Spring Data Mongo can not process entity inhretance correctly - spring

I am using Spring Data Mongo in my project, as the following:
Spring Data MongoDB 1.2/ Spring Data Commons 1.5
Spring 3.2.2 RELEASE
MongoDB / QueryDSL 2.9/ Mongo Java Driver 2.10.1
Case 1: #Id from the spring data commons, #Document is from Spring data Mongo.
class User{
#Id String id;
class Picture{
#Id String id;
class Avatar extends Picture{
#DBref User user;
Neither I used Spring Data Repostory api or QueryDSL one, I can not get the avatar data by user.
//decalred in repository
List<Avatar> findByUser(User user);
// or from the QueryDSL executor
List<Avatar> avatars=rep.findAll(QAvatar.avatar.user.eq(user));
All return empty collections(of course there are some data in it).
Case 2: If I remove #DBRef, in the first time, after I have insert the avatar and user, it worked, but when I updated the data in User, then get the avatar by user, return empty list.
class Avatar extends Picture{
User user;
Case 3: change the User to String(userid), it works.
class Avatar extends Picture{
String userId;
Any suggestion for java modeling for MongoDB here? Thanks.


Spring Data Persist entity in Log Table before each save()

im working in a spring boot project and i have a requirement to save the old object in a specific table before each new save ; this my man entities:
public class Demande {
private Long id;
// all properties
public class DemandeLog {
private Long id;
// all properties
what im trying to do is before each demandeRepository.save(demande);
i want to save the old demande object (current row in database) as DemandeLog in my demande_log table.
do you have any idea how using spring data, i know that there is a listener #PrePersist in JPA.. but i want to do it properly.
I recommend using Envers. It is easy to set up and gives you a complete change log.

How to make #Indexed as unique property for Redis model using Spring JPA Repository?

I have a model class that I store in Redis and I use Jpa Repository with Spring java. Normally(not with redis) jpa repository is saving the new data or updates(conditionally) if the given model is already exist in Db. Here, I want to add new item to redis but if it is not already exists on db otherwise update it just like usual Jpa implementation.
Here is my model:
public class MyRecordRedisModel {
private String id;
private String recordName;
private Date startDate;
private Date endDate;
And my repository class is just a normal spring jpa repo as follows:
public interface IFRecordRedisRepository extends JpaRepository<IFRecordRedisModel, String> {
Page<IFRecordRedisModel> findAll(Pageable pageable);
Unique key must be the name (I totally do not care about uniquiness of the id). Thus, if the name is already exist in Db than do not add it again. I marked it as Indexed but still it is adding same data (with same recordName).
How can I make it unique?
This would require an additional query, but I think this solution would work for you. You can use query by Example to check if there exists a record with that name, and save conditionally, or do something else if it already exists.
IFRecordRedisModel exampleRecord = new IFRecordRedisModel();
if (!repository.exists(Example.of(exampleModel)))
else ..... // do something else

Why does graphql java query all fields in entity when I only ask for a few?

I created a basic graphql-java app with the spring boot starter and using the graphql spqr library against an MSSQL database utilizing Hibernate and Jpa.
I have an entity called "Task" with 5 fields. I have a simple Jpa repository and a simple Jpa service that calls a "findAllTasks" method. It works great, but if I specify, for example, only one field to query with graphiql, I can see through my SQL log that the select command executed is querying for ALL fields in my Task entity/table, rather than the one I want. Is this expected? I thought graphql only selects the fields you specify in the query command?
Here is my code:
public class Task {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
public Long id;
public String desc;
public LocalDateTime createdOn;
public LocalDateTime modifiedOn;
public String owner;
public interface TaskRepository extends JpaRepository<Task, Long> {}
public class TaskService {
private TaskRepository taskRepo;
public TaskService(TaskRepository taskRepo) {
this.taskRepo = taskRepo;
public List<Task> findAllTasks() {
return taskRepo.findAll();
When I run the following in graphiql:
query {
findAllTasks {
I get the following SQL statement that was generated from my log:
select task0_.id as Task1_1_0_. task0_.desc as Task1_2_0, task0_.createdOn as Task1_3_0, task0_.modifiedOn as Task1_4_0, task0_.owner as Task1_4_0 from Task as task0_
You have to make a distinction between your GraphQL API and your database. You defined a query method GraphQL that is called findAllTasks. In consequence, when you call this GraphQL query with any number of fields, it will call the Java method implementation findAllTasks.
You can see that the implementation of this Java method calls taskRepo.findAll(). Therefore, you will fetch all data from your tasks in database.
GraphQL will then filter the data from the tasks fetched by your Java method to match what is asked in the GraphQL query.
In a nutshell, GraphQL is in charge in returning just the fields that you requested, but your implementation is in charge of getting the data from the database.
Disclaimer: I'm not an expert of graphql-spqr, so the upcoming information might not work in your case (as it applied to graphql-java).
If you feel that your implementation is however not efficient enough (here we are really talking about efficiency), you could look into dataloaders.

Spring data #ReadOnlyProperty causing unexpected behavior

I have a Model attribute that needs to set #ReadOnlyProperty so that it won't persist after first inserting the line.
Assume my model like below
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(updatable = false, nullable = false)
private Long id;
#Column(unique = true, nullable = false)
private String openId;
then I have a UserRepository:
public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {
then I provide 2 Restful API for POST and PUT.
The create user operation code is as simple as below:
The update user operation is almost the same:
user = userRepository.save(user);
I'm surprised that the user's openId attribute will be changed, after POST and then PUT, the returned user object will have the changed value.(user.getOpenId() == 2)
It looks like #ReadOnlyProperty not working, I'm using the RELEASE version of spring-boot-starter-data-jpa. Can someone help explain?
It seems that #ReadOnlyProperty doesn't work. The following bug report is open for years:
Properties with #ReadOnlyProperty annotation are being nullified in PATCH requests
If you want to deny modifying the property via Spring Data Rest endpoints, use the #JsonProperty(access = Access.READ_ONLY) annotation. It affects the JSON deserialization, so the annotated property never reaches Spring Data Rest.
If you also need to deny the writing of the property via Spring Data JPA, you can use the following JPA annotation: #Column(updatable=false) It denies the override on the underlaying JPA level, instead of Spring Data JPA level.

OneToOne Association In JPA not working using Spring boot and spring data JPA

I am trying to implement the OneToOne association in JPA and trying to join two tables using spring boot and spring data JPA. I created one spring boot microservice and implemented the one to one association in my model. But when I am running code I am getting the following error ,
Caused by: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: Illegal attempt to map a non collection as a #OneToMany, #ManyToMany or #CollectionOfElement
Here My First model class Users.java is like following,
#Table(name = "users")
public class Users implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9178661439383356177L;
public Integer userId;
public String username;
public String password;
And I am testing association by controller using following code,
public Users load() {
return (Users) userObj.findAll();
Can anyone help to resolve this association issue please ?
This is wrong.
public Set<UserRoleMapping> roleUserRoleMappingMappingJoin;
OneToOne means only one object..right?
See this for mappings understandings.
Annotation #OneToOne defines a single-valued association to another entity, and in your case you associate a user to a Set of UserRoleMapping instead of associating it with a single object of that class. Use #ManyToOne annotation
Actually the exception refers to an invalid #OneToMany, #ManyToMany or #CollectionOfElement mapping
and this can only be
#JoinColumn(name="nuser_id" , referencedColumnName="nuserId")
public Users nuserId;
If the #OneToMany relation is valid change this at first to
#JoinColumn(name="nuser_id" , referencedColumnName="nuserId")
public List<Users> users;
If the #OneToMany relation is NOT valid change this to
#JoinColumn(name="nuser_id" , referencedColumnName="nuserId")
public Users users;
