Is there a way to setup Clicktale tag in Google Tag Manager? - web-analytics

Since GTM doesn't support document.write() method the standard clicktale code doesn't work. Is there a workaround for this?
ClickTale employee has sent me these instructions:
Replace the document.write JS line above with the following:
<!-- ClickTale Bottom part -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
var externalScript = document.createElement('script');
var scrSrc = document.location.protocol=='https:'?
scrSrc += 'www11/ptc/xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.js';
externalScript.src = scrSrc;
externalScript.type = 'text/javascript';
<!-- ClickTale end of Bottom part -->
I am not sure what to do with this. Has someone tried something like this?

The correct way to do it is explained in
The procdeure is:
Create a new container (or add the below to an existing container).
Create a new Custom HTML tag in your GTM container.
Copy and paste your project’s bottom code (from the ClickTale account) into the new
Check the “Support document.write” checkbox.
I tried it and it worked. Anyway I had to wait 24h (probably it's the time that Google needs for publishing the tag).

The above answer will work, but Google Tag Manager does have a template for ClickTale now, I always try to refrain from using the Custom HTML tag because this can absolutely break your site if done incorrectly
To set up ClickTale within GTM
New - Tag
Certified Analytics
ClickTale Standard Tracking.


How to extract javascript text with xpath

Is it possible to extra a part of a javascript which is not visible with use of xpath?
<script type="text/javascript"> "agri_discount_group":"","agri_discount_text":"Promoties ","reindex":"1","list_name":"","list_active_variant":"0","list_is_single":"","recalc_rules":"0","agri_discount_type9_art":"","dropshipment":"","leadtime_dropshipment":"0","leadtime_delivery_extra_costs":"","agri_discount_start":"1675033560","agri_discount_stop":"1676242740","stock_feed":"2","stock_feed_tstamp":"1675396701","default_scancode":"8710429017146","tstamp_first_online":"1558595899", </script>
I now how i get a whole text of a div/span tag which is visible on the website but not how i can extract the data which is not visible on the frontend (but is on the source code). And secondly i am not sure how i can only select the code behind the text element "default scancode". Is this possible?
I use octoparse to extract the info from a website.
This part of the code is what i am looking for:
Code element . The entire page source is shown here:
source code

Edit hyperlink validation

Is there any possibility to add another protocol to the hyperlink-type in sharepoint?
I want to add a notes (notes://***) to the top level navigation-bar.
Is there something I can extend or where I can edit the validation
By default, SharePoint navigation Hyperlinks must begin with http://,https://,mailto:,ftp://,file://,/,# or \.
If you want to use the "notes://***", as a workaround, you can add the link using jQuery code.
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".ms-core-listMenu-horizontalBox>ul>li>ul").append("<li class='static'><a href='notes://xxx'>MyNote</a></li>");
Probably it is not possible to turn off easily the OOB link validation without any customization. Depends on the output You need maybe You could use a note column and in edit HTML content of the filed just put the link tag manually like:
. After save SharePoint will render it as link on list webpart.

How to programmatically add script or stylesheet on a per page basis in Docpad

How can I programmatically add script or stylesheet tag to a page specified in page's YAML front matter (meta)?
Assuming there is src/documents/posts/ with following contents:
layout: default
scripts: ['a.js']
Blog post that requires a special javascript
and layout src/layouts/ with following contents:
The final result for posts/a.html should be:
<!-- some extra stuff that was added when processing script tag -->
<script scr="/scripts/a.js"></script>
..while other pages shouldn't have a reference to /scripts/a.js
The comment above tag is just to show that there may be some processing envolved before injecting the tag.
I tried many approaches using different events in file (including approach taken from docpad-plugin-livereload plugin) but every time I was facing the same problem - script tag was applied to all pages instead of being applied to a.html only. Here is one of my tries:
renderDocument: (opts) ->
{extension,templateData,file,content} = opts
if extension == 'html' and scripts = file.get('scripts')
if typeof scripts != 'undefined'
scripts.forEach (scriptName) ->
#docpad.getBlock('scripts').add('<!-- custom script tag here -->')
I've also tried render event, populateCollections (which is not documented however I found it in docpad-plugin-livereload plugin) and even extendTemplateData events and no luck so far.
I know there is a method of doing this right inside a layout:
#getBlock('scripts').add(#document.scripts or [])
..which is totally fine and it really works as expected however it doesn't seem to provide enough freedom for me to manipulate the content before it's injected to a page.. And even if it's possible I won't like the idea of having some heavy logic inside layout template, I want it to be in a plugin/
Hopefully that makes sense
Try templateData.getBlock('scripts').add instead of docpad.getBlock('scripts').add

jQuery conflict while using jslider with prototype and noConflict

Trying to resolve $ conflict between prototype.js and jQuery.js because I need to use jSlider which requires the jQuery library.
I add jQuery.noConflict() at the end of the jquery.js file then in the jslider.js file I change $._roundNumber to jQuery._roundNumber. Yet I still get an error which says jQuery._roundNumber is not a function. Please help.
Here is the example of integrating prototype and jquery...May check you did the right thing or not.?
<script src="prototype.js"></script>
<script src="effects.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<div id="shake_demo" style="width:150px; height:40px; background:#ccc; text-align:center;">
Click me to shake!
And now for rounding the number you can use this code:
var txt=jQuery('#txtBox').val());
var amt = parseFloat(txt);
Fixed. Just realised that the reason jQuery.noConflict() was not working was because jQuery was already being used in the template page that I was including in my current page so the problem was two fold:
'$()' which is the default jQuery selector was clashing with prototype.js which Tapestry includes by default
when I added jQuery.noConflict() at the end of my file then tried using 'jQuery()' as the selector it did not work either because a different version of jquery (let's call this jquery.old.js) was already included in the template page (which I was including in my current page). To get the jquery.old.js to work with prototype.js, the previous developer already used jQuery.noConflict() so the 'jQuery()' selector was already taken as well.
Fix: I added $j2 = jQuery.noConflict() at the end of file then I used '$j2()' selector in my new library that uses the jSlider and I also modified the selector in the jSlider.js file. It all works well now.
I am leaving both and jquery.old.js file in the project (rather than using just one) because the template page which uses the older jquery version is used all over the site (I don't want to test the entire site after changing this) while the new component I'm adding needs the new version of jquery ( file. And yes I know it's better to add the no conflict commands at the top of my html page rather than at the end of the js library files - will change that after this update on stack overflow :)

Recaptcha translation

Does anyone know how to change text language from Recaptcha?
I've already tried:
<script type="text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
lang : 'fr',
But it doesn't change.
For the reCAPTCHA V2 widget you can override the default interface language detection as a parameter to the javascript. See the new docs.
<script src=""></script>
set your lang at last of api address (persian "farsi"):
find your language short name in
Append &hl=fr to the public key.
Appending the language code to your public key work very well :
echo recaptcha_get_html(RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY);
So you can remove your JavaScript from your code. Or leave it if you use other options, but remove "lang:'fr'"
If you mean the language in the actual images that you are trying to solve, unfortunately you can't change the language of that text, at least not yet. The only thing you can change is the language of the interface (the text/prompt in the widget, etc.).
Response to comment: well, according to the docs, you seem to have it right. Is this code place in the same page where the widget appears?
The docs also say:
you need to add the following code in your main HTML page anywhere before the <form> element where reCAPTCHA appears (this will not work if placed after the main script where reCAPTCHA is first invoked)
so also make sure that this code is placed before the <form> tag which encloses the reCAPTCHA widget.
RecaptchaOptions is never working.
Another solution is to add a parametrt hl= langCode while we including the captcha script
<script type="text/javascript" src="'. $server . '/challenge?k=' . $pubkey . &hl=de">/script>
You pasted the incorrect js. There should not be a comma after lang: 'fr'. The correct code is:
<script type="text/javascript">
var RecaptchaOptions = {
lang : 'fr'
