mouseOver for NSTableView - xcode

I have NSTableView in my application and i have added the hovering effect for the rows by using HoverTableDemo.
I can get the hovering effect only for one row in my table.
It is not apply for the whole table.
How can i get Hovering effect for full table.
Can any body have any idea please revert me.

Take a look:
You're on the right track with -mouseEntered: and -mouseExited:.
Look into NSView's -addTrackingRect:owner:userData:assumeInside: and -removeTrackingRect: methods.
I can get the hovering effect only for one row in my table.
You can either set up your tableView to create trackingRects for every row that's in there whenever the contents of the tableView change, or alternatively, set up/update one tracking area on the entire tableView whenever -tile or another layout related method is called.


NSTableView as a form - nextKeyView issue (or how to force load all rows)

Perhaps using an NSTableView as a form is a terrible idea, but I've got it working pretty well in every respect except that you can't tab from field to field.
I have a table with a label column and a field column. I also have an array that keeps track of each row in the table with its accompanying NSTextField control. The controls are set in the array as they are loaded during tableView(tableView: viewForTableColumn: row:).
After the tableview is drawn, I run through each control in the array and set its nextKeyView to the following control.
This works swell, BUT only for those controls which have been displayed on screen. Because the control isn't added until it's loaded, table rows which are off-screen aren't hooked up.
My current approach (which is awful) is to manually scroll the table several times in order to force everything to load, then set all the nextKeyViews. I haven't got it working very well yet, so I was hoping someone had a better idea. Force-loading all views, if it works, should be an OK solution, but there may be something smarter out there too.
I guess the answer is
This will show the row you want to see.

How do I reset a table view?

I have a table view in an iPhone xcode tab bar application that shows data either alphabetically or numerically, depending on a user selected option in one of the tabs. It works for the most part, but when I change the option and then go back into the table view, the table view initially looks like it did before the option was changed. However, as new cells get scrolled into view, they have the new display mode.
I can identify when the option changes, but I can't seem to get the code correct that would re-initialize the cells such that the next time they come into view they have the correct values. The data comes from a static array with set values, so I don't want to do anything with the data source, just the table view.
In other words, once the display option changes, I want to wipe out the table view I have so that the next time the table view displays it will show the correct data right from the start rather than after scrolling occurs.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
It sounds like you want to call reloadData on the TableView.
[yourTableView reloadData];

how to keep the visible content after nstableview reloaddata?

I have a subclassed nstableview whose data source array may increase, by calling reloadData: I can refresh to reflect the data updating.
But after reloadData:, the tableview will always scroll to the new cell with the same old row number (for example, if the tableview was showing the 2nd cell, after reloadData:, the tableview will scroll to the new 2nd cell, therefore, the visible content of the tableview will change). How can I disable this automatic behavior and keep the visible content unchanged after the updating?
thanks in advance!
Table views don't re-scroll when their content changes. Since you're changing the table content which underlies the currently displayed rows, you need to move the scroll yourself.
I don't have code for this, but I suggest using rowAtPoint: to find the initial position of the table view, identifying or calculating the new row index for that row's content, and then calling:
[tableView reloadData];
[tableView scrollRowToVisible:newIndex];
I got this problem fixed: first, I got the rect size changed amount; then after the reloadData: , scroll the tableview to the changed point (original point + delta parts) immediately with the clipview's scrollToPoint: method. It does it so fast that you cannot realize the operation there.

Have an NSTableView row always stay in the same place

Im trying to make a trash can system in my app. I have a NSTableView and a trash can row. I want to have the row "stick" to the bottom of the visible table view so it can always be seen. Is it possible to do this and if not is there a better approach to doing this?
Thanks for any help
Sit another utterly separate UIView, on top the views that contain the table.
Simply fake it up to make it look like a row from the table.
As you say, "Thanks that sounds like it will work as long [tableview deselectRow:[tableview selectedRow] works so it appears that the fake row is really in the view." -- that is precisely what you do.
There's no supported way to do this and it might be near impossible. You might try embedding your "main" table view in a container NSView (that observes the table view's frame changes resizes / performs layout when the size changes). This view would leave room at the bottom for a single-row table view with no headers. You could feed the "main" table view all but the sticky row, and feed only the sticky row to the smaller table.

Drop on NSTableView Behavior

I have an NSTableView and I have successfully implemented both tableView:validateDrop:proposedRow:proposedDropOperation: and tableView:acceptDrop:row:dropOperation:.
I don't need tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard: because that's for dragging objects out of the NSTableView.
Now, the problem is that I want it to behave kind of iTunes-like. In iTunes 9.x (I don't remember it for the previous versions) you have an NSTableView (the playlist) and when you drag a file over it you get this blue focus inside the NSTableView (maybe it's the NSScrollView?) and you don't have the blue horizontal line that indicates where you're going to insert an object. So basically I would like:
No blue horizontal insert line
between rows when hovering a file
over the NSTableView.
The blue focus inside the NSTableView
(or NSScrollView).
Any help would be greatly appreciated so thank you in advance.
From the NSTableView reference:
- (void)setDropRow:(NSInteger)row dropOperation:(NSTableViewDropOperation)operation
"Passing a value of –1 for row, and NSTableViewDropOn as the operation causes the entire table view to be highlighted rather than a specific row. This is useful if the data displayed by the receiver does not allow the user to drop items at a specific row location"
