Showing image(coming from database) dynamically in crystal report using ImagePath C# - image

I store image path in database like this: UploadedImage/FabricImage/11115.JPG.
I want to show them dynamically in a crystal report. Can anyone help me?

Use a conditional formula to dynamically change the location of a report’s image.
Add an image to the report: -> Insert -> PictureThis image will act as a placeholder.Ensure that the placeholder is the same size as the one that will be dynamically loaded, otherwise the image will be scaled.
Change the image’s Graphic Location:
right click image
select Format Graphic…
select Picture tab
click the conditional-formula button (looks like x+2)
set the formula’s text to the name of the formula or parameter field that will contain the image’s URL
save the formula and click the OK button
Save the report


Click on variation image must change the variant value in drop down shopify

In shopify, I want when image is selected, its corresponding selected variant value must appear in the select box. However, vice-versa is happening i.e. when value is selected from select box, it scrolls to that image.
Here is the link:
Anyone please help me to get the desired results.

Birt report - hidden cross tab cells showing in excel

I have a cross tab. I hide an entire column by setting the style to one containing "display: none". This looks great in html and pdf.
But when exporting to Excel, the column appears with empty values.
How do I force the excel export to not show the column?
Have you tried using the visibility expression for the column instead of the style display:none?
I think setting width to 0 only hide the column (when exporting to excel) when the report Layout is "Fixed Layout".
Unfortunately "Fixed Layout" is a pain to use when you have a crosstab with lots of columns, as Excel starts throwing errors if the width gets too big.

aspdotnetstorefront - How to change Product image tooltip that shows "Click here for larger image"?

When I mouse over a Product image the tooltip shows "Click here for larger image"
How can we change this to show the product name or image name for better Seo?
This is coming from within the Get Product Image call, Someone suggested I could simply string replace the output in the product XmlPackage and replace the "Click here for larger image" with your better for SEO version... but I need an example of how to do this.
If you login to the Admin section of your storefront, and go to "Configuration -> Localization -> String Resource Manager". Once in string resource manager search for "showproduct.aspx.19". Then just click edit and change it to whatever you want the tooltip to show.

How to display nvarchar datatype image to SSRS Image control?

Actually I am new in SSRS(SQL Server Reporting Service). I have to display signature image in SSRS Image Control.The signature image is stored in nvarchar datatype.If you required in other information then ask me.
Thanks in advance.
SSRS Image Control displays string image data fine, with no extra settings.
Just Drag an Image control in the Report and in Image Properties General tab,
choose Select the image source: as Database
and select the appropriate field in the Use this field: option. i.e the db field which holds the image data.
and select proper MIME in Use this MIME type:. Though any of them should work for you.

Drupal - Use lightbox with Views (Rel attribute) - in output link

In Drupal I have two image fields, one to act as a thumbnail and the other the image that will open when the thumbnail is clicked. The only way I could find to link the two was to use the option for "Output this field as a link" and link to the image field.
This works, so when I click the thumbnail it opens the larger image however I would like to use lightbox2 for this task but in the "Output this field as a link" options there is no way to set the "rel" attribute.
Is there a way to either set the rel attribute or invoke the lightbox by setting a class?
you only need a single cck imagefield to get thumbnail plus full image in lightbox: Lightbox2 - How to use with CCK Imagefield and Imagecache.
UPDATE: use the "Lightbox Trigger" Views field of the Lightbox2 development version. step by step:
add both your thumbnail and your image field to your view
mark both of them "Exclude from display". don't check "Output this field as a link" anywhere.
add a "Lightbox trigger" field after both of your image fields
configure the "Lightbox trigger" field:
for "Trigger field", select your thumbnail field
for "Popup", select the Replacement pattern (scroll further down in the view field edit form for all possible replacement pattern) of your image field. for example, in my case, this is [field_image_fid].
now, your view should show your thumbnail image and, clicking on it, should open your full image in a lightbox frame. at least that's what's happening here :)
