item" is empty. At least it was with my Apex Page (4.2). That prevented the "Create" button from working. Once I set the "Return Key Into Item" value to the page item that relates to the primary key column of the table, it helped.
4) I also had to copy the page process for the "Save" button suggested by the plugin directions and assign the copied process to the "Create" button. Once I set those two items up, the plugin worked fine for updating as well as creating. It's a good solution.
Using this plugin, I can place a JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. into the Rich Text field, and it will write it to the CLOB, even when the total page item is greater than 32K.

Hyperlink in Oracle Reports (.RDF) Content using Oracle Report Builder

I am not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question,
I am currently creating an oracle report (.RDF) using Oracle Report Builder and my client wants me to place hyperlinks in the content instead of putting URL in the content.
This report is going to be generated as PDF.
My current sentence looks like
Click here ( to see USP
member countries.
The URL automatically converts to hyperlink in the above sentence.
What my client wants:
Click here to see USP member countries.
I tried to look for an option where I can use HTML <a> tag.
I would like to know if there is a way to include hyperlinks in Oracle Reports.
What you could in order to achieve this is, select property inspector of item you would like to have hyperlink and choose Hyperlink.
Also choose Yes for Contains HTML Tags.
Format for passing dynamic values in URL is where DEPTNO is the value in report.
This is what I did to achieve your expected output, you could modify based on your requirements
Created sql query for the source
select 'Click here' txt from dual
Select Property Inspector for the field
Added link in Hyperlink property and selected Yes in Contains
To see the output, generate report as PDF or run report in web
Hope this helps.
