Create Pervasive Database using Distributed Tuning Objects (DTO) - com-interop

I am writing an application in C# (.NET 4.0) which has to integrate with another, much older application. Part of the requirement is to integrate with a much older program that uses Pervasive PSQL Version 9. I asked this question about accessing the database without having to install an ODBC DSN. Part of the answer (thanks very much) is that I need to create a database using DTO.
I've used COM interop to access the dto2.dll COM library, and have read the samples, but I am having problems creating the database. Here is a summary of the code I'm using.
var session = new DtoSession();
var result = session.Connect("localhost", "", "");
Assert.AreEqual(dtoResult.Dto_Success, result);
testDB = new DtoDatabase {
Session = session,
Name = "Test1",
Ddfpath = #"C:\TEMP\DATA\DDF",
DataPath = #"C:\TEMP\DATA",
result = session.Databases.Add(testDB);
Assert.AreEqual(dtoResult.Dto_Success, result);
No matter what values I use for the Name and paths, that final Assert always fails. The error code is Dto_errDuplicateName. If I do not include the Session property I get a different error code (7039).
Has anyone done this successfully? What am I doing wrong?

I believe you are missing the Flags property of the DtoDatabase object. I had the following code in my archive as an example of adding a database with DTO. This code was probably written when DTO was first released but it works and the only difference I can see is the Flags property.
DtoSession session = new DtoSession();
dtoResult result;
result = session.Connect("localhost", "","");
if (result != dtoResult.Dto_Success)
Console.WriteLine("Error connecting. Error code: " + result.ToString());
DtoDatabase testDB = new DtoDatabase();
testDB.Name = "Test1";
testDB.DataPath = #"C:\DATA";
testDB.DdfPath = #"C:\DATA";
testDB.Flags = dtoDbFlags.dtoDbFlagNotApplicable;
result = session.Databases.Add(testDB);
if (result != dtoResult.Dto_Success)
Console.WriteLine("Error Adding. Error code: " + result.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("DB Added.");


Various errors using VisionServiceClient in XamarinForms

I am trying to create a simple Xamarin forms app which allows the user to browse for or take a photo and have azure cognitive services tag the photo using a custom vision model.
I am unable to get the client to successfully authenticate or find a resource per the error message in the exception produced by the VisionServiceClient. Am I missing something? What would be the correct values to use for the arguments to VisionServiceClient?
All keys have been removed from the below images, they are populated.
Exception thrown in VS2017:
'Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Vision.ClientException' in System.Private.CoreLib.dll
Call to VisionServiceClient:
private const string endpoint = #"";
private const string key = "";
VisionServiceClient visionClient = new VisionServiceClient(key, endpoint);
VisualFeature[] features = { VisualFeature.Tags, VisualFeature.Categories, VisualFeature.Description };
AnalysisResult temp = await visionClient.AnalyzeImageAsync(imageStream,
features.ToList(), null);
return temp;
catch(Exception ex)
return null;
VS Exception Error:
Azure Portal for cognitive services:
Custom Vision Portal:
It looks like you're confusing the Computer Vision and the Custom Vision APIs. You are attempting to use the client SDK for the former using the API key of the latter.
For .NET languages, you'll want the Microsoft.Azure.CognitiveServices.Vision.CustomVision.Prediction NuGet package.
Your code will end up looking something like this:
ICustomVisionPredictionClient client = new CustomVisionPredictionClient()
ApiKey = PredictionKey,
Endpoint = ""
ImagePrediction prediction = await client.PredictImageAsync(ProjectId, stream, IterationId);
Thank you to cthrash for the extended help and talking with me in chat. Using his post along with a little troubleshooting I have figured out what works for me. The code is super clunky but it was just to test and make sure I'm able to do this. To answer the question:
Nuget packages and classes
Using cthrash's post I was able to get both the training and prediction nuget packages installed, which are the correct packages for this particular application. I needed the following classes:
Endpoint Root
Following some of the steps Here I determined that the endpoint URL's only need to be the root, not the full URL provided in the Custom Vision Portal. For instance,
Was changed to
I used both the key and endpoint from the Custom Vision Portal and making that change I was able to use both a training and prediction client to pull the projects and iterations.
Getting Project Id
In order to use CustomVisionPredictionClient.PredictImageAsync you need a Guid for the project id and an iteration id if a default iteration is not set in the portal.
I tested two ways to get the project id,
Using project id string from portal
Grab the project id string from the portal under the project settings.
For the first argument to PredictImageAsync pass
Using the training client
Create a new CustomVisionTrainingClient
To get a list of <Project> use
In my case I only had a single project so I would just need the first element.
Guid projectId = projects[0].Id
Getting Iteration Id
To get the iteration id of a project you need the CustomVisionTrainingClient.
Create the client
To get a list of <Iteration> use
In my case I had only a single iteration so I just need the first element.
Guid iterationId = iterations[0].Id
I am now able to use my model to classify images. In the code below, fileStream is the image stream passed to the model.
public async Task<string> Predict(Stream fileStream)
string projectId = "";
//string trainingEndpoint = "";
string trainingEndpoint = "";
string trainingKey = "";
//string predictionEndpoint = "";
string predictionEndpoint = "";
string predictionKey = "";
CustomVisionTrainingClient trainingClient = new CustomVisionTrainingClient
ApiKey = trainingKey,
Endpoint = trainingEndpoint
List<Project> projects = new List<Project>();
projects = trainingClient.GetProjects().ToList();
catch(Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to get projects:\n\n" + ex.Message);
return "Unable to obtain projects.";
Guid ProjectId = Guid.Empty;
if(projects.Count > 0)
ProjectId = projects[0].Id;
if (ProjectId == Guid.Empty)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to obtain project ID");
return "Unable to obtain project id.";
List<Iteration> iterations = new List<Iteration>();
iterations = trainingClient.GetIterations(ProjectId).ToList();
catch(Exception ex)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to obtain iterations.");
return "Unable to obtain iterations.";
foreach(Iteration itr in iterations)
Debug.WriteLine(itr.Name + "\t" + itr.Id + "\n");
Guid iteration = Guid.Empty;
if(iterations.Count > 0)
iteration = iterations[0].Id;
if(iteration == Guid.Empty)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to obtain project iteration.");
return "Unable to obtain project iteration";
CustomVisionPredictionClient predictionClient = new CustomVisionPredictionClient
ApiKey = predictionKey,
Endpoint = predictionEndpoint
var result = await predictionClient.PredictImageAsync(Guid.Parse(projectId), fileStream, iteration);
string resultStr = string.Empty;
foreach(PredictionModel pred in result.Predictions)
if(pred.Probability >= 0.85)
resultStr += pred.TagName + " ";
return resultStr;

Issue while integrating PayU in windows universal apps

I am new to Windows universal apps development. Now I am developing an app in which I have to integrate PayU. I tried a lot but everytime the transaction error is thrown from the server.
string temp1 = "key=xxxxxx&txnid=xxxxxx&hash=hashValue&amount=xxx&firstname=abc" +
"&" +
"&surl=" +
"&udf1=a&udf2=b&udf3=c&udf4=d&udf5=e&pg=CC&bankcode=CC" +
"&ccardtype=CC&ccnum=1234xxxxxxxxx&ccname=xxx&ccvv=xxx" +
var httpClient = new Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient();
Windows.Web.Http.HttpRequestMessage httpRequestMessage = new Windows.Web.Http.HttpRequestMessage(Windows.Web.Http.HttpMethod.Post, theUri);
Windows.Web.Http.IHttpContent content = new Windows.Web.Http.HttpStringContent(temp1, Windows.Storage.Streams.UnicodeEncoding.Utf8);
httpRequestMessage.Content = content;
catch(Exception f)
new MessageDialog(f.ToString()).ShowAsync();
And I am creating the hashValue by using method :
public String SampleHashMsg(String strMsg)
// Convert the message string to binary data.
string strAlgName = HashAlgorithmNames.Sha512;
IBuffer buffUtf8Msg = CryptographicBuffer.ConvertStringToBinary(strMsg, BinaryStringEncoding.Utf8);
// Create a HashAlgorithmProvider object.
HashAlgorithmProvider objAlgProv = HashAlgorithmProvider.OpenAlgorithm(strAlgName);
// Demonstrate how to retrieve the name of the hashing algorithm.
String strAlgNameUsed = objAlgProv.AlgorithmName;
// Hash the message.
IBuffer buffHash = objAlgProv.HashData(buffUtf8Msg);
// Verify that the hash length equals the length specified for the algorithm.
if (buffHash.Length != objAlgProv.HashLength)
throw new Exception("There was an error creating the hash");
// Convert the hash to a string (for display).
//String strHashBase64 = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToBase64String(buffHash);
String strHashBase64 = CryptographicBuffer.EncodeToHexString(buffHash);
// Return the encoded string
return strHashBase64;
I should load the request to the webview. But I am getting an error "Transaction Error" in that.
I am getting transaction error, txnid is not provided. Well at PayU side the sent hash key will be used for verify a transaction. May be my txnid and the txnid contained by hash does not match and payu server denies the transaction saying that provide txnid.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Universal apps for the app development.
But still I am not getting correct result. Please if anyone can help me out, then please reply immediately. Thanks in advance.

IBM Lotus Notes Domino DLL

The Domino interop API which is included with Lotus Notes causes an out of memory exception in .NET when the NotesDXLExporter class based object fails to export the 390th record, which is a big document, after exporting 389 records (which are smaller documents).
Here is a code snippet:
I initialize the NotesDXLExporter class.
NotesDXLExporter dxl1 = null;
I then configure the NotesDXLExported object as shown below:
dxl1 = notesSession.CreateDXLExporter();
dxl1.ExitOnFirstFatalError = false;
dxl1.ConvertNotesbitmapsToGIF = true;
dxl1.OutputDOCTYPE = false;
I then perform a for a loop shown below in reading documents using the dxl1 class (line on which exception occurs is indicated below).
NotesView vincr = database.GetView(#"(AllIssuesView)"); //view from an NSF file
for (int i = 1; i < vincr.EntryCount; i++)
vincrdoc = vincr.GetNthDocument(i);
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(#"C:\Temp\" + i + #".txt", dxl1.Export(vincrdoc)); //OUT OF MEMORY EXCEPTION HAPPENS HERE WHEN READING A BIG DOCUMENT.
catch(Exception ex)
I have tried using a different version of the Interop domino dll and had had no success.
As I understand this, I see an API issue but I dont know if I am missing something?
Can you please shed some light on this?
Thanks in advance.
You haven't said what version of the Lotus Notes you are working with. Given the history of DXL, I would say that you should try your code on the latest version of Notes that you possibly can.
But also, I don't see any calls to recycle(). Failure to call recycle() for Domino objects causes memory to leak from the Domino back end classes, and since you are running out of memory it could be contributing to your problem. You should also not use a for loop and getNthDocument. You should use getFirstDocument and a while loop with getNextDocument. You'll get much better performance. Putting these two things together leads you to the common pattern of using a temporary document to hold the result of getNextDocument, allowing you to recycle the current document, and then assign the temp document to the current, which would be something like this (not error-checked!)
NotesView vincr = database.GetView(#"(AllIssuesView)"); //view from an NSF file
vincrdoc = vincr.getFirstDocument();
while (vincrdoc != null)
try {
System.IO.File.WriteAllText(#"C:\Temp\" + i + #".txt", dxl1.Export(vincrdoc));
catch(Exception ex)
Document nextDoc = vincr.getNextDocument(vincrdoc);
vincrdoc = nextDoc;

Can I switch use of 'entities.SingleOrDefault' ==> 'entities.Find' without hazards?

In my WCF service's business logic, most of the places when I need to locate an entity, I use this syntax:
public void UpdateUser(Guid userId, String notes)
using (ProjEntities entities = new ProjEntities())
User currUser = entities.SingleOrDefault(us => us.Id == userId);
if (currUser == null)
throw new Exception("User with ID " + userId + " was not found");
I have recentely discovered that the DbContext has the Find method, and I understand I can now do this:
public void UpdateUser(Guid userId, String notes)
using (ProjEntities entities = new ProjEntities())
User currUser = entities.Find(userId);
if (currUser == null)
throw new Exception("User with ID " + userId + " was not found");
Note : the 'userId' property is the primary key for the table.
I read that when using Find method entity framework checks first to see if the entity is already in the local memory, and if so - brings it from there. Otherwise - a trip is made to the database (vs. SingleOrDefault which always makes a trip to the database).
I was wondering if I now will convert all my uses of SingleOrDefault to Find is there any potential of danger?
Is there a chance I could get some old data that has not been updated if I use Find and it fetches the data from memory instead of the database?
What happens if I have the user in memory, and someone changed the user in the database - won't it be a problem if I always use now this 'memory' replica instead of always fetching the latest updated one from the database?
Is there a chance I could get some old data that has not been updated
if I use Find and it fetches the data from memory instead of the
I think you have sort of answered your own question here. Yes, there is a chance that using Find you could end up having an entity returned that is out of sync with your database because your context has a local copy.
There isn't much more anyone can tell you without knowing more about your specific application; do you keep a context alive for a long time or do you open it, do your updates and close it? obviously, the longer you keep your context around the more susceptible you are to retrieving an up to date entity.
I can think of two strategies for dealing with this. The first is outlined above; open your context, do what you need and then dispose of it:
using (var ctx = new MyContext())
var entity = ctx.EntitySet.Find(123);
// Do something with your entity here...
Secondly, you could retrieve the DbEntityEntry for your entity and use the GetDatabaseValues method to update it with the values from the database. Something like this:
var entity = ctx.EntitySet.Find(123);
// This could be a cached version so ensure it is up to date.
var entry = ctx.Entry(entity);

Windows Workflow Foundation 4.0 and Tracking

I'm working with the Beta 2 version of Visual Studio 2010 to get some advanced learning using WF4. I've been working with the SqlTracking Sample in the WF_WCF_Samples SDK, and have gotten a pretty good understanding of how to emit and store tracking data in a SQL Database, but haven't seen anything on how to query the data when needed. Does anyone know if there are any .Net classes that are to be used for querying the tracking data, and if so are there any known samples, tutorials, or articles that describe how to query the tracking data?
According to Matt Winkler, from the Microsoft WF4 Team, there isn't any built in API for querying the tracking data, the developer must write his/her own.
These can help:
WorkflowInstanceQuery Class
Workflow Tracking and Tracing
Tracking Participants in .NET 4 Beta 1
Old question, I know, but there is actually a more or less official API in AppFabric: Windows Server AppFabric Class Library
You'll have to find the actual DLL's in %SystemRoot%\AppFabric (after installing AppFabric, of course). Pretty weird place to put it.
The key classes to look are at are SqlInstanceQueryProvider, InstanceQueryExecuteArgs. The query API is asynchronous and can be used something like this (C#):
public InstanceInfo GetWorkflowInstanceInformation(Guid workflowInstanceId, string connectionString)
var instanceQueryProvider = new SqlInstanceQueryProvider();
// Connection string to the instance store needs to be set like this:
var parameters = new NameValueCollection()
{"connectionString", connectionString}
instanceQueryProvider.Initialize("Provider", parameters);
var queryArgs = new InstanceQueryExecuteArgs()
InstanceId = new List<Guid>() { workflowInstanceId }
// Total ruin the asynchronous advantages and use a Mutex to lock on.
var waitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
IEnumerable<InstanceInfo> retrievedInstanceInfos = null;
var query = instanceQueryProvider.CreateInstanceQuery();
ar =>
lock (synchronizer)
retrievedInstanceInfos = query.EndExecuteQuery(ar).ToList();
var waitResult = waitEvent.WaitOne(5000);
if (waitResult)
List<InstanceInfo> instances = null;
lock (synchronizer)
if (retrievedInstanceInfos != null)
instances = retrievedInstanceInfos.ToList();
if (instances != null)
if (instances.Count() == 1)
return instances.Single();
if (!instances.Any())
Log.Warning("Request for non-existing WorkflowInstanceInfo: {0}.", workflowInstanceId);
return null;
Log.Error("More than one(!) WorkflowInstanceInfo for id: {0}.", workflowInstanceId);
Log.Error("Time out retrieving information for id: {0}.", workflowInstanceId);
return null;
And just to clarify - this does NOT give you access to the tracking data, which are stored in the Monitoring Database. This API is only for the Persistence Database.
