Is there valid "use cases" for Undefined Behaviour? - c++11

I have found a piece of code which has UB, and was told to leave it in the code, with a comment that states it is UB. Using MSVC2012 only.
The code itself has a raw array of Foo objects, then casts that array to char* with reinterpret_cast<char*> and then calls delete casted_array (like this, not delete[]) on it.
Like this:
Foo* foos = new Foo[500];
char* CastedFoos = reinterpret_cast<char*>(foos);
delete CastedFoos;
Per the Standard 5.3.5/3 this is clearly Undefined Behavior.
Apparently this code does what it does to avoid having to call destructors as an optimisation.
I wondered, is there actually places where leaving UB in the code could be considered valid?
Also, as far as I'm concerned, leaving the above in code is not smart, am I right?

It depends entirely on your perspective.
Take an extreme example: in C++03, threads were undefined behavior. As soon as you had more than one thread, your program's behavior was no longer defined by the C++ standard.
And yet, most people would say threads are useful.
Of course, multithreading may have been UB according to the C++ standard, but individual compilers didn't treat it as undefined. They provided an additional guarantee that multithreading is going to work as you'd expect.
When talking about C++ in the abstract, UB has no uses whatsoever. How could it? You don't know what could or would happen.
But in specific applications, specific code compiled by specific compilers to run on specific operating systems, you may sometimes know that a piece of UB is (1) safe, and (2) ends up having some kind of beneficial effect.

The C++ standard defines "undefined behaviour" as follows:
behavior for which this standard imposes no requirements
So if you want your code to be portable to different compilers and platforms, then your code should not depend on undefined behavior, because what the programs (that are produced by different compilers compiling your code) do in these cases may vary.
If you don't care about portability, then you should check if your compiler documents how it behaves under the circumstances of interest. If it doesn't document what it does (and it doesn't have to), beware that the compiler could change what it does without warning between different versions. Also note that its behaviour may be non-deterministic. So for example it could crash 1% of the time, which you may not notice in ad-hoc testing, but will come back and bite you later when it goes into production. So even if you are using one compiler, it may still be a bad idea to depend on undefined behavior.
With regard to your specific example, you can rewrite it to achieve the same effect (not calling destructor, but reclaiming memory) in a way that does not result in undefined behaviour. Allocate a std::aligned_storage to hold the Foo array, call placement new to construct the Foo array on the aligned_storage, then when you want to deallocate the array, deallocate the aligned_storage without calling placement delete.
Of course this is still a terrible design, may cause memory leaks or other problems depending on what Foo::~Foo() was supposed to do, but at least it isn't UB.


Why is `math.Sin` disallowed in a Go constant?

According to Effective Go, the function math.Sin cannot be used to define a constant because that function must happen at run-time.
What is the reasoning behind this limitation? Floating-point consistency? Quirk of the Sin implementation? Something else?
There is support for this sort of thing in other languages. In C, for example: as of version 4.3, GCC supports compile-time calculation of the sine function. (See section "General Optimizer Improvements").
However, as noted in this blog post by Bruce Dawson, this can cause unexpected issues. (See section "Compile-time versus run-time sin").
Is this a relevant concern in Go? Or is this usage restricted for a different reason?
Go doesn't support initializing a constant with the result of a function. Functions are called at runtime, not at compile time. But constants are defined at compile time.
It would be possible to make exceptions for certain functions (like math.Sin for example), but that would make the spec more complicated. The Go developers generally prefer to keep the spec simple and consistent.
Go simply lacks the concept. There is no way of marking a function as pure (its return value depends only on its arguments, and it doesn't alter any kind of mutable state or perform I/O), there is no way for the compiler to infer pureness, and there's no attempt to evaluate any expression containing a function call at compile-time (because doing so for anything except a pure function of constant arguments would be a source of weird behavior and bugs, and because adding the machinery needed to make it work right would introduce quite a bit of complexity).
Yes, this is a substantial loss, which forces a tradeoff between code with bad runtime behavior, and code which is flat-out ugly. Go partisans will choose the ugly code and tell you that you are a bad human being for not finding it beautiful.
The best thing you have available to you is code generation. The integration of go generate into the toolchain and the provision of a complete Go parser in the standard library makes it relatively easy to munge code at build time, and one of the things that you can do with this ability is create more advanced constant-folding if you so choose. You still get all of the debuggability peril of code generation, but it's something.

How to adjust swift expression compilation timeout?

There is a compilation error in Swift, when expression is too complex: Expression was too complex to be solved in reasonable time; consider breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions.
Does anyone know how to adjust this timeout (that "reasonable time")? It will be nice to see this hint, it's very useful, but I don't want my program fail to compile at some random circumstances, e.g.: on slow machines.
Anyone have any ideas how to implement it? Or should I stop worrying?
That diagnostic isn't actually about time. It's about memory. So it doesn't matter how fast the computer is. There's little need to worry that it will behave differently on different machines (though see below).
From CSSolver.cpp:
// If the solver has allocated an excessive amount of memory when solving for
// this expression, short-circuit the binding operation and mark the parent
// expression as "too complex".
if (cs.TC.Context.getSolverMemory() >
cs.TC.Context.LangOpts.SolverMemoryThreshold) {
return true;
(setExpressionTooComplex is the origin of that diagnostic)
The current SolverMemoryThreshold is ~15MB.
Because Swift is being ported to different architectures, it is possible (though highly unlikely IMO) that you could get this error on some platforms, but not others. Generally this would work in the other direction than you're thinking. For instance, a 32-bit system may actually be allowed to go further down the rabbit hole before this diagnostic fires (since 32-bit machines often allocate less memory for data structures). But if you hit 15 MB trying to evaluate a single expression, you probably weren't going to solve it with just a few more recursions. So this would be a very surprising and unlikely result.

Static call graph generation for the Linux kernel

I'm looking for a tool to statically generate a call graph of the Linux kernel (for a given kernel configuration). The generated call graph should be "complete", in the sense that all calls are included, including potential indirect ones which we can assume are only done through the use of function pointers in the case of the Linux kernel.
For instance, this could be done by analyzing the function pointer types: this approach would lead to superfluous edges in the graph, but that's ok for me.
ncc seems to implement this idea, however I didn't succeed in making it work on the 3.0 kernel. Any other suggestions?
I'm guessing this approach could also lead to missing edges in cases where function pointer casts are used, so I'd also be interested in knowing whether this is likely in the Linux kernel.
As a side note, there seems to be other tools that are able to do semantic analysis of the source to infer potential pointer values, but AFAICT, none of them are design to be used in a project such as the Linux kernel.
Any help would be much appreciated.
We've done global points-to analysis (with indirect function pointers) and full call graph construction of monolithic C systems of 26 million lines (18,000 compilation units).
We did it using our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit, its C Front End and its associated flow analysis machinery. The points-to analysis machinery (and the other analyses) are conservative; yes, you get some bogus points-to and therefore call edges as a consequence. These are pretty hard to avoid.
You can help such analyzers by providing certain crucial facts about key functions, and by harnessing knowledge such as "embedded systems [and OSes] tend not to have cycles in the call graph", which means you can eliminate some of these. Of course, you have to allow for exceptions; my moral: "in big systems, everything happens."
The particular problem included dynamically loaded(!) C modules using a special loading scheme specific to this particular software, but that just added to the problem.
Casts on function pointers shouldn't lose edges; a conservative analysis should simply assume that the cast pointer matches any function in the system with signature corresponding to the casted result. More problematic are casts which produce sort-of-compatible signatures; if you cast a function pointer to void* foo(uint) when the actual function being called accepts an int, the points to analysis will necessarily conservatively choose the wrong functions. You can't blame the analyzer for that; the cast lies in that case. Yes, we saw this kind of trash in the 26 million line system.
This is certainly the right scale for analyzing Linux (which I think is a mere 8 million lines or so :-). But we haven't tried it specifically on Linux.
Setting up this tool is complicated because you have to capture all the details about the compilations themselves, and in particular the configuration of the Linux kernal you want to generate. So you pretty much have to intercept the compiler calls to get the command line switches, etc.

Why doesn't Haskell have symbols (a la ruby) / atoms (a la erlang)?

The two languages where I have used symbols are Ruby and Erlang and I've always found them to be extremely useful.
Haskell does have algebraic datatypes, but I still think symbols would be mighty convenient. An immediate use that springs to mind is that since symbols are isomorphic to integers you can use them where you would use an integral or a string "primary key".
The syntactic sugar for atoms can be minor - :something or <something> is an atom. All atoms are instances of a Type called Atom which derives Show and Eq. You can then use it for more descriptive error codes, for example
type ErrorCode = Atom
type Message = String
data Error = Error ErrorCode Message
loginError = Error :redirect "Please login first"
In this case :redirect is more efficient than using a string ("redirect") and easier to understand than an integer (404).
The benefit may seem minor, but I say it is worth adding atoms as a language feature (or at least a GHC extension).
So why have symbols not been added to the language? Or am I thinking about this the wrong way?
I agree with camccann's answer that it's probably missing mainly because it would have to be baked quite deeply into the implementation and it is of too little use for this level of complication. In Erlang (and Prolog and Lisp) symbols (or atoms) usually serve as special markers and serve mostly the same notion as a constructor. In Lisp, the dynamic environment includes the compiler, so it's partly also a (useful) compiler concept leaking into the runtime.
The problem is the following, symbol interning is impure (it modifies the symbol table). Because we never modify an existing object it is referentially transparent, however, but if implemented naïvely can lead to space leaks in the runtime. In fact, as currently implemented in Erlang you can actually crash the VM by interning too many symbols/atoms (current limit is 2^20, I think), because they can never get garbage collected. It's also difficult to implement in a concurrent setting without a huge lock around the symbol table.
Both problems can be (and have been) solved, however. For example, see Erlang EEP 20. I use this technique in the simple-atom package. It uses unsafePerformIO under the hood, but only in (hopefully) rare cases. It could still use some help from the GC to perform an optimisation similar to indirection shortening. It also uses quite a few IORefs internally which isn't too great for performance and memory usage.
In summary, it can be done but implementing it properly is non-trivial. Compiler writers always weigh the power of a feature against its implementation and maintenance efforts, and it seems like first-class symbols lose out on this one.
I think the simplest answer is that, of the things Lisp-style symbols (which is where both Ruby and Erlang got the idea, I believe) are used for, in Haskell most are either:
Already done in some other fashion--e.g. a data type with a bunch of nullary constructors, which also behave as "convenient names for integers".
Awkward to fit in--things that exist at the level of language syntax instead of being regular data usually have more type information associated with them, but symbols would have to either be distinct types from each other (nearly useless without some sort of lightweight ad-hoc sum type) or all the same type (in which case they're barely different from just using strings).
Also, keep in mind that Haskell itself is actually a very, very small language. Very little is "baked in", and of the things that are most are just syntactic sugar for other primitives. This is a bit less true if you include a bunch of GHC extensions, but GHC with -XAndTheKitchenSinkToo is not the same language as Haskell proper.
Also, Haskell is very amenable to pseudo-syntax and metaprogramming, so there's a lot you can do even without having it built in. Particularly if you get into TH and scary type metaprogramming and whatever else.
So what it mostly comes down to is that most of the practical utility of symbols is already available from other features, and the stuff that isn't available would be more difficult to add than it's worth.
Atoms aren't provided by the language, but can be implemented reasonably as a library:
There are a few other libs on hackage, but this one looks the most recent and well-maintained.
Haskell uses type constructors* instead of symbols so that the set of symbols a function can take is closed, and can be reasoned about by the type system. You could add symbols to the language, but it would put you in the same place that using strings would - you'd have to check all possible symbols against the few with known meanings at runtime, add error handling all over the place, etc. It'd be a big workaround for all the compile-time checking.
The main difference between strings and symbols is interning - symbols are atomic and can be compared in constant time. Both are types with an essentially infinite number of distinct values, though, and against the grain of Haskell's specifying arguments and results with finite types.
I'm more familiar with OCaml than Haskell, so "type constructor" may not be the right term. Things like None or Just 3.
An immediate use that springs to mind is that since symbols are isomorphic to integers you can use them where you would use an integral or a string "primary key".
Use Enum instead.
data FileType = GZipped | BZipped | Plain
deriving Enum
descr ft = ["compressed with gzip",
"compressed with bzip2",
"uncompressed"] !! fromEnum ft

Can this kernel function be more readable? (Ideas needed for an academic research!)

Following my previous question regarding the rationale behind extremely long functions, I would like to present a specific question regarding a piece of code I am studying for my research. It's a function from the Linux Kernel which is quite long (412 lines) and complicated (an MCC index of 133). Basically, it's a long and nested switch statement
Frankly, I can't think of any way to improve this mess. A dispatch table seems both huge and inefficient, and any subroutine call would require an inconceivable number of arguments in order to cover a large-enough segment of code.
Do you think of any way this function can be rewritten in a more readable way, without losing efficiency? If not, does the code seem readable to you?
Needless to say, any answer that will appear in my research will be given full credit - both here and in the submitted paper.
Link to the function in an online source browser
I don't think that function is a mess. I've had to write such a mess before.
That function is the translation into code of a table from a microprocessor manufacturer. It's very low-level stuff, copying the appropriate hardware registers for the particular interrupt or error reason. In this kind of code, you often can't touch registers which have not been filled in by the hardware - that can cause bus errors. This prevents the use of code that is more general (like copying all registers).
I did see what appeared to be some code duplication. However, at this level (operating at interrupt level), speed is more important. I wouldn't use Extract Method on the common code unless I knew that the extracted method would be inlined.
BTW, while you're in there (the kernel), be sure to capture the change history of this code. I have a suspicion that you'll find there have not been very many changes in here, since it's tied to hardware. The nature of the changes over time of this sort of code will be quite different from the nature of the changes experienced by most user-mode code.
This is the sort of thing that will change, for instance, when a new consolidated IO chip is implemented. In that case, the change is likely to be copy and paste and change the new copy, rather than to modify the existing code to accommodate the changed registers.
Utterly horrible, IMHO. The obvious first-order fix is to make each case in the switch a call to a function. And before anyone starts mumbling about efficiency, let me just say one word - "inlining".
Edit: Is this code part of the Linux FPU emulator by any chance? If so this is very old code that was a hack to get linux to work on Intel chips like the 386 which didn't have an FPU. If it is, it's probably not a suitable study for academics, except for historians!
There's a kind of regularity here, I suspect that for a domain expert this actually feels very coherent.
Also having the variations in close proximty allows immediate visual inspection.
I don't see a need to refactor this code.
I'd start by defining constants for the various classes. Coming into this code cold, it's a mystery what the switching is for; if the switching was against named constants, I'd have a starting point.
Update: You can get rid of about 70 lines where the cases return MAJOR_0C_EXCP; simply let them fall through to the end of the routine. Since this is kernel code I'll mention that there might be some performance issues with that, particularly if the case order has already been optimized, but it would at least reduce the amount of code you need to deal with.
I don't know much about kernels or about how re-factoring them might work.
The main thing that comes to my mind is taking that switch statement and breaking each sub step in to a separate function with a name that describes what the section is doing. Basically, more descriptive names.
But, I don't think this optimizes the function any more. It just breaks it in to smaller functions of which might be helpful... I don't know.
That is my 2 cents.
