Ruby ternary operator method name? - ruby

What is the name of the method corresponding to the ternary operator? By name I mean :+ for addition, :== for equality, etc.
I want to override the ternary operator to build a proxy class (same idea as Javascript proxies) but I can't seem to find the name for this.

There are two names that this is known by, if you are talking about the ? : operator, and that is ternary operator or conditional operator.
But it is not a method, as you can see in this table.
You would need to go to Ruby Source itself to override the behavior. Probably not what you would want to do.

I'm pretty sure it's just known as the ternary operator. Usually people know what you mean when you say that, and I've never heard or seen another name, even during research.

If you mean symbol, I'd call it:
(Question mark, Colon)


In XPath is it possible to use the OR operator with node names?

With XPath, I know that you can use the union operator in the following way:
//*[#id="Catalog"]/thead | //*[#id="Catalog"]/tbody
This seems to be a little awkward to me though. Is there a way to do something similar to one of these instead?
//*[#id="Catalog"]/(thead or tbody)
//*[#id="Catalog"]/*[nodename="thead" or nodename="tbody"]
That seems a lot more readable and intuitive to me...
While the expression:
//*[#id="Catalog"]/*[name()="thead" or name()="tbody"]
is correct
This expression is more efficient:
//*[#id="Catalog"]/*[self::thead or self::tbody]
There is yet a third way to check if the name of an element is one of a specified sequence of strings:
Using this last technique can be especially practical in case the number of possible names is very long (of unlimited and unknown length). The pipe-delimited string of possible names can even be passed as an external parameter to the transformation, which greatly increases its generality, re-usability and "DRY"-ness.
You are looking for the name() function:
//*[#id="Catalog"]/*[name()="thead" or name()="tbody"]
Note that with XPath 2.0 your attempt //*[#id="Catalog"]/(thead|tbody) is correct. That approach does not work however with XPath 1.0.
Yes you can use:
//*[#id="Catalog"]/[nodename='thead' or nodename='tbody']
Just re-read your original post and realised what you were asking. The above syntax wouldn't be correct for this situation. Not sure how to get the name of the node to use but nodename isn't right...

Shorthand logic to prepend a variable in many languages

I'm interesting why the shorthand forms of the assignment operators only works in one way, that means appending the value of the variable.
Ex. (In Javascript):
x+=y x=x+y
x-=y x=x-y
x*=y x=x*y
x/=y x=x/y
x%=y x=x%y
Frequently I found situations where I need to prepend the variable:
Suppose x and y are strings and you are concatenating.
I would like to have a syntax that allow something like:
As I do with i++ or ++i incrementing number.
Is there some language that support this?
surely x=y+x is the same as y+=x
I'm puzzled as to why you would learn a new language just to save on 1 character!
However, I would suggest JQuery's .prepend() method
There are languages that allow to define new operators and/or overload existing operators (see operator overloading).
But operators and the use of them should be unambiguous. In your example x=+y could be interpreted as x=y+x (as you denoted) but also as x=(+x) (+ as unary operation like negation operation in -1). This ambiguity can make using a language hard, especially when programmers want to make their code short and concise. That’s also why some languages don’t have syntactic sugar like pre/post increment/decrement operators (e.g. Python).

What is the purpose of "!" and "?" at the end of method names?

Sometimes I see methods in Ruby that have "?" and "!" at the end of them, e.g:
name = "sample_string"
I was wondering what their purpose is? Are they just syntax sugarcoating?
It's "just sugarcoating" for readability, but they do have common meanings:
Methods ending in ! perform some permanent or potentially dangerous change; for example:
Enumerable#sort returns a sorted version of the object while Enumerable#sort! sorts it in place.
In Rails, ActiveRecord::Base#save returns false if saving failed, while ActiveRecord::Base#save! raises an exception.
Kernel::exit causes a script to exit, while Kernel::exit! does so immediately, bypassing any exit handlers.
Methods ending in ? return a boolean, which makes the code flow even more intuitively like a sentence — if reads like "if the number is zero", but if just looks weird.
In your example, name.reverse evaluates to a reversed string, but only after the name.reverse! line does the name variable actually contain the reversed name. name.is_binary_data? looks like "is name binary data?".
Question mark indicates that the method returns boolean. Already answered here:
What does the question mark operator mean in Ruby?
The bang indicates that the method acts on the object itself. Already answered here:
Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?
In Ruby the ? means that the method is going to return a boolean and the ! modifies the object it was called on. They are there to improve readability when looking at the code.
In contrast to the – I suppose – majority of programming languages ...
Ruby, methods are allowed to end with question marks or exclamation marks.
By convention, methods that answer questions (i.e. Array#empty? returns true if the receiver is empty) end in question marks.
Potentially “dangerous” methods (ie methods that modify self or the arguments, exit! etc.) by convention end with exclamation marks.
From:, Section Funny method names
Beware, this isn't always the case. Take for example, Ruby Array#concat
Where you can get burnt badly is something like MyActiveRecordModel.column_names.concat([url]). Later calls related to MyActiveRecordModel will try to look for a column of 'url' for MyActiveRecordModel and throw.
Instead you must clone it before doing the concat. Fortunately my test suite caught this one, but.. heads up!

What is the favorable naming convention for methods or properties returning a boolean value in Ruby?

I've seen all of these:
Is there a preferred one?
EDIT: More conditionals:
has_comment has_comment? comment?
was_full was_full? full?
Please do add more descriptive examples.
I think the convention is mostly to add a '?' at the end of the method instead of 'is'
In favor of trying the code to be 'natural language' like, is_valid? should be most suitable for me. Lets show an example:
if #order.is_valid?

Tips on understanding Ruby syntax, when to use ?, and unless

Is the keyword unless the same as if?
When do you use ??
I've seen:
if someobject?
I know it checks against nil correct?
Is the keyword 'unless' the same as 'if' ?
No, it's the opposite.
unless foo is the same as if !foo
if someobject?
I know it checks against nil correct?
No it calls a method named someobject?. I.e. the ? is just part of the method name.
? can be used in methodnames, but only as the last character. Conventionally it is used to name methods which return a boolean value (i.e. either true or false).
? can also be used as part of the conditional operator condition ? then_part : else_part, but that's not how it is used in your example.
unless is actually the opposite of if. unless condition is equivalent to if !condition.
Which one you use depends on what feels more natural to the intention you're expressing in code.
unless file_exists?
# create file
if !file_exists?
# create file
Regarding ?, there is a convention for boolean methods in Ruby to end with a ?.
This statement:
unless conditional expression
Is the equivalent to:
if not (conditional expression)
In Ruby you can end your method names with a question mark which is normally used to show that it is a boolean method.
With Rails a check against nil would look like this:
This calls the nil?() method of the object, which returns true for NilObject and false for anything else.
I think the convention for ?-suffix is to use it when naming a method that returns a boolean value. It is not a special character, but is used to make the name of the method easier to understand, or at least I think that's what the intention was. It's to make it clear that the method is like asking a question: it shouldn't change anything, only return some kind of status...
There's also !-suffix that I think by convention means that the method may have side-effects or may modify the object it is called on (rather than return a modified copy). Either way, the ! is to make you think carefully about calling such a method and to make sure you understand what that method does.
I don't think anything enforces these conventions (I've never tried to break them) so of course you could abuse them horribly, but your fellow developers would not be happy working with your code.
for unless see here:
if someobject?
The appending of a '?' here only means that it returns a boolean.
