System preference Scrollbar Show Always on OSx - macos

I have a website and i want to hide scrollbars i did the css and everything but if you are in a osx computer and you have in your preference show always scrollbars you see them is there any way you can hide them?? you know within the computer preference of showing it.. i need to hide the scrollbars is there any way you can do it with jquery or php or css?

Try to create two divs: one with overflow:hidden and the inner one with position:absolute. And all scrolling via js/JQuery. I did such thing about 5 years ago when I was implementing custom scroll bars.


Blueimp Image Gallery: Borderless mode as default?

I'm trying to setup a Gallery similiar to the demo one, but with only one option, the fullscreen mode. The borderless mode should be default for everyone and not be able to changed.
The documentation gives this hint:
Bootstrap Image Gallery provides the additional useBootstrapModal option, which enables the original borderless layout as seen in the demo. The easiest way to enable this option is to adjust the lightbox container and set the data-use-bootstrap-modal attribute to false
However, if I do that, it wont look as pretty (no autoplay, no arrows, no small previews at the bottom.
Im trying to find a workaround for serveral days now, but wasnt able to do that.
Any hints? Thanks!
Change the div to this worked for me
<div id="blueimp-gallery" class="blueimp-gallery blueimp-gallery-controls" data-use-bootstrap-modal="false">

Phonegap and Xcode

I currently have a series of 8 separate html files, with the idea that each one is a separate page in an iPad app. I have used jQuery Mobile to implement the page swipe between pages by using the 'data-next' and 'data-prev' attribute. However, the results are not great as i sometimes get a page flicker when i swipe, and css animations are very choppy when I test it on an actual iPad. I am also getting a 1 second delay before the actual swipe happens. I know JQM has a default delay of 300ms, but this is waaay longer! I have tried using the css 'translate3d' technique on animated elements, but it doesn't seem to fix it. I'm putting it down to JQM just being buggy as hell.
So my question is this..Is it possible to bring these files into Xcode, as separate independent html files, and implement the page swipe within Xcode itself?
No Not possible.
XCode allows you to create/edit UI and Transitions of cocoa touch controls only. However you can just edit these html/javascript files in XCode.

Google Chrome and drag to scroll

I am developing a website:
It's basically a div 5x as big as the window inside window sized div, with other divs within the large div, using the overscroll and scrollTo plugins to navigate.
The website works perfectly fine in Safari and Firefox for OS/X. But I am having serious trouble making it work in Chrome. I'm not sure if it's an Chrome OS/X only problem, but whenever I scroll over one of the inner divs within the large div, the whole browser slows down, this only happens in Chrome...
If I disable overscroll and use the scrollbars it works 100% fine, but I really want to use the overscroll drag to scroll plugin.
I am no good at coding so any help would be greatly appreciated.
All of the plugins / browsers are on the latest version.
Okay, well I posted an answer to a similar question that I think this might be related too. I could be wrong though, but you could test it.
See the full question and my full answer here: Chrome slow scrolling with fixed position elements
Problem and How to Monitor It
The reason for this is because Chrome for some reasons decides it needs to redecode and resize any images when a fixed panel goes over it. You can see this particularly well with
► Right Click Page -> Inspect Element -> Timeline -> Frames
► Hit Record on bottom
► Go back to the page and drag scrollbar up and down
This seems to just be a problem with the method Chrome is using to determine if a lower element needs to be repainted.
To make matters worse, you can't even get around the issue by creating a div above a scrollable div to avoid using the position:fixed attribute. This will actually cause the same effect. Pretty much Chrome says if anything on the page has to be drawn over an image (even in an iframe, div or whatever it might be), repaint that image. So despite what div/frame you are scrolling it, the problem persists.
The Easy Hack Solution
But I did find one hack to get around this issue that seems to have no downside as of now. By adding
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
To your fixed panel, putting that div in its own compositing layer.

WinRT Settings Charm. Elements overlayed by on screen keyboard

I'm developing for Windows 8 (WInRT) and have problem with settings charm. Settings popup is based on Microsoft SDK settings charm. Settings panel is Popup. Content is wrapped by ScrollViewer -> Grid -> StackPanel. In StackPanel I have input fields. when I trying to fill last of them on screen keyboard overlaying it and I cant see field and cant scroll to it. Is there any way to see it and to scroll to it automatically?
Seems like the popups on Windows 8 suffer from the same problem as they did on Windows Phone in that when you put a TextBox on one of them - it does not get pushed up together with all the other content as it does when it is not in a popup.
My solution to that would be to not use popup for input fields and instead go for a layout that you can manage yourself.
By default the app has a Frame control at its visual root. You can modify it for example by putting your own UserControl in there (I usually call it AppShell) which has the Frame used by all pages, you can have a layer for popups, log in screens, the extended splash screen etc.
To solve your problem you would need to put your charm's UI inside of such layer instead of in a popup. Then the build-in mechanism that pushes all the UI up when the on-screen keyboard would otherwise obstruct the view of your TextBox should just start working again.
A simpler solution might be to make sure your settings panel popup is parented in your visual tree - e.g. by adding it as a child element to a root grid of your app or page. It turns out that in that case its content does get pushed up when the OSK shows up.
Take a look at this post
It's a popup wrapper (turns user controls into popups) that takes care of the keyboard appearing and adjusts the size of the popup (and thus the user control) accordingly.

Scrolling issues with SIP (keyboard) open on wp7

I am developing an application for WP7 platform (actually WP7.1 sdk). I have a page with an image and couple textboxes in a Grid encapsulated in scrollviwer, that supports both portrait and landscape orientation. I am facing some odd behaviors that rised my two questions:
Is there a solution or at least explanation why in Portrait mode when I focus on any textbox and SIP comes up I cannot scroll through the page in the rest of viewable area? When I try to scroll it with SIP up it always bounces back to the focused textbox so to select another textbox I have to tap elswere to hide the SIP and select another textbox. (its annoying and user unfriendly) In a landscape mode though, I can scroll through the page easily (without bouncing) and select whatever I want with SIP up. I think it has to do something with a fact that in portrait mode without sip you can see all elements and in landscape you have to scroll down to see some textboxes. But if I look into some system apps I see similar pages and it doesnt bounce to focused textbox with the keyboard up, so I dunno what am I doing wrong.
Is there any workaround to correctly position dropdown from autocompletebox control from toolkit while it is declared inside of scrollviewer? Its position is always messed up, most of the time I tried to solve this it showed up over the textbox itself hiding it.
Thanks for your time.
I already did some research but didnt solve anything :-/
Could you please try my solution ?
I would recommend you to read Alex's article on the subject. I think it should answer your problem just fine.
Not really. And you shouldn't have a AutoCompleteBox in a ScrollViewer.
