Read a file name from a text file then search the hard drive for it using batch script - windows

I am just beginning to write my own batch scripts and currently I am trying to develop a small batch script to read a text file containing a list of specific file names with extensions one at a time. After reading the file name, search the hard drive for that file and if found, move it to a specific directory.
This is the code I have developed thus far. It works as long as the files you are looking for are in the same directory. The OS I am using is Windows 8.1.
#echo off
for /F "delims=" %%a in (VIRUS_LIST.txt) do (
echo searching for %%a
For /R %%G in (%%a) do (
if exist %%a (
copy "%%G" "c:\vault"
echo moving file at %%G to c:\vault
Here is how I would like it to work; 1. read the file name from the VIRUS_LIST.TXT file, 2. scan drive C for that file, 3. If found copy or move it to a directory on C drive called C:\vault.
The list file I am using is called VIRUS_LIST.TXT that holds the file names to search for, and if found they would be moved to C:\VAULT to be processed later. If anyone can offer any help it would be greatly welcomed.


Bash robocopy from text file containing path to folders and files to copy with special characters

I had a bash xcopy script, but got a lot of issues. After a lot of searching and reading I guess robocopy was a better tool to do the copy.
(The script must run on windows 10 computers without installing anything else and without internet access)
I'm trying to make a bash script that copy (with robocopy) some local network folders and files to a local custom directory. The aim is to be able to access to the files off from the local network.
The path to folders and files are stored inside a txt file (each line = a path)
I want to keep the structure of folder I save locally.
For example the folder X:\Path\to some\local\network\folder\with\some & characters\ will result in C:\PathTolocalFolder\Path\to some\local\network\folder\with\some & characters\ (without the X:\ letter)
Based on many similar questions (but not all at the same time) I have done this :
#echo off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
cd C:
chcp 28591 > nul
for /f "delims=*" %%a in ('type "X:\path with spaces & specials characters\List.txt"') do (
REM echo %%a
REM echo !%%a!
echo %%a to C:\PathTolocalFolder!%%a!
ROBOCOPY "%%~a" "C:\PathTolocalFolder!%%a!" /S /A+:RA /R:1 /W:5
It is partially a success, but :
As there are special characters everywhere in paths and files names, I got some issues. Specially with & characters. My double quotes doesn't solve the problem. How could I go better?
For some cases, I want to save some files but not the whole directory where they are. The full path to the file is inside the text file. But as robocopy needs to add a space between folder path and file filter I have do some manipulation. How can I detect and extract the file name when there is one to adapt the robocopy command?
I want to use an exclusion list like I was doing before with xcopy. But robocopy doesn't accept a file in input for exclusions. I tried this to extract the exclusion file:
for /f "usebackq tokens*" %%D in ("C:\path to exclusion file\exclusions.txt") do (
if NOT "!dirs!"=="" (
Set dirs=!dirs! "%%D"
else (
Set dirs ="%%D"
But doesn't really know what I am doing and how to combine with the first part.
Bonus questions I'm using the robocopy log file functionality (removed from below) is there a way to archive (by adding the date in the name for example) previous log file before creating the new one? Is it possible to remove the progress percents in the log file but to display it in the terminal instead? How to use the "/np" option for log file but not for terminal display?
It's hard to me to understand how the delayed variables are working in batch files and how the different methods to read a file or variable are working.
Any help is welcome :)
Sorry for my bad English skills
thank for having read

How to create folders and files from text file with same names to insert with corresponding name?

I was inspired on works of our colleagues from portal
Have a batch create text files based on a list
Batch script to read input text file and make text file for each line of input text file
to develop creation from a text file for example
"comps.txt" ( comp1,comp2....
for each PC a batch script read from a list of PCs in a text file and create a text file for each line of text as local.
Later in code are created folders files named - the same names ( comp1,comp2....
at the end we have text files : comp1.txt ,comp2.txt ... and folders: comp1 , comp2.... till 400 computers.
Any idea how to add in code or write another separate batch code to move for each coresponding folder text file for text file
comp1.txt->comp1 folder
We have more than 400 lines!!
I am very begginers for any scrips working very hard every single day and this is my first question. My code in Windows Batch is below
#echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (comps.txt) do (type nul>"%%a.txt")
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (comps.txt) do (
echo This is line 1 of text>"%%a.txt"
for /f %%i in (comps.txt) do mkdir %%i
do (
echo "%%i.txt"
It doesn't make any sense to generate text files and then folders to move the files to. Create the folders first place and create the files into the folders. Using a (code block) only one for loop is needed.
#echo off
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (comps.txt) do (
if not exist "%%a" mkdir "%%a"
echo This is line 1 of text>"%%a\%%a.txt"

Windows batch file - process one file at a time

Odd question - but it's driving me a bit crazy. I have a directory where multiple files can be dumped via FTP, then I need to process them one at time. So basically in this directory I could have 1.txt, 2.txt, 3.txt etc then I need to:
copy the file to an archive (if exist copy to archive)
move the file to one specific filename one at a time - data.txt <--- this is what's getting me
run a command on a legacy backend system client using that specific filename (data.txt)
run another command on legacy client using data.txt
delete data.txt
Move on to the next file and repeat
So far I've tried several methods of do loops without any luck - they all get hung up on trying to rename multiple files into one file, and that just kills me. I'd long ago since given up on batch files but annoyingly, this application has to use windows, and Server 2003 to boot.
EDIT: Here's what I've tried-
This works to do one file at a time:
if exist c:\jail\ftp*.txt copy c:\jail\ftp*.txt w:\scans\archive*.txt
if exist c:\jail\ftp*.txt move c:\jail\ftp*.txt w:\data.txt
if exist w:\data.txt C:\temp\rmtcmdb.exe
if exist w:\data.txt del w:\data.txt
I've tried multiple for loops without success, here is the latest (NOTE - I'm just trying to get past the move stage on this one, once I'm done with that I'll add in the rest):
FOR /f %%a IN ("c:\jail\ftp\") DO (
CALL SET /A x = !x! +1
if !x! == 1 (
CALL copy %%a w:\scans\archive*.txt
CALL move %%a w:\data.txt
I've also tried some very basic for loops, and again - nothing is getting past the move stage.
Any suggestions?
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions
for %%a in ("c:\jail\ftp*.txt") do (
set "fileName=%%~na"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
copy "%%~fa" "w:\scans\!fileName:*ftp=archive!%%~xa"
move /y "%%~fa" "w:\data.txt"
start "" /wait "c:\temp\rmtcmdb.exe"
if exist "w:\data.txt" del /s "w:\data.txt" >nul 2>nul

How to copy a location to a batch file from a file that is dragged and dropped to open the batch file

So I've been trying to create a batch file for a piece of software called DiscEX the software requires command line use from cmd.exe windows xp or higher the way it's initiated is like this discex (any arguments needed) location of iso file.
Now I can get the software to run using the batch file but I can't seem to figure out how to copy the target location of a file that was dragged onto it to open the batch file up
Here is what the batch file in notepad looks like.
#echo off
echo Welcome to AutoDiscEx
also I need to be able to start in the working directory of a portable hard drive.
All you need to do is
C:\windows\system32\discex "%1"
to get a file path argument passed into the batch
If the batch file is in the working directory already, put
cd /d %~dp0 in the batch after #echo off
If you want to determine what drive is the external usb drive, use
#echo off
set wmi='wmic logicaldisk where "volumeserialnumber='32A78F3B'" get caption'
for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%A in (%wmi%) do (
for /f "tokens=1 delims=:" %%B in ("%%A") do (set drive=%%B)
echo %drive%
where volumeserialnumber is the output from vol [driveletter of USB drive:] with the - removed.
When you drag a file on a batch file, the full file path is available in the first argument (%1) of the batch file. If you need this argument to be fed to the discex application as its first argument, you can do:
#echo off
echo Welcome to AutoDiscEx
C:\windows\system32\discex %1

For loop in batch file reading a file of File Paths

I want to write a Windows batch file script that will loop through a text file of FILE PATHS, do some work using data from each file path, then ultimately delete the file.
I started by running the FORFILES command and sending its output (the #PATH parameter is the full path of any file it matches) to a text file (results.txt).
I end up with a results.txt file like this:
What I want to do is:
Use a FOR loop and read each line in the results.txt file
For each line (file path), strip out the directory name that the log file is sitting in (ie: Dir1, Dir2, etc..) and create a directory with that SAME name in a different location (ie. D:/Archive/Backups/Dir1, D:/Archive/Backups/Dir2, etc..) -- assuming the directory doesn't exist.
Move the actual .log file to a zip file in that directory [I have code to do this].
Delete the .log file from its original location. [Pretty straightforward]
I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to accomplish the first 2 steps. My FOR loop seems to stop after reading the very first line:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 delims=\" %%G in ("results.txt") DO (
You don't want to parse the path with the tokens/delims options because you don't know how many directory levels you are dealing with. You want to preserve each line in its entirety. TO parse the path you want to use the FOR variable modifiers. (type HELP FOR from the command line and look at the last section of the output)
%%~pG gives the path (without the drive or file name). If we then strip off the last \, we can go through another FOR iteration and get the name (and possible extension) of the file's directory by using %%~nxA.
The toggling of delayed expansion is just to protect against a possible ! in the path. If you know that no path contains ! then you can simply enable delayed expansion at the top of the script and be done with it.
EDIT - this code has been modified significantly since Aacini pointed out that I misread the requirements. It should satisfy the requirements now.
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in ("results.txt") do (
set "myPath=%~pG"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%A in ("!myPath:~0,-1!") do (
if not exist d:\Archive\Backups\%%~nxA md d:\Archive\Backups\%%~nxA
rem ::zip %%G into zip file in the D: location
rem ::you should be able to create the zip with the move option
rem ::so you don't have to del the file
I wrote this to timestamp files before offloading to SFTP.
Hope you find it useful.
The timestamp coding may seem irrelevant to your issue, but I left it because it's a good example of dissecting the filename itself.
I suggest you put an ECHO in front of the REN command for testing. Different shells may have different results.
In the end, the delayedexpansion command wasn't necessary. It was the sub-routine that fixed my issues with variables inside the loop. That could possibly be because of my OS ver. (Win 8.1) - It wouldn't hurt to leave it.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if %time:~0,2% geq 10 set TIMESTAMP=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
if %time:~0,2% leq 9 set TIMESTAMP=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_0%time:~1,1%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
echo TimeStamp=%TIMESTAMP%
for %%G in (*.txt) do (
dir *.txt
goto :EOF
echo OldName=%OLDNAME%
You have two minor problems:
The path separator in the file is '/' but you use '\' in the for loop.
The quotes around "results.txt" stop it working.
This works. Don't write quotes to results.txt and you won't get a quote at the end of the filename.
#echo off
FOR /F "tokens=3,4 delims=/" %%I in (results.txt) DO (
REM Directory
echo %%I
REM File
echo %%J
