Openshift pip uninstall old packages versions - pip

There are some bugs in django-registration0.8, that's why it installed 0.9 version manually throw ssh and also places newer version of registration directly near my scripts (under registration folder). However, django still users an old version. I'm trying to source ..\virtaulenv and then pip uninstall that package, but get Permission denied error.
What would you recommend me?

That should have worked. Here's a forum thread that walks through a quick example of uninstalling django (fist comment):
If it's still failing, can you post your steps to reproduce the error and the error itself? Feel free to use the forums, or follow up here.


Windows 10 Magento 2.4 zip install on XAMPP has nowhere to agree to terms

I'm trying to get Magento 2.4 running using the production ready zip and I keep getting it to this point where I believe it's ready to start the setup process, but it's waiting for me to agree to the ToS. Unfortunately there's no agree button or instructions on if there's a file I need to edit. I just did a fresh install of XAMPP with PHP 7.4 and still have the same issue, and can't find a similar mention on google.
Is there supposed to be an agree button, do I need to edit a file?
Term & Agreement link leads here, still no agree button. Getting started link takes me to installation instructions for a Linux CLI
I saw I may still need to run the composer install command even on Windows, but I was under the impression the production ready zip already had the dependencies included. Where am I going wrong??
Update: I got composer running in windows terminal and it returns that there is nothing to install.
According to the official site docs, in a note at the top of the installation instructions for a CLI install of Magento 2.3:
"The Web Setup Wizard is being deprecated in Magento 2.3.6 and will be removed in Magento 2.4.0. After it is removed, you must use the command line to install or upgrade Magento."
So you cannot install Magento 2.4 without touching the command line.

Warning message when installing devtools

When I try to install devtools in Rstudio 3.2.3 (Windows 10) using the command install.packages("devtools"), I get the following message:
warning in install.packages :
'lib = "c:/Program Files/R/R-3.2.3//library"' is not writable
I'm a newby and I've been hunting for solutions but so far am coming up empty. I would appreciate any advice that might get me through this step. Thanks.
I stumbled upon the same issue earlier. This "problem" arises when you try to install a library for the first time and R does not have a a dedicated library for it yet.
Two pop-up should appear one after the other when you try to install a package like:
The questions are the following:
Would you like to use a personal library instead?
Would you like to create a personal library 'C:\Users\bartlein\Documents/R/win-library/3.2' to install packages into?
Answer yes to both questions and you should be fine.
The ressources I used came from here.

Installing yii2 framework using Xampp - do i need a github account?

A couple of years of go i used to program using PHP, but without frameworks. With these recent developments I've decided to get in the to the game and try using one. I've decided to use yii 2.0 .
I've read some of the documentation and in my opinion there is some lack of information (at least for who is getting started), so i´m having some problems installing yii 2.0 on my computer using Xampp. The PHP version is 5.5.9.
From what i could understand i downloaded the yii 2.0 framework, extracted the content and copied to c:\xampp\htdocs\yii2
I've already installed the composer, so the the next thing to do i think would be, using the cmd, do these two lines of code:
composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:1.0.0"
composer create-project --prefer-dist --stability=dev yiisoft/yii2-app-basic basic
The problem is when i do the last one it asks for username and password i think of GitHub. Can you tell me if I'm obligated to have an account on github to install yii 2.0 framework.
Is there a way to get around this?
Yii2 is integrated with composer asset plugin. It allows download Bower and NodeJs packages through Composer.
Github account is required to overcome API rate limit. Here is the explanation from the main contributor of this extension:
It's a rate limit of Github API. In anonymous access, Github at a
greatly reduced limit (60/hr it seems to me), and we must be logged
with a token for have a much higher limit.
See composer/composer#1569 and composer/composer#1877
The problem also exists using Nodejs and Bower.
You can find it in this issue, it's 9th from the top.
I think workaround with installing Bower and the same packages is not an option, because initially and with each framework update you must manually synchronize packages with their versions and override some configuration. Also some extensions require javascript plugins and using composer asset plugin too. So you have to do the same with each of them too. It simply not worth it. And having account on Github for web developer nowadays is kind of de facto standard.
Just create Github account if you are still don't have one and everything should be fine. Earlier updating process was pretty slow, now it's faster and I found this approach pretty interesting and flexible.

Installation VoltDB on MAC

Can anyone help me for installation voltDB on MAC system i am trying to install it using instruction but get error
Cannot find config.m4.
Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module
I spent a couple of days to solve this issue google it get some post related to this error but not success to solve this issue, because i am new on MAC System so please help to install voltDB with Step by Step i'll very thankful
Installing VoltDB on a Mac uses the same process as on Linux.
The installation instructions are covered in Using VoltDB: Ch. 2: Installing VoltDB
If you are installing from the source code on Github, you first need to run a build. There are instructions to do this in Github on the project wiki.
However, from the error you are seeing, it looks like you are trying to compile the VoltDB PHP client library. To do that, I recommend downloading the PHP client library from, since that includes both the PHP client library and the version of the C++ library that it depends on. It includes build instructions. If you're getting the source from github, you should know that the latest version of library is the native branch, not master.

Not able to install node module for SQLite 3 on Windows

Is someone aware of the steps that are necessary for installing node module for SQLite3?
Cannot see any posts/threads that clearly tell the steps.
I also need to do this without installing Visual Studio etc.
and old post, but still relevant. The sqlite3 module relies on the node-gyp module, which on windows is a pain to install. Its readme recently got updated to explain the steps required to make this work, see
