Software for visualizing very large graphs - graphviz

I have a very large (about 205k edges and 200k nodes) graph of text nodes (names) that I would like to visualize using something like Graphviz.
The problem with running this on Graphviz (using sfdp) is that if I turn off overlapping (which is necessary in order to produce a readable graph) sfdp runs out of memory.
Is there any other tool like Graphviz that would manage to convert a graph of this size into an image of nonoverlapping nodes?

I have not tried it with such large data sets, but you could give Gephi a try. There is a plugin called noverlap that prevents nodes from overlapping.


Reducing a graph's datapoints while maintaining its main features

I have a large set of data, which needs to be displayed on a graph repeatedly.
The graph has a width of 1400 pixels. The data contains more than 30,000 datapoints.
Thus, I would like to reduce the datapoints to a number roughly around 1400, while still maintaining the main features of the graph (max, min, etc.).
If you look at programs like LabVIEW and MATLAB they are able to display graphs containing a large number of datapoints, by compressing the data, without losing the graph‘s main features.
I am unable to use a simple decimation, average or moving average, as this would not maintain the features of the graph.
Does anyone know of any algorithms which are being used by these kind of programs or would give me the expected results?
I am also interested in performance algorithms.
LabVIEW makes use of a max-min decimation algorithm.
As you can see from the reference a run of data points is compressed into a maximum and minimum value and then both points are plotted at the same x-axis value with the vertical pixels between the two points filled.
If you don't have control over how each pixel of the plot is rendered then you can try implementing something similar where you take say eight points, find the maximum and minimum values and then pass those to the plotting function/tool (accounting for the order that they occur in the series) - giving you a decimation factor of four.
I've already used the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm in LabVIEW for a project that had several graphs updated continuously, it worked fine!
This algorithm doesn't have a target number of points as output, but you tune the hyperparameters to meet your desired output size.
I don't have my implementation to share with you, but the algorithm is very simple and can be easily implemented in LabVIEW or another language. In LabVIEW you can put it inside the definition of a xControl to abstract it from your code and use it multiple times.

how to compartmentalize a big graph using twopi

I have a rather large graph in DOT, which I render using neato
and I'm more or less able to distinguish its main clusters using a lot of len=... attributes.
I wanted to experiment with twopi, because I like a lot the way it renders, but I see that it doesnt support len.
There are alternatives? My need is to manually keep some portions of the graph rather isolated from others, to enhance readability. I tried with clusters but apparently the results are not so good.
With twopi, you specify a root then the number of edges away from root will dictate which ring of the circle it belongs on. Another alternative you might also consider is circo which is yet another graphing tool from graphviz.

GraphViz Dot. How to distribute elements around a boxed size?

I have a dot graphviz file that geneates the following output:
However the output is organized vertically. If I setup the size to be for example 8.27 inches; How can I distribute the elements around a box of 8.27 x 8.27 inches?
Your graph is a directed graph layed out with dot from left to right, and the first rank contains many nodes which results in a very high image.
The main tool to break up graphs with this problem is unflatten:
unflatten is a preprocessor to dot that is used to improve the aspect
ratio of graphs having many leaves or disconnected nodes. The usual
layout for such a graph is generally very wide or tall. unflatten
inserts invisible edges or adjusts the minlen on edges to improve
layout compaction.
You may combine this with other tools and techniques to get the result you want:
Use the unflatten utility - please see this answer for a detailed example using unflatten.
Use invisible edges to introduce new ranks (basically what unflatten does automatically, but with human inspiration... example also here)
If you need the output to be of this exact size, be sure to understand graphviz's various attributes which have an impact on it, such as size, margin, ratio... (see also this and yet another answer providing details)
Finally, you could simply use a different layout (neato for example)

Display Graph using Boost Graph Library

Can anyone please tell me that once I've created a graph using Boost Graph library, how can I display that graph?
My biggest concern is that the edge weights are coming from an exernal data source over the network. And I need to be able to display the edgeweights live as they get updated.
Displaying graphs is a little bit harder then you seem to imagine. Your best bet is to use GraphViz through write_graphviz to create a visual representation of your graph.
Updating that graph "live" is a lot harder and you won't get anywhere with GraphViz but would need some real-time-graphics API and graph layouting algorithms that work continously.

Prevent overlapping records using graphviz and neato

I am building a dot file to represent computer hardware and the physical connections to a network switch and displays. I have it looking ok when processed by the dot program but I think I really want it processed by neato to create a more "free form" picture as it starts to grom. Right now when I run my large file with neato, everything is overlapping.
I am trying to figure out the syntax on where to define the overlap attribute. Below is a subset of my dot file.
graph g {
node [shape=record,height=.1];
C1[label = "{{<dvi1>dvi1}|{<name>C1}}"];
C2[label = "{{<dvi1>dvi1}|{<name>C2}}"];
C3[label = "{{<dvi1>dvi1}|{<name>C3}}"];
C4[label = "{{<dvi1>dvi1}|{<name>C4}}"];
D1[label = "{{<dvi1>dvi1}|{<name>D1}}"];
D2[label = "{{<dvi1>dvi1}|{<name>D2}}"];
"PC8":dvi1 -- "C1":dvi1;
"PC8":dvi2 -- "C2":dvi1;
"PC8":dvi3 -- "C3":dvi1;
"PC8":dvi4 -- "C4":dvi1;
"PC9":dvi1 -- "D1":dvi1;
"PC9":dvi2 -- "D2":dvi1;
Well, as with most questions...soon after I posted the I figured out the answer. I needed to add graph [overlap=false]; at the top of the file.
Do it like this:
graph g {
overlap = false;
node [shape=record,height=.1];
/* ... */
Setting overlap to false will work for neato as the community wiki answer says; however, if the graph exhibits any kind of regularity or symmetry, [overlap=false] will often mess it up by jiggling the nodes around to make them not overlap.
Use [overlap=false] as a last resort.
All node overlaps that are outputted from neato can be viewed as occurring because the nodes are too big relative to the edges. You can make any overlaps go away by making the nodes smaller and preserve symmetry in the graph drawing by setting [overlap=scale]. Quoting the Neato user manual:
To improve clarity, it is sometimes helpful to eliminate overlapping
nodes or edges. One way to eliminate node overlaps is just to scale up
the layout (in terms of the center points of the nodes) as much as
needed. This is enabled by setting the graph attribute overlap=scale.
This transformation preserves the overall geometric relationships in
the layout, but in bad cases can require high scale factors
As the documentation says [overlap=scale] can result in graph drawings that are unacceptably large, but if it does not its output is generally going to be better looking than [overlap=false].
