Can't output result in bash from an ant command - bash

I am writing a bash script that modifies some config files, runs "ant ear war" as a different user, outputs the return, exits back to the root to continue with the rest of the script. The issue is that the script does not continue after exiting and I don't get an output from "ant ear war".
Thank you for the help.
here is an example
#When running the bash script i don't see the output. Maybe it's because I run it as root and switched to another_user. So I tried to outputing result into a variable and into a text file. Both failed
su another_user
cd /usr/empi/MMEMPIV741/
echo $(ant ear war) >> /tmp/empi_install.txt
echo 'if zero it's success otherwise it's a failure'
cp /usr/accessmgr/AMV741/bin/am/JBoss/AccessManager.war /usr/jboss/jboss-eap-4.3/jboss-as/server/default/deploy/
cp /usr/empi/MMEMPIV741/person_project/working-dir/dist/* /usr/jboss/jboss-eap-4.3/jboss-as/server/default/deploy/
#By this time above is exited from another_user and should return to root
echo $varant
echo "http://`hostname`:21080/PersonMasterIndexDQM/flex/login.jsp#"

Put the commands you want to run in a different user context into a separate script and run that script via
su another_user -c /path/to/


Run bash script loop in background which will write result of jar command to file

I'm novice to running bash script. (you can suggest me, if title I've given is incorrect.)
I want to run a jar file using bash script in loop. Then it should write the output of jar command into some file.
Bash file
echo Total iterations are 500
for i in {1..500}
the_output="$(java -jar data-generator.jar 10 1 mockData.csv data_200GB.csv)"
echo $the_output
echo Iteration $i processed
no_of_lines="$(wc -l data_200GB.csv)"
echo "${no_of_lines}"
I'm running above script using command nohup sh > datagenerate.log &. As I want to run this script in background, so that even I log out from ssh it should keep running & output should go into datagenerate.log.
But when I ran above command and hit enter or close the terminal it ends the process. Only Total iterations are 500 is getting logged into output file.
Let me know what I'm missing. I followed following two links to create above shell script: link-1 & link2.
nohup sh > datagenerate.log &
nohup should work this way without using screen program, but depending on your distro your sh shell might be linked to dash.
Just make your script executable:
chmod +x
and run your command like this:
nohup ./ > datagenerate.log &
You should check this out:
With this programm you can close your shell while a command or script is still running. They will not be aborted and you can pick the session up again later.

script file : command stopped

I made simple script. file name is sutest.
cd ~/Downloads/redis-4.0.1/src
echo "uid is ${UID}"
echo "user is ${USER}"
echo "username is ${USERNAME}"
I runed script.$ . sutest
But, script code is stopped at ./redis-server.
So I can't see echo messages.
I want to make this kind of script files. How can I do that??
I would be appreciate your help.
Let's say more general case.
myscript1 file executes process like redis-server above.
another myscript2 file executes process like redis-server above.
another myscript3 file executes process like redis-server above.
How can I run three script files simultaneously??
I want to do job in ssh connection.
To make the matter worse, If I can't use screen or tmux??
Add a '&' char at the end of the row
./redis-server &
this char permits to run in backgroud the job, and the script continues.
Just do the echos first:
cd ~/Downloads/redis-4.0.1/src
echo "uid is ${UID}"
echo "user is ${USER}"
echo "username is ${USERNAME}"
exec ./redis-server
The use of exec is a small trick (which you can omit if you prefer): it replaces the shell script with redis-server, so the shell script is no longer running at all. Without exec, you end up with the shell script waiting around for redis-server to finish, which is unnecessary if the script will do nothing further.
If you don't like that for some reason, you can keep the original order:
cd ~/Downloads/redis-4.0.1/src
./redis-server & # run in background
echo "uid is ${UID}"
echo "user is ${USER}"
echo "username is ${USERNAME}"
wait # optional

Jenkins fails with Execute shell script

I have my bash script in ${JENKINS_HOME}/scripts/
My job has build step Execute shell:
However after I run job it fails:
The error message (i.e. the 0: part) suggests, that there is an error while executing the script.
You could run the script with
sh -x
For the safe side, you could also do a
ls -l
before you run it.
make sure that the script exist with ls
no need to sh , just ./ ( make sure you have run permissions)

Run a bash script via another bash script to delete a file is not working properly

I have a bash script which calls another, which takes me to another prompt where I have to delete a file file.txt and then exit out of that prompt.
When I call from inside, I see the prompt and I believe that it deletes the file.txt but the inner/new prompt waits for me to exit out of it while the script is running - meaning it needs intervention to proceed. How do I avoid it in bash?
In Python I can use Popen and get it going but not sure about bash.
EDIT: I would rather like to know what command to provide to exit out of the shell (generated from running") so I can go back to the prompt where "" was started.
Etan: To answer your question
VirtualBox:~/Desktop/ > ./start
company#4d6z74d:~$ ->this is the new shell
company#4d6z74d:~$ logout ---> I did a "Control D here" so the script could continue.
Relevant part of which:
/../../../../ (this is the one that takes us to the new $ prompt)
echo "Delete file.txt "
rm -f abc/def/file.txt
You can run in the background using &. In, you would invoke the script via /path/ &. Now, will exit without waiting for to finish (which is running in the background).

running linux executables from linux shell scripts

I want to run a executable from my shell script. The executable is located at /usr/bin/to_run.
My shell script(which is calling the above executable) is in the /usr/bin folder.
The shell script is :
#kill all existing instances of synergy
killall synergys
sh "/usr/bin/synergys"
if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then
echo "synergy server started"
echo "error in starting"
I am getting an error saying : "synergys : no process found".
When I run the same thing - /usr/bin/synergys directly from the terminal it runs fine, but from within a script there are problems. I don't understand why.
Thank you in advance.
That error is from the killall command, it's saying there are no candidate processes matching your argument.
If you don't want to be notified where no processes match, just use the quiet option:
killall -q synergys
From the killall man page:
-q, --quiet
Do not complain if no processes were killed.
If /usr/bin/synergys is an executable and not a shell script, you will run it directly, not via the shell:
Or, since /usr/bin is on the $PATH of most people, you could simply write:
If /usr/bin/synergys is actually a shell script, it should be executable (for example, 555 or -r-xr-xr-x permissions), and you can still write just synergys to execute it. You only need to use an explicit sh if the file /usr/bin/synergys is not executable and is a shell script.
