How to copy a location to a batch file from a file that is dragged and dropped to open the batch file - windows

So I've been trying to create a batch file for a piece of software called DiscEX the software requires command line use from cmd.exe windows xp or higher the way it's initiated is like this discex (any arguments needed) location of iso file.
Now I can get the software to run using the batch file but I can't seem to figure out how to copy the target location of a file that was dragged onto it to open the batch file up
Here is what the batch file in notepad looks like.
#echo off
echo Welcome to AutoDiscEx
also I need to be able to start in the working directory of a portable hard drive.

All you need to do is
C:\windows\system32\discex "%1"
to get a file path argument passed into the batch
If the batch file is in the working directory already, put
cd /d %~dp0 in the batch after #echo off
If you want to determine what drive is the external usb drive, use
#echo off
set wmi='wmic logicaldisk where "volumeserialnumber='32A78F3B'" get caption'
for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%A in (%wmi%) do (
for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%B in ("%%A") do (set drive=%%B)
echo %drive%
where volumeserialnumber is the output from vol [driveletter of USB drive:] with the - removed.

When you drag a file on a batch file, the full file path is available in the first argument (%1) of the batch file. If you need this argument to be fed to the discex application as its first argument, you can do:
#echo off
echo Welcome to AutoDiscEx
C:\windows\system32\discex %1


Copy a file with batch in a user selected directory

i'm looking for a .bat file that, on opening, ask the user what folder he want to select, then, the batch copy a file (python script) in this folder and execute it
for now i use :
xcopy c:/pythonfiletocopy d:/destinationpath
but i dont find a way to make the user choose the destination folder
any idea ?
thank you
You can request user input using the Set command together with its /P option.
Here's an example which should accept typed or pasted input and should also accept drag and drop for directories not containing spaces:
#Echo Off
Set "_in=" & Set /P "_in=Please provide a directory for the file: "
If Defined _in If Exist "%_in%\" Echo XCopy "C:\pythonfiletocopy" "%_in%"
I have added an Echo on line 3, if you're happy with the output you can remove that.
I know you said you didn't need one but you could JScript launch a GUI directory browser for input.
Here's an example which may do that:
0</* :
#Echo Off
For /F "Delims=" %%A In ('CScript //E:JScript //NoLogo "%~f0" 2^>Nul'
) Do Echo XCopy "C:\pythonfiletocopy" "%%A"
Exit /B */0;
var Folder=new ActiveXObject('Shell.Application').BrowseForFolder(0,'',1,'::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}');
try{new ActiveXObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject').GetStandardStream(1).Write(Folder.Self.Path)};catch(e){};close();
I have added an Echo on line 4, if you're happy with the output you can remove it and line 5.

Read a file name from a text file then search the hard drive for it using batch script

I am just beginning to write my own batch scripts and currently I am trying to develop a small batch script to read a text file containing a list of specific file names with extensions one at a time. After reading the file name, search the hard drive for that file and if found, move it to a specific directory.
This is the code I have developed thus far. It works as long as the files you are looking for are in the same directory. The OS I am using is Windows 8.1.
#echo off
for /F "delims=" %%a in (VIRUS_LIST.txt) do (
echo searching for %%a
For /R %%G in (%%a) do (
if exist %%a (
copy "%%G" "c:\vault"
echo moving file at %%G to c:\vault
Here is how I would like it to work; 1. read the file name from the VIRUS_LIST.TXT file, 2. scan drive C for that file, 3. If found copy or move it to a directory on C drive called C:\vault.
The list file I am using is called VIRUS_LIST.TXT that holds the file names to search for, and if found they would be moved to C:\VAULT to be processed later. If anyone can offer any help it would be greatly welcomed.

How to process 2 FOR loops after each other in batch?

My problem is that two FOR loops are working separately, but don't want to work one after another.
The goal is:
The first loop creates XML files and only when the creation has already been done the second loop starts and counts the size of created XML files and writes it into .txt file.
#echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /s C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\test\') do (
echo Verarbeite %%~na
jhove -m PDF-hul -h xml -o C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\%%~na.xml %%a
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\') do (
echo %%~ni %%~zi >> C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\size.txt
This question can be answered easily when knowing what jhove is.
So I searched in world wide web for jhove, found very quickly the homepage JHOVE | JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment and downloaded also from SourceForge project page of JHOVE.
All this was done by me to find out that jhove is a Java application which is executed on Linux and perhaps also on Mac using the shell script jhove and on Windows the batch file jhove.bat for making it easier to use by users.
So Windows command interpreter searches in current directory and next in all directories specified in environment variable PATH for a file matching the file name pattern jhove.* having a file extension listed in environment variable PATHEXT because jhove.bat is specified without file extension and without path in the batch file.
But the execution of a batch file from within a batch file without usage of command CALL results in script execution of current batch file being continued in the other executed batch file without ever returning back to the current batch file.
For that reason Windows command interpreter runs into jhove.bat on first file found in directory C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\test and never comes back.
This behavior can be easily watched by using two simple batch files stored for example in C:\Temp.
#echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%I in (*.bat) do Test2.bat "%%I"
echo %~n0: Leaving %~f0
#echo %~n0: Arguments are: %*
#echo %~n0: Leaving %~f0
On running from within a command prompt window C:\Temp\Test1.bat the output is:
Test2: Arguments are: "Test1.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
The processing of Test1.bat was continued on Test2.bat without coming back to Test1.bat.
Now Test1.bat is modified to by inserting command CALL after do.
#echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
for %%I in (*.bat) do call Test2.bat "%%I"
echo Leaving %~f0
The output on running Test1.bat from within command prompt window is now:
Test2: Arguments are: "Test1.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
Test2: Arguments are: "Test2.bat"
Test2: Leaving C:\Temp\Test2.bat
Test1: Leaving C:\Temp\Test1.bat
Batch file Test1.bat calls now batch file Test2.bat and therefore the FOR loop is really executed on all *.bat files found in directory of the two batch files.
Therefore the solution is using command CALL as suggested already by Squashman:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('dir /b /s "%USERPROFILE%\test\" 2^>nul') do (
echo Verarbeite %%~na
call jhove.bat -m PDF-hul -h xml -o "%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\%%~na.xml" "%%a"
for /f %%i in ('dir /b /s "%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\" 2^>nul') do (
echo %%~ni %%~zi>>"%USERPROFILE%\outputxml\size.txt"
A reference to environment variable USERPROFILE is used instead of C:\Users\NekhayenkoO.
All file names are enclosed in double quotes in case of any file found in the directory contains a space character or any other special character which requires enclosing in double quotes.
And last 2>nul is added which redirects the error message output to handle STDERR by command DIR on not finding any file to device NUL to suppress it. The redirection operator > must be escaped here with ^ to be interpreted on execution of command DIR and not as wrong placed redirection operator on parsing already the command FOR.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
call /?
cd /?
dir /?
echo /?
for /?
And read also the Microsoft article Using command redirection operators.
You need to use the START command with the /WAIT flag when you launch an external application.
I believe it would look something like this:
START /WAIT jhove -m PDF-hul -h xml -o C:\Users\NekhayenkoO\outputxml\%%~na.xml %%a
That should cause the batch file to pause and wait for the external application to finish before proceeding.

Windows PE batch script runs but does not update file

I have written a batch script that is located on a usb floppy drive (A:) called POSTcounter, which is autoexecuted by a modified (startnet.cmd) file that is in the Windows PE image. The script is simply incrementing a value that is the number of posts and writes the number to a txt file saved on the floppy drive. This script runs fine in windows environment command prompt and saves the txt file. However when the script is autoexecuted in WinPE the script runs but the txt file does not get updated.
startnet.cmd includes:
POSTcounter.cmd includes:
#echo off
echo. This script is counting the # of POSTs.
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%x in (TEST.txt) do echo POST# %%x
::-- Function section starts below here
:myPOSTTest - here starts my function identified by its label
cd "A:\"
if not exist TEST.txt >TEST.txt echo 0
for /f %%x in (TEST.txt) do (
set /a var=%%x+1
>TEST.txt echo %var%
The cd function does not change drives by default. So this line:
cd "A:\"
doesn't do anything useful. Try
cd /d a:\

Running a non bat extension file as a batch file

Let's say I have a text file, it contains batch commands. How can I run that text file as a batch file from within one, without renaming it. I want too keep a portable aspect too it, so no registry keys or such.
The reason for no renaming is too prevent leftover unrenamed files upon unexpected closure.
The simplest way is this:
cmd < file.txt
As in the previous answers, there are several commands that will not work in this file, like GOTO, SETLOCAL and others. However, multiline nested if and for commands do work as long as for replaceable parameters use just one percent (like in the command-line).
Although this method alaways show in the screen the executed commands (#echo off not works here), you may redirect the output to NUL and in the "Batch" file redirect the desired output to CON. For example, this is test.txt:
#echo off
echo Hello World! > CON
(for /L %a in (1,1,10) do (
echo Turn: %a
if %a equ 4 echo TURN NUMBER FOUR!
)) > CON
Output example:
C:\> cmd < test.txt > NUL
Hello World!
Turn: 1
Turn: 2
Turn: 3
Turn: 4
Turn: 5
Turn: 6
Turn: 7
Turn: 8
Turn: 9
Turn: 10
type some.txt>temp.bat
call temp.bat
del /q /f temp.bat
Is creating a temp file cheating?It's not mentioned as restriction in the question.Though you can loose the %ERRORLEVEL% because of the del command , but you can keep it in temp variable:
type some.txt>temp.bat
call temp.bat
set temp_el=%errorlevel%
del /q /f temp.bat
exit /b %temp_el%
I'm pretty sure you cannot do what you want. Windows will not let you configure the OS to recognize any other extensions as batch files. Only .bat and .cmd are supported.
You could process a series of simple commands within a text file using a FOR /F loop, but it will be very restrictive. For example, it will not support IF, FOR, GOTO Label, or CALL :Label. There are probably other restrictions. Within your main batch file, you could have the following:
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%A in (script.txt) do %%A
You might be able to support IF and/or FOR if you execute the command via a new CMD.EXE shell, but then you cannot preserve the value of variables that might be SET by the command.
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%A in (script.txt) do cmd /c "%%A"
See the windows shell commands
assoc. Associates a filename extension (e.g. *.txt) with a file type.
ftype. Lets you create a new file type that tells the windows shell how to open a particular kind of file.
From a command prompt, typing assoc /? or ftype /? will get you help on them. Or use your google-fu to find the MS docs.
*.bat is mapped to the file type batfile; *.cmd is mapped to the file type cmdfile. In windows 7 they are identical. If you want to be able to run files named *.foobar as a batch files, just type:
assoc .foobar=cmdfile
Then, assuming a file named 'sillyness.foobar' existing on the path, you just just type
c:\> sillyness
and it will find sillyness.foobar and execute it as a batch file. The Windows shell has a priority for how it resolves conflicts when you have files with the same name and different extensions (.com vs .cmd vs .bat, etc.)
Something like
assoc .pl=perlscript
ftype perlscript=perl.exe %1 %*
will set you up to run perl scripts as if they were .bat files.
If your batch commands are simple sequential ones then you could use this at the command prompt. Double the % signs for use in a batch file.
for /f "delims=" %a in (file.txt) do %a
