Display session parameters with twig - session

I would like to display all session variables with twig but I dont know exactly how:
{% for variable in app.session %}
session[ {{variable clef}}] = {{variable value}}
{% endfor %}
thank you for your help

You can use this, it will work for other associative arrays as well:
{% for key, value in app.session %}
session['{{ key }}'] = {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
It's also explained in the documentation: Iterating over Keys and Values.

You could also use twig's debugging function, dump. This will work even if the value of a key is an object or array.
{{ dump(app.session.all) }}


Using Jinja2 Expression within Jinja2 Statement

Let's say I have the following Jinja2 variables:
'dev_ami' = 'ami-123456'
'dev_located_ami' = 'ami-123456'
'prod_ami' = 'ami-654321'
'prod_located_ami' = 'ami-654321'
I would like to set a condition upon when the 'dev_ami' variable is equal to the 'dev_located_ami' variable. This would easily be done as shown in the following statement:
{% if dev_ami == dev_located_ami %}
... do some stuff
{% else %}
... do some other stuff
{% endif %}
But I would like to dynamically compare amis based on the deployment environment contained in a list ['dev','prod', etc...]. The following contains a templating error since there is an expression within a statement as such - {% {{ .. }} %}:
{% for env_type in ['dev','prod'] %}
{% if {{ env_type }}_ami == {{ env_type }}_located_ami %}
... do stuff
{% else %}
... do other stuff
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I have tried to set variables to represent the expressions I would like in the following code but unfortunately they are compiled literally as 'dev_ami' and 'dev_located_ami' whereas I would like them compiled to their corresponding variable values 'ami-123456' and 'ami-123456':
{% for env_type in ['dev','prod'] %}
{% set ami = "%s_ami"|format(env_type) %}
{% set located_ami = "%s_located_ami"|format(env_type) %}
{% if ami == located_ami %}
... do stuff
{% else %}
... do other stuff
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
I have checked through various filters and so far have had no success. Would appreciate advice on getting this specific implementation to work properly. Thank you in advance.
I think you might be approaching the problem with the wrong datastructure in mind.
Dynamically generating variable names in order to compare amis in different environemts sounds like a massive overkill to me. Are you familiar with lists & dictionaries?
Try to start from something like this (pseudocode):
dict = { environments:
ami1: foo
ami1_located: foo
ami1: bar
for env in dict[environments]:
if env[ami1] == env[ami1_located]:

Cannot push with Jekyll

I have created an empty array in Jekyll but I am not able to push data.
Here it is described how to do but it does not seem to work on my machine. I use Jekyll 2.5.3
{% assign selected = site.array %}
{% for success in site.data.success %}
{% assign selected = selected | push: success.id %}
{% endfor %}
site.array is defined into my _config.yml as
site.array: []
I am sure that success.id exists
I changed in _config.yml
array: []
Still no luck.
Why define a site.something in _config.yml ?
Any variable defined here will be accessed with the site prefix, but it's not up to you to add this prefix, Jekyll takes care of it. eg: {{ site.title }} refers to site: My awesome title. It's automatic.
Just define : emptyArray: [], and access it with site.emptyArray.
With site.array: [], you're defining a configuration variable that will never be site.site.array because a yaml key is supposed to be a string. Here, the only way to access your variable, is to write site["site.array"].
Note: If you can, upgrade to a newer version of Jekyll if you want to be future-proof.
I'm not sure if Jekyll accepts an empty array, "out of the blue".
So, try to use an if statement before the for loop:
{% if site.array %}
{% assign selected = site.array %}
{% for success in site.data.success %} {% assign selected = selected | push: success.id %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
And keep just array: in your _config.yml. Any variable defined in this file will be called by site.variable.
I suggest you to try with some values in the array before leaving it empty, to make sure the code works.
Hope to have helped!

Business Catalyst Liquid sorting

I can see that Liquid allows you to sort a collection using the below syntax:
{% assign sorted_items = items.all|sort:'Email' %}
{% for item in sorted_items %}
<div>Name: {{item.name}}</div>
<div>Email: {{item.email}}</div>
{% endfor %}
However this does not appear to work in Business Catalyst.
If I use this to render the result to the page it simply renders "null".
{{sorted_items | json }}
Should I be able to do this in Business Catalyst, or am I completely wasting my time trying to find a solution to sort my WebApp data?
You can sort the data like this:
{module_data resource="customers" version="v3" fields="firstName,email1" collection="myData"}
{% capture emails -%}
{% for item in myData.items -%}
,{{ item.email1.value }} - {{ item.firstName }};
{% endfor %}
{% endcapture %}
<pre>{{ emails | split: "," | sort }}</pre>
The comma is not spelling mistake : )
After you split the string in array you can do whatever you need to do with it.
The answer from Daut is not good. Any solution in the for loop will only sort the number of items fetched from the module and the max amount for that is 500.
If you are using module_data you just use its actual sort!
{module_data resource="customers" version="v3" order="firstName" fields="firstName,email1" collection="myData"}
module_data supports both WHERE for filtering and ORDER to order the results.

Translatable content and HTML tags

I use Twig and I want to make the following content translatable :
{% trans %}
You have actually <span class='messageNumber'>{{messageNumber}} message(s)</span> in your mailbox.
{% endtrans %}
But when this translatable content will be parsed by POEdit and sent to translators, they will see the <span> tags and attributes. What can I do to avoid this ?
I thought about doing this way :
{% messageNumberFormatted = "<span class='messageNumber'>"~messageNumber~"message(s)</span>" %}
{% trans %}
You have actually {{messageNumberFormatted}} in your mailbox.
{% endtrans %}
But isn't it a bit heavy or even bad practice for the translators ? In that case, they can't even see the word "message".
First, you should use transchoice with explicit interval pluralization, like this :
{% transchoice message_count %}
{0}You have {{no messages}} yet|{1}You have {{one message}}|]1,+Inf]You have {{%count% messages}}.
{% endtranschoice %}
Then maybe you could use replace to replace {{ with the opening tag, and }} with the closing tag. I don't know whether you can directly chain like this
{% transchoice message_count | replace('...') %}
Or if you must store in a variable by using set first.
You can use the trans twig filer with keys representing your sentences.
{{ you.have.actually|trans }} <span class='messageNumber'> {{ messageNumber message|trans }} </span> {{ in.your.mailbox|trans }}

Liquid templates - accessing members by name

I'm using Jekyll to create a new blog. It uses Liquid underneath.
Jekyll defines certain "variables": site, content, page, post and paginator. These "variables" have several "members". For instance, post.date will return the date of a post, while post.url will return its url.
My question is: can I access a variable's member using another variable as the member name?
See the following example:
{% if my_condition %}
{% assign name = 'date' %}
{% else %}
{% assign name = 'url' %}
{% endif %}
I have a variable called name which is either 'date' or 'url'.
How can I make the liquid equivalent of post[name] in ruby?
The only way I've found is using a for loop to iterate over all the pairs (key-value) of post. Beware! It is quite horrible:
{% for property in post %}
{% if property[0] == name %}
{{ property[1] }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Argh! I hope there is a better way.
I don't know what I was thinking.
post[name] is a perfectly valid liquid construction. So the for-if code above can be replaced by this:
{{ post[name] }}
I thought that I tried this, but apparently I didn't. D'oh!
Liquid admits even fancier constructs; the following one is syntactically correct, and will return the expected value if post, element, categories, etc are correctly defined:
{{ post[element.id].categories[1].name }}
I am greatly surprised with Liquid. Will definitively continue investigating.
Actually, this did not work for me. I tried a bunch of different combinations and what finally worked was
<!-- object myObj.test has the string value "this is a test" -->
{% assign x = 'test' %}
{{ myObj.[x] }}
this is a test
