How to extract javascript text with xpath - xpath

Is it possible to extra a part of a javascript which is not visible with use of xpath?
<script type="text/javascript"> "agri_discount_group":"","agri_discount_text":"Promoties ","reindex":"1","list_name":"","list_active_variant":"0","list_is_single":"","recalc_rules":"0","agri_discount_type9_art":"","dropshipment":"","leadtime_dropshipment":"0","leadtime_delivery_extra_costs":"","agri_discount_start":"1675033560","agri_discount_stop":"1676242740","stock_feed":"2","stock_feed_tstamp":"1675396701","default_scancode":"8710429017146","tstamp_first_online":"1558595899", </script>
I now how i get a whole text of a div/span tag which is visible on the website but not how i can extract the data which is not visible on the frontend (but is on the source code). And secondly i am not sure how i can only select the code behind the text element "default scancode". Is this possible?
I use octoparse to extract the info from a website.
This part of the code is what i am looking for:
Code element . The entire page source is shown here:
source code


Unable to extract the data through xpath or css selector

When I do inspect element or view source, the required data is available on page, but when I extract them by using xpath or css, I am getting an empty list. Even I tried to extract all the nodes and it's content but that required data which was shown in View page source are not getting extracted. What could be the reason?
Below is the example code:
I need to extract href value from tag.
<div class="url-link">
<a data-id="abc" class="abc xyz" data-is-avod="" href="/ab/extract/xyz/3&t=25">Title</a>
I used response.xpath('//div/a/#href').extract() xpath but I am unable to extract the desired content.
I have analyzed and found when I logged in to the website then only inspect element or View page source shows this <a> tag else it does not show. So i think to get the #href text i need to pass the form with login information, but I don't know how to pass a form and how to get details of the form.
Please help.

W3C Validation Error: document type does not allow "strong"

I want to append some text in the HTML document using jQuery. The font weight of the appended text should be BOLD. For that I do this:
<script type="text/javascript">
It works like this but this gives me W3C error: document type does not allow element "strong" here.
Now, if I write strong tag outside script tag, it doesn't work.

Document type does not allow element "span" here?

I am working on getting my XHTML validated.
In my page, I have dynamic creation (in JS) of many HTML elements.
For example, I have a for loop that parses an Array that hold value's of a select tag, and then my JS code created the select with the given values. Therefore, my JS contains HTML elements inside quotes (strings). Unfortunately, I cannot get my XHTML validated because the validator things that these guys are actual elements.
How do I avoid this? Is is necessary to avoid this?
You'll need to tell the XHTML validator to parse your JavaScript different then the rest of your code. You can do this by using CDATA blocks in your script tags.
<script type="text/javascript">
For more information for as to why, see the question When is a CDATA section necessary within a script tag?

When in Editor Template, how can I put javascript in the head section?

I hava an editor template for, let's say, date:
#model DateTime
#section AdditionalJavaScript2
/* some js code */
#Html.TextBox("", Model.ToString("d.M.yyyy"), new { #class = "date" })
Now, I would like to put some js code into the HEAD section, but this doesn't work.
Of course, I have a this section in my layout.cshtml:
#RenderSection("AdditionalJavaScript2", required: false)
It works from the plain view, but not from partial view (editor template).
And, is there a workaround?
A partial-view does not use a template, it returns "raw" html to be included in your page (by Javascript). It does not have access to anything but the stream it returns itself.
Think of it like this: You typically call a partial view from Javascript/AJAX to get some new html. You get the return, and replace some DIV-tag. How can the system (FireFox, Chrome, ...) know, that there is some extra section of data that needs to replace something in the HEAD tag.
There are some workarounds:
Don't put the script in the HEAD
Add a parameter switch betweed the html and the script. You need to client-side calls, one to get the html, and one for the script. You include the calls to the partial-view on two locations on your page.
Separate the script and the html using some pre-defined tag like <!-- SEPERATOR -->, and let the calling code split the result, and put it in the correct position.

Unexpected result loading partial view into an IE8 DOM using jQuery Ajax

I have a strange result happening when loading a Partial View using jQuery Ajax into the DOM, but only when viewing the result using IE8.
The Partial View in question (for example purposes only) looks like this;
<aside>Example test</aside>
When the result comes back from the Ajax call it appears to look exactly as above. However when viewing the DOM using the developer tools in IE8 the result looks like this;
Example test
As a result the element is not recognised and the text does not sit within it. Also the style sheet class for 'aside' is not being applied. This only happens in IE8 as far as I can see.
Any one got any suggestions, other than do not use custom tags?
Thanks in advance
You need to make sure the DOM recognizes HTML5 elements. Essentially you will have to do:
Have a look at this link. Without creating the element older IE browsers will not see or style the elements.
The common practice around these issues is to load a html5 fix javascript file within a conditional comment block. The script does a createElement on all new html5 node types.
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<script src="html5.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
