Additional attributes not working - magento

I am trying to add the following 2 additional attributes through API. I am not getting any error, however it is not getting uploaded. It would be great if some one could give me a suggestion.
catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity AdAtrributeEntity = new catalogProductAdditionalAttributesEntity();
associativeEntity[] AdditionalAttributes = new associativeEntity[2];
associativeEntity AdditionalAttributeOne = new associativeEntity();
associativeEntity AdditionalAttributeTwo = new associativeEntity();
AdditionalAttributeOne.key = "color";
AdditionalAttributeOne.value = "green";
AdditionalAttributeTwo.key = "size";
AdditionalAttributeTwo.value = "xl";
AdditionalAttributes[0] = AdditionalAttributeOne;
AdditionalAttributes[1] = AdditionalAttributeTwo;
AdAtrributeEntity.single_data = AdditionalAttributes;
ProductEntity.additional_attributes = AdAtrributeEntity;
MyService.catalogProductUpdate(Mylogin, SKU, ProductEntity, null, null)

I know this is older, but I found a solution. 'single_data' and 'multi_data' need to have an array inside it that has the arrays of attributes.
product_data = {
'name' => self.get_attribute_value('name'),
'description' => self.get_attribute_value('description'),
'short_description' => self.get_attribute_value('short_description'),
'weight' => self.get_attribute_value('weight'),
'status' => self.get_attribute_value('status'),
'categories' => compose_categories,
'url_key' => self.get_attribute_value('url_key'),
'price' => self.get_attribute_value('price'),
'additional_attributes' => { 'single_data' => { items: compose_attribute_values }}
In the example, I named the additional array 'item', hoever, you can call it whatever you want. I used 'item' because the API returns many values like that. The additional attributes look something like this in PHP:
'additional_attributes' = array(
'single_data' => array(
'item' => array(
[0] => array(
'key' => 'some_attribute_code',
'value' => 'some_attribute_value'
[1] => array(
'key' => 'some_other_attribute_code',
'value' => 'some_other_attribute_value'

This work for add additional_attributes:
'additional_attributes' => array(
'single_data' => array(
'key' =>'manufacturer',
'value' => '10'

Example for Java (Apache XML-RPC client + Gson):
I have attribute manufacturer with option: Adidas (ID: 318)
Product entity:
private Map<String,Map<String,String>> additionalAttributes;
// getters + setters
Map<String,String> attribute = new HashMap<>();
attribute.put("manufacturer", "318");
Map<String,Map<String,String>> additionalAttributes = new HashMap<>();
additionalAttributes.put("single_data", attribute);
then do product.update api request
p.s: of course it's a little bit weird, but you can wrap that with some facade


Preview image in ACF gutenberg block

Is it possible to add an image to the gutenber block preview when using ACF to register the block ?
Here's the code to register the block:
'name' => 'bk-raisons',
'title' => __('Les raisons', 'diezel'),
'description' => __('Les raisons', 'diezel'),
'render_callback' => 'my_acf_block_render_callback',
'category' => 'spira-custom',
'icon' => 'align-wide',
'keywords' => array('bk-raisons'),
The preview appears when hovering the block.
Thank you !
I finally found a solution.
I don't know if you use Twig (Timber) or not.
If not check this :
For my part with Timber
When you declared your block add example attributes :
$img_quadruple = array(
'name' => 'img-quadruple',
'title' => __('Quatre images'),
'title_for_render' => 'img-quadruple',
'description' => __(''),
'render_callback' => 'ccn_acf_block_render_callback',
'category' => 'imgs',
'icon' => '',
'mode' => 'edit',
'keywords' => array( 'quatre images' ),
'example' => array(
'attributes' => array(
'mode' => 'preview',
'data' => array(
'preview_image_help' => get_template_directory_uri().'/assets/img/preview/preview_img_quadruple.jpg',
And when your declared your callback :
function ccn_acf_block_render_callback( $block, $content = '', $is_preview = false ) {
$context = Timber::context();
// Store block values.
$context['block'] = $block;
// Store field values.
$context['fields'] = get_fields();
// back-end previews
if ( $is_preview && ! empty( $block['data'] ) ) {
echo '<img src="'. $block['data']['preview_image_help'] .'" style="width:100%; height:auto;">';
} elseif ( $is_preview ) {
echo 'Other condition';
// Store $is_preview value.
$context['is_preview'] = $is_preview;
// Render the block.
Timber::render('gutenberg/gut_' . strtolower($block['title_for_render']) . '.twig', $context );

Where is the file after create by "$service->spreadsheets->create($requestBody)"

Thank you very much for reading this, its quite long!
I run my function:
public function createSpreadSheet()
$client = $this->getClient();
$service = new \Google_Service_Sheets($client);
// TODO: Assign values to desired properties of `requestBody`:
$requestBody = new \Google_Service_Sheets_Spreadsheet();
$response = $service->spreadsheets->create($requestBody);
echo '<pre>', var_export($response, true), '</pre>', "\n";
I got a result:
'collection_key' => 'sheets',
'developerMetadataType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_DeveloperMetadata',
'developerMetadataDataType' => 'array',
'namedRangesType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_NamedRange',
'namedRangesDataType' => 'array',
'propertiesType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_SpreadsheetProperties',
'propertiesDataType' => '',
'sheetsType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Sheet',
'sheetsDataType' => 'array',
'spreadsheetId' => '1QlBQo_YHQpiiMBWn6b6wSMVWkiFRx4grJhPParXUUSU',
'spreadsheetUrl' => '',
'internal_gapi_mappings' =>
array (
modelData' =>
array (
'processed' =>
array (
'properties' =>
'autoRecalc' => 'ON_CHANGE',
'defaultFormatType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_CellFormat',
'defaultFormatDataType' => '',
'iterativeCalculationSettingsType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_IterativeCalculationSettings',
'iterativeCalculationSettingsDataType' => '',
'locale' => 'en_US',
'timeZone' => 'Etc/GMT',
'title' => 'Untitled spreadsheet',
'internal_gapi_mappings' =>
array (
'modelData' =>
array (
'processed' =>
array (
'defaultFormat' =>
'backgroundColorType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Color',
'backgroundColorDataType' => '',
'bordersType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Borders',
'bordersDataType' => '',
'horizontalAlignment' => NULL,
'hyperlinkDisplayType' => NULL,
'numberFormatType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_NumberFormat',
'numberFormatDataType' => '',
I access to the link it returned:
it gives me this 'request access' page, then I press the request access
I open my email and get this:
Your message wasn't delivered to because the domain couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
Is there something wrong and what should I do? I just want to open the file and check where it is.
Thank you very much!

Put/Get UploadField submitted image from custom Form -> Silverstripe 3.1

I have a small problem programming with the use of UploadField . I have created pages to make a light CMS on the FrontEnd. But I don't know how retrieve this image to the page «Update».
There is the code from the page «Create» :
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenement', 'Image' );
There is the code I tried to get working for the page «Update»
$evenID = Session::get('evenementID');
$evenement = Versioned::get_by_stage('PageCalendrierEvenement', 'Stage')->byID($evenID);
$SavedImage = File::get()->byID($evenement->ImageEvenementID)
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenement', 'Image', $SavedImage );
How can I retrieve the submitted image to $SavedImage ? My idea to get the ID from File don't work.
Another method :
$SavedImage = $evenement->ImageEvenement();
If I dump data from $SavedImage I'm viewing :
Image Object
[destroyed] =>
[model:protected] => DataModel Object
[customDataLists:protected] => Array
[record:protected] => Array
[ClassName] => Image
[Created] => 2015-07-15 14:41:24
[LastEdited] => 2015-07-16 15:03:25
[Name] => images.jpg
[Title] => images
[Filename] => assets/Membres/9/calendrier/images.jpg
[ShowInSearch] => 1
[ParentID] => 15
[OwnerID] => 9
[ID] => 22
[RecordClassName] => Image
[changed:DataObject:private] => Array
[original:protected] => Array
[ClassName] => Image
[Created] => 2015-07-15 14:41:24
[LastEdited] => 2015-07-16 15:03:25
[Name] => images.jpg
[Title] => images
[Filename] => assets/Membres/9/calendrier/images.jpg
[ShowInSearch] => 1
[ParentID] => 15
[OwnerID] => 9
[ID] => 22
[RecordClassName] => Image
[brokenOnDelete:protected] =>
[brokenOnWrite:protected] =>
[components:protected] =>
[unsavedRelations:protected] =>
[sourceQueryParams:protected] =>
[failover:protected] =>
[customisedObject:protected] =>
[objCache:ViewableData:private] => Array
[class] => Image
[extension_instances:protected] => Array
[BetterButtonDataObject] => BetterButtonDataObject Object
[owner:protected] =>
[ownerBaseClass:protected] => DataObject
[ownerRefs:Extension:private] => 0
[class] => BetterButtonDataObject
[SiteTreeFileExtension] => SiteTreeFileExtension Object
[owner:protected] =>
[ownerBaseClass:protected] => File
[ownerRefs:Extension:private] => 0
[class] => SiteTreeFileExtension
[Hierarchy] => Hierarchy Object
[markedNodes:protected] =>
[markingFilter:protected] =>
[_cache_numChildren:protected] =>
[owner:protected] =>
[ownerBaseClass:protected] => File
[ownerRefs:Extension:private] => 0
[class] => Hierarchy
[beforeExtendCallbacks:protected] => Array
[afterExtendCallbacks:protected] => Array
Any idea?
class PageCalendrierEvenement extends Page {
private static $db = array(
"Titre" => "Varchar(50)",
"DateDepart" => "Date",
"DateFin" => "Date",
private static $has_one = array(
'Creator' => 'Member',
'ImageEvenement' => 'Image',
Thank you!
has one relations need the "ID" suffix in the name of the relation (as it's saved to db...), e.g.
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenementID', 'Image', $SavedImage );
then it should save automatically.
OR, what i do for a single relation:
$imageField = UploadField::create('ImageEvenement', 'Image');
hope that helps.
My code works fine but are not clean and not using SilverStripe function classes. The reason for non working saving images to dataobject, is because that I have not use :
I would like to thank you Wmk for give me the get method to fill form with values on another post :
Finaly, all works fine now!
Finaly after long time brain searching, I have found the trick! The command to use with UploadField is setValue($value) with fileIDs include with it. My final code is :
$evenement = Versioned::get_by_stage('PageCalendrierEvenement', 'Stage')->byID($evenID);
$uploadField = new UploadField( 'ImageEvenement', 'Image' );
$data['ImageID'] = $evenement->ImageEvenement()->ID;
$uploadField->setValue(array('Files' => $fileIDs));
Thats it!

insert method is overwriting what is in the cart and not adding to it

$kode = $this->input->post('kode');
$jumlah = $this->input->post('jumlah');
$hjual = $this->input->post('hjual');
$nama = $this->input->post('nama');
$exp = $this->input->post('tglexp');
$hpp = $this->input->post('hpp');
$temp_stok = $this->input->post('temp_stok');
$diskon = $this->input->post('diskon');
$cart = array(
'id' => $kode,
'qty' => $jumlah,
'price' => $hjual,
'name' => $nama,
'options' => array('exp' => $exp, 'hpp' => $hpp,
'temp_stok' => $temp_stok , 'diskon'=>$diskon ));
I cant seem to add any more items and the latest one I add replaces the existing one.
I had like this in another controller but strangely can insert and not overwriting
I've had this.
It was non alphanumerics in the product code which caused the whole cart to behave strangely.
Try just having aaa123 etc as codes to test this

How to get the custom values and image in Magento in Topmenu?

I'm using magento I have add the custom value in database. But how to retrive the custom value and image in Topmanu. I have tried in below mentioned code in the palce of 'my_attribute' to replace my attribute, but i din't get the result.
Model: Mage_Catalog_Model_Observer
Method: _addCategoriesToMenu()
$categoryData = array(
'name' => $category->getName(),
'id' => $nodeId,
//'url' => Mage::helper('catalog/category')->getCategoryUrl($category),
'is_active' => $this->_isActiveMenuCategory($category),
'my_attribute' => $category->getData('my_attribute') // Add our data in...
When i print the array i'll get this,
Array ( [name] => Matelas [id] => category-node-31 [is_active] => 1 [my_attribute] => )
Can any one guide me, Thanks in advance...
I am guessing you mean you have added a new custom attribute to the Category entity?
Becuase you are dealing with a Node_collection the full category object won't be loaded, try loading the full object to get what you're after:
$cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($category->getId());
$categoryData = array(
name' => $category->getName(),
'id' => $nodeId,
//'url' => Mage::helper('catalog/category')->getCategoryUrl($category),
'is_active' => $this->_isActiveMenuCategory($category),
'my_attribute' => $cat->getData('my_attribute') // Add our data in...
