turkish char comes as numerical code after oracle select of nclob field - oracle

I have an NCLOB field in the database, which I use to save data created using the fck editor.
Certain Turkish characters are displayed as numerical codes after doing an Oracle select from this NCLOB field . For example: the Ç character becomes Ç.
How can I solve this without having to use text replacement?

Who will use the data that is retrieved from the database after the select? If it will be displayed using the FCK editor, there should be no problem.
Otherwise, you need to use a different encoding (I don't know about FCK editor so I don't know if this is possible).
Or, you need to use a different editor (other than FCK) that will read/write in the proper encoding.
Therefore, decide who will be using the data; that is, what software will they be using to display the data coming from the NCLOB field (for example, Microsoft Word, Notepad, or some other application).
Using that application, create a file that contains Turkish characters.
Write that file into a NCLOB field.
Retrieve the file back and try to display it using the same application.
Make sure the characters are the same and that Oracle has not transformed the Turkish characters.
If all works well, use that application to store data into NCLOB fields.


i m trying to use LiteDb, how can i save hebrew or other languges that are not english in the database

i m trying to insert to a collection data with hebrew characters
is it possible to work with LiteDb in hebrew? if yes, how?
All strings in LiteDB are stored in UTF8. You shouldn't have any problem to store in any language.
In v5 you database are created using current culture info and you can change it by Rebuild your database

Convert Single line text to Multiline text (MS CRM 2016)

I would ask about capability to change the filed datatype from Single line to Multiline without delete this field.
Actually the CRM form editor is disable the data type option set after filed created, so I think I have to change the data type via Database
but I need to know if is it possible to do that, and if we change the data type from the database is it will change the filed from single line shape to multiline in the form.?
because my CRM is online so I need confirm is it possible, to ask Microsoft to do it for me.
Best regards .
It is not possible to convert a single line text field to a multi-line text field. Instead you should create a new multi-line text field and move the data from the old field to the new field.
If you were on-premise, you should not be making direct changes to the database (and there is no way Microsoft would be doing so for you online):
Modifying tables, stored procedures, or views in the database is not
Yes, as Henrik mentions, it's not possible, but tools can make it appear to be for all practical purposes ;)
The Attribute Manager (it's a plugin for the the XrmToolBox) will do this for you. It's in beta, so don't run it in prod without testing it in another environment first.
Just select your field, check Convert Attribute Type (optionally check Migrate Data if you want it migrated) and execute. You'll need to do it in each environment.

How do I convert these characters to their readable form

I have some columns in my oracle database table which is having some �� in them.
How do I decode it to it's original readable form.
I know it's is related to encoding but I need to find a solution for this.
In my php application I get those characters as plain '??'.
I am using sql developer to view records.
You have to convert them from UTF8 to your current encoding. Or vice versa.

Everything is in utf8, but text isn't recording correctly to db anyway

I've created a database (with utf8 charset) and a table with the same charset, all the rows are utf8, in webpage I have meta tag for utf8... But anyway, when I type in my forms smth not in latin alphabet, it registers in db wth eg. фывфыÐ
Have I missed something?
Try use such code after connecting to DataBase, but befor you recieve/write data
$db->query('set character_set_client=utf8');
$db->query('set character_set_connection=utf8');
$db->query('set character_set_results=utf8');
$db->query('set character_set_server=utf8');

View BLOB data which contains text in XML format

How to view a BLOB data, can i export it to text file? I am using Oracle SQL developer 5.1. When i tried
select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(COLNAME))
from user_settings where <fieldname>=...
It returns the following error: ORA-06502 PL/SQL : numeric or value error : raw variable length too long
The BLOB contains text in XML format.
To view xml data stored as a BLOB, do the following;
Open the table view, with the Data tab selected
Double click on the column field value, and a pencil button should appear in the field. Click the pencil button.
The Edit Value window should open, click checkbox for 'View As: Text'. From this window you can also save out any particular file data you require.
PS: I'm running Oracle SQL Developer version 3.1.05
Cause it over the size of the display field. It needs to set the size
You add 1500 for the substr, it should be work.
select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(colname,1500))
from user_settings where <row_id>=...
BLOB data is typically just... a binary blob of data.
Sure, you can export it to a text file by converting it to some kind of text representation... But what if it is an image?
jaganath: You need to sit down and figure out what it is you're dealing with, and then find out what it is you need to do.
But if it is XML, why store it in a BLOB rather than an XMLType (or CLOB)
From the error message it seems that the blob length is too long to fit into a varchar. You could do the conversion in your application code and write the XML into a String or file.
