K2 Joomla: show the last modified article in home page - joomla

I think this should be easy but cannot make it work ... I'm using k2 on Joomla for handling articles and i want to show on the home page the last modified blog post ... i've create a Home category under which i've put some subcategories, bound to several K2 article items. In the home menu item i've created a "Latest item from users or categories" that correctly select the last 1 item. If i change the modified date to another article, i do not see it in the home page.
What am i doing wrong?


Assign Joomla article to a always open under a menu

Is it possible in Joomla 3 to create articles and category blog layout that will open articles from certain category under a certain menu.
1) I have a HOME page: www.example.com/
2) I have a Main Menu and a Menu Item - News: www.example.com/news
This menu item is a category blog layout with news title, short description and readmore buttons (clasical)
So, when user clicks one of the news - for example How to make soup
It redirects them to the link: www.example.com/1-how-to-make-soup
And what I want is to open it under the menu like this:
You have a category :news
you have a menu (category blog) that is linked to "news" category
you have also some articles in "news" category
now if you browse "news" menu you can see intro of articles, when you click on "read more" you will go to www.yoursite.com/news/article-name
unless that special article is linked to another menu somewhere else directly
because in Joomla the priority for making URLs is making menu for them

Joomla menu and K2 categories. How do I

I am using Joomla 2.5 as CMS for my website, and I am using K2 for categories and articles/items. I was wondering if i have list of 50 - K2 categories.
It has 5 main categories and 10 sub categories for each.
How can I either manually or automatically make categories listed in main menu and when user clicks for example:
Home >> Contact >> Products >> About >> Call
If user selects Contact, how can I make it so it loads page which displays all articles/items in category called "Contact" but if User selects specific sub item from Contact for example:
if user selects Email it would show only articles/items from category Contact>>Email.
You can create a Menu item called Categories for example, or 10 menu items each one for your top categories.
Then you can start adding submenu items, for example in the top menu level called Contact add the Email sub-categorie. So when users visit your website can navigate through the menu to all categories you got.
An other way to do it faster is to use this plugin: http://www.nonumber.nl/extensions/addtomenu but I think it only works for items and not for categories (but you can ask the developer).
IMPORTANT: You can have top-categories configured to show only the items of this one or also with sub-categories, and can create a K2 menu item which can display in one link lot of categories you can choose in the parameters using CTRL+CLICK (even from other top categories).

how to make the front page of joomla consist of only one article, or one section?

Currently, the joomla front page consists of latest news and several articles and list, basiclly i want to change the layout of this to just one specific article.
Changing the home button properties on the menu page doesnt do the trick as thats not the same as the front page.
Go to the menu manager and find the default menu item. It is marked with a star. Edit that item. If it is using a frontpage/featured layout you can tell it exactly how many featured articles do display by changing the parameters. OR you can change the menu item o a single article or a category or whatever you want.

How to list the categories of the current store?

I have a site which have 2 store views. I want a page to list the categories of the current store and when I click on a category it should display all of the products in that category in a list.
Any who can give some idea about this?
That page already exists by default in Magento. It is probably a link in the page footer as "Site Map", or you can reach it directly by typing the URL of the store followed by /catalog/seo_sitemap/category

How to get Joomla's breadcrumb to display correct path to K2 item?

I'm almost done with developing a quite complex Joomla website and I have a very irritating bug with the breadcrumb. I'll try to explain it the simplest way possible.
I mix Joomla Articles and K2 items in order for my website to work as it should.
I have the following architecture :
Testimonies (K2 category listing)
Year X
Program (Specific article with K2 modules that list the lessons)
Lesson 1 (K2 item)
Lesson 2...
Program Life
Teachers (Joomla category listing)
Mr. X (Joomla article)
Mr. Y
The user can access the lessons details from the program's page or from a teacher's page.
When you access a lesson's page from the program's page the breadcrumb shows 'Home > Year X > Program > Lesson 1' which is perfectly fine.
When you try to access a lesson's page from a teacher's page the breadcrumb shows 'Home > About > Testimonies > Lesson 1'... which isn't correct.
I use Joomla's breadcrumb module and not K2's.
I'm pretty sure important config details are missing from this post but I'd be really really happy to discuss them with you if you need.
Joomla will (always?) add the current menu item to the breadcrumbs. From there further down it's up to the extension what will be shown.
So it looks like the links from your teachers page have the "Testimonies" menu item (Itemid) applied and thus Joomla generates breadcrumbs reflecting this menu item.
You should make sure the links from within your Joomla article have the matching Itemid for "Year X" -> "Program" attached, then the breadcrumbs should work.
