How to implement Spring Boot service classes without using impl and using a interface as dependency as DIP principle says? - spring

I am trying to implement a Spring Boot REST API but I was asked to use a interface as dependency but no impl, and I don't know how to achieve this. The way I implemented was to have service classes for my entities and there I would just call the repository in my methods. I would like an example of implementation like this.
I watched some youtube tutorials but they all used impl classes

Your controller should have a field of your interface type, with the injecting annotation (in spring it's #Autowired). The DI framework will do the heavy-lifting on startup and inject the correct implementation at runtime
public class MyController {
private MyInterface myInterface;
For this to work, your framework needs to recognize the concrete class. In spring you can achieve this in multiple ways - scanning package paths, xml configuration files and more.
Check the spring documentation to see which way suits you best


Why interface is created

i am new to spring
in my spring web project DAO and service they created the interface and implementing it created class. can we liminate interface.
The whole point of using interface is to create abstraction. When you call you DAO from Service, your service is not aware of the actual implementation of DAO/ cases in which you have multiple implementations of your DAO interface, your service is not aware of the actual impl being used.
With spring you will use - Autowire to inject the dependency. You will refer your Dependency using interface.
class ServiceImpl {
private DAOInterface dao;
// Rest of code
Spring knows - to create the instance of this ServiceImpl it needs to inject a concrete impl of DAOInterface type. In case you have concrete implementation, it does so. In case you have multiple impls - you need to define by bean name which implementation you need using #Qualifier.
Interface is kind of a contract for your impl classes. Other than abstracting the actual impl, it helps you decoupling the layers by not directly having a dependency on the concrete classes. This is a good design pattern

Is it ok to use non-annotated classes (beans) in spring framework?

I have a spring-boot project. Some of the classes I am using it in the 'spring' way, meaning that they are annotated by "#Service", "#Repository", "#Autowired". At the same time, I have lots of classes, which are only used in the normal Java way, meaning that there are no any Spring annotations, and they are created in the standard way of constructing an object in a constructor.
For example, one of the non-annotated classes is:
public class GenericTree<T>
private GenericTreeNode<T> root;
public GenericTree ()
root = null;
public GenericTreeNode<T> getRoot ()
return this.root;
public void setRoot (GenericTreeNode<T> root)
this.root = root;
Is it OK or normal to have a mixure of classes with or without Spring annotations? Probably, I could convert all non-annotated classes into annotated classes by using Spring's annotation markers. Does that really benefit or is it necessary?
BTW, my application's main logic and functions are not web-centric, although they are created as a Spring project. The reason I created in Spring is I want to provide a restful service for my interface so that I can easily test in browser in development, and others can use it with Restful service.
Yes it is ok.
Keep in mind that annotations are not Spring exclusive. Annotations were introduced in Java 5 and they are just meta data for your Java code. This meta data can be useful at:
Compile time
Build time
You can even create your own custom annotations and annotate your code with them.
Spring framework comes with some annotations and each one of them has its purpose, but that doesn't mean you have to annotate all your classes with Spring annotations when you are using this framework.
When you annotate your classes as Spring Beans, they become part of the Spring Application Context, thus making them available to be injected with the #Autowired annotation (Spring framework is based on the dependency injection design pattern). But Spring annotations have other implications too, I cannot go into the detail of each one of them but for example, you have to consider that the default scope of annotations like #Bean, #Component, #Controller, #Repository, #Service is Singleton. So whenever you annotate a class with one of these annotations and you don't define a scope, what you get is a singleton class shared all over your application. Other scopes are:
Taking in consideration your GenericTree class, does it make sense to annotate an abstract data structure class as a Spring Bean? Probably not.
So yes, when you develop an application based on Spring framework the normal thing is to have a mixture of Spring annotated classes and regular POJO's.
I recommend you to read the Spring framework documentation, learn what dependency injection is and the purpose and implications of the most used Spring annotations.

What class implements the spring framework Autowired

I downloaded the spring-framework project, because I want to see how #Autowired is implemented.
So, I got to this file, which is an interface.
But when I want in Intellij to go to its implementation, no implementations are found.
So is this interface not implemented?
Then where is the code for #Autowired?
Well, this is not an interface it is actually an annotation.
In java #inteface is used to create an annotation.
Once the annotation is created, you can use that annotation on fields, classes, methods (based on what is specified in #Target of the annotation definition.
Spring does package scanning and finds all the things which are using a particular annotation and does the required processing.
Use this article to undestand more in How an annotation is created, used and the how the annotation processor finds and processes the annotation.
#Autowired doesn't really have much code, so to speak. It's just an annotation which is a Java type of interface that provides instructions to other parts of the codebase.
#Autowired is only an annotation or you can say a "marker". Spring use reflection to identify annotation and do something about that annotated thing. For example with #Autowired, when spring found it, spring will inject the annotated property with eligible bean.

Implementing an interface is tight coupling?

It says here that
I would not recommend to use InitializingBean and DisposableBean
interface, because it will tight coupled your code to Spring
Does it make sense? I thought this would be just the opposite to tight-coupling.
Here the author means that if you let your application classes implement InitializingBean and DisposableBean interfaces (that are spring specific interfaces), then you are coupling your code with spring.
In future if spring renames these interfaces (unlikely though), or you stop using spring you will have to update your class code.
Instead if you use init-method and destroy-method attributes in your bean config, your class is independent of spring, i.e. there is no depedency of your class on spring specific classes.
Hope it helps.
I think the idea here is to not create any dependency on your code to spring annotations, see
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
When you explicitly declare this kind of dependency, you're coupling your code to spring jars.
In this other example - - it shows how you could use convention methods defined in the XML. No spring imports.

Why interface is injected instead of class in Spring MVC

I am reading the Spring Hibernate CRUD tutorial from this url
Please can anyone tell me why in, ContactService interface is autowired instead of the class ContactServiceImpl.
Similarly in ContactServiceImpl ContactDAO interface is injected. Shouldn't we supposed to inject class instead of an interface?
When your code is dependent on interface and its implementation is injected by Spring, your code becomes decoupled with the implementation. This has an advantage that now you can swap in a different implementation without having to change the code that makes use of interface.
Spring is smart. It will find the implementation of the interface and inject it appropriately (or a proxy thereof.)
You should be programming to interfaces, not implementations.
