How to: Joomla Component on sub-domain - joomla

Is it possible to have a Joomla component map to a subdomain? Such as forum or blog. If yes how? ---> map to component page
Is there a plugin for it or is it possible via .htaccess tricks? Anyone done this before? Thanks!

RewriteRule [R]
SEF should be switched to ON


Joomla 2.5: How to remove the parent category from URLs?

I'm trying to migrate my Web site from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5. After running RedMigrator I've got all articles imported in my new Web site. The URL of Joomla 2.5 articles is however different from the original one. In particular I'd like to get rid from the URL of the parent category so that it looks like
instead of:
Is there any way to do it from the configuration or do I have to use mod_rewrite to get my URL rewrited by Apache ?
In my experience there's no way to do this without third-party extensions, though you might experiement with creating a hidden menu containing an item for the sub-category's blog layout.
Simply remove a url segment with .htaccess
In your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^/parent-category/(.+)$ /$1 [L,QSA]

Rewrite URL's in Joomla menus

My group and I are working on a school project with Joomla. We have custom php to list "articles" from our database, and the PHP is getting its data from $_GET (from the url.)
Skip to the question:
This is what we have:
We want:
How do you rewrite / add text to url, so we get that format?
We are using the school server, so we have no admin-rights on the server.
I have tried mod_rewrite rules in .htaccess, but without success.
The server is running windows.
We are using joomla 2.5
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^index.php/articles/menu?q=something+something$ /index.php/articles/menu [L]
Try this:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/articles/menu$ index.php/articles/menu?q=something+something [QSA,L]
And that will do the job.
Hey by the way, try to google a bit, there are tons of answers for such simple things ;)
Checkout the right documentation about QSA directive:

mod_rewrite for sef enabled joomla site

my site is sef enabled and done in joomla.
what i need is a rewrite rule so points to
i tried few url rewrite rules but it generates 404 error category not found page. i believe it looks for thr fr folder or a category called fr.
I assume you need it to work regardless of what is after /fr? You could try something like this:
RewriteRule ^/fr/(.*) /$1\?lang=fr [R=301,L]

present a static page url as different url which is SEO friendly

I have developed a site, which has some static pages. Like explore, home, feedback.
The link for these goes as follows
I want to write a different SEO URL for each of the URL mentioned above.
Is it possible ?
i.e. for example should be convereted/visible as should be convereted/visible as
and so on
You can use these mod_rewrite rules to rewrite requests to /explore and /give/feedback internally to /views/explore.php and /views/feedback.php:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^explore$ views/explore.php [L]
RewriteRule ^give/feedback$ views/feedback.php [L]
with .htaccess file you can change any url on your site. i love this file.
if you are hosting website in ISS the you can try IIS SEO toolkit. & set dynamic URL itself in IIS
see the indepth explaination by Scott about Imporve SEO by SEO Toolkit

joomla - SEO settings and mod_rewrite

I'm using Joomla 1.5.14 and I configured SEO as in the following image
Now I need to map a few old URL to the new site
let's say that I need to map htp://mysite/old.html to the new Joomla page
I added in my .htaccess file the following
RewriteRule ^old\.html$ index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=32&Itemid=70 #works!!
this works fine, but if I use the SEF URL in .htaccess (let's say the above page can be reached with htp://mysite/contacts.html), I obtain a 404 error
RewriteRule ^old\.html$ contacts.html #this does not work
Now the question:
Is it possible use SEF URLs in RewriteRule? where am I wrong?
thank you in advance
I think the problem is because Apache rewrites old.html to a page that doesn't actually exist, but rewritten in a different rule.
If you truly want to "rewrite" - in other words, have the page stay as old.html in the browser - then you don't need to do anything.
However to avoid duplicate content it's probably better to do a 301 redirect:
Redirect 301 old.html
(You may need a forward slash at the front of old.html)
