Why can't my client through his login update the calendar on his page that we created for him via Joomla? - joomla

We are having some trouble with a website we recently developed for a client of ours. He is a DJ. For his page, we added a tab that contains a calendar where he can post his events.
Using the admin login, I can successfully post events. However, the client (the DJ) cannot. When I tried using his login, I could not enter events either. Even stranger, I gave the client the admin login (which I used successfully) and he still couldn't post events! I even walked him through it, and he followed the same instructions, but no luck.
We can't figure this out. Here is the site in case it helps to review it.

Make the DJ's account a "super user" OR if you are using Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 you can change the permissions to give his user type access to the calendar.
Good luck!


login via facebook in Xcart based ecommerce website

I have to integrate facebook login in an e-commerce website made in X-cart 4.7.6. There are no add-ons available for this version and I am not able to bypass login validation, I wanted to log user in just by using fb id. Until now , i have been successful in fetching permissions and data from Facebook when user clicks on fb-login button and check that if the particular user is an existing user or a new user. Based on this the data is entered into existing database.
Now I have been trying to set ($allow_login) true and bypass all visible login validation from all files i guess.But yet it doesn't work. Suggest me some ideas or ways to make it work.
You say that there is no ready-made module, but actually it exists: it is included in X-Cart GoldPlus by default, but if you use a "younger" package called X-Cart Gold, you may purchase this addon separately for $99: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/social-login.html

failed to authorize twitter when trying to authorize app with windows phone 8/8.1

I've got a windows phone 8/8.1 app which contains a page with an embedded web browser on it. I build a list of articles extracting information from the website and all of this works fine but note that I only use this web browser to display an article when a user has clicked on the item in my list.
The article in question provides a button to allow user to leave comments via twitter. At the bottom of each article there is a "Twitter Log in" button. When I click on it, it brings me to the authorizing page and it displays the news website as the app I want to authorize.
After entering my twitter credential and clicking on the "Authorize App", I get the following error:
Exception of type 'Microsoft.Phone.Controls.WebBrowserNavigationException' was thrown.
Then a Twitter webpage gets displayed display the following:
There is no request token for this page. That's a special key we need from applications asking you to use your Twitter account. Please go back to the site or application that sent you here and try again. It's probably just a mistake.
It definitely authenticated me as I can see my Twitter account picture but it failed to authorize the app.
I understand that my app is not the original website as it is a wp8/8.1 app but what I'm calling in the web browser is the page that contains all the original code from the news website and therefore you would assume everything would work as if I was calling the website directly from a browser.
If I call the website from the browser that comes with wp8/8.1, it works as expected!! Strangely enough they have the same functionality but using facebook and this works as expected.
I've had a look at html the "twitter authorized page" when called from my phone and when called directly from my web browser on my laptop and while I can clearly see the form contains an hidden field for authenticity_token with a value and a oauth_token with another value, they do differ.
I don't know if they're suppose to be identical but as I said, I don't understand why this wouldn't work as when I display the article in the embedded web browser, you'd assume that everything else that goes on after this would behave as it would in a regular web browser and when this 'authorize app' button is clicked, you'd assume that all values would be passed as normal and the app would get authorized but nope!!
Any suggestions on how I could possible resolve this problem?
I can't really tell what's going on, but it looks like you would have to implement Twitter OAuth. Luckily for you there is already a library that can do that - https://github.com/konradbartecki/TwitterAutherino
I am the author of this library, so let me know if you need some support or non-existent features.

Google OpenID 2 to be deprecated - how should I implemented single sign on instead?

I am new to the world of web development. I know how to use PHP and so I can do that just fine, but I am a little behind on "modern practices". Last night I went ahead and used the LightOpenID library with CodeIgniter to create a login section on my website. The user clicks log in which takes them to a login page with a Google "log in" button. That button uses the URL generated by LightOpenID to direct the user to the Google "Account selection" page which asks for permissions/etc. It then redirects the user to my website where I write their details to the database for future use - like a "silent registration feature". I store their first name, last name, email and OpenID. I then create a session for the user and the user can now browse my website. Super simple.
The reason I felt like I should explain that is because I wanted to point out how "little" I want to utilize the users account. I just need them to sign in with Google for authentication. Google's OpenID>oauth2 migration page and all of their migration examples (which are a little beyond me) explain Google+ authentication for the purpose of retrieving a users friend circles and other social junk. I don't need anything this complicated, all I need is authentication.
So I was wondering what method I should be using now instead (Google says use oauth 2, but not "early oauth 2".. I have no idea what the difference is. They also say that I should only use Google+ now) and I am wondering if you guys can help me find a simple library that handles authentication for me
Have a look at HybridAuth, it works with Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc...

Auto Login user to website when user is logged in to FB or google - DotNetOpenAuth

I am using DotNetOpenAuth to log in users with FB and Google.
When a user visits the website, is there a way to detect that he/she has already logged in to FB or Google and log them automatically?
Thank you
Yes, if your user has already explicitly logged into your web site using Google or Facebook before. For privacy reasons neither provider will allow you to implicitly log their users in without each user explicitly signing into your web site at least once (and clicking "remember me" at their login page while doing so).
Once the user has approved that, it becomes possible but still isn't very simple. The approach involves creating a hidden iframe on your page (perhaps when the user session is first created, you add the iframe to whatever page the user is viewing, or just your popular landing page). This iframe is pointed at a URL on your site that does nothing but initiate the no-user-interaction login flow. For Google, this means your server makes an OpenIdRelyingParty.CreateRequest call with the Google OP Identifier, and you set IAuthenticationRequest.Mode = AuthenticationRequestMode.Immediate on the returned object before calling IAuthenticationRequest.RedirectToProvider. The Immediate bit tells the Provider to not expect to interact with the user (since your iframe is invisible) and to either give an immediate yes or no response. Then in the redirect back to your site (still in the hidden iframe) you'll see the user is logged into Google (or not) and get their Claimed Identifier and log them into your site.
For Facebook which uses an old draft of OAuth 2, the process may be similar, but use the OAuth 2 classes. I haven't done this one though, so I can't really give an overview.

FB connect and magento

As a novice developer at best, I have been tasked with implementing Facebook connect with my Magento website. I have read extensively online and don't find much help with my problem, and I see many people have the same issue so perhaps everyone can learn.
I inserted the SDK script into my header, set up my channel, and my Facebook app. Everything seems to work nicely right now, however I am lost on converting the Facebook login into an actual Magento login. I understand that my code speaks with Facebook and authorizes my website, But I don't understand how to pull user permissions into my Magento database and store the information. Currently you click the "Login with Facebook" button, it pops up asking for the permissions. I don't know how to save this information to my database and allow the user to connect and login successfully.
I think I may need to add some more code somewhere telling Magento how to store this information?
Any advice or links would be greatly appreciated.
You can use free extension Facebook Connect and Like Free from BelVG company.
