I am using JDBC to get Informations from a Sybase Database. if I am trying to get large results from the Server I get an Error Message.(CS libary error: 33816852/1/0: cs converter: cslib user api layer: common libary error: The conversion/operation resulted in overflow.)
Maybe this is helpful
DataBaseHelper dbConnection = new DataBaseHelper();
Statement stmt = dbConnection.getConnection().createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select * From fak");
int i = 0;
I'm quite new to Oracle and never used that before, now, I'm trying to query an Oracle database from a .Net Core Web Application having nuget package oracle.manageddataaccess.core installed and using an alias as the Data Source but I'm receiving the following error:
If I use the full connection string the query will work correctly
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
at OracleInternal.Network.AddressResolution..ctor(String TNSAlias, SqlNetOraConfig SNOConfig, Hashtable ObTnsHT, String instanceName, ConnectionOption CO)
at OracleInternal.Network.OracleCommunication.Resolve(String tnsAlias, ConnectionOption& CO)
at OracleInternal.ConnectionPool.PoolManager`3.ResolveTnsAlias(ConnectionString cs, Object OC)
at OracleInternal.ServiceObjects.OracleConnectionImpl.Connect(ConnectionString cs, Boolean bOpenEndUserSession, OracleConnection connRefForCriteria, String instanceName)
So, from a few links I could understand that there is a tsnnames.ora file which must contain the map between connect identifiers and connect descriptors. And that this file can be found at the machine on which the Oracle has been installed with the path ORACLE_HOME\network\admin.
Question is:
Does the alias name that I'm using in my connection string which reads as Data Source: <alias_name>; User ID=<user>; Password=<password> need to be specified in the tsnnames.ora file? I don't have access to the machine where the Oracle database resides on otherwise I would have checked it earlier.
Here's the code snippet for more info: connection string and query values are mocked out
public static string Read()
const string connectionString = "Data Source=TestData;User ID=User1;Password=Pass1";
const string query = "select xyz from myTable";
string result;
using (var connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString))
var command = new OracleCommand(query) { Connection = connection, CommandType = CommandType.Text };
OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
result = reader.GetString(0);
catch (Exception exception)
return result;
Is this enough or something else needs to be added/changed in here? Or probably the issue is with the tsnNames.ora file which might not contain the alias name here?
Thanks in advance
For the Data source
Data Source=TestData;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
Your tnsnames.ora probably should have the below entry
Data Source=TestData;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;
is same as
I have created a simple SOAP web service for a remote DB which is working fine in WebLogic 12c server and also in Jdeveloper HTTP analyzer. When I am using the same web service in the code below, I am getting the following error (I have included the System.out.println outputs in ref. to the flow of the code) I am using Jdeveloper 12C MAF on Mac OSx 10.9.
Chk #0
Processing row# 1
Chk #1
Chk #2
[SEVERE - oracle.adfmf.framework - AmxBindingContext - loadDataControlById] Unable to read DataControl Usages, on loadDataControl for id: WLFNewActWS.
[SEVERE - oracle.adfmf.framework - SynchronizationDC - syncDataFromOfflineToOnline] [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;#467c53d3
public void syncDataFromOfflineToOnline() {
Trace.log(Utility.FrameworkLogger, Level.INFO, this.getClass(), "syncDataFromOfflineToOnline",
"Executing syncDataFromOfflineToOnline Method");
try {
Connection conn = DBConnectionFactory.getConnection();
String select = "SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENTS";
PreparedStatement pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(select);
ResultSet rs = pStmt.executeQuery();
System.out.println("Chk #0");
int rowcount = 0;
while (rs.next()) {
System.out.println("Processing row# " + rowcount);
List namesList = new ArrayList(1);
List paramsList = new ArrayList(1);
List typesList = new ArrayList(1);
Department dept = new Department();
System.out.println("Chk #1");
GenericType gtDept =
GenericTypeBeanSerializationHelper.toGenericType("WLFNewActWS.Types.persistDepartments.arg0", dept);
System.out.println("Chk #2");
AdfmfJavaUtilities.invokeDataControlMethod("WLFNewActWS", null, "persistDepartments", namesList,
paramsList, typesList);
System.out.println("Chk #3");
} catch (SQLException e) {
Trace.log(Utility.FrameworkLogger, Level.SEVERE, this.getClass(), "syncDataFromOfflineToOnline",
} catch (Exception e) {
Trace.log(Utility.FrameworkLogger, Level.SEVERE, this.getClass(), "syncDataFromOfflineToOnline",
This may not be the answer to this question, but it may be the answer for someone searching for "Unable to read DataControl Usages, on loadDataControl for id"
In my case it is with Oracle MAF, but this also applies to Oracle ADF.
Your web service needs to be in your DataBindings.cpx file.
Something like:
<dc id="WLFNewActWS " path="mobile.WLFNewActWS "/>
I cheat and drag something from the WS into a one of pages and have jdeveloper add the record in DataBindings.cpx for me.
This occurs of the binding issue. Please create a reference/binding to 'WLFNewActWS' in your amx page. It will solve your problem...!
I am trying to run the below hive thrift code on hive server2 on CDH 4.3 and getting below error. Here is my code: I can run hive jdbc connection to same server successfully, it is just thrift which is not working.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
TSocket transport = new TSocket("my.org.hiveserver2.com",10000);
TBinaryProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport);
TCLIService.Client client = new TCLIService.Client(protocol);
TOpenSessionReq openReq = new TOpenSessionReq();
TOpenSessionResp openResp = client.OpenSession(openReq);
TSessionHandle sessHandle = openResp.getSessionHandle();
TExecuteStatementReq execReq = new TExecuteStatementReq(sessHandle, "SELECT * FROM testhivedrivertable");
TExecuteStatementResp execResp = client.ExecuteStatement(execReq);
TOperationHandle stmtHandle = execResp.getOperationHandle();
TFetchResultsReq fetchReq = new TFetchResultsReq(stmtHandle, TFetchOrientation.FETCH_FIRST, 1);
TFetchResultsResp resultsResp = client.FetchResults(fetchReq);
TRowSet resultsSet = resultsResp.getResults();
List<TRow> resultRows = resultsSet.getRows();
for(TRow resultRow : resultRows){
TCloseOperationReq closeReq = new TCloseOperationReq();
TCloseSessionReq closeConnectionReq = new TCloseSessionReq(sessHandle);
Here is the error log:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocolException: Required field 'operationHandle' is unset! Struct:TFetchResultsReq(operationHandle:null, orientation:FETCH_FIRST, maxRows:1)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TFetchResultsReq.validate(TFetchResultsReq.java:465)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TCLIService$FetchResults_args.validate(TCLIService.java:12607)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TCLIService$FetchResults_args$FetchResults_argsStandardScheme.write(TCLIService.java:12664)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TCLIService$FetchResults_args$FetchResults_argsStandardScheme.write(TCLIService.java:12633)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TCLIService$FetchResults_args.write(TCLIService.java:12584)
at org.apache.thrift.TServiceClient.sendBase(TServiceClient.java:63)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TCLIService$Client.send_FetchResults(TCLIService.java:487)
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.thrift.TCLIService$Client.FetchResults(TCLIService.java:479)
at HiveJDBCServer1.main(HiveJDBCServer1.java:26)
Are you really sure you set the operationsHandle field to a valid value? The Thrift eror indicates what it says: The API expects a certain field (operationHandle in your case) to be set, which has not been assigned a value. And you stack trace confirms this:
Struct:TFetchResultsReq(operationHandle:null, orientation:FETCH_FIRST,
In case anyone finds this, like I did, by googling that error message: I had a similar problem with a PHP Thrift library for hiverserver2. At least in my case, execResp.getOperationHandle() returned NULL because there was an error in the executed request that generated execResp. This didn't throw an exception for some reason, and I had to examine execResp in detail, and specifically check the status, before attempting to get an operation handle.
I am having a weird response while trying to get all columns of users in the table "user" of my "mysql" database.
I am using Google Cloud SQL, accessing it from Google Apps Script with the JDBC class. Here is my code :
function displayingOneUser(){
var connection = Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection("jdbc:google:rdbms://blablabla/mysql", "root", rootPwd);
var mySqlStatement = connection.createStatement();
var resultSet = mySqlStatement.executeQuery("select * from user");
var str="";
for(var i=1; i<43; i++){
str=str.concat(resultSet.getObject(i)+" | ");
Logger.log("str so far : "+str);
Logger.log("Displaying first user : "+str+".");
I get the following error : "Access to class "(class)" is prohibited.", when it reaches column 33 or 34 (I don't remember which one).
If I use getString(), then it works without a problem.
Any idea where that could come from ?
I was able to reproduce this problem and I believe this is indeed a bug. This has to do with blob columns in the user table in the default mysql DB
Trying to read any of those columns with getObject() breaks. getString() works.
Good find, please log a bug in the Issue Tracker so we can dig into this.
Its column 34, ssl_cipher that is the first blob column that breaks. Others break too. Simplest repro case -
function displayingOneUser(){
var conn = Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection("jdbc:google:rdbms://INSTANCE_NAME/mysql");
var sql = conn.createStatement();
var resultSet = sql.executeQuery("select ssl_cipher from user");
resultSet.getObject(1);//this line will break
I am writing an application in C# (.NET 4.0) which has to integrate with another, much older application. Part of the requirement is to integrate with a much older program that uses Pervasive PSQL Version 9. I asked this question about accessing the database without having to install an ODBC DSN. Part of the answer (thanks very much) is that I need to create a database using DTO.
I've used COM interop to access the dto2.dll COM library, and have read the samples, but I am having problems creating the database. Here is a summary of the code I'm using.
var session = new DtoSession();
var result = session.Connect("localhost", "", "");
Assert.AreEqual(dtoResult.Dto_Success, result);
testDB = new DtoDatabase {
Session = session,
Name = "Test1",
Ddfpath = #"C:\TEMP\DATA\DDF",
DataPath = #"C:\TEMP\DATA",
result = session.Databases.Add(testDB);
Assert.AreEqual(dtoResult.Dto_Success, result);
No matter what values I use for the Name and paths, that final Assert always fails. The error code is Dto_errDuplicateName. If I do not include the Session property I get a different error code (7039).
Has anyone done this successfully? What am I doing wrong?
I believe you are missing the Flags property of the DtoDatabase object. I had the following code in my archive as an example of adding a database with DTO. This code was probably written when DTO was first released but it works and the only difference I can see is the Flags property.
DtoSession session = new DtoSession();
dtoResult result;
result = session.Connect("localhost", "","");
if (result != dtoResult.Dto_Success)
Console.WriteLine("Error connecting. Error code: " + result.ToString());
DtoDatabase testDB = new DtoDatabase();
testDB.Name = "Test1";
testDB.DataPath = #"C:\DATA";
testDB.DdfPath = #"C:\DATA";
testDB.Flags = dtoDbFlags.dtoDbFlagNotApplicable;
result = session.Databases.Add(testDB);
if (result != dtoResult.Dto_Success)
Console.WriteLine("Error Adding. Error code: " + result.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("DB Added.");