Can only connect to local MQ but not remote MQ - ibm-mq

My problem is that I have two servers, one running MQ Server and one running service which will get MQ messages from the former. However easily it sounds, I cannot make the latter to connect to the queue manager on the first server. I tried the following actions:
Ping the first server from the second one: it works just fine
Telnet the first server from the second one, using specific port used to connect MQ Manager on the first server (1416): it also works find
Now it comes the weird part: I created one Queue Manager on the second server (there is also a MQ Server running on that machine), with the same name with the MQ Manager on the first server that I want to connect, then I can only connect to this queue, although in the ChannelInfo I specify exactly the first server's IP address, not the second's.
After deleting the MQ Manager on the second server, it just gives me error 2058: MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR. I checked the MQ Mananer name on the first server, it was correct.
It is possible to connect from other servers to the first server's MQ Manager.
More information that I doubt it is the source of my problem: the first server running Windows 32 bits and the second one is running Windows 64 bits. Moreover the second one is fresh installed, so I think it might have problem with some sorts of permissions. However searching around didn't help me so far.
I really appreciate if someone here could shed some lights on my problem. It made my project overdue deadline for a week already.
Thanks in advance!

No the error is not due to 32/64 bit Windows platform.
On both 32 bit as well as 64 bit Windows platforms queue manager runs as a 32 bit process.
So that's not the issue.
Obvious things to verify on the first server:
Have you defined a listener for the queue manager to listen on port 1416? If yes, is it running?
Have you defined a server connection (SVRCONN) channel on the queue manager?
How does your service(running on second server) attempt to connect to the queue manager? Is it bindings or client mode? In bindings mode, an application can connect only to the queue managers running on the same machine. In client mode, applications can connect to queue manager running on the same machine or a different machine. Your service must use a client mode connection to connect to remote machine.
To connect to remote queue manager, the application must specify the host name, port and channel name.


How to Connect to a Remote Queue Manager with IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer?

I create a queue manager like QMTEST in IBM WebSphere MQ Explorer. I want to connect to a remote queue manager (remote ip address). I followed these steps:
add remote Queue manager
Queue manager name: QMTEST [Next]
Host Name or ip Address: X.X.X.X(remote ip) [Finish]
But I couldn't connect. I got this error message 'Could not establish connection to the queue manager-reason 2538.(AMQ4059)'. What can I do?
The four digit number in your error message is an MQRC (MQ Reason Code). This number gives you more information about what went wrong. You can look it up in Knowledge Center.
There is a list of possible things that could cause this error. My guess is it is likely to be the first one, you have not started a listener on the queue manager, since you do not mention doing that in your question details.
You should also read the following link which is some basic details on how to connect to a remote queue manager. You appear to have the MQ Explorer side sorted, but perhaps not the queue manager side.
Setting up the server using the command line
Please ensure the listener is running on the remote queue manager side. The default MQ listener port is 1414. If the listener is running then check the queue manager error logs for any connection errors from the MQ explorer.
Are you sure the qmgr and its listener are running and that you have a SYSTEM.ADMIN.SVRCONN channel? That is the server-connection channel used for remote administration of a queue manager. This technote may be helpful.
Is this on a modern Windows or Linux server? If so, did you open the port (i.e. 1414) in the firewall?
Sometimes when we create a Queue manager remote administration objects are not created that's why we get such errors because it is unable to find these objects. To create them right click on the queue Manager, Select Remote Administration objects and create them and start the listener.
I experienced this same error and the queue was configured correctly.
I was using Eclipse and switched to the MQ Explorer setup available from IBM web page.
After that, I was totally able to see the queues and everything I was supposed to see.

using websphere MQ 7.5.0 on 2 different virtual machines

i am currently experimenting on websphere MQ 7.5.0, which is used to send message from one machine to another.
I have a server with 2 virtual machines (VM1 and VM2) configured, as well as another standalone laptop. all the machines mentioned above are set using the same ip range ( -5) and the same subnet, and i turn off the firewall during my experiment.
I follow the ibm website and set up the necessary queue manager, local queues, remote definition and channels. I have success with connecting the laptop to the server, and also from the server to VM1.
however, when i am trying to connect VM1 and VM2 together, after binding, my sender channel is still in retrying status, it means that connection between VM1 and VM2 is not established. I try to ping VM2 using my cmd and i receive all the packets successfully.
what could be the reasons why VM1 and VM2 cannot be connected? Is there any requirement for IBM MQ such that at least one of the MQ must be located in the physical computer?
Thank you everybody in advance!
I would suggest to check the ports that are being used by you VM queue managers and be sure the listeners for those ports are running successfully and not being used by another process.

IBM Websphere MQ FTE (File Transfer Edition) - Agent cannot be published

I am quite new to MQ FTE and having issues to getting it work. Basically, I want to setup a simple environment between two queue managers that I can use to transfer files. Here is what i did:
One the first machine, I set up a queue manager and called it CMQ. Create a local queue called RECEIVED.MESSAGES and a remote queue SENT.MESSAGES. Also created a transmission queue.
Defined a transmission channels needed to communicate with the second queue manager.
One the second queue manager (SMQ), repeated the same process for creating local and remote queues, channels etc.
At this point, if I can both send and receive messages between the two Queue managers.
Next, on the first machine running queue manager CMQ, I carried out the following:
ran fteSetupCoordinate specifying the queue manager, host, port and channel SYSTEM.ADMIN.CONN
ran fteSetupCommand with the same details and specified host, port, channel (SYSTEM.ADMIN.CONN)
Ran the mqsc scipt file generated by fteSetupCoordinate.
Ran fteCreateAgent with QMgrName as CMQ, host, port and channel as SYSTEM.ADMIN.CONN
This is where the problem starts. The fteCreateAgent command end up with a message saying Agent was created successfully but could not registered with CMQ. The exact error is:
"BFGMQ1007I: The coordination queue manager cannot be contacted or has refused a connection attempt.
The WebSphere MQ reason code was 2058. The agent's presence will not be published.
I've tried every possible solution in forums and IBM's site including the troubleshooting found on this link:
But nothing works. As a result, the agent is never seen in MQ explorer. I also do not see the agent when I issue ftListAgent ..
Any ideas guys? Is there something I'm missing?
Thanks in advance
Get to know the mqrc command. It is your friend.
mqrc 2058
2058 0x0000080a MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR
The error code you are getting back indicates that a connection was made to a QMgr but that it wasn't the one that was expected. That means either you have a typo in the QMgr name when you ran fteCreateAgent or you pointed the agent to the wrong QMgr.

Websocket server stops accepting after ~600 connections

I'm running a websocket server (command line program) off port 9000 on a Windows 2008 server. I can't seem to figure out why it will not accept more than about 600 concurrent connections. Testing on my local machine, I can create thousands of concurrent connections. But on the server, I get the following error after about 600:
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
I have tried adjusting registry entries for the max port number, and turning off the firewall to no avail. I have also tried a different websocket server implementation. Is there some other setting I need to change?
edit: I tried this on a Linux server as well with the same problem.
I found the problem:
It seems to be my client side internet connection. By running the same tests on a different network from the client side, I can create thousands of connections.

TCP: Address already in use exception - possible causes for client port? NO PORT EXHAUSTION

stupid problem. I get those from a client connecting to a server. Sadly, the setup is complicated making debugging complex - and we run out of options.
The environment:
*Client/Server system, both running on the same machine. The client is actually a service doing some database manipulation at specific times.
* The cnonection comes from C# going through OleDb to an EasySoft JDBC driver to a custom written JDBC server that then hosts logic in C++. Yeah, compelx - but the third party supplier decided to expose the extension mechanisms for their server through a JDBC interface. Not a lot can be done here ;)
The Symptom:
At (ir)regular intervals we get a "Address already in use: connect" told from the JDBC driver. They seem to come from one particular service we run.
Now, I did read all the stuff about port exhaustion. This is why we have a little tool running now that counts ports and their states every minute. Last time this happened, we had an astonishing 370 ports in use, with the count rising to about 900 AFTER the error. We aleady patched the registry (it is a windows machine) to allow more than the 5000 client ports standard, but even then, we are far far from that limit to start with.
Which is why I am asking here. Ayneone an ide what ELSE could cause this?
It is a Windows 2003 Server machine, 64 bit. The only other thing I can see that may cause it (but this functionality is supposedly disabled) is Symantec Endpoint Protection that is installed on the server - and being capable of actinc as a firewall, it could possibly intercept network traffic. I dont want to open a can of worms by pointing to Symantec prematurely (if pointing to Symantec can ever be seen as such). So, anyone an idea what else may be the cause?
"Address already in use", aka WSAEADDRINUSE (10048), means that when the client socket prepared to connect to the server socket, it first tried to bind itself to a specific local IP/Port pair that was already in use by another socket, either an active one or one that has been closed but is still in the FD_WAIT state. This has nothing to do with the number of ports that are available.
I'm having the same issue on a Windows 2000 Server with a .Net application connecting to a SQL Server 7.0. There's like 10 servers with the same configuration and only one is showing this error several times a day. With a small test program I'm able to reproduce the error by just establishing a TCP connection on the SQL Server listening port. Running CurrPorts ( shows there's still plenty of available ports in range 1024-5000.
I'm out of ideas and would like to know if you've found a solution since you've posted your question.
Edit : I finally found the solution : a worm was present on the server (WORM_DOWNAD.A) and exhausted local ports without being noticed.
