How to use "Models::find()" in phalcon framework? - models

$submodules = Modules::find(
'moduleid in (:mods:) and parentid = :parentid:',
'bind' => array(
'mods' => '1,2',
'parentid' => 1
'bindtype' => array(
'mods' => Column::BIND_PARAM_STR,
'parentid' => Column::BIND_PARAM_INT
I hope the sql that is "select * from modules where moduleid in (1,2) and parentid = 1"
but result is not correct.
help plz.

Escaping :mods: will produce '1,2' therefore: select * from modules where moduleid in ('1,2') and parentid = 1
You need to use a bound parameter for every value in the "in":
$submodules = Modules::find(array(
'moduleid in (:firstMod:, :secondMod:) and parentid = :parentId:',
'bind' => array(
'firstMod' => 1,
'secondMod' => 2,
'parentId' => 1
In this case is better use the QueryBuilder


Laravel 4 Database insert Error - preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a string while replacement is an array

In database seeder, I just want to insert some hard-coded data to the table.
$Pro1_id = DB::table('projects')->select('id')->where('projectName', '=', 'Project A')->get();
$data1_1 = array(
'id' => 1,
'projectID' => $Pro1_id,
'attributeID' => 1,
'levelID' => 2,
'percentage' => 20,
'risk_value' => 25186.86311,
'expectation_value' => 706455.9401,
$data1_2 = array(
'projectID' => $Pro1_id,
'attributeID' => 2,
'levelID' => 1,
'percentage' => 60,
'risk_value' => 530351.3397,
'expectation_value' => 392207.1248,
$data1 = [$data1_1, $data1_2];
However, I got the error:
[ErrorException] preg_replace(): Parameter mismatch, pattern is a
string while replacement is an array
It is so weird, because I did the same to another table, it worked.
'id' => Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::generate(),
'projectName' => 'Project A',
'creator_id' => $pro1_creatorID,
'create_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(),
'lastEditor_id' => $pro1_creatorID,
'edit_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString(),
'utility' => 1.597119661,
'exponential' => 4.94,
'projectValue' => 1225090.39
'id' => Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::generate(),
'projectName' => 'Project B',
'creator_id' => $pro2_creatorID,
'create_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2014, 12, 12)->toDateString(),
'lastEditor_id' => $pro2_creatorID,
'edit_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2014, 12, 12)->toDateString(),
'utility' => 1.754989409,
'exponential' => 5.78,
'projectValue' => 293760.36
'id' => Webpatser\Uuid\Uuid::generate(),
'projectName' => 'Project C',
'creator_id' => $pro3_creatorID,
'create_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2013, 10, 21)->toDateString(),
'lastEditor_id' => $pro3_creatorID,
'edit_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::create(2013, 10, 21)->toDateString(),
'utility' => 1.423114267,
'exponential' => 4.15,
'projectValue' => 1461924.67
I really don't understand why inserting into projects table works, but the one of the mapping table does NOT work.
They are exactly the same method.
I think your code is correct but when you insert the id in array, you are doing the wrong way.
$Pro1_id = DB::table('projects')->select('id')->where('projectName', '=', 'Project A')->get();
Here, $Pro1_id is Collection that contain value return from your query. Sometimes it might be one, but sometimes it might be 2 or 3.... So , your are doing the wrong way when you are inserting the id in the array. So , use foreach loop like this :
foreach($Pro1_id as $pro){
'id' => 1,
'projectID' => $pro->id,
'attributeID' => 1,
'levelID' => 2,
'percentage' => 20,
'risk_value' => 25186.86311,
'expectation_value' => 706455.9401,
For simple , get returns Collection and is rather supposed to fetch multiple rows.
For more info . Check this

Put/Get UploadField submitted image from custom Form -> Silverstripe 3.1

I have a small problem programming with the use of UploadField . I have created pages to make a light CMS on the FrontEnd. But I don't know how retrieve this image to the page «Update».
There is the code from the page «Create» :
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenement', 'Image' );
There is the code I tried to get working for the page «Update»
$evenID = Session::get('evenementID');
$evenement = Versioned::get_by_stage('PageCalendrierEvenement', 'Stage')->byID($evenID);
$SavedImage = File::get()->byID($evenement->ImageEvenementID)
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenement', 'Image', $SavedImage );
How can I retrieve the submitted image to $SavedImage ? My idea to get the ID from File don't work.
Another method :
$SavedImage = $evenement->ImageEvenement();
If I dump data from $SavedImage I'm viewing :
Image Object
[destroyed] =>
[model:protected] => DataModel Object
[customDataLists:protected] => Array
[record:protected] => Array
[ClassName] => Image
[Created] => 2015-07-15 14:41:24
[LastEdited] => 2015-07-16 15:03:25
[Name] => images.jpg
[Title] => images
[Filename] => assets/Membres/9/calendrier/images.jpg
[ShowInSearch] => 1
[ParentID] => 15
[OwnerID] => 9
[ID] => 22
[RecordClassName] => Image
[changed:DataObject:private] => Array
[original:protected] => Array
[ClassName] => Image
[Created] => 2015-07-15 14:41:24
[LastEdited] => 2015-07-16 15:03:25
[Name] => images.jpg
[Title] => images
[Filename] => assets/Membres/9/calendrier/images.jpg
[ShowInSearch] => 1
[ParentID] => 15
[OwnerID] => 9
[ID] => 22
[RecordClassName] => Image
[brokenOnDelete:protected] =>
[brokenOnWrite:protected] =>
[components:protected] =>
[unsavedRelations:protected] =>
[sourceQueryParams:protected] =>
[failover:protected] =>
[customisedObject:protected] =>
[objCache:ViewableData:private] => Array
[class] => Image
[extension_instances:protected] => Array
[BetterButtonDataObject] => BetterButtonDataObject Object
[owner:protected] =>
[ownerBaseClass:protected] => DataObject
[ownerRefs:Extension:private] => 0
[class] => BetterButtonDataObject
[SiteTreeFileExtension] => SiteTreeFileExtension Object
[owner:protected] =>
[ownerBaseClass:protected] => File
[ownerRefs:Extension:private] => 0
[class] => SiteTreeFileExtension
[Hierarchy] => Hierarchy Object
[markedNodes:protected] =>
[markingFilter:protected] =>
[_cache_numChildren:protected] =>
[owner:protected] =>
[ownerBaseClass:protected] => File
[ownerRefs:Extension:private] => 0
[class] => Hierarchy
[beforeExtendCallbacks:protected] => Array
[afterExtendCallbacks:protected] => Array
Any idea?
class PageCalendrierEvenement extends Page {
private static $db = array(
"Titre" => "Varchar(50)",
"DateDepart" => "Date",
"DateFin" => "Date",
private static $has_one = array(
'Creator' => 'Member',
'ImageEvenement' => 'Image',
Thank you!
has one relations need the "ID" suffix in the name of the relation (as it's saved to db...), e.g.
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenementID', 'Image', $SavedImage );
then it should save automatically.
OR, what i do for a single relation:
$imageField = UploadField::create('ImageEvenement', 'Image');
hope that helps.
My code works fine but are not clean and not using SilverStripe function classes. The reason for non working saving images to dataobject, is because that I have not use :
I would like to thank you Wmk for give me the get method to fill form with values on another post :
Finaly, all works fine now!
Finaly after long time brain searching, I have found the trick! The command to use with UploadField is setValue($value) with fileIDs include with it. My final code is :
$evenement = Versioned::get_by_stage('PageCalendrierEvenement', 'Stage')->byID($evenID);
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenement', 'Image' );
$data['ImageID'] = $evenement->ImageEvenement()->ID;
$uploadField->setValue(array('Files' => $fileIDs));
Thats it!

Distinguish between magento product attributes and custom created product attribute

I have my custom product attributes in magento.i want to set the product description their any way in magento so that we can find the attribute is custom created by us not by default magento.
i had searched.but not got any success.
Please Help.
Thanks in Advance.
Let's say you have an attribute with code some_code.
Here is how you can check if it's a system attribute or if it's a custom one.
$attribute = Mage::getModel('eav/config')->getAttribute('catalog_product', 'some_code');
if ($attribute->getIsUserDefined()) {
//then you created the attribute
else {
//then it's a system attribute
Use the magento soap/rest api for creating a custom attribute for Product and update with values as well,
$proxy = new SoapClient('http://magentohost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');
echo "<pre>";
// Create new attribute
$attributeToCreate = array(
"attribute_code" => "new_attribute",
"scope" => "store",
"frontend_input" => "select",
"is_unique" => 0,
"is_required" => 0,
"is_configurable" => 0,
"is_searchable" => 0,
"is_visible_in_advanced_search" => 0,
"used_in_product_listing" => 0,
"additional_fields" => array(
"is_filterable" => 1,
"is_filterable_in_search" => 1,
"position" => 1,
"used_for_sort_by" => 1
"frontend_label" => array(
array( "store_id" => 0,"label" => "A new attribute" )
$attributeId = $proxy->call($sessionId,"product_attribute.create",
// Update attribute
$attributeToUpdate = array(
"scope" => "global",
"is_unique" => 1,
"is_required" => 1,
"is_configurable" => 1,
"is_searchable" => 1,
"is_visible_in_advanced_search" => 0,
"used_in_product_listing" => 0,
"additional_fields" => array(
"is_filterable" => 01,
"is_filterable_in_search" => 0,
"position" => 2,
"used_for_sort_by" => 0
"frontend_label" => array(
"store_id" => 0,
"label" => "A Test Attribute"
I hope this will solve your problem..
You can use Magento default API to get default product list
For more details you can refer to following url:
Code used will be:
$proxy = new SoapClient('localhost/api/soap/?wsdl');
$sessionId = $proxy->login('apiUser', 'apiKey');
$listAttributes = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'product.listOfAdditionalAttributes', array( 'simple', 13 ));

Yii Sortable Column in CGridView

I have a calculated column I wanna have sortable.
I have a get method for it...
public function getCur_margin() {
return number_format(($this->store_cost / $this->store_price) / $this->store_cost * 100, 2) . '%';
And I followed this thread...
CGridview custom field sortable
But now it's looking for an actual column in the database. How can I fetch a field using <calculations> AS cur_margin only temporarily for this CActiveDataProvider?
Here is the controller code for the provider:
$dataProvider = new CActiveDataProvider('Products', array(
'criteria' => array(
'condition' => 'store_id IN (SELECT `id` FROM `stores` WHERE `user_id` = ' . Yii::app()->user->id . ')',
'pagination' => array(
'pageSize' => 15,
'cur_margin' => array(
'asc' => 'cur_margin ASC',
'desc' => 'cur_margin DESC',
Have you tried to specify your custom field in select property of CDbCriteria?
'select' => array(
..., // fields to select
'(<calculations>) AS cur_margin'
You don't have to declare getCur_margin() method then but only declare a public $cur_margin member in your model. All required calculations will be done in SQL query.
You can also refer to this thread as an example.

Additional attributes not working

I am trying to add the following 2 additional attributes through API. I am not getting any error, however it is not getting uploaded. It would be great if some one could give me a suggestion.
catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity AdAtrributeEntity = new catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity();
associativeEntity[] AdditionalAttributes = new associativeEntity[2];
associativeEntity AdditionalAttributeOne = new associativeEntity();
associativeEntity AdditionalAttributeTwo = new associativeEntity();
AdditionalAttributeOne.key = "color";
AdditionalAttributeOne.value = "green";
AdditionalAttributeTwo.key = "size";
AdditionalAttributeTwo.value = "xl";
AdditionalAttributes[0] = AdditionalAttributeOne;
AdditionalAttributes[1] = AdditionalAttributeTwo;
AdAtrributeEntity.single_data = AdditionalAttributes;
ProductEntity.additional_attributes = AdAtrributeEntity;
MyService.catalogProductUpdate(Mylogin, SKU, ProductEntity, null, null)
I know this is older, but I found a solution. 'single_data' and 'multi_data' need to have an array inside it that has the arrays of attributes.
product_data = {
'name' => self.get_attribute_value('name'),
'description' => self.get_attribute_value('description'),
'short_description' => self.get_attribute_value('short_description'),
'weight' => self.get_attribute_value('weight'),
'status' => self.get_attribute_value('status'),
'categories' => compose_categories,
'url_key' => self.get_attribute_value('url_key'),
'price' => self.get_attribute_value('price'),
'additional_attributes' => { 'single_data' => { items: compose_attribute_values }}
In the example, I named the additional array 'item', hoever, you can call it whatever you want. I used 'item' because the API returns many values like that. The additional attributes look something like this in PHP:
'additional_attributes' = array(
'single_data' => array(
'item' => array(
[0] => array(
'key' => 'some_attribute_code',
'value' => 'some_attribute_value'
[1] => array(
'key' => 'some_other_attribute_code',
'value' => 'some_other_attribute_value'
This work for add additional_attributes:
'additional_attributes' => array(
'single_data' => array(
'key' =>'manufacturer',
'value' => '10'
Example for Java (Apache XML-RPC client + Gson):
I have attribute manufacturer with option: Adidas (ID: 318)
Product entity:
private Map<String,Map<String,String>> additionalAttributes;
// getters + setters
Map<String,String> attribute = new HashMap<>();
attribute.put("manufacturer", "318");
Map<String,Map<String,String>> additionalAttributes = new HashMap<>();
additionalAttributes.put("single_data", attribute);
then do product.update api request
p.s: of course it's a little bit weird, but you can wrap that with some facade
