making insertRowAtIndexes:withAnimation visible when inserting new row at end - cocoa

I'm using insertRowAtIndexes:withAnimation to add a new row to an NSTableView.
If the rect of the new row is already visible then this works fine but there is a problem when inserting a new row at the end. The row gets inserted as expected but since the scroll position doesn't adjust, the animation happens offscreen!
Any obvious fix I'm missing?

You have to make the new row visible manually. You can't call -rectOfRow: on the row you are inserting, because it's not in the table yet -- instead, look at the rect of the last row in the table, add the expected height of the new row, and then see if the resulting rect will be visible onscreen; if not, you need to scroll.
See NSTableView scrollRowToVisible with animation if you want to animate the scroll. Note that on 10.7+ you probably want to call -flashScrollers on the scrollview as well.


View based NSTableView and row heights

I'm beginning to try and build an OSX app.
I'm using NSTableView with it set as view-based, however I want the rows to wrap properly (so all of the text in each is shown at once) however I can't seem to find out how do to this.
Using the rowHeight delegate method seems to point to cell-based NSTableViews so I don't know if I'm doing that right or not.
First select NSTableView and then Size Inspector and set row height:
and then select table cell view's which you want change:
And if you want then you can move or resize your table view cell if you want.

mouseOver for NSTableView

I have NSTableView in my application and i have added the hovering effect for the rows by using HoverTableDemo.
I can get the hovering effect only for one row in my table.
It is not apply for the whole table.
How can i get Hovering effect for full table.
Can any body have any idea please revert me.
Take a look:
You're on the right track with -mouseEntered: and -mouseExited:.
Look into NSView's -addTrackingRect:owner:userData:assumeInside: and -removeTrackingRect: methods.
I can get the hovering effect only for one row in my table.
You can either set up your tableView to create trackingRects for every row that's in there whenever the contents of the tableView change, or alternatively, set up/update one tracking area on the entire tableView whenever -tile or another layout related method is called.

titanium functionality

I'm new to titanium and I,m trying to build some prototypes based on wireframes. Below is the wireframe that I'm trying to build as prototype.
What you see is a list of restaurants fetched from google places api. The main functionality here is the black strip which will be at a fixed position and holds the details of rating and reviews on a particular restaurant which is underneath it.
So if I scroll through the restaurants the black strip should get the rating details of that particular restaurant which is underneath it.
So far I was able to crawl the restaurants data from google places api into row of the table view.
I'm not sure what to call this functionality or how to achieve this.
Can you guys please give me direction to proceed ahead...
I assume you wanted to develop this Prototype for iOS or Android App, so using Titanium I've below suggestion for design & functionality
To Achieve Design:
For Android - Use Relative Layout with List view which you can load Rating/Review Icons on top with Fixed Position
For iOS/iPhone - Add Parent VIEW and then Add Table VIEW to load Restaurant and Add Rating/Review Icons in Another Table VIEW with Same Top position of Restaurant List
To Achieve Functionality:
You will get First cell index of Table View in which Restaurant List you're loading, so keep check which Cell of Table is on Top of Table view using Cell Identifier.
Wouldn't it be much easier to just include it as a part of the row? Otherwise the user can only see one rows information at a time, which I would consider bad design.
More importantly, this will not work on iOS unless you add a lot of dummy table rows at the end of the TableView, since the user wont be able to scroll the bottom-most row to the top of the screen!
This tutorial shows you how to have custom table rows. Use it as a starting point to add your comment and like button images. I really see no other alternative, since your fixed position method requires hacking the TableView component or using transforms to move the bottom row to the top.
If you must do it this way, the best way forward would be to add a number of blank table rows to past the end of your real table rows so that the user can scroll all the way down to the last row with content (this way the fixed position can detect its over it).
Next create your view holding the three buttons, making sure its absolutely position in the window (so it stays fixed) and has a zIndex greater than the TableView:
var likeAndCommentHolderView = Ti.UI.createView({
top : 45,
left : 0,
//.... etc
zIndex : 101
Now you have to figure out which row the user is over. This can be done using the scrollEnd event of a TableView and getting the contentOffset attribute of the event. The 'scrollEnd' event is triggered when the user has finished scrolling the rows in a tableView, it returns an event that has the contentOffset, which is just a measure of how much you have scrolled from the top of the tableView. Using simple math, calculate the offset divided by the rowHeight and that is the row index the user is looking at.
// Assume table view is at coordinates : top=45, left=0 and you have defined rowHeight
tableView.addEventListener('scrollEnd', function(e) {
// Use this to determine which row your over
var contentOffset = e.contentOffset;
// Figure out the index
var rowIndex = contentOffset / rowHeight;
// Get the row, assume first section
var section =[0];
var rowObject = section.rows[rowIndex];
// Now update your UI with data from the row
var name = rowObject.restaurantName;
Now you have the actual row object in the table, you can extract
This is only a general outline, this does not take into account some of the differences between platforms, I leave that to you to figure out, but this is a good general approach.

UITableView Scroll when new cells are added

In my app I have a pull down to refresh feature. Basically what this does is it adds some more cells to the top of my UITableView. However when I do this the screen automatically scrolls down. I want to keep my position on the screen when the new cells are loaded.
[dataPosts insertObject:[[MainButton alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 260) withData:0 hasNick:[self createRandomStringWithLength:140]] atIndex:0];
dataPosts is the data array of my UITableView. MainButton is a UIView with size 320,260 and it is added as a view into a UITableViewCell. So whenever I add a new entry to my data, the table automatically scrolls down 260 units but I want my position to stay the same. Thanks in advance.
When the new rows are to be inserted you are aware how many rows are going to be inserted. So based on that you can call scrollToRowAtIndexPath:atScrollPosition:animated: method of UITableView to be at the same place even when new rows are inserted at the top.
Currently 10 rows are displayed and 1st row is at the top.
Now suppose, new more 20 rows are to be inserted. Insert them without animation.
Now, call above mentioned method with indexPath.row of 21 without animation.
Hope that helps. Let me know if you are looking for something else.

how to keep the visible content after nstableview reloaddata?

I have a subclassed nstableview whose data source array may increase, by calling reloadData: I can refresh to reflect the data updating.
But after reloadData:, the tableview will always scroll to the new cell with the same old row number (for example, if the tableview was showing the 2nd cell, after reloadData:, the tableview will scroll to the new 2nd cell, therefore, the visible content of the tableview will change). How can I disable this automatic behavior and keep the visible content unchanged after the updating?
thanks in advance!
Table views don't re-scroll when their content changes. Since you're changing the table content which underlies the currently displayed rows, you need to move the scroll yourself.
I don't have code for this, but I suggest using rowAtPoint: to find the initial position of the table view, identifying or calculating the new row index for that row's content, and then calling:
[tableView reloadData];
[tableView scrollRowToVisible:newIndex];
I got this problem fixed: first, I got the rect size changed amount; then after the reloadData: , scroll the tableview to the changed point (original point + delta parts) immediately with the clipview's scrollToPoint: method. It does it so fast that you cannot realize the operation there.
