SAXParser multiple tagnames what to do? - saxparser

i have an XML-File with the following entries:
<name>United States</isoCode>
how can i see which isoCode it is? and which name it is?
if the open-tag isoCode exists i set a boolean isIsoCode to true
if its true i want to set the isoCode in the endElement method.
but how can i know now which i have to set. the language isoCode
or the country isocode?

In the startElement method, when it's called for the country or language tag you can set a boolean isCountry and/or isLanguage to distinguish which is current.


Problem detecting and using a nullable value in Freemarker

I have a POJO object that I have serialized from JSON (in Java). I am using an object wrapper constructed via:
DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder builder = new DefaultObjectWrapperBuilder(Configuration.VERSION_2_3_27);
objectWrapper =;
I use the setExposeFields(true) because the object I am wrapping is not a Java bean, but rather just a POJO that contains public fields.
I am doing the following in my template:
<#ConditionOccurrence co = c/>
<#macro ConditionOccurrence co>
<#list co?keys as key>
A condition occurrence of: ${codesetName(co.codesetId, "any condition")}
<#if co.first!false>- for the first time in the person's history</#if>
<#if (co["occurrenceStartDate"])??>co.OSD is null: </#if>
Note, the 'c' is an element in a sequence, and is not important to the exact problem I am having.
The output of the template shows this:
A condition occurrence of: Psoriasis
- for the first time in the person's history
co.OSD is null:
The first set of lines are all the keys in my POJO. This is correct.
the two lines of output:
This is showing that the field occurrenceStartDate is an object of type DateRange. note this could be null in some cases, so I am checking how to check for null...
The next part of the output:
- for the first time in the person's history
co.OSD is null:
This is showing that it is reading the 'first' attribute of the object correctly, and I have switched the raw JSON from 'true' to 'false' and the template responds properly to the change in this value. Note, in the object, the 'first' field is type Boolean.
The second line: co.OSD is null is what is confounding me. I confirmed earlier that outputting the 'occurrenceStartDate' field shows that it holds a DateRange object. But, this statement is evaluating to TRUE (ie: it is null):
#if (co["occurrenceStartDate"])??>co.OSD is null: </#if>
I have tried with both dot notation and bracket notation. For some reason, the ?? operator on that field is saying it is null. Note, the underlying object isn't a simple String or Number type, it is a simple POJO class DateRange with 3 String properties on it. Again, these are not JavaBeans, these are just POJOs.
Can anyone explain why the ?? operator says it is empty when it is clearly referencing an object? Btw: if I attempt to access co.occurrenceStartDate at all, it results in a template error that I'm referencing a null value, so the core problem here is why does the wrapper thing it is a null?
Thank you in advance for your help.
The ?? operator means "is present", not "is missing". So your line should be:
<#if !(co.occurrenceStartDate??)>co.OSD is null: </#if>

How can I compare strings case sensitive in xforms:select1 ref attribute?

I have to provide the ref attribute value in an xf:select1. I need to select names of properties only if they are present in the supportedProperties instance which can be done with the following:
name = instance('supportedProperties')/property/name
However, the problem is that supportedProperties can contain names which are in capital letters. Assuming we cannot change the instance, is there a way we can do a case sensitive comparison?
Tried to use the lower-case() XPath function as follows but it didn't work:
name = instance('supportedProperties')/property/name
Assuming you are using XPath 2, you can write:
name = instance('supportedProperties')/property/name/lower-case(.)
What this does is that the lower-case(.) function applies to all elements in the sequence returned by instance('supportedProperties')/property/name.
You can also write it:
name = (
for $name in instance('supportedProperties')/property/name
return lower-case($name)

how get attribute for a matching predicate using xpath2

I have an xml like this:-
<include><method wrap="true"><name>methodA</name></method>...</include>
method node can have wrap attribute with value true or false. absence of attribute should mean it is false.
my predicate is like this:-
//include/method[matches(str, methodA)]
to get the matching nodes.
How can I get the wrap attribute and figure if the attribute is missing?
Try this:
//include/method[#wrap='true'][name = 'methodA']
The test for wrap attribute will only be true if there is an attribute wrap and the value is string true.

Check if the node value exist

I want to check in a xml if there is a node with the value "Hotel Hafen Hamburg".
But I get the error.
SimpleXMLElement::xpath(): Invalid predicate on line 25
You can view the xml here.
Until now I have written the following code.
$apiUmgebungUrl = "xml.xml";
$xml_umgebung = simplexml_load_file($apiUmgebungUrl);
echo $nameexist = $xml_umgebung->xpath('boolean(//result/name[#Hotel Hafen Hamburg');
It seems that your parantheses and brackets do not close properly at the end of your XPath expression - it should end on ]).
Also, what is Hotel Hafen Hamburg? If it is an attribute called value, your value check should look like this:
[#value="Hotel Hafen Hamburg"]
You cannot just write # and then a value, without specifying where that value is supposed to be.
EDIT: Looking at the Xml document, it seems that Hotel Hafen Hamburg is supposed to be the text content of the <name> element. Therefore, try looking for a text node with that value rather than an attribute:
boolean(//result/name[text() = "Hotel Hafen Hamburg"])

jxls forEach tag : how to define local variables?

Can we define local variables in jxls which can be used to set an incrementing count for a column.
For eg: Consider the following
<jx:forEach items="${myList}" var="myVar">
-- i need to define a local integer variable here which will have an initial value as 0
-- and i will increment it and display in the output xls's first column
Basically my requirement is to have somekind of local variable declaration in jxls code which i would increment and display in xml.
Any other alternatives are welcome.
jx:forEach tag support varStatus attribute which defines a name of loop status object which will be passed into bean context for each iteration. The loop status object is an instance of LoopStatus class which has single 'index' property identifying the index of the current item in the collection being iterated
<jx:forEach items="${employees}" var="employee" varStatus="status">
| ${status.index} | ${} | ${employee.payment} | ${employee.bonus}
Figured it out.... We can use <jx:out expr="hssfRow.getRowNum()" /> in the column where we want to display the numbering. We can keep the above piece of code inside <jx:forEach items="${myList}" var="myVar"> tag
