using websphere MQ 7.5.0 on 2 different virtual machines - ibm-mq

i am currently experimenting on websphere MQ 7.5.0, which is used to send message from one machine to another.
I have a server with 2 virtual machines (VM1 and VM2) configured, as well as another standalone laptop. all the machines mentioned above are set using the same ip range ( -5) and the same subnet, and i turn off the firewall during my experiment.
I follow the ibm website and set up the necessary queue manager, local queues, remote definition and channels. I have success with connecting the laptop to the server, and also from the server to VM1.
however, when i am trying to connect VM1 and VM2 together, after binding, my sender channel is still in retrying status, it means that connection between VM1 and VM2 is not established. I try to ping VM2 using my cmd and i receive all the packets successfully.
what could be the reasons why VM1 and VM2 cannot be connected? Is there any requirement for IBM MQ such that at least one of the MQ must be located in the physical computer?
Thank you everybody in advance!

I would suggest to check the ports that are being used by you VM queue managers and be sure the listeners for those ports are running successfully and not being used by another process.


Problem connecting MQ Explorer to remote qmgr

The problem: MQ Explorer on a Windows Server machine with connections to a number of remote queue managers in a Linux env. I have migrated a new queue manager to the Linux env and added it as a remote queue manager in MQExploirer, but it will not connect, returning the following error:
Queue manager not available for connection - reason 2059. (AMQ4043)
Severity: 20 (Error) Explanation: The attempt to connect to the queue
manager failed. This could be because the queue manager is incorrectly
configured to allow a connection from this system, or the connection
has been broken. Response: Ensure that the queue manager is running.
If the queue manager is running on another computer, ensure it is
configured to accept remote connections.
Things I have already checked:
MQ Explorer connects to other remote qmgrs on the same machine
The configuration of the new qmgr connection on MQExplorer is identical to the preexisting ones
The new qmgr is up and running
I have a telnet connection from the windows env to the new qmgr's port
The new qmgr has the same channel and listener with the same configuration as the qmgrs that connect successfully
Most of the advice I've seen on this problem is covered by points 1 and 3. Can anyone suggest anything else I can try?

How to simulate external TCP traffic in Windows?

I don't have any code yet, so please feel free to move this to a sister site, if you think it belongs there :)
I have a Program A ( I don't have it's source code, so I can't modify it's behavior ) running on my machine which keeps listening to a particular port on the system for TCP data. It's a Peer to Peer application.
System 1 running A ====================== System 2 sunning A
The program A is supposed to run on systems where I may not be allowed to modify Firewall settings to allow incoming connections on the port the program listens to. I have an EC2 linux server running Ubuntu 16.
So I thought I can use an existing tool or create a program that would connect to the server on port X, and fetch the data from the server, and locally throw that data to the port A is listening to.
System 1 running A ========= SERVER =========== System 2 sunning A
What kind of configuration should I have on the server ? And is there any program I can use for this, or an idea of how to make one ?
I did something similar to bypass firewalls and hotspots.
Check this out, with a proper configuration your would be able to send\receive packets as DNS queries which is I know is always allowed, I used my server to get usual internet access with any hotspot I found.
You would lose some time, higher latency but you will have access.
Hope I helped.

Destination (port) unreachable freeswitch xlite

ok so i have two machine on my LAN, one running Ubuntu 16.04 and the other Windows 10.
I installed and configured Freeswitch on the Linux one and installed X-Lite on the Windows one. What i'm trying to do is to register a SIP client using X-Lite on the Freeswitch server.
However each time i get the error message problem at server (SIP error 408)
The Wireshark entry on both machines gives this message
I configured the windows firewall to allow incoming connection on port 5060 and 5080 as freeswitch uses them, but still the same error!
can anyone help me?

Wildfly clustering with VirtualBox

I am using VirtualBox on a WINDOWS7 as host of two DEBIAN7.7 guests, deb1 and deb2. Each guest can comunicate with the other one. Using one guest browser I can see the Wildfly istance welcome page that's running on the other guest. I run each istance in standalone-ha mode, network interfaces have mutlicast enabled, I can see on Wildfly node named srv1 that the two istances build a cluster:
...ISPN000094: Received new cluster view: [srv2/web|3] (2) [srv2/web, srv1/web]
where srv1 and srv2 are the node names of the istances. A tcpdump show UDP packets come across the multicast address, just where JGroups is listening. Despite all this goodness, http-session is not shared, this is my problem.
The application I use is very simple and <distributable/>, I have already used it succesfully in a multiple nodes on a single host scenario.
UPDATE: I made some tests using jgroups's test application McastReceiverTest and McastSenderTest with the following addresses:, and Every test worked, on the receiver guest I can read what I sent by the sender guest. I tried to change my application too, I use this one but http session is not shared.
Wildfly work well, I was looking at the problem as if I was still running multiple istances on my host. As JBoss forum suggests, I tried with curl retreiving my JSESSIONID and I see the cluster responding as expected. Happy ending.

Can only connect to local MQ but not remote MQ

My problem is that I have two servers, one running MQ Server and one running service which will get MQ messages from the former. However easily it sounds, I cannot make the latter to connect to the queue manager on the first server. I tried the following actions:
Ping the first server from the second one: it works just fine
Telnet the first server from the second one, using specific port used to connect MQ Manager on the first server (1416): it also works find
Now it comes the weird part: I created one Queue Manager on the second server (there is also a MQ Server running on that machine), with the same name with the MQ Manager on the first server that I want to connect, then I can only connect to this queue, although in the ChannelInfo I specify exactly the first server's IP address, not the second's.
After deleting the MQ Manager on the second server, it just gives me error 2058: MQRC_Q_MGR_NAME_ERROR. I checked the MQ Mananer name on the first server, it was correct.
It is possible to connect from other servers to the first server's MQ Manager.
More information that I doubt it is the source of my problem: the first server running Windows 32 bits and the second one is running Windows 64 bits. Moreover the second one is fresh installed, so I think it might have problem with some sorts of permissions. However searching around didn't help me so far.
I really appreciate if someone here could shed some lights on my problem. It made my project overdue deadline for a week already.
Thanks in advance!
No the error is not due to 32/64 bit Windows platform.
On both 32 bit as well as 64 bit Windows platforms queue manager runs as a 32 bit process.
So that's not the issue.
Obvious things to verify on the first server:
Have you defined a listener for the queue manager to listen on port 1416? If yes, is it running?
Have you defined a server connection (SVRCONN) channel on the queue manager?
How does your service(running on second server) attempt to connect to the queue manager? Is it bindings or client mode? In bindings mode, an application can connect only to the queue managers running on the same machine. In client mode, applications can connect to queue manager running on the same machine or a different machine. Your service must use a client mode connection to connect to remote machine.
To connect to remote queue manager, the application must specify the host name, port and channel name.
