I'm trying to implement terrain collision in XNA so I've added some dynamic text that allows me to test whether calculations are correct. Everything was rendered just fine until I called:
spriteBatch.Begin(); spriteBatch.End();
spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.BackToFront, BlendState.AlphaBlend);
With these instructions terrain glitches a little bit, when I remove these two lines from my code everything is back to normal (but it means I cannot draw HUD)
Anyone has any clue what can cause that and how should I fix it?
with sprite batch on
with sprite batch off
it due to spritebatch change the graphicsdevice states...
before drawing the terrain you should store the right renderstates...
usually the you have to set the right RasterizerState and DepthStencilState.
Common values are RasterizarState.CullNone and DepthStencilState.Default
I'm trying to make a simple 2D platformer game. So I got the walking and idle animations working for my sprite, but for some reason when it transitions to the run animation, the sprite is a little off the ground? Does anyone know how I could fix this?
The sprite looks like this in the two animations:
There's a number of things this could be. Here's some things to consider.
Ensure that the location of the sprite hasn't changed. Do this by looking in the inspector.
Look at the anchor point for each sprite, and make sure they are at the same point.
Check for size differences.
Make sure the sprite is cropped correctly
Look at the animation state diagram to see if an unusual state change occurred.
I'm sure I could find more possible causes, but the bottom line is, take a look at everything you can think of that might be causing the issue. If you've tried that, then look around and see what else you can see. Finally, if that doesn't work, try asking here with everything you've tried included.
I had this problem too and just fixed it. it's actually simple. What causes this is the pivot of your Sprites. You have to go back to the sprite editor and set the privot of your sprites to the same value and that's it.
I'm making a game using sprite sheets, but I was curious to see if I could animate other sprites into the animation. Indeed, it is possible, however the animation's curve has to be dealt with, or else you have one part choppy, and the other very smooth. I found this resource which helped: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/893479/how-to-make-not-smooth-multi-sprite-animation.html
While the "broken" curve works for translation, it seems to be without effect on rotation.
This is what happens instead:
As you can see the curves are straight, but the animation does not reflect that.
I'm wondering if this is a bug?
I haven't found any other resources mentioning it. I realize I can simply create another sprite sheet, but it'd be efficient if I could do it in this manner, I believe.
Try setting different interpolation modes from context menu of rotation property. Eeuler angles( Quaternion Approximation ) should be suitable for you
I'm working on a simple drawing application. My line is constructed using polygons and things look good so far. I would like to add a transparency feature and I used glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); for that reason. However, because my polys sometimes overlap, I get the ugly result shown in the picture (multiple layers of transparency). What I would like to get is the figure in the left(no overlapping because there is no transparency), with an overall transparency.
I guess I could do this by keeping the polys from overlaping, but that would be a overkill for this task I think. There should be a way to control them at drawing time, but being a beginner with OpenGL doesn't help.
I'm sorry, but the way transparency works does not allow you to do what you want without manually keeping the polygons from overlapping. The way that transparency works is that it takes the colour of the surface below it, and uses the blending function you specify in order to calculate the final colour of the pixel.
In your program you are drawing multiple polygons with alpha on top of each other. That means that their colours add up, giving the result you see.
I've never actually written a drawing application, but you could perhaps take a look at triangle strips to draw your lines. They allow you to extend the line point by point, and make sure the geometry won't overlap with itself.
I am working on a simple painting app using LibGDX, and I am having trouble getting it to "paint" properly with the setup I am using. The way I am trying to do this is to draw with sprites, and add these individual sprites into a background texture, using LibGDX's FBO commands, when it is appropriate.
The problem I am having is something relating to blending, in that when the sprites are added to this texture that I am building, any transparent pixels of the sprite that are on top of pixels that have been drawn to previous will be brightened up substantially, which obviously doesn't look very good. The following is what the result looks like, using a circle with a green>red gradient as the "brush". The top row is part of the background texture now, while the bottom one is still in its purely sprite drawn form.
Basically, the transparent areas of each sprite are brightening anything below them, and I need to make them completely transparent. I have messed around with many different blending mode combinations and couldn't find one that was any better. GL_SRC_ALPHA,GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA for example did not have this problem, but instead the transparent pixels of each sprite seem to be lowered in alpha and even take on some of the color from the layer below, which seemed even more annoying.
I will be happy to post any code snippets on request, but my code has become a bit of mess since I started trying to fix these problems, so I would rather only put up the necessary bits as necessary.
What order are you drawing the sprites in? Alpha blending only works with respect to pixels already in the target, so you have to draw all alpha-containing things (and everything "behind" them) in Z order to get the right result. I'm using .glBlendFunc(GL10.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
I am using LibGDX for a small app project, and I need to somehow take a series of sprites and place them (or their pixels rather) into a Pixmap. The basic idea is to take random sprites that are generated through various means while the app is running, and, only at specific times, merge some of them onto a single background sprite.
I believe that most of this can be done easily, but the step of getting the sprite images into the Pixmap isn't quite so obvious to me. The sprites also have various transparent and semi-transparent pixels, so simply grabbing the color at each pixel while it is all on the same screen isn't really applicable either, as it obviously shouldn't take the background colors with it.
If there is a suitable alternative to this that would accomplish what I am looking for I would also love to hear it. Any help is highly appreciated.
I think you want to render your sprites to an off-screen buffer (called an "FBO" or FrameBuffer in libgdx) (blending them as they're added), and then render that offscreen buffer to the screen as a single draw call? If so, this question should help: libgdx SpriteBatch render to texture
This requires OpenGL ES 2.0, which will eliminate support for some older devices.