Generating Multiple TLDs With Maven Javadoc Plugin & TLDGen - maven

I've got a taglib project that I use the TLDGen library to help build my TLD files from annotations in my classes. I've then got it plugged into the Maven JavaDoc plugin to have it build the TLD files via the javadoc:javadoc Maven goal. Pom portion that handles this is as follows:
<additionalparam>-name test
-uri ""
-tldFile ..\..\..\src\main\resources\META-INF\w.tld
And this works fantastically. Trouble is that I know want to create 2 TLD's from this project. I can pass a -subpackages attribute in th addtionalparam element so I can produce a TLD with exactly what I want.
But I can only have one configuration element at that point. I've tried moving the configuration into the reporting section in my pom with two reportsets to see if that helps but no luck.
Has anyone ever attempted this before and can help point me in the right direction for getting it right? Cheers!

It's been a while since this question was posted, but here's how I did multiple tld generation with TLDGen. I started from your question, since the guys over at the project used your answer as a reference :).
<!-- listing all dependencies for tldgen:
the tldgen library, commons-logging, commons-io,
commons-lang, geronimo-jsp_2.1_spec, log4j, saxon, stax
not sure if they have to be listed here, will have to check; if I
don't set them I get class not found errors, but I'm guessing I
have a misconfiguration -->
-htmlFolder ${basedir}/target/docs
-tldFolder ${basedir}/src/main/java/META-INF
-license NONE


Can I bundle import-control file for checkstyle for use in all projects using our checkstyle?

I am trying to add import-control to our checkstyle in such a way that the import-control file exists in the project making the checstyle.xml file and not in the projects we build later on.
We have a specific gradle project where we define all our rules and it is in this project our import-control.xml. My issue is that when I try to run mvn clean install on another project that uses this checkstyle it tries to locate import-control.xml in that project.
I did the following configuration in the checkstyle.xml:
<module name="ImportControl">
<property name="file" value="import-control.xml"/>
and the import-control.xml is placed next to checkstyle.xml.
Can anyone tell me what I need to do so that I can tell maven that this file exists in our checkstyle project and not in the root project that is being built?
Errors I have gotten are:
Cannot initialize module TreeWalker - cannot initialize module ImportControl - illegal value 'import-control.xml' for property 'file' Unable to find: import-control.xml
In v 2.17
Unable to load import-control.xml: unable to find file:/C://import-control.xml: \import-control.xml
What I have tried:
Upgrade checkstyle version to 3.1.0 (we used to have 2.17)
Use import-control.xml but didn't work.
Tried to read documentation and code but to no help.
Thanks for any help
Write you later / Mårten
mvn configuration:
<id>do checkstyle</id>
Thanks again barfuin, it seemed like ${config_loc} was the answer but we needed one more thing for it to fully work.
So, for adding resources from the checkstyle project, as in this file an import_control.xml I did as follow in my checkstyle.xml:
<module name="ImportControl">
<property name="file" value="${config_loc}/config/import_control.xml"/>
What I also needed to do was to add:
in my pom.xml configuration, this solved the issue with config_loc not being defined and for checkstyle to find the file as a resource and gave me the following pom.xml configuration:
<id>do checkstyle</id>

How to configure SpotBugs maven plugin to create a full report but check for high threshold only?

I have a legacy maven project and want to integrate the FindBugs successor SpotBugs to create a report of all issues but fail if there a High priority issues only (for now).
It is easy to create the report only without fail ing or to fail on a specific threshold. But when specifying a threshold all issues below that one are also removed from the report.
I have tried to configure the plugin according to to documentation but without success:
I am using Maven 3 and SpotBugs 3.1.3.
Not sure if that helps, it's mostly a workaround.
I have a similar case and what I did was that I placed the configuration in a "reporting" tag (not reportSets). In the "build" tag, I just put the plugin information and the dependencies. The configuration used the default values for the output xml and output folder. I also added file which was filtering out some of the bugs:
I then did a
mvn clean install site spotbugs:check
This gave me:
a spotbugsXml.xml file in the build_directory containing ALL of the bugs found (no filters applied).
a report spotbugs.html was produced in target/site which contained the filtered list of bugs.
So, to link this with your issue, I guess that using these "steps" you can have two reports, one with the threshold and another one without.
Does this make sense?

Which dependencies do I have to include in a Maven Apache Storm Project?

I am pretty new to Apache Storm and Maven projects, so I tried to follow this "tutorial" (which from my point of view is not a tutorial at all):
There is a huge pom.xml referenced ( which shall be used as basis for a new project. I tried to figure out what to copy into my project pom.xml. So I decided to start with the apache core dependency first. My pom.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
This even works when it is about runing maven and building / packaging a jar. The outcome are two jar files (a small one without dependencies and a bigger one with dependencies). I cannot run the smaller one because it says "main manifest not found". But I can run the bigger one by executing the following command:
storm -jar StormTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT_dep.jar
Actually the runs on my locally installed apache storm 1.1.1 (I have some System.out.printlns ...) but I get an exception:
2018-01-02 21:38:31,864 main ERROR Unable to create file C:\Users\Artur\Desktop\Bi\apache-storm-1.1.1\logs/access-web-${}.log Die Syntax für den Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datenträgerbezeichnung ist falsch
at Method)
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.util.FileUtils.makeParentDirs(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.RollingFileManager$RollingFileManagerFactory.createManager(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.RollingFileManager$RollingFileManagerFactory.createManager(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.AbstractManager.getManager(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.OutputStreamManager.getManager(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.RollingFileManager.getFileManager(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.RollingFileAppender$ at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.RollingFileAppender$
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration.createPluginObject(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration.createConfiguration(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration.createConfiguration(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration.doConfigure( at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration.initialize(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.config.AbstractConfiguration.start(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.setConfiguration(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.reconfigure(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.reconfigure(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.LoggerContext.start(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jContextFactory.getContext(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.core.impl.Log4jContextFactory.getContext(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager.getContext(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLoggerAdapter.getContext(
at org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory.getContext(
at org.apache.logging.log4j.spi.AbstractLoggerAdapter.getLogger(
at org.apache.logging.slf4j.Log4jLoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(
at org.apache.storm.topology.BasicBoltExecutor.<clinit>(
at org.apache.storm.topology.TopologyBuilder.setBolt(
It says something about the syntax for creating a directory is wrong. And I know that it is about logging. I played arroung with different other dependencies (log4j, slf4j) and tried ecen to exclude dependecies without any success. I cannot get rid of this error.
Any ideas? I think that I am missing a dependency or that I have to exclude some parts of my pom.xml. But since I am not an Maven expert it is really hard for me to figure out what I have to adapt here.
I agree that storm-starter has gotten pretty big, and we should maybe have more of a minimal example.
First you should set the storm-core dependency to "provided" scope. When you deploy the topology to Storm, your jar will use the storm-core jar present in the Storm installation, so you shouldn't also put it in your fat jar.
When your topology runs on Storm, it will use the Log4j2 configuration in the log4j2/worker.xml file in your Storm installation. You shouldn't include your own log4j2.xml. If you need to set specific log levels, you can either modify worker.xml or use the CLI as described at
Other than that your pom looks fine. I don't know why you have exec-maven-plugin in there (Edit: I see it's also in storm-starter, I think it's a leftover from when it was possible to run storm-starter in local mode. You shouldn't need it), and I might replace maven-assembly-plugin with the shade plugin, but I'd expect your topology to work regardless.
Thank Stig Rohde Døssing. Finally I found the origin for my exception base on your hint regarding the log4j2/worker.xml. The issue was not in the worker.xml, but in the cluster.xml which is located in the same directory.
When reading my Exception shown here, you can see that Java complains about creating a system path ("access-web-${}.log"). I found the placeholder in the cluster.xml and replaced it with something static like "access-web-mysysdaemonname.log". That fixed the issue. I have no idea why this placeholder could not be resolved by the system while there was no trouble with other placeholders.
Thanks for the hints. Topic can be closed.

docbkx-maven-plugin: No output during run of plugin

I set up the docbkx-maven-plugin to generate PDF documentation for a source project. In the parent pom I specified the version to be used as well as the reference to the docbook version to use:
In the actual project I use the configuration:
No matter what goal(s) I specify or what includes I provide, the plugin performs no(!) operation. There is no target directory created and I do not see any meaningful output on the command line. The result looks like:
[INFO] --- docbkx-maven-plugin:2.0.14:generate-pdf (usersmanual) # documentation ---
I use Maven 3.0.3.
What do I miss here? Is there any configuration not provided, yet, which will start the plugin to do some work?
This is what I have now:
At least the directory target/Usermanual is greated, but it is still empty. Why is there still not output? Do I have a chance to get a meaningful log file from docbkx? mvn ... -X does not tell much.
Your latest example contains two includes configuration options which is not valid maven configuration.
My recommendation is to stop trying to override all these defaults and accept the default location for the docbook source xml, at least initially while you get comfortable with the plugin and can diagnose what issues are from what changes.
Anyway, your <includes> should be just the root xml file of the documentation you're trying to generate as it exists in the <sourceDirectory>. You do not need to include all of the xml files, you instead need to follow the xincludes approach since you're declaring its usage. There are a number of projects using this mechanism that you can review and copy the usage of.
Ours is:
We have a bit more complex usage since we use the maven filtering plugin to avoid having to mess with entities and the like. Getting back to your includes usage, if your top level docbook file is index.xml then your includes would simply be:
No expressions or globs needed, you bring in the other xml documents with the <xi:include> tags where needed.

UmlGraph not automatic integrated in JavaDoc

I'm using maven and the maven-javadoc-plugin with the umlgraph-doclet to create javadoc for my project. The part from my pom:
-inferrel -inferdep -quiet -hide java.* -hide org.eclipse.* -collpackages java.util.* -postfixpackage
-nodefontsize 9 -nodefontpackagesize 7 -attributes -types -visibility -operations -constructors
-enumerations -enumconstants -views
The images are generated and look fine, when building the javadoc with jdk1.6 they get automatically integrated into all javadoc pages. But when building with jdk1.7, the images still get created but are not inside the javadoc pages. Even when using the v5.4 from the official website, the javadoc is imageless. And the debug output of maven also don't give any clue. On top of that, there is no way of contacting one of the UmlGraph devs by mail.
Can anyone give me some advice here, or have some ideas how to fix that?
Update: version 5.6.6 is now on maven central. I built with JDK 7 and diagrams look ok.
I checked the possibilities, and the situation is following:.
relevant bug in the UmlGraph has been already fixed:
problem is however that no stable version of UmlGraph has been released yet that would include the fix
However good news is that there exists snapshot repository containing the fix:
Therefor you need to get the jar file to your local repository (depending on your infrastructure setup):
either by adding reffered repository to your environment
or by importing to your local repo (
afterwards update:
to the following (naming convention has been changed):
UmlGraphDoc version 5.4, altering javadocs
Warning, could not find a line that matches the pattern '/H2'
The HTML is simply different.
Java7 JavaDocs
h2 title="blah blah
Java6 JavaDocs
You can decompile and modify
I have the same problem. My guess is that it's this bug:
