login via facebook in Xcart based ecommerce website - smarty

I have to integrate facebook login in an e-commerce website made in X-cart 4.7.6. There are no add-ons available for this version and I am not able to bypass login validation, I wanted to log user in just by using fb id. Until now , i have been successful in fetching permissions and data from Facebook when user clicks on fb-login button and check that if the particular user is an existing user or a new user. Based on this the data is entered into existing database.
Now I have been trying to set ($allow_login) true and bypass all visible login validation from all files i guess.But yet it doesn't work. Suggest me some ideas or ways to make it work.

You say that there is no ready-made module, but actually it exists: it is included in X-Cart GoldPlus by default, but if you use a "younger" package called X-Cart Gold, you may purchase this addon separately for $99: https://market.x-cart.com/addons/social-login.html


Why can't my client through his login update the calendar on his page that we created for him via Joomla?

We are having some trouble with a website we recently developed for a client of ours. He is a DJ. For his page, we added a tab that contains a calendar where he can post his events.
Using the admin login, I can successfully post events. However, the client (the DJ) cannot. When I tried using his login, I could not enter events either. Even stranger, I gave the client the admin login (which I used successfully) and he still couldn't post events! I even walked him through it, and he followed the same instructions, but no luck.
We can't figure this out. Here is the site in case it helps to review it.
Make the DJ's account a "super user" OR if you are using Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 you can change the permissions to give his user type access to the calendar.
Good luck!

Joomla User Login show specific User Files

does anyone know of a simple module or extension etc for Joomla that would enable the admin to upload a file relevant to a specific user login?
For example, they have a bunch of user accounts, and would like a registered area on the website that would show files relevant to only that user credentials.
In the backend, they would easily like to add a document and select which user can see it.
You might want to check out the "Component Access Permission" extension, here

Checking if current visitor is logged in to Joomla's backend

I would like to keep Joomla from including tracking code for Google Analytics when I am logged in to the backend. For this purpose I am trying to determine whether a user who is browsing the website is also currently logged in to Joomla's backend. The problem is - when I use methods like JUser::getAuthorisedGroups() or JUser::getAuthorisedViewLevels(), Joomla's frontend still recognizes me as an unregistered guest.
I know Joomla keeps separate information about the current user for backend and frontend. But is there a way around it?
Logging in to the admin and viewing the front end both start independent sessions that are not related so using getUser() is only going to return the info for the current session.
Luckily, there are a couple of options. First, you can block your IP from being tracked in GA. Second, you can log in to the front end, then use a plugin to filter out logged in admin users.

Custom Joomla authorization

The situation is quite complicated and why do I need it - do not ask - boss want!
So, immediately after the default authorization i need to run the custom module, which will have an additional test for authorization in another database and depending on its result i need to decide authorize user or not.
Are there any suggestions except for source corrections?
If you are using Joomla's built-in 'Login Menu', you can set 'Login Redirect' parameter to another page and if you are using Joomla's native login module, you can set redirect parameter to any page of your site that you want.
In your case I would recommend to create a simple component (not a module) that authorizes your user for second time, and redirects them again to any other page that you want (if second login was successful) or kick the user (if second login was unsuccessful). If you do that, you'll be able to create a menu for your component and redirect your login panel (either it's a menu or a simple login module) to your component's menu.
Creating components for Joomla is not a big deal if you have a little of knowledge in php programming and there are some tools that may speed up creating your component, like this one: http://www.notwebdesign.com/joomla-component-creator/
Why not make an authentication plugin and use that rather than the core joomla one?
This is for 1.5 but the principles are the same now.
Are the Joomla login credentials for a user the same as the other system that you are using? If so, then you can create a plugin that passes those credentials to your other system on a successful Joomla login event.
If not, then it gets a little tricky. Either your users will have to provide both sets of credentials, once for Joomla that then redirects to your other system for the second login, or you will have to extend your user accounts so you can associate the second set of credentials to a user. You can then use a plugin to pass the related credentials to your secondary system after a successful Joomla login event.

Using Facebook Connect in cases where a username or other data is required

I'm working on a site that requires the user have a unique username to use all services on the site. They cannot self-change this username for community fairness.
We would like to allow users the simplicity of registering/logging in using their facebook accounts, but this username requirement is obviously a hurdle.
The only idea I have come up with is after the connect process, send the user to a final step page where they enter a username. The only downside to this is that the user has the ability to navigate away before entering a username, meaning we need to add further layers of checks to several site functions to ensure a user has a username, and prompt for one if not.
Any ideas on how to streamline this during the connect process? Any site examples of similar implementations where auxillary info is required to use some or all site features?
Have you looked at Facebook's registration plugin?
The Registration plugin allows users to easily sign up for your
website with their Facebook account. The plugin is a simple iframe
that you can drop into your page. When logged into Facebook, users see
a form that is pre-filled with their Facebook information where
The plugin also allows you to add custom fields so you could simply add your username field.
There are a load of advanced features including validation, here's an example in the Facebook documentation that includes the username field and checks to see if it's available
