joomla - SEO settings and mod_rewrite - mod-rewrite

I'm using Joomla 1.5.14 and I configured SEO as in the following image
Now I need to map a few old URL to the new site
let's say that I need to map htp://mysite/old.html to the new Joomla page
I added in my .htaccess file the following
RewriteRule ^old\.html$ index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=32&Itemid=70 #works!!
this works fine, but if I use the SEF URL in .htaccess (let's say the above page can be reached with htp://mysite/contacts.html), I obtain a 404 error
RewriteRule ^old\.html$ contacts.html #this does not work
Now the question:
Is it possible use SEF URLs in RewriteRule? where am I wrong?
thank you in advance

I think the problem is because Apache rewrites old.html to a page that doesn't actually exist, but rewritten in a different rule.
If you truly want to "rewrite" - in other words, have the page stay as old.html in the browser - then you don't need to do anything.
However to avoid duplicate content it's probably better to do a 301 redirect:
Redirect 301 old.html
(You may need a forward slash at the front of old.html)


How can I redirect non www http to https www in web.config

I want to redirect all of the following types of requests to
This depends on how you want to redirect. You could...
Redirect from the client side. This is easy to do, simply add a script tag in the <head> of the page HTML document that contains the following.
let excluded = ['', '', '']
if (excluded.indexOf(location.origin) !== -1) {
location.href = ''
There is only one problem with this code, being that the browser might complain about too many redirects. The second option is safer.
If you know how, you could use .htaccess. You will find this file in the root directory of your web server. Add the following lines:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
(Check out this question for more on this.)
If the page is not strictly static, you could redirect from the backend. There are a number of ways to do this, the most likely being to just use an npm module such as forcedomain (my personal favorite) to redirect when the request is made, rather than when the page loads. This is more efficient and the browser will not get cranky on you.
Use multiple CNAME records. If you aren't familiar with DNS, I would disregard this part of the answer. Basically, make a CNAME where the host is #, and the value is www. This will get all requests to the apex domain ( and redirect them to the subdomain ( When it comes to the protocol issue, there are a few ways of doing this, the best option being wildcard redirects (if your registrar provides this).
As a general rule of thumb, it's best to use DNS records, the .htaccess file, or some sort of backend plugin if possible for redirects if you know how. This all depends on your hosting, the nature of your website (static or dynamic), and your level of knowledge on these sorts of things.
Recommend using Firebase Hosting:

How can I redirect all hits within a folder, to the root of the folder?

I'm trying the below htaccess 301 redirect, but it's getting stuck in a loop:
RedirectMatch 301 /faqs/.*
Basically, we have lots of sub pages of the faqs folder indexed by google but we have removed that content. We'd simply like any traffic to those pages just to go back to the /faqs page we have setup.
But my rule is running every time the redirect takes place.
I am not familiar with PERL Style Regex but a normal Regex for your problem can be written like
RedirectMatch 301 \/faqs\/.*$
RedirectMatch 301 \/faqs\/.*
Hope that helps.

Joomla 2.5: How to remove the parent category from URLs?

I'm trying to migrate my Web site from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5. After running RedMigrator I've got all articles imported in my new Web site. The URL of Joomla 2.5 articles is however different from the original one. In particular I'd like to get rid from the URL of the parent category so that it looks like
instead of:
Is there any way to do it from the configuration or do I have to use mod_rewrite to get my URL rewrited by Apache ?
In my experience there's no way to do this without third-party extensions, though you might experiement with creating a hidden menu containing an item for the sub-category's blog layout.
Simply remove a url segment with .htaccess
In your .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^/parent-category/(.+)$ /$1 [L,QSA]

how to redirect a link in my website to an external link?

I have provided a link from my web site in my andoird app which is:
And i want this link to be redirected to:
i have already tried com_redirect and entered support as source and but i dont get any redirects and i get 404 error.
I am running Joomla 3.x and i want to know how i can do this with URL rewrites and no external components.
It seems not possible to do it within the Joomla backend (i tried many combination of menu items and the redirect module).
For sure you can write your redirect directly in your .htaccess (if you are using it) like this:
RewriteEngine On # Turn on the rewriting engine
RewriteRule ^support/?$ [R=301,NC,L] # Permanent Move
RewriteEngine On # Turn on the rewriting engine
RewriteRule ^support/?$ [R,NC,L] # Temporary Move
More info about URL rewriting and .htaccess are here:

Change URL in address bar but keep on same page

Is it possible to rewrite a url so that the page stays the same and the url itself is chanaged ?
I have a page at
I want this url to appear in the address bar as
I am NOT trying to redirect a page at to ANOTHER page at ....There is only ONE page - it is just the URL I am trying to change so that if a person types in, they will go to that page but the URL in the Address bar will change to show as
Is this possible with rewrite rules ? Anytjhing I have looked up appears to suggest that you have to be redirecting to a second page - but that is not what I want to do - I just want to change the actual URL.
Any advice please ??
If you want to redirect to permanently you can do it with an .htaccess file.
First of all, you'll have to enable mod_rewrite in apache.
Then add the following to your .htaccess file :
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
Rewriterule ^http://www\.example\.com/sales_and_repairs$ http://www\.example\.com/sales [R=301,NC,L]
This method allow you to have only one file behind the two urls.
However if you want to modify the url after a user's action, you can do it with the answer given by Sparda above.
Seems you can achieve this with javascript :
location.hash = 'newurl';
But this will add an anchor to the url.
Some earlier features of html5 can do this but are not really supported yet :
history.pushState(data, 'title', 'newurl');
