spring data like functionality for JEE6 - spring

I have experience building applications on the Spring Framework primarily. I was wondering if there was anything similar to the Spring Data API (to support a Data Access Layer) in the JEE6 space?
I know I can wire in an entity manager like:
EntityManager em;
Ideally I would like to avoid writing reams of boiler plate JPA code on Data Access beans, is an API similar to SpringJPA which can help cut down on the amount of boilerplate code such as findAll(), findByX() etc. For example, with SpringJPA I can define a bean as:
public interface FooRepository
extends JpaRepository<Foo, String>
Whereas in vanilla JEE6 I would need a
a FooRepository interface with methods Foo findOne(Long), List<Foo> findAll()
a FooRepositoryImpl which implements the interface and interacts with the EntityManager

Spring Data JPA ships with a CDI extension to simply #Inject a repository into your CDI managed bean. See the reference documentation for details. The approach still requires Spring JARs on the classpath but no container being bootstrapped. This functionality is also available for MongoDB repositories.


How to implement Spring Boot service classes without using impl and using a interface as dependency as DIP principle says?

I am trying to implement a Spring Boot REST API but I was asked to use a interface as dependency but no impl, and I don't know how to achieve this. The way I implemented was to have service classes for my entities and there I would just call the repository in my methods. I would like an example of implementation like this.
I watched some youtube tutorials but they all used impl classes
Your controller should have a field of your interface type, with the injecting annotation (in spring it's #Autowired). The DI framework will do the heavy-lifting on startup and inject the correct implementation at runtime
public class MyController {
private MyInterface myInterface;
For this to work, your framework needs to recognize the concrete class. In spring you can achieve this in multiple ways - scanning package paths, xml configuration files and more.
Check the spring documentation to see which way suits you best

Adding new DB support in spring data

Currently spring data has multiple db support (mysql, cassandra, mongo.. very big list), however i want to add my custom repository from the scratch like adding custom db support in spring data. I don't want to extend any existing repositories, instead I want to create a parallel repository strutcutre for my custom datasource. Looking at current implementation it looks like tedious task. It would be a great if someone could help me with minimal requirement to do this.
You could create a repository annotated bean where you would inject EntityManager or the proper bean that is acting like that, depending on database type that you are using.
public class MyCustomRepositoryImpl implements MyCustomRepository {
private EntityManager entityManager;
//the methods that you are going to create.
For more details see:
Chapter: 1.3 Custom implementations for Spring Data repositories

Should I annotate Spring Data Repositories with #Repository [duplicate]

I'm using Spring Data JPA repositories (like MyRepo extends JpaRepository) and it works without #Repository and without #EnableJpaRepositories annotations. Could someone explain why?
Probably you are using Spring Boot.
Spring Data repositories usually extend from the Repository or CrudRepository interfaces. If you use auto-configuration, repositories are searched from the package containing your main configuration class (the one annotated with #EnableAutoConfiguration or #SpringBootApplication) down.
Please check the Spring Boot Reference Documentation (v2.7.2) for more details.
you don't need #Repository to make use of Spring Data JPA.
The Interface extending the CrudRepository or JPARepository would work even without annotating it with #Repository.
The Core reason why you need to have this annotation in place is it makes unchecked exceptions thrown in the DAO layer eligible to be translated into Spring DataAccessException. Which in turn would be easier to work with. This is the important aspect of using #Repository
More details see this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2re1MfWtz0&list=PLO0KWyajXMh4fGMvAw1yQ1x7mWayRcmX3&index=8&t=0s
For more information look into these class which is used to auto-configure Spring Data JPA Repositories:
Docs : http://www.atetric.com/atetric/javadoc/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot-autoconfigure/1.2.0.RELEASE/org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/data/jpa/JpaRepositoriesAutoConfigureRegistrar.html
private static class EnableJpaRepositoriesConfiguration {

Multiple datasources in Spring Boot Repository Annotated Interface

My application is based on Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL using Spring Data JPA to stitch them.
Use case is to use slave db node for doing heavy read operations so as to avoid all traffic being served from master mysql node. One way of achieving this is to have multiple Entity Managers pointing to separate data sources(one to master and other to slave node). This way has been explained quite well in below SO questions and blogs.
Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA with multiple DataSources
Where I am stuck is to understand if there is a way I can inject different entity managers for different use cases in my Repository Annotated Interface.
The only way I see it can be done is extending repository with a custom implementation which gives uses custom entity manager annotated with relevant persistenceContext like below.
public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Integer>, MyCustomCustomerRepository{
public class MyCustomCustomerRepositoryImpl implements MyCustomCustomerRepository {
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "entityManagerFactoryTwo")
EntityManager entityManager;
I would like to avoid doing this custom implementation. Any help around solving this use case(which I feel should be very common) would be appreciated.
NOTE: Entities are same in both databases so giving separate packages for entity scanning and similar solutions might not work.
Here is a nice sample you can use:
Inside you can find an AbstractRoutingDatasource + an interceptor for a custom annotation that wires the service method to a required database.
However you can just use datasource switch explicitly.
Below is the pull request that shows the diff and how I made it work with most configurations annotation driven instead of xml. It is based on cra6's answer above. i.e. using spring's RoutingDataSource capability.

When to use Spring #Autowire annotation

Recently I had discussion with my friend regarding usage of Spring #Autowire annotation on entity(JPA) classes.
In our project we are using #Autowire annotaion to inject Entity but my friend suggesting not to use #Autowire annotaions on entity classes. When I asked why? He dont have the proper answer for that. So i just wanted to know are there any disadvantages using #Autowire annotaion on entity classes.
Also please explain when to go for #Autowire annotaion or not with example.
Thank in advance.
#Entity and #Autowire are not interchangeable.
#Entity annotation indicates that the JavaBean is a persistent entity.This is actually a JPA annotation and not a Spring Annotation.
#Entity will be used in the sessionFactory by the packagesToScan poroerty.
#Autowired: inject a resource by-type, i.e. by the class or by the interface of the annotated field or contractor. See my answer Inject and Resource and Autowired annotations
#Autowired is used to inject dependencies as an alternative to setting it via xml configurations
Maybe this answer will help you understand
Hibernate - spring annotated entities not scanned from within jar
Following the comment bellow:
Company is your domain object, so you don't need to use spring in this case.
<bean id="company" class="xxx.Company"/>
The above will return the same instance with #autowire.
Even if you switch to scope="prototype" I don't see any reason to use spring for that.
You should have a service that will be used to CRUD company e.g.
CompanyService, this service will be a single tone so you will use #Autowire to inject it to the controller and it will use your JPA framework to implement CRUD's
To create a new company you will use:
Company c = new Company //this probably will be binded from your ui form
See the following answer spring rest service - hibernate dao - annotations - pojo - namedqueries.
For common practice of DAO and services.
#Autowire is an annotation used to perform a dependency injection, its almost similar to the standard #Inject you can take a look at the spring reference manual to see the difference between those two annotations.
#Entity is a part of the jpa framework its used to mark a class as persistent, spring does not implement an equivalent annotation.
