Convert Single line text to Multiline text (MS CRM 2016) - dynamics-crm

I would ask about capability to change the filed datatype from Single line to Multiline without delete this field.
Actually the CRM form editor is disable the data type option set after filed created, so I think I have to change the data type via Database
but I need to know if is it possible to do that, and if we change the data type from the database is it will change the filed from single line shape to multiline in the form.?
because my CRM is online so I need confirm is it possible, to ask Microsoft to do it for me.
Best regards .

It is not possible to convert a single line text field to a multi-line text field. Instead you should create a new multi-line text field and move the data from the old field to the new field.
If you were on-premise, you should not be making direct changes to the database (and there is no way Microsoft would be doing so for you online):
Modifying tables, stored procedures, or views in the database is not

Yes, as Henrik mentions, it's not possible, but tools can make it appear to be for all practical purposes ;)
The Attribute Manager (it's a plugin for the the XrmToolBox) will do this for you. It's in beta, so don't run it in prod without testing it in another environment first.
Just select your field, check Convert Attribute Type (optionally check Migrate Data if you want it migrated) and execute. You'll need to do it in each environment.


Dynamics 365, Entity View, format date field to "Month Year"

I am working on an entity view that displays billing records with associated date. This date field needs to be displayed as "Month - Year". Unfortunately, I am not able to find a way to format this date field outside of modifying the entity and even then, I only have the option for date only or date and time.
I have noticed that I can select the field and click on Change Properties. There I have "Web Resource" and Function Name. I have tried creating a web resource with a function that returns some data. Set everything up, saved and published. This function is not even found in dev tools. Only examples that I have for it are dealing with using this method for icons:
In another example the suggestion is to use calculated fields, but this would cause me to lose date sorting and filtering on the form.
That view-based JavaScript seems to be to choose an icon. I'm not sure it would allow you to reformat actual data in the view. And if you're looking for assistance with trying to do that, you'd probably get more help if you posted the code.
Besides the JavaScript approach, you might want to think about creating a separate text field to hold the "Month - Year" value. Then you could use a workflow, plugin, or JavaScript to populate it when the datetime field changes.
One of the free workflow tool packages (Jason Lattimer's, Aiden Kaskela's, or Andrew Butenko's) probably has the ability to parse the date so you can format the month and year, and store the string in the separate field. This would be a no-code option.
Alternatively, you could write a plugin to reformat the datetime values and register it on the RetrieveMultiple message of the entity.
I'd probably go with a separate field and an off-the-shelf workflow utility to populate it.
There are several ways:
1. Setting->Administration->System Setting->Format->Customize,
3. or use on load with js to change date format more on this subject here: How to change date format in JavaScript

How to limit entries to only a specific date format and prevent copy paste?

I want a column in my spreadsheet to only have dates in the yyyy-mm-dd format. The format can be set using the Format option but the problem appears when I start using data validation. Now, if I use the standard data validation of "is Date" and do a "Reject Input" in case of any other type of entry, it works perfectly ... until someone copy pastes data in this column - and as soon as that happens, data validation goes away (which is understandable since there's been a paste job done). How can I prevent this problem?
I want the sheet to reject any input or copy paste of data that's not in the yyyy-mm-dd format
Already tried data validation plus formatting
Note: multiple people with varying degrees of tech proficiency will be using this sheet and hence date validation is important
If you are allowing users to write directly into Google Sheets cells, there isn't a way to prevent that they change the date formatting.
The alternatives are to reapply the desired format, either manually or automatically, or to use another method to get user input, like a Google Apps Script prompt or custom dialog.

SSRS Parameter Issue

I am trying to filter data using a text field, However when I specify the available Values to the dataset and field that I am using I recieve this error.
If I remove the Available values, The report runs fine.
I am using Visual Studio Ultimate 2012, with SSRS addon.
The available values can't be populated from the same data source that they are being applied to.
Create a separate data source for your available values and make sure they can populate without user interaction - without their own parameters in other words.
Get the distinct colors list on additional data-set and set it up as default value for your color parameter.
Remember that order of parameters is also important.

Using parameters in reports for VIsual Studio 2008

This is my first attempt to create a Visual Studio 2008 report using parameters. I have created the dataset and the report. If I run it with a hard-coded filter on a column the report runs fine. When I change the filter to '?' I keep getting this error:
No overload for method 'Fill' takes '1' argument
Obviously I am missing some way to connect the parameter on the dataset to a report parameter. I have defined a report parameter using the Report/Report Parameter screen. But how does that report parameter get tied to the dataset table parameter? Is there a special naming convention for the parameter?
I have Googled this a half dozen times and read the msdn documentation but the examples all seem to use a different approach (like creating a SQL query rather then a table based dataset) or entering the parameter name as "=Parameters!name.value" but I can't figure out where to do that. One msdn example suggestted I needed to create some C# code using a SetParameters() method to make the connection. Is that how it is done?
If anyone can recommend a good walk-through I'd appreciate it.
After more reading it appears I don't need report parameters at all. I am simply trying to add a parameter to the database query. So I would create a text box on the form, get the user's input, then apply that parameter programmatically to the fill() argument list. The report parameter on the other hand is an ad-hoc value generally entered by a user that you want to appear on the report. But there is no relationship between report parameters and query/dataset parameters. Is that correct?
My last assumption appears to be correct. After 30 years in the industry my bias is to assume a report parameter actually filters the SQL data using the given parameter. This is not the case with .rdlc files used by Report Viewer. These report parameters have nothing to do with fetching data. Sounds like this was a design decision on Microsoft's part to completely separate the display of data from the fetching of data, hence, Report Viewer has no knowledge of how data may be fetched. Best way for me to conceptualize this dichotomy is to think of Report Parameters more as Report Labels, quite distinct from the dataset query parameters.

How do I grep (search) a Crystal report for all uses of a column?

I am trying to remove all references to a table from a Crystal XI report. Crystal is telling me that a column from that table is currently being used, because there is a little green check mark over the field in the field viewer. Also, if I try to remove the entire table, I get a warning. The warning is almost useless though because it doesn't tell me where the field is used. Now, back when programmers were real programmers, and mice were things cats chased, I could just grep a directory or file and find all references to a variable I was interested in. But how do I do this in Crystal? I have already tried exporting the report to a Report Definition, which helped find some instances of the troublesome field. Unfortunately, that format does not include all formulas, just some. Please tell me I don't have to buy a third party app (or write my own COM thingy) just to do this seemingly simple thing.
EDIT to add details about tangential point:
In case anyone is wondering, I am not crazy - I have duplicated the issue where a formula's definition does not show up in the exported Report Definition. I created a new blank report, created one formula named stealth that returns 1234. I then used that formula in the Section Expert for the details section, in the "suppress" formula, setting it to {#stealth} == 0. the use of the formula shows up, but not the definition. So when my unwanted column was used in the formula, I was not be able to find it! Here's what the rpt def looks like (after deleting some blank lines):
Crystal Report Professional v11.0 (32-bit) - Report Definition
1.0 File Information
Report File:
Version: 11.0
2.0 Record Sort Fields
3.0 Group Sort Fields
4.0 Formulas
4.1 Record Selection Formula
4.2 Group Selection Formula
4.3 Other Formulas
5.0 Sectional Information
5.1 Page Header Section
Visible, Keep Together
5.2 Page Footer Section
Visible, New Page After, Keep Together, Print At Bottom of Page
5.3 Report Header Section
Visible, New Page Before
5.4 Report Footer Section
Visible, New Page After
5.5 Details Section
Visible, Keep Together
Format Formulas
Visible: {#stealth}= 0
If all else fails ...
File -> Export -> Export Report, then choose the Report Definition (TXT) option.
That will give you a plain-text representation of every element of the report. You can grep or CTRL-F or (insert search tool of your choice) through that. "Find in Formulas" usually works, but I've had to go the export route a couple of times, for no apparent reason.
Edit: Of course, if I'd bothered to completely read your post, I'd see that you've already done this.
Very curious.
If you right click on the field in Field Explorer and select Find in Formulas, it should bring up a dialog listing all of the places it is being used in formulas. On the left hand side of the dialog is a tree of all the possible places it could be, including oddball places like record selector and page formatting functions. Unfortunately, it does not seem to list running total fields.
EDIT: Oops, all the places it exists is listed at the bottom of the dialog; the tree view is the entire "DOM" of the report.
I know this is an old post, but...
Not knocking the Find in Formulas, it's been saving me today, but i was having trouble finding the last instance of the field. Even after all of the formulas and the droppings on the report were taken care of, I still had one lone use hiding somewhere.
I found it hiding as a Subreport Link. Right click on the Subreport -> "Change Subreport Links..." and there was the culprit. Dropping in this post because I figured someone else might have this problem too.
Fields can also sometimes be hiding within "Record Sort Expert"
Responding to an old post, but ran into a similar issue. I had a group based on the formula I wanted to delete that had a specified order. When I changed the grouping to a different field, the specified order remained. When I removed the specified order, my formula could be deleted.
This was tested on XIr2...
You change the tables datasource through the "set datasource location" dialog. Now, when it goes into the column mapping mode, uncheck match-type and pick a new column that would cause an error in a formula. (i.e if the column you're looking for is a string replace it with a datetime column). Go to the preview and you should get an error box like "A string is required here.", close that error and up pops the offending formula!
One more suggestion. After following a lot of the suggestions here, my report was still telling me the formula was in use. I had to close the report. When I opened it again, the check mark was gone and it let me delete it. This was on Crystal v
In my case the Formula Field happened to be part of an old Running Total Field, which itself was not included in the report. Once I deleted this old Running Total Field I could delete the unused Formula Field.
Very late, but i use CR 2008 ( and just today (6/16/2015) i am trying to document only the formulae of my report. I knew about exporting the Report Definition, and Finding a Formula in all Formulae. But there are about 50 Formulae. I discovered that the exported Report Definition didn't document all of my Formulae, but I didn't bother to uncover the logic behind that; instead, i plopped all Formulae into a section, then exported the Report Definition. Voila. Of course, i still need to cull all the unnecessary definition elements. But at least i have all Formulae.
So with all the great selections.. I still had one instance hiding from me. I found out where it was by creating a clone of the data table and renaming\deleting the field.
I then used the "Set Database Location" as suggested above to point to my new table. It did error out when it could not find that field but still didn't tell me where it really was (it just said report field).
I did NOT map it and clicked continue which deleted the field from the report. I then mapped it back to the real table and I was good.
In my case, there was a Chart, and the field was being used as one of the "on Change" fields.
Although an old post, this functional gap still exists within Crystal Reports itself. We have a fully functional 14 day trial of our third party software that uses the latest API to search for plain text within a library of Crystal RPT files in one fell swoop. Also searches the data saved within reports, and text within labels ... as well as datasource behind all your reports ( stored procedures, views, and table data ) with support for SQL Server, SQL Azure, MySQL, Oracle, Amazon RDS, DB2 and Access.
More info and trial downloads at
Note, you will need to download and install the compatible SAP runtime connector for searching your RPT file library.
