Automatically assign profile pics to pages in phpfox - phpfox

Followed by my last question: Automatically create pages in phpfox
Now I'm trying to assign a list of pre-uploaded images to some pages as their profile picture in phpfox.
After checking data changes in the database, I only realized changes in these two fields:
image_path in table of phpfox_pages (which take a an address to the image file)
user_image in table of phpfox_user (which take a string of "user_id+%s".file_extension)
But by inserting data in these two fields in records for a page that has a default profile pic, it's profile pic would not change.
Is there any other fields or options that I should change?

Look at the file /module/pages/include/service/process.class.php In there look for the function update and around line 442 find this
if ($this->_bHasImage)
This piece of code handles setting an image for the page, notice how it creates three thumbnails, maybe the problem you're having is that you didn't create all the needed thumbs. You also need to update the column image_server_id.
Hope it helps

look phpfox_photo table in that you will find is_profile_photo attribute that is always 1 for the profile picture


Showing a picture in visual foxpro 6 from General Data Column [closed]

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What is the code for displaying picture in Visual Foxpro 6?
Does anyone know the codes for displaying a picture that is found within a Column in a table using Visual Foxpro 6?
My project was Library System, that includes the time in and time out of the librarians and students. And needs to upload a picture of students together of their information in the registration.
If a student enters the Library , he/she needs to swipe his/her ID to login or time in and his/her information will appear on the computer of the admin. Same process when he/she leaves the library . . . he/she needs to swipe his/her ID then logout / time out.
I think your question is vague and misleading based on other answer provided. What is SOUNDS like is that you have a database of teachers and students (much like a membership as a gym or similar). For each record in the database, you have an image file associated with that person. The image may be part of the actual table, or just a file name that is pointing to a specific directory on your drive share, where all the people images are available.
From that, these people have ID cards and when they enter a given facility (your Library for example), they run their ID card through a reader. At that time you are doing a search from your network database of users, find the user and pull up the image to the screen to show who the person is to help prevent fraud of someone using somebody else's ID card. This allows the person monitoring the entry area to make sure that Jim is not using "Bill's ID card to gain access.
If this is the case, and your VFP app is already running and ready to read from the card reader, you should only need to add an image file to your screen for presentation somewhere. Then, based on your finding the appropriate ID, get the record, analyze (if part of the record or just file name in a given images path), get the image file and set the property on the image control to point to the correct image. Then, do whatever logging update that states that Bill just entered the facility.
-- update per comment --
Jenna, I don't know how the original records were added to your table, and it sounds like you were handed this project. The column type within VFP is that of a "General" field. Somewhat like that of a memo field that can also hold binary data, the General data type is more for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) content. It appears that when users were storing the values, they were adding as a linked or embedded content via something like
APPEND GENERAL YourPictureColumn from SomePath\SomeFileName.bmp
check the syntax under VFP 6 for "APPEND GENERAL". You can also state how via a LINK to the actual file vs EMBEDDING by having the actual image included so if the original source is removed, you still have it in the file.
As for the "picture frame" you see when you double-click this column, it is because VFP does not know how to properly interpret the image, such as as "MS.Paint" class object, or "Picture", or whatever. I've never really liked doing General fields, but would instead have a memo field with just the name of the full path/file name of the image I was keeping and had a separate folder to just stick all the image files. Then, when I needed to show that specific image, I would change the property of the image object on the VFP form to that location.
Now, if that is a route you might like to go with, I'm not exactly sure out to extract those image files, but can look into it more.
As for testing the concept of the image sampling, in VFP, make a new folder for a sample form.
Copy in the folder a few images to sample.
Create a simple table with 2 columns...
( PersonName c(10),;
ImgSource m )
Add as many records as images you copied to the test folder. For each, put the file name of the images (full path) into the "ImgSource" memo field, and a sample description for the "PersonName".
Next, create a form, open the data environment and add the "MyPicSample" table just created.
Drag this table from the data environment to the form and it will create a grid on the form. Resize it some you only need a small amount of space to show the one column for PersonName. Close the data environment.
Add an "Image" control to the form. It should default the object name to "Image1"
Double-click on your grid to bring up its code snippet window and then double-click on the "AfterRowColChange" event... paste the following over it..
Thisform.Image1.Picture = MyPicSample.ImgSource
Save and run the form. As you scroll up/down the grid, you should see the image change to the respective BMP/JPG file.
I think this is the concept of what you want, but instead of a data table grid displayed, you will be doing this from a scanned card that gets a record, has an image and then present THAT image (now in a General data column type).
Again, not sure how you have your images via embedding or linked, but with this, we can probably get going closer to your end-result needed.
Depends on where you need to upload the image to.
If you are uploading via FTP, you should be able to use the following snippet in Foxpro. It's utilizing the Internet Transfer Control.
inet = CREATEOBJECT("inetctls.inet")
inet.Execute("", "CD DIRNAME")

Force a Content to in new page when generating a PDF

Im using play framework and rendering PDF usin rednerPDF() method.
I would like to display some part of content always be in new page.
For Example I have two tables, One table should be in first page and another table should in next page instead of continue from first page. The first table contents are dynamic and we can't sure the height of the table.
Is it possible?
Is it possible?Yes.
You said one table(first one) should be in first page,and again you said its content is dynamic.Now my question is it span over pages and in the next page you want to write second table?This is a generic scenario and what you mentioned is specific one.
You can start trying using two properties of PdfPTable setSplitLate() and setSplitRows()(just google it out for details read Itext In Action).Just keep Two table as two Rows of outer table.set those two property for inner as well as outer in some way as you want(i.e generic case/Specific case).
Another alternative way is use writeSelectedRows() method over PdfContentByte(I don't konw which Object you gonna use for manipulating pdf but you can get it from PdfWriter,*PdfStamper* by using getDirectContent/*UnderContent*/OverContent) after generating table.To use this method you have to set total width of the table so the height can be calculated by method getTotalHeight of PdfPTable.If You use this height properly you absolutely know where your table ends.But all these specific part you have to read & understand first.
With yahp you can use a special html tag to force a page break
<yahp:pb />
we can achieve this by page-break-after:always
Please refer
Alternate to PDF for dynamically generated document with page breaks

image display in drupal

i would like to create an image gallery on my homepage in drupal. Each image will have been uploaded by the user, and, as i understand it, will be saved in some image directory folder in drupal. My question concerns a recent tip i picked up in response to the general debate whether or not it is good to store images as blob in mysql. The tip was to store the filenames of the images in mysql so you can essentially still sort the files. I was wondering whether this would be possible even if the files url is in drupal so to speak. It should be possible shouldn't it? I new to programming you see and want to the images on my homepage to be periodically refreshed according to a define sorting function. I would greatly appreciate any response to this question. Cheers.
You can using content types and views module for create gallery in Drupal 7.
First create new content type with gallery name(admin/structure/types/add).
Then add a image field to gallery content type and save it.
If you want have thumbnail of image you should create a image style. for example create a image style with thumbnail_custom name and add suitable effect(admin/config/media/image-styles/add). You will use of this image style in views in the next step.
Then create a new view with gallery-view name. uncheck create a page, check create a block, enter block title and item per page you want(admin/structure/views/add).
In Filter criteria from block details add content type gallery.
In Fields add Content image that appears in node:gallery and select and select thumbnail_custom for image style option.
Save view.
This view block appears in Blocks section and you select region for it.
If you want this block appears only in the front page, in configuration of this block in the section pages of visibility settings check "Only the listed pages" option and then enter "<front>" phrase in textarea.

any tutorials/blogs regarding uploading more than one db images

I have exhausting goggle looking for a way to upload more than one db images.
I had a look at or or or and so on. I no luck.
Does anyone has a tutorial or recommend a book that demostrate how to upload more than one db images. I am using vs 2010, mvc3 in C# with SQL Server 2008R2. All I am trying to do is to have couple db images for each product.
The first link you provided is a good start for what you need.
Store all images for a product change....
It shows how to upload multiple files. From this you could modify the table where the images are inserted to add a key for the record relation back to your product.
Retrieve all images for a product change...
To pull them back from the database you would call the code in the same article (GetFile), modifying the select statement to include your product key INSTEAD of the ID of the individual image.
Display all images for a product change...
This is where it changes quite a bit. The author of the first article still returns one file as a FileContentResult. Obviously, this won't work for your situation.
Have a look at this article. It uses an XML file to load up multiple images BUT you would replace this code with the code in GetFiles to create the Image List. It shows how to create a controller, model and view for this. You could create a partial view to have the images on the same page as the product view.
This sample shows how to get an image list out of the DB into a view. (To help with modifying GetFiles to better work for this...)

Magento - adding a new field to the product options in admin

I'd like to add a new tab to the 'catalog->manage products->product information' page in the admin. Underneath the 'images' tab, I'd like to add a new tab for video, with a simple text input for adding a video url, which I can then grab for the frontend.
Anyone any ideas where the files are that I need to edit? I've been looking for the last couple hours with no joy. I found the list of current options in Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Setup but can't figure out how to add to them...
Seems it gets some from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs. If I copy one of the tab sections here and change the title to Video, I can get it to display in the tabs on the left. But how do I then add the options for it?
What you are trying to do, from the sounds of it, is to create a custom field and add it to your catalog data. The good news is that you don't need to muck around in the PHP for that.
Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes and create a new attribute for yourself called "Video URL" (or something to that effect). This will probably be a text field, and you may want to hide it from comparison on the frontend of the site (select "No" for all those boxes at the bottom of the form).
Once you've created an attribute, you will need to add it to an attribute set. If all your products are of one "type", and if you didn't create any other attribute sets, this should be only one step. Head to Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attribute Sets and create a "New Group" called "Video" and drag your new video url attribute into it. Save the attribute set and you should now have your new tab.
The only complication from what I read in your post could be positioning it underneath the images tab. Magento adds several tabs statically (the long way, in the PHP) and doesn't generally obey ordering of the tab groups. Consider the time tradeoff.
Hope that helps. Thanks,
Per your other comments, for the URLs a simple attribute would work but files would tend to be more difficult. To add a custom tab, as you said, you can edit (or in the case of a plugin, override) Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Edit_Tabs::_prepareLayout and add your tab. You'll need to add a block or template to display your tab contents.
After that, you'll need to store the data somewhere. Looking in Adminhtml/controllers/ProductController, you should be able to hook into the catalog_product_prepare_save event to get data from $event->getRequest() and push it onto the product or save another entity as necessary.
I'm not sure how well file saving semantics would work on a product, so you may want to do your own data storage in the extension and then provide something like a getVideoForProduct method to retrieve it.
Then the only thing left to do is modify the catalog/product/view.phtml template file to include your thumbs and create a controller in your extension to provide a modal w/ the video (or do it in JS).
I know that's a bit of a general answer, but it's the rough path you would need to take for tabs. Let me know if any specific part of that is unclear.
